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KJB-1611 by section PSA 122:0

PSA 122:0–122:9 ©

Psalmes 122

01 Dauid professeth his ioy for the Church, 6 and prayeth for the peace thereof.

¶ A song of degrees of Dauid.

CXXII¶ I was glad when they sayd vnto me: Let vs goe into the house of the LORD. 2Our feete shall stand within thy gates, O Ierusalem. 3Ierusalem is builded as a citie, that is compact together: 4Whither the tribes goe vp, the tribes of the LORD, vnto the testimonie of Israel: to giue thankes vnto the name of the LORD. 5[fn]For there are set thrones of iudgment: the thrones of the house of Dauid. 6Pray for the peace of Ierusalem: they shall prosper that loue thee. 7Peace be within thy walles: and prosperitie within thy palaces. 8For my brethren and companions sakes: I will now say, Peace be within thee. 9Because of the house of the LORD our God: I will seeke thy good.

122:5 Heb. doe sit.

PSA 122:0–122:9 ©
