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Num 33 V1V3V5V7V9V11V13V15V17V19V21V23V25V27V29V31V33V35V37V39V41V43V45V47V49V51V53V55

Parallel NUM 33:34

Note: This view shows ‘verses’ which are not natural language units and hence sometimes only part of a sentence will be visible. This view is only designed for doing comparisons of different translations. Click on any Bible version abbreviation to see the verse in more of its context. The OET segments on this page are still very early looks into the unfinished texts of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check these texts in advance before using in public.

BI Num 33:34 ©

Text critical issues=none Clarity of original=clearImportance=normal(All still tentative.)


OET-LVAnd_set_out from_Jotbathah and_camped in/on/at/with_Abronah.

UHBוַ⁠יִּסְע֖וּ מִ⁠יָּטְבָ֑תָה וַֽ⁠יַּחֲנ֖וּ בְּ⁠עַבְרֹנָֽה׃
   (va⁠yyişˊū mi⁠yyāţəⱱātāh va⁠yyaḩₐnū bə⁠ˊaⱱronāh.)

Key: khaki:verbs.
Note: Automatic aligning of the OET-RV to the LV is done by some temporary software, hence the OET-RV alignments are incomplete (and may occasionally be wrong).

ULTAnd they set out from Jotbathah and camped at Abronah.

USTThen they left Jotbathah and went to Abronah and set up their tents there.

BSB• They set out from Jotbathah and camped at Abronah.

OEBNo OEB NUM book available

WEBThey traveled from Jotbathah, and encamped in Abronah.

WMB (Same as above)

NETThey traveled from Jotbathah and camped in Abronah.

LSVAnd they journey from Jotbathah and encamp in Ebronah.

FBVThey moved on from Jotbathah and set up camp at Abronah.

T4TThen they/we left Jotbathah and went to Abronah and set up their/our tents there.

LEBThey set out from Jotbathah and camped at Abronah.

BBEAnd they went on from Jotbathah, and put up their tents in Abronah.

MoffNo Moff NUM book available

JPSAnd they journeyed from Jotbah, and pitched in Abronah.

ASVAnd they journeyed from Jotbathah, and encamped in Abronah.

DRAAnd from Jetebatha they came to Hebrona.

YLTand they journey from Jotbathah, and encamp in Ebronah.

DrbyAnd they removed from Jotbathah, and encamped at Abronah.

RVAnd they journeyed from Jotbathah, and pitched in Abronah.

WbstrAnd they removed from Jotbathah, and encamped at Ebronah.

KJB-1769And they removed from Jotbathah, and encamped at Ebronah.

KJB-1611And they remooued from Iotbathah, and encamped at Ebronah.
   (Modernised spelling is same as used by KJB-1769 above)

BshpsAnd they remoued from Iethebatha, and lay at Abrona.
   (And they removed from Yethebatha, and lay at Abrona.)

GnvaAnd they remoued from Iotbathah, and lay in Ebronah.
   (And they removed from Yotbathah, and lay in Ebronah.)

CvdlFrom Iathbatha they departed, and pitched in Abrona.
   (From Yathbatha they departed, and pitched in Abrona.)

WycAnd fro Jethebacha thei camen in to Ebrona.
   (And from Yethebacha they came in to Ebrona.)

LuthVon Jathbatha zogen sie aus und lagerten sich in Abrona.
   (Von Yathbatha pulled they/she/them out of and stored itself/yourself/themselves in Abrona.)

ClVgEt de Jetebatha venerunt in Hebrona.[fn]
   (And about Yetebatha venerunt in Hebrona.)

33.34 Hebrona. ID. Transitus, id est mundus. Præterit enim figura hujus mundi, in quem venientes sancti cupiunt ad meliora transire. Ad hanc mansionem venit verus Hebræus, id est transitor, qui dicere potest: Transiens, videbo visionem hanc magnam Exod. 3.; unde: Et non dixerunt qui præteribant, Benedictio Domini super vos. Psal. CXXVIII. ORIG. Inde applicuerunt in Hebrona, quod est transitus: transeunda enim sunt omnia, quod etiam si ad bona venias, oportet te ad meliora transire, usquequo ad illud bonum venias, in quo semper debeas permanere.

33.34 Hebrona. ID. Transitus, id it_is mundus. Præterit because figura huyus mundi, in which venientes sancti cupiunt to meliora transire. Ad hanc mansionem he_came verus Hebræus, id it_is transitor, who dicere potest: Transiens, videbo visionem hanc magnam Exod. 3.; unde: And not/no dixerunt who præteribant, Benedictio Master over vos. Psal. CXXVIII. ORIG. Inde applicuerunt in Hebrona, that it_is transitus: transeunda because are everything, that also when/but_if to good venias, oportet you(sg) to meliora transire, usquequo to illud bonum venias, in quo always debeas permanere.

BrTrAnd they departed from Etebatha, and encamped in Ebrona.

