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Cvdl PSA Chapter 97

PSA 97 ©

97The LORDE is kynge, the earth maye be glad therof: yee the multitude of the Iles maie be glad therof. 2Cloudes and darcknesse are rounde aboute him, rightuousnesse and iudgment are the habitacion of his seate. 3There goeth a fyre before him, to burne vp his enemies on euery syde. 4His lightenynges geue shyne vnto the worlde, the earth seyth it & is afraied. 5The hilles melt like wax at the presence of ye LORDE, at the presence of the LORDE of the whole earth. 6The very heauens declare his rightuousnes, & all people se his glory. 7Cofounded be all they that worshipe ymages, and delite in their Idols: worshipe him all ye goddes. 8Sion heareh of it and reioyseth: yee all ye doughters of Iuda are glad because of thy iudgmentes, o LORDE. 9For thou LORDE art the most hyest ouer all the earth, thou art exalted farre aboue all goddes. 10O ye that loue the LORDE, se that ye hate the thinge which is euell: the LORDE preserueth the soules of his sayntes, he shal delyuer the from the honde of the vngodly. 11There is spronge vp a light for the rightuous, and a ioyfull gladnesse for soch as be true herted. 12Reioyse therfore in the LORDE, ye rightuous: and geue thankes for a remembraunce of his holynesse.

PSA 97 ©
