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Cvdl PSA Chapter 135

PSA 135 ©

135O prayse ye name of ye LORDE, praise it o ye seruautes of ye LORDE. 2Ye yt stode iu ye house of ye LORDE, in the courtes of the house of oure God. 3O prayse the LORDE, for the LORDE is gracious: o synge prayses vnto his name, for it is louely. 4For why, the LORDE hath chosen Iacob vnto him self, & Israel for his owne possessio. 5For I knowe yt ye LORDE is greate. & yt or LORDE is aboue all goddes. 6What so euer ye LORDE pleaseth, yt doth he in heaue & in earth, in the see & in all depe places. 7He bryngeth forth the cloudes from the endes of the worlde, he turneth ye lighteniges vnto rayne, bringige the wyndes out of their treasuries. 8Which smote the firstborne of Egipte, both of man and beest. 9He hath sent tokens and wonders in to the myddest of the (o thou londe of Egipte) vpon Pharao and all his seruauntes. 10Which smote dyuerse nacions, & slewe mightie kynges. 11Sihon kynge of ye Amorites, Og the kynge of Basan, and all the kyngdomes of Canaa. 12And gaue their lode for an heretage, for an heretage vnto Israel his people. 13Thy name (o LORDE) endureth for euer, so doth thy memoriall (o LORDE) from one generacion to another. 14For the LORDE wil auege his people, & be gracious vnto his seruautes. 15As for the ymages of the Heithe, they are but syluer and golde, the worke of mens hades. 16They haue mouthes, & speake not: eyes haue they, but they se not. 17They haue eares, and yet they heare not, nether is there eny breth i their mouthes. 18They that make them, are like vnto them, & so are all they that put their trust in the. 19Prayse the LORDE ye house of Israel, prayse the LORDE ye house of Aaron. 20Prayse the LORDE ye house of Leui, ye that feare ye LORDE, prayse the LORDE. 21Praysed be the LORDE out of Sion, which dwelleth at Ierusale. Halleluya.

PSA 135 ©
