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KJB-1611 SNG Chapter 7

SNG 7 ©

01 A further description of the Church her graces. 10 The Church professeth her faith and desire. VII¶ Howe beautifull are thy feete with shooes, O princes daughter! the ioynts of thy thighs are like iewels, the worke of the hands of a cunning workman. 2[fn]Thy nauell is like a round goblet, which wanteth not licour: thy belly is like an heape of wheate, set about with lillies. 3[fn]Thy two breasts are like two yong Roes that are twinnes. 4Thy necke is as a towre of yuory: thine eyes like the fish pooles in Heshbon, by the gate of Bathrabbim: thy nose is as the towre of Lebanon, which looketh toward Damascus. 5[fn][fn]Thine head vpon thee is like Carmel, and the haire of thine head like purple, the king is held in the galleries. 6How faire, and how pleasant art thou, O Loue, for delights! 7This thy stature is like to a palme tree, and thy breasts to clusters of grapes. 8I said, I will goe vp to the palme tree, I will take hold of the boughes thereof: now also thy breasts shall be as clusters of the vine, and the smell of thy nose, like apples. 9[fn][fn]And the roofe of thy mouth like the best wine, for my beloued, that goeth downe sweetely, causing the lippes of those that are asleepe, to speake. 10[fn]I am my beloueds, and his desire is towards me. 11Come, my beloued, let vs goe forth into the field: let vs lodge in the villages. 12[fn]Let vs get vp earely to the vineyards, let vs see if the vine flourish, whether the tender grape appeare, and the pomegranates bud forth: there will I giue thee my loues. 13[fn]The mandrakes giue a smell, and at our gates are all maner of pleasant fruits, new and olde, which I haue laid vp for thee, O my beloued.

7:2 Heb. mixture.

7:3 Chap. 4.5

7:5 Or, crimson

7:5 Heb. bound

7:9 Hebr. streightly.

7:9 Or, of the ancient.

7:10 Chap.2. 16. and 6.3

7:12 Heb. open.

7:13 Gen. 30. 14.

SNG 7 ©