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Bshps PSA Chapter 57

PSA 57 ©

57To the chiefe musition (to be song lyke vnto the song beginning) destroy not, a golden psalme of Dauid, when he fled from Saul into the caue. Be mercifull vnto me O Lorde, be mercifull vnto me: for my soule trusteth in thee, and vnder the shadowe of thy wynges wyll I trust, vntyll this tiranny be ouerpast. 2I wyll call vnto the most high Lorde: euen vnto the Lord that wil perfourme the cause which I haue in hande. 3He wyll sende from heauen, and saue me from the reproofe of him that woulde deuour me vp, Selah: the Lorde wyll sende foorth his mercie and trueth. 4My soule is among Lions, and I lye among those that are set on fire: among the children of men whose teeth are speares and arrowes, and their tongue a sharpe sword. 5Exalt thy selfe O God aboue the heauen: thy glory is aboue all the earth. 6They haue prepared a net for my feete, that some man might presse downe my soule: they haue digged a pit before me, and are fallen into the midst of it them selues. Selah. 7My heart is redy O Lorde, my heart is redy: I wyll sing, and prayse thee in singing of psalmes. 8Bestirre thee O my glory, bestirre thee O Lute and Harpe: I my selfe wil bestirre me right early in the morning. 9I wyll prayse thee O Lorde among the people: and I wyll sing psalmes vnto thee among the nations. 10For the greatnes of thy mercie reacheth vnto the heauens: and thy trueth vnto the cloudes. 11Exalt thy selfe O Lord aboue the heauens: let thy glory be aboue al the earth.

PSA 57 ©
