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Wyc JER Chapter 28

JER 28 ©

28And it was don in that yeer, in the bigynnyng of the rewme of Sedechie, kyng of Juda, in the fourthe yeer, in the fyuethe monethe, Ananye, the sone of Azur, a profete of Gabaon, seide to me in the hous of the Lord, bifor the preestis, and al the puple, 2`and seide, The Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, Y haue al to-broke the yok of the kyng of Babiloyne. 3Yit twei yeeris of daies ben, and Y schal make to be brouyt ayen to this place alle the vessels of the Lord, whiche Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, took fro this place, and translatide tho in to Babiloyne. 4And Y schal turne to this place, seith the Lord, Jeconye, the sone of Joachym, the kyng of Juda, and al the passyng ouer of Juda, that entriden in to Babiloyne; for Y schal al to-breke the yok of the kyng of Babiloyne. 5And Jeremye, the profete, seide to Ananye, the profete, bifore the iyen of preestis, and bifore the iyen of al the puple that stoden in the hous of the Lord. 6And Jeremye, the profete, seide to Ananye, Amen! so do the Lord; the Lord reise thi wordis whiche thou profesiedist, that the vessels be brouyt ayen in to the hous of the Lord, and al the passyng ouer fro Babiloyne, to this place. 7Netheles here thou this word, which Y speke in thin eeris, and in the eeris of al the puple. 8Profetis that weren bifore me, and bifor thee, fro the bigynnyng, and profesieden on many londis, and on many rewmes, of batel, and of turment, and of hungur. 9The profete that profesiede pees, whanne his word cometh, shal be knowun the profete whom the Lord sente in treuthe. 10And Ananye, the profete, took the chayne fro the necke of Jeremye, the profete, and brak it. 11And Ananye, the profete, seide in the siyt of al the puple, `and seide, The Lord seith these thingis, So Y schal breke the yok of Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, aftir twei yeeris of daies, fro the necke of alle folkis. 12And Jeremye, the profete, yede in to his weie. And the word of the Lord was maad to Jeremye, aftir that Ananye, the profete, brak the chayne fro the necke of Jeremye; and the Lord seide, 13Go thou, and seie to Ananye, The Lord seith these thingis, Thou hast al to-broke the chaynes of tre, and thou schalt make yrun chaynes for tho. 14For the Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, Y haue set an yrun yok on the necke of alle these folkis, that thei serue Nabugodonosor, the king of Babiloyne, and thei schulen serue hym; ferthermore and Y yaf to hym the beestis of erthe. 15And Jeremye, the profete, seide to Ananye, the profete, Ananye, here thou; the Lord sente not thee, and thou madist this puple for to triste in a leesyng. 16Therfor the Lord seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal sende thee out fro the face of erthe; in this yeer thou schalt die, for thou spakest ayens the Lord. 17And Ananye, the profete, diede in that yeer, in the seuenthe monethe.

JER 28 ©
