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CB LEV Chapter 5

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5Whan a soule synneth, yt he heare a cursynge, and is wytnesse therof, or hath sene it, or knowne it, & telleth it not, he is giltie of a trespace. 2Or whan a soule toucheth eny vncleane thige, whether it be ye carion of an vncleane beast, or catell, or worme, & was not awarre of it, he is vncleane, and hath offended. 3Or whan he toucheth an vncleane man (what vnclennesse so euer a man is defyled withall) & was not awarre of it, & afterwarde cometh to ye knowlege therof, ye same hath offended. 4Or whan a soule sweareth, so yt he pronounceth wt his mouth to do euell or good (what so euer it be that a man pronounceth wt an ooth) & was not awarre of it, & afterwarde cometh to the knowlege therof, he hath offended in one of these. 5Now whan it so is, yt he hath offended in one of these, & is enfourmed therof, what he hath synned, 6he shal bringe vnto ye LORDE for his trespace of this his synne yt he hath done, a female from the flocke, either a yewe or a she goate for a synofferynge: so shal the prest make an attonement for him concernynge his synne. 7But yf he be not able to brynge a shepe, then let him brynge vnto ye LORDE for his offence that he hath done, two turtill doues or two yonge pigeons: one for a synofferynge, the other for a burntofferynge, 8and brynge them to the prest: Which shall make the first of a synofferynge, and fyrst wringe the neck of it, so that he plucke it not cleane of, 9and sprenkle with the bloude vpo the sydes of the altare, and let the resydue of the bloude blede out vpon the botome of the altare: This is the synofferynge. 10As for the other, he shal make it a burntofferynge, after the maner therof. And thus shall the prest make an attonement for him concernynge the synne that he hath done, & it shalbe forgeuen him. 11But yf he be not able to brynge two turtill doues or two yonge pigeons, then let him brynge his offerynge for his synne, a tenth deale of an Epha of fyne floure for a synofferynge. But he shall put no oyle theron, ner laye frankecense vpon it, for it is a synofferynge. 12And he shal brynge it vnto the prest, & ye prest shal take his hadfull of it for a remembraunce, and burne it vpon the altare for an offerynge vnto the LORDE. This is a synofferinge. 13And so shal the prest make an attoment for him, concernynge his synne that he hath done, & it shalbe forgeuen him. And the remnaunt shall be the prestes, like a meatofferynge. 14And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, & sayde: 15Yf a soule trespace, so yt thorow ignorauce he offendeth in any thinge yt is halowed vnto the LORDE, he shal brynge his trespaceofferinge vnto the LORDE, euen a ramme from ye flocke without blemysh, worth two Sycles of syluer, after the Sycle of the Sanctuary, for a trespace offerynge: 16and loke what he hath offended in the halowed thinge, he shall make restitucion, & geue the fifth parte more therto. And he shal delyuer it vnto ye prest, which shall make an attonement for him wt the ramme of the trespace offeringe, & it shalbe forgeuen him. 17Whan a soule synneth, and doth ought agaynst eny comaundement of the LORDE, yt he shulde not do, & is infourmed therof, he hath trespased, & is giltie of the synne. 18And he shall brynge from the flocke a ramme wt out blemysh (that is worth a trespaceofferinge) vnto the prest, which shal make an attonement for him concernynge his ignoraunce which he dyd, and was not awarre, and it shalbe forgeuen him. 19This is the trespaceofferynge, because he trespaced agaynst the LORDE.

LEV 5 ©
