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Bshps NAH Chapter 1

NAH 1 ©

1The burden of Niniue: The boke of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite. 2God is ielous, & the Lorde auengeth, the Lorde auengeth and hath wrath in store: the Lord auengeth vpon them that trouble hym, and he remembreth his enemies. 3The Lorde is slowe to anger, and also of great power, and in no case will not acquite the wicked, the Lordes dealing is with blustring tempest and whirle winde, and the cloudes are the dust of his feete. 4He rebuketh the sea and dryeth it vp, all the riuers also he maketh drye: Basan and Carmel are destroyed, the spring also of Libanon is destroyed. 5The mountaynes quake at his power and the hilles are resolued: the earth also burneth at his countenaunce, the worlde, and all that dwelleth therin. 6Who can stande before his wrath? or who can rise vp before the anger of his countenaunce, his fiercenesse is powred out like fire, yea the rockes cleaue in peeces at his might. 7The Lord is gratious, a strong holde in the day of trouble, and knoweth them that trust in hym. 8But with an ouerrunning flood he wil destroy her place, and will pursue his enemies with darkenesse. 9What imagine ye against the Lorde? he makes an vtter destruction: ye shall not be troubled twyse. 10For whyles the thornes cleaue together, and whyles they banquet out their feastes, they are deuoured vp as very drie stubble. 11There came out of thee such as thought euyll against the Lorde, such as gaue wicked counsell. 12Thus sayth the Lorde: Though ye be in concorde, and also many, yet so shall ye be cut downe, and passe: & though I haue afflicted thee O Hierusalem yet will I trouble thee no more. 13And nowe I will breake of his yoke from vpon thee, and I will breake thy bondes in sunder. 14The Lorde also hath geuen a commaundement touching thee that, there shalbe no more offpring of thy name: from the house of thy God, I will cut of carued and molten image, I will make it thy graue, for thou art vile. 15Behold vpon the mountaynes the feete of him that bringeth good tidinges, that preacheth peace: kepe thy festiual dayes O Iuda, paye thy vowes: for the wicked tiraunt shal hereafter passe no more through thee, he is vtterly cut of.

NAH 1 ©