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Bshps PSA Chapter 25

PSA 25 ©

25I lyft vp my soule vnto thee O God, 2I put my trust in thee my Lorde: let me not be confounded, neither let myne enemies triumph ouer me. 3Yea, let not all them that hope in thee be put to shame: let them be put to shame who without a cause do trayterously transgresse. 4Make me to knowe thy wayes O God, and teache me thy pathes: 5leade me foorth in thy trueth and teache me, for thou art the Lorde of my saluation, I haue wayted for thee al the day long. 6Call to remembraunce O God thy tender mercies & thy louyng kindnesse: for they haue ben for euer. 7Oh remember not thou the sinnes and offences of my youth: but accordyng to thy mercie euen of thy goodnesse O God remember me. 8Gratious and ryghteous is God: therfore he wyll teache sinners in the way. 9He wyll guide the meke in iudgement: and teache the humble his way. 10All the pathes of God are mercie and trueth: vnto such as kepe his couenaunt and his testimonies. 11Pardon thou therfore for thy name sake O God my wickednesse: for it is very great. 12What man is he that feareth God? God wyll teache hym in the way that he shall choose. 13His soule shall rest all nyght at ease: and his seede shall inherite the lande. 14The secrete of God is among them that feare hym: and he wyll make knowen vnto them his couenaunt. 15Myne eyes be alwayes turned vnto God: for he wyll take my feete out of the net. 16Turne thy face vnto me, and haue mercie vpon me: for I am desolate and in miserie. 17The sorowes of myne heart are encreased: O bryng thou me out of my distresse. 18Loke thou vpon myne aduersitie and vpon my labour: and forgeue me all my sinne. 19Consider myne enemies, for they do multiplie: and they beare a tirannous hate against me. 20O kepe my soule and deliuer me, lest I shalbe confounded: for I haue put my trust in thee. 21Let integritie and vprighteous dealing kepe me safe: for I haue wayted after thee. 22O God redeeme Israel: out of all his aduersities.

PSA 25 ©
