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Cvdl PSA Chapter 61

PSA 61 ©

61Heare my crienge (o God) geue hede vnto my prayer. 2From the endes of ye earth wil I call vnto the, whe my herte is in trouble: 3Oh set me vp vpo an hye rocke. For thou art my hope, a stronge tower for me agaynst the enemie. 4I will dwell in thy tabernacle for euer, that I maye be safe vnder the couerynge of thy wynges. 5Sela. For thou (o LORDE) hast herde my desyres, thou hast geuen an heretage vnto those that feare thy name. 6Thou shalt graunte the kynge a loge life, that his yeares maye endure thorow out all generacions. 7That he maye dwell before God for euer: Oh let thy louynge mercy & faithfulnes preserue him. 8So wil I allwaye synge prayses vnto thy name, yt I maye daylie perfourme my vowes.

PSA 61 ©
