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Bshps PSA Chapter 49

PSA 49 ©

49To the chiefe musition, a psalme of the children of Corach. Heare this all ye people: geue eare all ye that dwell in the worlde. 2As well lowe as high: riche and poore, one with another. 3My mouth shall vtter wisdome: the cogitations of myne heart wyll bryng foorth knowledge. 4I wyll encline myne eare to a parable: I wyll open my darke sentence vpon a harpe. 5Wherfore shoulde I feare in euyll dayes? the wickednesse of my heeles then would compasse me round about. 6There be some that put their trust in their goodes: and boast them selues in the multitude of their riches. 7But no man at all can redeeme his brother: nor geue a raunsome vnto God for hym. 8For the redemption of their soule is very costly, and must be let alone for euer: 9yea though he lyue long and see not the graue. 10For he seeth that wyse men dye: and that the foole and ignoraunt perishe together, and leaue their riches for other. 11And yet they thynke that their houses shall continue for euer, and that their dwellyng places shall endure from one generation to another: therfore they call landes after their owne names. 12Neuerthelesse, man can not abyde in such honour: he is but lyke vnto bruite beastes that perishe. 13This their way is their foolishnesse: yet their posteritie prayse their saying. Selah. 14They shalbe put into a graue dead as a sheepe, death shall feede on them: but the ryghteous shall haue dominion of them in the mornyng, their beautie shall consume away, hell shall receaue them from their house. 15But God wyll delyuer my soule from the place of hell: for he wyll receaue me. Selah. 16Be not thou afrayde though one be made riche: or yf the glorie of his house be encreased. 17For he shall cary nothyng away with hym when he dyeth: neither shall his pompe folowe after hym. 18For whyle he lyued he counted him selfe an happy man: and so long as thou doest well vnto thy selfe, men wyll speake good of thee. 19But he shal folowe the generations of his fathers: and shall neuer see lyght. 20A man is in an honourable state, but he wyll not vnderstande it: he is lyke herein vnto bruite beastes that perishe.

PSA 49 ©
