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Cvdl PSA Chapter 145

PSA 145 ©

145I wil magnifie the (o my God & kynge) I wil prayse yi name for euer & euer. 2Euery daye wil I geue thankes vnto the, and prayse yi name for euer and euer. 3Greate is the LORDE, & maruelous worthy to be praysed, there is no ende of his greatnesse. 4One generacion shal prayse thy workes vnto another, and declare thy power. 5As for me I wil be talkige of thy worshipe, thy glory, thy prayse and woderous workes. 6So that men shal speake of the might of thy maruelous actes, and tell of yi greatnes. 7The memoriall of yi abundaunt kyndnes shalbe shewed, and me shal synge of thy righteousnesse. 8The LORDE is gracious and mercifull, longe sufferynge & of greate goodnesse. 9The LORDE is louynge vnto euery man, and his mercy is ouer all his workes. 10All thy workes prayse the (o LORDE) and thy sayntes geue thankes vnto the. 11They shewe the glory of thy kyngdome, and talke of yi power. 12That yi power, thy glory & mightynesse of thy kyngdome might be knowne vnto men. 13Thy kyngdome is an euerlastinge kyngdome, & thy dominion endureth thorow out all ages. 14The LORDE vpholdeth all soch as shulde fall, and lifteth vp all those that be downe. 15The eyes of all wayte vpon the, and thou geuest them their meate in due season. 16Thou openest thine hade, and fyllest all thinges lyuynge with plenteousnesse. 17The LORDE is righteous in all his wayes, & holy in all his workes. 18The LORDE is nye vnto all them that call vpon him, yee all soch as call vpon him faithfully. 19He fulfilleth the desyre of them that feare him, he heareth their crie, and helpeth them. 20The LORDE preserueth all them that loue him, but scatereth abrode all the vngodly. 21My mouth shal speake the prayse of the LORDE, And let all flesh geue thankes vnto his holy name for euer and euer. Halleluya.

PSA 145 ©