BrLXXΚαὶ ἀπῇραν ἐξ Ἐτεβαθὰ, καὶ παρενέβαλον εἰς Ἐβρωνά.
   (Kai apaʸran ex Etebatha, kai parenebalon eis Ebrōna.)

TSNTyndale Study Notes:

33:1-56 This review of the entire wilderness period contains the longest integrated list of place-names in the Old Testament, from Israel’s departure from Egypt (33:3; cp. Exod 12:37) until their arrival in the plains of Moab, opposite Jericho (Num 33:49; cp. 22:1). The forty-two way stations on this itinerary represent far more than a geographical journey; they recall Israel’s forty-year spiritual pilgrimage. In their travels between Rameses in Egypt (33:3) and AcaciaAbel-shittim on the plains of Moab (33:49), Israel finally became the people who could invade the land of Canaan and claim the promises God made to Abraham.
• This itinerary does not provide enough data to plot an accurate, specific route. Most of the places cannot be identified with certainty; many of the sites appear nowhere else in the Hebrew Bible, and there are not enough clues to pinpoint their locations precisely. Furthermore, this list is partial or selective, omitting some of the place-names mentioned earlier in the journey. Maps:


The Israelites’ Journeys in the Wilderness

Numbers 13-14; 20-21; 33; Deuteronomy 1-2; 10:6-9

After the Israelites received the law on Mount Sinai, which may have been located at Khashm et-Tarif (see also “The Route of the Exodus”), they traveled to Kadesh-barnea, a distance that took eleven days “by the way of Mount Seir” (Deuteronomy 1:2). The phrase “by the way of Mount Seir” suggests that more than one route existed between Mount Sinai and Kadesh, as shown here, but the road the Israelites took probably ran alongside the mountainous region of Seir. This route would have offered greater access to water from wells, natural springs, and seasonal streams flowing from the hills of Seir–a critical necessity for a large group traveling through this very arid region. Nearly every location identified on this map was essentially a small community centered around one of these life-enabling sources of water. After reaching Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin, the Israelites prepared to enter Canaan by sending spies to scout out the land. But when ten of the twelve spies brought back news about the strength of the Canaanites, the people became afraid to enter the land, so the Lord punished them by condemning them to travel in the wilderness for forty years until that generation died off. Some Israelites repented and tried to enter the land, but they were beaten back to Hormah by the Amalekites and Canaanites. So for forty years the Israelites traveled from place to place, probably in the general area of Kadesh-barnea, though very few locations mentioned are able to be established with much certainty. As the forty years of traveling drew to a close, the Israelites prepared again to travel to Canaan by requesting permission from the king of Edom to pass through his land. When the king refused, the Israelites “turned away” from the Edomites and set out from Kadesh to travel to Mount Hor. The Jewish historian Josephus located Mount Hor at Jebel Nebi Harun, a very tall mountain in eastern Edom, but this has been rejected by many scholars in favor of other sites such as Jebel Madeira to the northeast of Kadesh. This author is convinced, however, that any candidate for Mount Hor must be sought to the south of Kadesh-barnea. Numbers 33:30 and Deuteronomy 10:6 mention that, during their wilderness travels, the Israelites camped at Moseroth/Moserah, which was apparently located at Mount Hor, since both Moseroth/Moserah and Mount Hor are cited as the place where Aaron died (Numbers 21:29-29; 33:37-39; Deuteronomy 10:6-9). It is difficult to envision the Israelites traveling back to the edge of Canaan after suffering defeat there the last time they attempted to enter the land. These same passages also note that after their stay at Moseroth/Moserah the Israelites traveled to Hor-haggidgad/Gudgodah (probably located along the Wadi Khadakhid) and then to Jotbathah, with no mention of passing through Kadesh, which they would have had to do if Mount Hor was north of Kadesh (since they were avoiding the land of Edom). Also, in Deuteronomy 2:1 Moses says that after the Israelites left Kadesh, “we journeyed back into the wilderness, in the direction of the Red Sea, as the Lord had told me and skirted Mount Seir for many days,” and Aaron’s death on Mount Hor fits best during this time. Similarly, Numbers 21:4 says “from Mount Hor they set out by the way to the Red Sea, to go around the land of Edom,” but there would have been no way to the Red Sea around the land of Edom if Mount Hor were located northeast of Kadesh. One element of the wilderness narratives that appears to favor a northeast location for Mount Hor, however, is the story of the king of Arad, which the book of Numbers (chapters 21 and 33) places immediately after the death of Aaron on Mount Hor. At first glance, the narrative seems to imply that the king attacked the Israelites at Mount Hor, which fits better with a northern location. Yet, it is also possible that the story is simply noting that it was after the Israelites’ arrival at Mount Hor that the king of Arad first learned of the Israelites’ renewed intentions to enter Canaan, perhaps as a result of their request to pass through Edom. But it may have been later that the king of Arad actually engaged them in battle, perhaps as they were passing north of Zalmonah and appeared to be ready to enter Canaan by way of Arad (see Numbers 33:41-42 and the map “The Journey to Abel-shittim”). For these reasons, this author believes that Har Karkom is the best candidate for the location of Mount Hor. The site is appropriately located at the edge of Seir and along the way to the Red Sea. This site’s role as an ancient cultic center is also well established. Perhaps Aaron’s priestly duties and authority in Israel had grown out of a similar role he had previously held at Mount Hor (see also Numbers 12:1-2; Deuteronomy 33:2; Judges 5:4-5), where he was eventually buried.



