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Cvdl PSA Chapter 137

PSA 137 ©

137By the waters of Babilon we sat downe and wepte, when we remebred Sion. 2As for oure harpes, we hanged them vp vpon the trees, that are therin. 3The, they that led vs awaye captyue, requyred of vs a songe and melody in or heuynes: synge vs one of the songes of Sion. 4How shal we synge the LORDES songe in a strauge lode? 5Yf I forget the (o Ierusalem) let my right hande be forgotten. 6Yf I do not remembre the, let my tonge cleue to the rofe of my mouth: yee yf I preferre not Ierusalem in my myrth. 7Remembre the childre of Edom (o LORDE) in the daye of Ierusalem, how they sayde: downe with it, downe with it, eue to the grounde. 8O doughter Babilo, thou shalt come to misery thy self: yee happie shal he be, that rewardeth ye as thou hast serued vs. 9Blessed shal he be, that taketh thy children, and throweth them agaynst the stones

PSA 137 ©
