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Cvdl PSA Chapter 38

PSA 38 ©

38Pvt me not to rebuke (Oh LORDE) in thine anger: Oh chaste me not in thy heuy displeasure. 2For thy arowes stick fast in me, and thy honde presseth me sore. 3There is no whole parte in my body, because of thy displeasure: there is no rest in my bones, by reason of my synnes. 4For my wickednesses are gone ouer my heade, and are like a sore burthen, to heuy forme to beare. 5My woundes styncke & are corrupte, thorow my folishnesse. 6I am brought into so greate trouble and misery, that I go mournynge all the daye longe. 7For my loynes are clene dried vp, and there is no whole parte in my body. 8I am feble and sore smytte, I roare for the very disquietnes of my hert. 9LORDE, thou knowest all my desyre, & my gronynge is not hyd from the. 10My hert paunteth, my strength hath fayled me, & the light of myne eyes is gone fro me. 11My louers & frendes stonde lokynge vpon my trouble, and my kynsmen are gone a farre of. 12They that sought after my life, and to do me euell, spake of lyes and ymagined disceate all the daye longe. 13As for me, I was like a deaf ma, and herde not: and as one that were domme, not openynge his mouth. 14I am become as a man that heareth not, and that can make no resistaunce wt his mouth. 15For in the (O LORDE) is my trust, thou shalt heare me, O LORDE my God. 16My desyre is, yt myne enemies triumphe not ouer me: for yf my fote slippe, they reioyse greatly against me. 17I am redy to suffre trouble, and my heuynesse is euer in my sight. 18For I cofesse my wickednesse, & my synne greueth me. 19But myne enemies lyue, and are mightie: and they that hate me without a cause, are many in nombre. 20They that rewarde me euell for good, speake euell of me, because I folowe the thinge that good is. 21Forsake me not (O LORDE my God) O go not farre fro me. 22Haist the to helpe me, O LORDE my succoure.

PSA 38 ©