The Route of the Exodus

Exodus 13-19; Numbers 33

Like several other events recorded in Scripture, the Bible’s account of the Israelites’ journey from Egypt to Mount Sinai includes an abundance of geographical references, yet it remains one of the most hotly debated topics among scholars, and numerous theories have been offered. The vast majority of geographical references provided in the story are disputed, including the place where the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, the location of Mount Sinai (see Proposed Locations for Mount Sinai map), and the various stops along the Israelites’ journey. A few locations have been established with some degree of scholarly consensus, but even these are not without opposing viewpoints. Amidst this incredible diversity of opinion, however, a single verse provides one of the most helpful clues for weighing the merits of one viewpoint over another: “By the way of Mount Seir it takes eleven days to reach Kadesh-barnea from Horeb” (Deuteronomy 1:2). For those who assume the Bible’s account to be trustworthy, this verse appears to require the following for any theory to be considered viable: 1) Kadesh-barnea and Mount Sinai must have been located at a distance from each other that could reasonably have been expected to take eleven days for an entire nation of people with small children, flocks, equipment, and perhaps even elderly members to travel on foot; and 2) the pace established by this distance over eleven days should most likely be considered the typical pace for the Israelites as they traveled from place to place along the other parts of the journey. This two-pronged test clearly strains many of the theories put forth to this point, especially when one factors in the time references given for the start of the journey (Exodus 12:6; Numbers 33:3), the middle of the journey (Exodus 16:1; Numbers 33:8), and the end of the journey (Exodus 19:1). In short, the journey from Rameses to the Wilderness of Sin took 31 days, since it included the 15th day of the second month, and the rest of the journey took another 16 days, assuming they arrived at Mount Sinai on the 15th day (not the first day, etc.) of the third month. Along with these criteria, a theory’s overall congruence with other established geographical and archeological data should bolster its credibility over other proposals. Another consideration is the extreme similarity between the events at Rephidim (Exodus 17) and the events at Kadesh-barnea (Numbers 20:1-13; 27:12-14; Deuteronomy 32:51; Ezekiel 47:19; 48:28), raising the question of whether Rephidim (meaning “resting places”) is in fact Kadesh-barnea. With these things in mind, the map below proposes a route for the exodus that meets virtually all of these criteria. A careful analysis and explanation of all the elements of the map is far beyond the scope of this article, but a few key points should be noted. The term Red Sea, in addition to referring to what we now regard it, must have also applied to the interconnected lakes and marshlands that lay along what is now the Suez Canal. Also, the portion of the journey that passed through the wilderness for three days without water (Exodus 15:22; Numbers 33:8) may have been comprised of a partial first day, a full second day, and a partial third day, much like Jesus’ time in the tomb is reckoned as three days in Matthew 12:40. Most notably, Mount Sinai is placed on this map at Gebel Khashm et-Tarif, which is appropriately located near, but not in, Midian (Exodus 3:1; 18:5; Numbers 10:29-30). It is also located 89 miles from Kadesh-barnea (assuming Kadesh is at Tall al-Quderat), which establishes a reasonable pace of 7.6 miles (12.2 km) per day to travel between them in 11 days. This lines up well with several known sources of water along that route (e.g., `Ain Qedeis [Hazar-addar?], Tamilat Suwelima [Hor-haggiggad?], and the spring at Kuntillet al-Girafi [unknown ancient identification]). This general pace then synchronizes very well with the timetable and distances required by this map for the other parts of the journey. The distance from Rameses to the Wilderness of Sin (where it is located here) could be completed in under 26 days, leaving an acceptable buffer of about 5 days for the parting of the Red Sea and perhaps a slower pace through the Wilderness of Shur/Etham. The entire journey took about 60 days, and the journey from the Wilderness of Sin to Mount Sinai took about 29 days. This leaves an acceptable buffer of time to complete the rest of the journey (about 16 days of travel) with a very adequate two weeks of extra time for Jethro to visit Moses and the Israelites to do battle with the Amalekites (Exodus 17-18). It should be noted that this timetable generally assumes (but does not necessarily require) that travel continued on sabbath days, but Scripture does not make clear whether travel was prohibited as work prior to the giving of the law at Mount Sinai.

BI Num 33:34 ©