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Bshps PSA Chapter 148

PSA 148 ©

148Prayse ye the Lorde, prayse ye God out of heauen: prayse ye hym on hygh aboue. 2Prayse hym all ye his angels: prayse hym all ye his hoast. 3Prayse ye hym sunne and moone: praise hym all ye starres that geue lyght. 4Prayse ye hym all ye heauens: and ye waters that be aboue the heauens. 5Euen they shoulde prayse the name of God: for he commaunded, and they were created. 6He hath set them sure for euer and euer: he hath geuen them a lawe which shall not be broken. 7Prayse ye God from the earth: ye dragons and all deepes. 8Fire and hayle, snowe and vapours: stormie wynde fulfyllyng his worde. 9Mountaynes and all hylles: fruitfull trees and all Cedars. 10Beastes and all cattell: wormes and fethered foules. 11Kynges of the earth and all people: princes and all iudges of the earth. 12Young men and maydens, olde men with children, 13shoulde prayse the name of God: for his name only is most excellent, and his maiestie aboue earth and heauen. 14He hath exalted the horne of his people: the prayse of all his saintes, euen of the children of Israel, a people that is most nye vnto him. Prayse ye the Lord.

PSA 148 ©
