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Cvdl PSA Chapter 112

PSA 112 ©

112Blessed is the man yt feareth the LORDE, & hath greate delite in his commaundementes. 2His sede shall be mightie vpon earth, the generacion of the faithfull shalbe blessed. 3Riches & pleteousnesse shalbe in his house, & his rightuousnes endureth for euer. 4Vnto the godly there ariseth vp light in the darcknesse: he is merciful, louynge & rightuous. 5Wel is him that is mercifull, & lendeth gladly, & podreth his wordes wt discrecion. 6For he shal neuer be moued, the rightuous shal be had in an euerlastinge remembraunce. 7He wil not be afrayed for eny euell tydinges, his herte stondeth fast, & beleueth in ye LORDE. 8His herte is stablished, he wil not shrencke, vntill he se his desyre vpon his enemies. 9He hath sparsed abrode, & geue to the poore, his rightuousnes remayneth for euer, his horne shalbe exalted wt honor. 10The vngodly shal se it, & it shal greue him: he shall gnash wt his teth & consume awaye, & the desyre of the vngodly shal perish.

PSA 112 ©
