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Cvdl NUM Chapter 33

NUM 33 ©

33These are ye iourneys of the childre of Israel, which wete out of ye lande of Egipte acordinge to their armies, by Moses & Aaro. 2And Moses wrote their goige out as they iourneyed, after ye comaundement of ye LORDE. And these (namely) are the yourneyes of their outgoinge. 3They departed fro Raemses vpon ye fiftene daye of the first moneth (euen the morow after the Easter) thorow an hye hande, so that all the Egipcians sawe, 4and buried then their firstborne, whom the LORDE had slayne amonge them: for the LORDE executed iudgment also vpon their goddes. 5When they were departed from Raemses, they pitched in Sucoth. And fro Sucoth 6they departed, & pitched their tentes in Etha, which lyeth in ye edge of ye wildernes. 7Fro Etham they departed, and abode in the valley of Hiroth (which lyeth towarde Baal Zephon) & pitched ouer agaynst Migdol. 8From Hyroth they daparted, & wente in thorow ye middes of the see into ye wyldernes, and wente thre dayes yourney in the wildernes of Etham, & pitched in Marah. 9From Marah they departed, and came vnto Elim, where there were twolue welles of water, and seuentye palme trees, & and there they pitched. 10From Elim they departed, and pitched by the reed see. 11From ye reed see they departed, and pitched in the wildernesse of Sin. 12From the wildernes of Sin they departed, and pitched in Daphka. 13Fro Daphka they departed, and pitched in Alus. 14From Alus they departed, and pitched in Raphidim, where the people had no water to drynke. 15From Raphidim they departed and pitched in the wildernes of Sinai. 16From Sinai they departed, and pitched at the Lustgraues. 17Fro the Lustgraues they departed, and pitched in Hazeroth. 18From Hazeroth they departed, & pitched in Rithma. 19From Rithma they departed, and pitched in Rimon Parez. 20From Rimon Parez they departed, and pitched in Libna. 21From Libna they departed, and pitched in Rissa. 22Fro Rissa they departed, & pitched in Kehelatha. 23Fro Kehelatha they departed, & pitched in mout Sapher. 24From mout Sapher they departed, & pitched in Harada. 25Fro Harada they departed, pitched in Makeheloth. 26From Makeheloth they departed, & pitched in Tahath. 27From Tahath they departed, and pitched in Tharah. 28From Tharah they departed, and pitched in Mitka. 29From Mitka they departed, and pitched in Hasmona. 30From Hasmona they departed, and pitched in Mosseroth. 31From Mosseroth they departed, and pitched in Bne Iaekon. 32From Bne Iaekon they departed, and pitched in Horgadgad. 33From Horgadgad they departed, & pitched in Iathbatha. 34From Iathbatha they departed, and pitched in Abrona. 35From Abrona they departed, and pitched in Ezeon gaber. 36From Ezeon gaber they departed, and pitched in ye wildernes of Zin, which is Cades. 37From Cades they departed, and pitched at mount Hor, on the border of the londe of Edom. 38Then Aaron the prest wente vp vnto mount Hor (acordynge to the commaundement of the LORDE) and died there in the fourtyeth yeare, after yt the children of Israel departed out of the londe of Egipte, in the first daie of the fifte moneth, 39wha he was an hundreth and thre and twentye yeare olde. 40And Arad the kynge of the Cananites, which dwelt in the south countre of Canaa herde yt the children of Israel came. 41And from mount Hor they departed, and pitched in Zalmona. 42From Zalmona they departed, and pitched in Phimon. 43From Phimon they departed, and pitched in Oboth. 44From Oboth they departed, and pitched in Igim by Abarim vpon the border of the lode of ye Moabites. 45From Igim they departed, and pitched in Dibon Gad. 46From Dibo Gad they departed, and pitched in Almon Diblathama. 47Fro Almon Diblathama they departed and pitched in the mountaynes of Abarim ouer agaynst Nebo. 48From the moutaynes of Abarim they departed, and pitched in ye felde of the Moabites besyde Iordane ouer agaynst Iericho. 49Fro Beth haiesmoth vnto the playne of Sitim laye they in the felde of the Moabites. 50And the LORDE spake vnto Moses in the felde of the Moabites, by Iordane ouer agaynst Iericho, and sayde: 51Speake to the children of Israel, and saie vnto them: Wha ye are come ouer Iordane in the lande of Canaan, 52ye shal dryue out all the inhabiters before youre face, and plucke downe all their pilers, and all their ymages of metall, and destroye all their hye places: 53that ye maye so take the londe in possession and dwell therin For I haue geue you the londe to enioye it. 54And the londe shall ye deuyde out by lott amonge youre kynreds. Vnto those that are many, shall ye deuyde the more: And vnto them that are fewe, shall ye deuyde the lesse. Euen as the lott falleth there vnto euery one, so shal he haue it, acordinge to the trybes of their fathers. 55But yf ye wyll not dryue out the inhabiters of ye lande before yor face, then they who ye suffre to remayne, shall be come thornes in youre eyes, and dartes in youre sydes, & shall vexe you in the londe where ye dwell. 56Then wil it come to passe, that I shal do vnto you euen as I thought to do vnto them.

NUM 33 ©
