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Cvdl PSA Chapter 53

PSA 53 ©

53The foolish bodies saye in their hertes: Tush, there is no God. Corrupte are they, and become abhominable in their wickednesses: there is not one, that doth good. 2God loked downe from heauen vpo the children of men, to se yf there were eny that wolde vnderstonde, or seke after God. 3But they are all gone out of ye waye, they are all become vnprofitable: there is none yt doth good, no not one. 4How ca they haue vnderstondinge, that are the workers of wickednes, eatinge vp my people as it were bred, & call not vpon God? 5They are afrayed, where no feare is: for God breaketh the bones of them that besege the: thou puttest them to confucion, for God despiseth them. 6Oh yt the sauynge health were geuen vnto Israel out of Sion: Oh that the LORDE wolde delyuer his people out of captiuyte. Then shulde Iacob reioyse, & Israel shulde be right glad.

PSA 53 ©
