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Cvdl JER Chapter 28

JER 28 ©

28And this was done in the same yeare: eue in the begynnynge of the reigne of Sedechias kinge of Iuda.But in the fourth yeare of the reigne of Sedechias kinge of Iuda, in the fifth Moneth, It happened, that Hananias ye sonne of Assur the prophet of Gabaon, spake to me in the house of the LORDE, in the presence of the prestes & of all the people, & sayde: 2Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel: I haue broke the yock of the kinge of Babilon, 3and after two yeare will I bringe agayne in to this place, all the ornamentes of the LORDES house, yt Nabuchodonosor kinge of Babilon caried awaye from this place vnto Babilon. 4Yee I will bringe agayne Iechonias the sonne of Ioachim the kinge of Iuda himself, with all the presoners of Iuda, (yt are caried vnto Babilon,) eue in to this place, saieth ye LORDE, for I wil breake ye yock of the kinge of Babilo. 5Then the prophet Ieremy gaue answere vnto that prophet Hananias, before the prestes & before all the people that were present in the house of the LORDE. 6And the prophet Ieremy sayde: Amen, the LORDE do that, & graunte the thinge, which thou hast prophecied: that he maye bringe agayne all the ornamentes of the LORDES house, & restore all the presoners from Babilon in to ths place. 7Neuertheles, herken thou also, what I will saye, that thou & all the people maye heare: 8The prophetes that were before vs in tymes past, which prophecied of warre, or trouble, or pestilence, 9ether of peace, vpon many nacions & greate kingdomes, were proued by this (yf God had sende them in very dede) when the thinge came to passe, which that prophet tolde before. 10And Hananias the prophet toke the chayne from the prophet Ieremias neck, & brake it: 11& with that sayde Hananias, that all the people might heare: Thus hath the LORDE spoken: Euen so will I breake the yock of Nabuchodonosor kinge of Babilo, from the neck of all nacions, yee & that within this two yeare. And so the prophet Ieremy wente his waye. 12After now that Hananias the prophet had taken the chayne from the prophet Ieremies neck, and broken it: The worde of the LORDE came vnto the prophet Ieremy sayenge: 13Go, and tell Hananias these wordes: Thus saieth the LORDE: Thou hast broken the chayne of wodd, but in steade of wodd, thou shalt make chaynes of yron. 14For thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel: I wil put a yock of yron vpon the neck of all this people, that they maye serue Nabuchodonosor the kinge of Babilon, yee & so shal they do. And I wil geue him ye beestes in the felde. 15Then sayde the prophet Ieremy vnto ye prophet Hananias: Heare me (I praye the) Hananias: The LORDE hath not sent the, but thou bringest this people in to a false beleue. 16And therfore thus saieth ye LORDE: beholde, I wil sende the out of the lode, & within a yeare thou shalt die, because thou hast falsely spoke agaynst the LORDE. 17So Hananias the prophet died the same yeare in the seuenth Moneth.

JER 28 ©
