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Cvdl HOS Chapter 5

HOS 5 ©

5Heare this, o ye prestes: take hede, o thou housholde of Israel: geue eare, o thou kingly house: for this punyshment wil come vpon you, that are become a snare vnto Myspa, and a spred net vnto the mount of Thabor. 2They kyll sacrifices by heapes, to begyle the people therwith: therfore wil I punysh them all. 3I knowe Ephraim well ynough, & Israel is not hyd fro me: for Ephraim is become an harlot, and Israel is defyled. 4They are not mynded to turne vnto their God, for they haue an whorish herte, so yt they can not knowe the LORDE. 5But the pryde of Israel wil be rewarded him in his face, yee both Israel and Ephraim shal fall for their wickednesse, and Iuda with them also. 6They shall come with their shepe & bullockes to seke ye LORDE, but they shal not fynde him, for he is gone from them. 7As for the LORDE, they haue refused him, and brought vp bastarde children: a moneth therfore shall deuoure them with their porcions. 8Blowe with the shawmes at Gabea, and with the trumpet in Rama, crie out at Bethauen vpon the yonside of Ben Iamin. 9In the tyme of ye plage shal Ephraim be layed waist, therfore dyd I faithfully warne the trybes of Israel. 10Yet are the prynces of Iuda become like them, that remoue the londemarckes, therfore wil I poure out my wrath vpon them like water. 11Ephraim is oppressed, and can haue no right of the lawe: for why? they folowe ye doctrynes of men. 12Therfore will I be vnto Ephraim as a moth, & to the house of Iuda as a caterpiller. 13When Ephraim sawe his sicknesse, and Iuda his disease: Ephraim wente vnto Assur, and sent vnto kinge Iareb: yet coude not he helpe you, ner ease you of youre payne. 14I am vnto Ephraim as a lyon, and as a lyons whelpe to the house of Iuda. Euen I, I wil spoyle them, & go my waye. I wil take them with me, and no man shal rescue them. 15I wil go, and returne to my place, till they waxe faynt, and seke me.

HOS 5 ©
