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Wyc NUM Chapter 33

NUM 33 ©

33These ben the dwellyngis of the sones of Israel, that yeden out of the lond of Egipt, bi her cumpenyes, in the hond of Moises and of Aaron; 2whiche dwellyngis Moises discriuede bi the places of tentis, that weren chaungid bi comaundement of the Lord. 3Therfor the sones of Israel yeden forth in `an hiy hond fro Ramesses, in the firste monethe, in the fiftenthe dai of the firste monethe, in the tother dai of pask, while alle Egipcians sien, 4and birieden the firste gendrid children, whiche the Lord hadde slayn; for the Lord hadde take veniaunce also on the goddis `of hem. 5`The sones of Israel settiden tentis in Socoth, 6and fro Sochoth thei camen into Etham, which is in the laste coostis of `the wildirnesse; fro thennus thei yeden out, 7and camen ayens Phiayroth, whiche biholdith Beelsephon, and settiden tentis bifor Magdalun. 8And thei yeden forth fro Phiairoth, and passiden bi the myddil see in to the wildirnesse, and thei yeden thre daies bi the deseert of Ethan, and settiden tentis in Mara. 9And thei yeden forth fro Mara, and camen in to Helym, where weren twelue wellis of watir, and seuenti palm trees; and there thei settiden tentis. 10But also thei yeden out fro thennus, and settiden tentis on the Reed See. And thei yeden forth fro the Reed See, 11and settiden tentis in the deseert of Syn, 12fro whennus thei yeden out, and camen in to Depheca. 13And thei yeden forth fro Depheca, and settiden tentis in Haluys. 14And thei yeden forth fro Haluys, and settiden tentis in Raphidyn, where watir failide to `the puple to drinke. 15And thei yeden forth fro Raphidyn, and settiden tentis in the deseert of Synai. 16But also thei yeden out of the wildirnesse of Synay, and camen to the Sepulcris of Coueitise. 17And thei yeden forth fro the Sepulcris of Coueytise, and settiden tentis in Asseroth. 18And fro Asseroth thei camen in to Rethma. 19And thei yeden forth fro Rethma, and settiden tentis in Remon Phares; 20fro whennus thei yeden forth, and camen in to Lemphna. 21And fro Lemphna thei settiden tentis in Ressa. 22And thei yeden out fro Ressa, and camen into Celatha; fro whennus thei yeden forth, and settiden tentis in the hil of Sepher. 24Thei yeden out fro the hil of Sepher, and camen in to Arada; 25fro thennus thei yeden forth, and settiden tentis in Maceloth. 26And thei yeden forth fro Maceloth, and camen in to Caath. 27Fro Caath thei settiden tentis in Thare; 28fro whennus thei yeden out, and settiden tentis in Methcha. 29And fro Methcha thei settiden tentis in Esmona. 30And thei yeden forth fro Asmona, and camen in to Moseroth; 31and fro Moseroth thei settiden tentis in Benalachan. 32And thei yeden forth fro Benalachan, and camen in to the hil of Galgad; 33fro whennus thei yeden forth, and settiden tentis in Jethebacha. 34And fro Jethebacha thei camen in to Ebrona. 35And thei yeden out fro Ebrona, and settiden tentis in Asiongaber; 36fro thennus thei yeden forth, and camen in to deseert of Syn; this is Cades. 37And thei yeden fro Cades, and thei settiden tentis in the hil of Hor, in the laste coostis of the lond of Edom. 38And Aaron, the preest, stiede in to the hil of Hor, for the Lord comaundide, and there he was deed, in the fourti yeer of the goyng out of the sones of Israel fro Egipt, in the fyuethe monethe, in the firste dai of the monethe; 39whanne he was of an hundrid and thre and twenti yeer. 40And Chanaan, kyng of Arad, that dwellide at the south, in the lond of Canaan, herde that the sones of Israel camen. 41And thei yeden forth fro the hil of Hor, and settiden tentis in Salmona; 42fro thennus thei yeden forth, and camen in to Phynon. 43And thei yeden forth fro Phynon, and settiden tentis in Oboth. 44And fro Oboth thei camen in to Neabarym, `that is, into the wildirnesse of Abarym, which is in the endis of Moabitis. 45And thei yeden forth fro Neabarym, and thei settiden tentis in Dibon of Gad; 46fro whennus thei yeden forth, and settiden tentis in Helmon of Deblathaym. 47And thei yeden out fro Helmon of Deblathaym, and camen to the hillis of Abarym, ayens Nabo. 48And thei yeden forth fro the hillis of Abarym, and passiden to the feeldi places of Moab, ouer Jordan, ayens Jericho. 49And there thei settiden tentis, fro Bethsymon `til to Belsathym, in the pleynere places of Moabitis, 50where the Lord spak to Moises, 51Comaunde thou to the sones of Israel, and seie thou to hem, Whanne ye han passid Jordan, and han entrid in to the lond of Canaan, 52distrie ye alle the dwelleris of that cuntrey; breke ye the titlis, `that is, auteris, and dryue ye to poudre the ymagis, and distrie ye alle heiy thingis, 53and clense ye the lond, and alle men dwellynge thereynne. For Y yaf to 54you that lond into possessioun whiche ye schulen departe to you bi lot; to mo men ye schulen yyue largere lond, and to fewere men streytere lond, as lot fallith to alle men, so eritage schal be youun; possessioun schal be departid bi lynagis and meynees. 55But if ye nylen sle the dwelleris of the lond, thei, that abiden, schulen be to you as nailes in the iyen, and speris in the sidis, `that is, deedli aduersaries; and thei schulen be aduersaries to you in the lond of youre abitacioun; 56and what euer thing Y thouyte to do `to hem, Y schal do to you.

NUM 33 ©
