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Cvdl PSA Chapter 80

PSA 80 ©

80Heare o thou shepherde of Israel, thou yt ledest Iacob like a flocke of shepe: shewe yi self, thou yt syttest vpo ye Cherubins. 2Before Ephraim, Be Iamin & Manasses: stere vp thy power & come helpe vs. 3Turne vs agayne (o God) shewe the light of thy countenauce & we shalbe whole. 4O LORDE God of hoostes, how loge wilt thou be angrie ouer the prayer of thy people? 5Thou hast fed the with the bred of teares, yee thou hast geuen the pleteousnes of teares to drynke. 6Thou hast made vs a very strife vnto or neghbours, & or enemies laugh vs to scorne. 7Turne vs agayne (thou God of hoostes) shewe the light of thy coutenauce, & we shalbe whole. 8Thou hast brought a vynyarde out of Egipte, thou didest cast out ye Heithe, & plate it. 9Thou maydest rowme for it, & caused it to take rote, so yt it fylled the lode. 10The hilles were couered with the shadowe of it, & so were the stronge Cedretrees wt the bowes therof. 11She stretched out hir brauches vnto the see, & hir bowes vnto the water: 12Why hast thou then broken downe hir hedge, that all they which go by, plucke of hir grapes? 13The wilde bore out of the wod hath wrutt it vp, & the beestes of the felde haue deuoured it. 14Turne ye agayne (thou God of hoostes) loke downe from heauen, beholde & viset this vynyarde. 15Manteyne it, that thy right hode hath plated, & the sonne whom thou maydest so moch of for thy self. 16For why? it is bret with fyre, & lyeth waist: o let the perishe at the rebuke of thy wrath. 17Let thy honde be vpon the man of thy right honde, & vpon the man who thou maydest so moch off for thine owne self. 18And so wil not we go backe from the: oh let vs lyue, & we shal call vpon thy name. 19Turne vs agayne o LORDE God of hoostes, shewe the light of thy coutenauce, & we shal be whole.

PSA 80 ©
