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Cvdl PSA Chapter 18

PSA 18 ©

18I wil loue the (o LORDE) my stregth. The LORDE is my sucor, my refuge, my Sauior: my god, my helper i who I trust: my buckler, ye horne of my health, & my proteccio. 2I wil prayse ye LORDE & call vpon him, so shal I be safe fro myne enemies. 3The sorowes of death copassed me, & the brokes of vngodlynes made me afrayed. 4The paynes of hell came aboute me, the snares of death toke holde vpo me. 5Yet in my trouble I called vpo the LORDE, & coplayned vnto my God. 6So he herde my voyce out off his holy teple, & my coplaynte came before hi, yee eue into his eares. 7The the earth trembled & quaked, the very foudacios of the hilles shoke & were remoued, because he was wrothe. 8There wete a smoke out of his nostrels, ad a cosumynge fyre out of his mouth, so yt coales were kyndled at it. 9He bowed the heaues & came downe, & it was darcke vnder his fete. 10He rode vpo the Cherubins & dyd fle: he came flyenge with the wynges of the wynde. 11He made darcknesse his pauylion rounde aboute hi, with darcke water & thicke cloudes to couer him. 12At the brightnes off his presence the cloudes remoued, with hale stones & coales of fyre. 13The LORDE also thondred out of ye heaue, & the heyth gaue his thondre wt hale stones & coales of fyre. 14He sent out his arowes & scatred the, he cast sore lighteninges, & destroyed the. 15The springes of waters were sene, & the foundacios of the roude worlde were discouered at yi chiding (o LORDE) at the blastinge & breth of thy displeasure. 16He sent downe fro the heyth to fetch me, & toke me out of greate waters. 17He delyuered me fro my stronge enemies, and fro my foes which were to mightie for me. 18They preuented me in the tyme of my trouble, but ye LORDE was my defence. 19He brought me forth also into lyberte: & delyuered me, because he had a fauor vnto me. 20The LORDE shall rewarde me after my rightuous dealynge, & acordinge to the clenesse of my hodes shal he recopense me. 21For I haue kepte the wayes of the LORDE, & haue not behaued myself wickedly agaynst my God. 22I haue an eye vnto all his lawes, & cast not out his commaundemetes fro me. 23Vncorrupte will I be before hi, & wil eschue myne owne wickednes. 24Therfore shal ye LORDE rewarde me after my rightuous dealinge, & acordinge vnto ye clenesse of my hodes in his eye sight. 25With the holy thou shalt be holy, & wt ye innocet thou shalt be innocet. 26With the clene thou shalt be clene & with the frowarde thou shalt be frowarde. 27For thou shalt saue the poore oppressed, & brige downe the hye lokes of the proude. 28Thou lightest my cadle, o LORDE my God: thou makest my darcknesse to be light. 29For in the I can discofit an hoost of me: yee in my God I ca leape ouer the wall. 30The waye of God is a perfecte waye: the wordes of the LORDE are tried in the fyre: he is a shylde of defence, for all them that trust in him. 31For who is God, but the LORDE? Or, who hath eny strength, but oure God? 32It is God that hath gyrded me with stregth and made my waye vncorrupte. 33He hath made my fete like hartes fete, and set me vp an hye. 34He teacheth myne hondes to fight, and maketh myne armes to breake euen a bowe off stele. 35Thou hast geue me the defence of thy health, thy right hande vpholdeth me, and thy louynge correccion maketh me greate. 36Thou hast made rowme ynough vnder me for to go, that my fote steppes shulde not slyde. 37I will folowe vpon myne enemies, and take them: I will not turne till they be discomfited. 38I will smyte them, they shall not be able to stonde, but fall vnder my fete. 39Thou hast gyrded me with strength vnto ye batell, thou hast throwe them all downe vnder me, that rose vp agaynst me. 40Thou hast made myne enemies to turne their backes vpon me, thou hast destroyed the yt hated me. 41They cried, but there was none to helpe the: yee euen vnto the LORDE, but he herde the not. 42I will beate them as small as the dust before the wynde, I will cast them out as ye claye in the stretes. 43Thou shalt delyuer me from the stryuinges of the people, thou shalt make me the heade of the Heithe. 44A people whom I haue not knowne, shall serue me. 45As soone as they heare of me, they shall obeye me, but the straunge childre dyssemble with me. 46The straunge children are waxe olde, and go haltinge out of their pathes. 47The LORDE lyueth: ad blessed be my helper, praysed be the God of my health. 48Eue ye God which seyth that I be auenged, and subdueth the people vnto me. 49It is he that delyuereth me fro my cruell enemies: thou shalt lift me vp from them that ryse agaynst me, thou shalt ryd me from the wicked man. 50For this cause I wil geue thankes vnto ye (o LORDE) amonge the Gentiles, and synge prayses vnto thy name. Greate prosperite geueth he vnto his kynge, and sheweth louinge kyndnesse vnto Dauid his anoynted, yee & vnto his sede for euermore.

PSA 18 ©
