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Cvdl PSA Chapter 48

PSA 48 ©

48Greate is ye LORDE & hyelie to be praysed, in ye cite of or God, eue vpo his holy hill. 2The hill of Sion is like a fayre plate, wherof all the londe reioyseth: vpon the north syde lyeth the cite of the greate kinge. 3God is well knowne in hir palaces, yt he is the defence of the same. 4For lo, kynges are gathered, and gone by together. 5They marveled, to se soch thinges: they were astonied, & sodely cast downe. 6Feare came there vpon the, & sorowe as vpo a woman in hir trauayle. 7Thou shalt breake ye shippes of the see, thorow the east wynde. 8Like as we haue herde, so se we in the cite of the LORDE of hoostes, in the cite of or God: God vpholdeth the same for euer. 9Sela. We wayte for thy louynge kyndnesse (o God) in the myddest of thy temple. 10O God, acordinge vnto thy name, so is yi prayse vnto the worldes ende: thy right hode is full of rightuousnes. 11Oh let the mout Sion reioyse, & ye doughters of Iuda be glad because of thy iudgmetes. 12Walke aboute Sion, go rounde aboute her, and tell hir towres. 13Marke well hir walles, set vp hir houses: that it maye be tolde them yt come after. 14For this God is or God for euer & euer, and he shal allwaie be or gyde.

PSA 48 ©
