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Cvdl 2TH Chapter 2

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2We beseke you brethren by the commynge of or LORDE Iesus Christ, and in that we shal assemble vnto him, 2that ye be not sodenly moued fro youre mynde, and be not troubled, nether by sprete, nether by wordes, ner yet by letter, which shulde seme to be sent from vs, as though ye daye of Christ were at hande. 3Let noman disceaue you by eny meanes. For the LORDE commeth not, excepte the departynge come first, and that that Man of synne be opened, euen the sonne of perdicion, 4which is an aduersary, and is exalted aboue all yt is called God or Gods seruyce, so that he sytteth as God in the temple of God, and boasteth himselfe to be God. 5Remembre ye not, that whan I was yet with you, I tolde you these thinges? 6And now ye knowe what witholdeth it, eue that it mighte be vttered at his tyme. 7(For the mystery of the iniquyte worketh allready, tyll he which now onely letteth, be take out of the waye.) 8And then shal that wicked be vttered, whom the LORDE shal cosume with ye sprete of his mouth, & shal destroye with the appearaunce of his commynge: 9euen him, whose commynge is after the workynge of Sathan with all lyenge power, and signes and wonders, 10and with all deceauablenes of vnrighteousnes amonge them that perishe, because they receaued not the loue of ye trueth, that they might haue bene saued. 11Therfore shal God sende them stroge delusion, that they shulde beleue lyes, 12yt all they might be daned, which beleued not the trueth, but had pleasure in vnrighteousnes. 13But we are bounde to geue thankes allwaye vnto God for you, brethren be loued of the LORDE, because that God hath from the begynnynge chosen you to saluacion in the sanctifienge of the sprete and in beleuynge of the trueth, 14whervnto he hath called you by oure Gospell, to optayne the glory of oure LORDE Iesus Christ. 15Therfore brethren stonde fast, and kepe the ordinaunces which ye haue lerned, whether it were by oure preachinge or by epistle. 16But oure LORDE Iesus Christ himselfe, and God oure father, which hath loued vs and geuen vs euerlastinge consolacion, and a good hope thorow grace, 17comforte youre hertes, and stablysh you in all doctryne & good doynge.

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