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Psa 36 V1V3V4V5V6V7V8V9V10V11V12

Parallel PSA 36:2

Note: This view shows ‘verses’ which are not natural language units and hence sometimes only part of a sentence will be visible. This view is only designed for doing comparisons of different translations. Click on any Bible version abbreviation to see the verse in more of its context. The OET segments on this page are still very early looks into the unfinished texts of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check these texts in advance before using in public.

BI Psa 36:2 ©

Text critical issues=none Clarity of original=clearImportance=normal(All still tentative.)


OET-LV[fn] if/because he_flatters to_him/it in/on/at/with_eyes_his_own to_detect iniquity_his to_hate.

36:3 Note: KJB: Ps.36.2

UHB3 כִּֽי־הֶחֱלִ֣יק אֵלָ֣י⁠ו בְּ⁠עֵינָ֑י⁠ו לִ⁠מְצֹ֖א עֲוֺנ֣⁠וֹ לִ⁠שְׂנֹֽא׃
   (3 kiy-heḩₑliq ʼēlāy⁠v bə⁠ˊēynāy⁠v li⁠məʦoʼ ˊₐōn⁠ō li⁠sənoʼ.)

Key: khaki:verbs.
Note: Automatic aligning of the OET-RV to the LV is done by some temporary software, hence the OET-RV alignments are incomplete (and may occasionally be wrong).

ULTFor he comforts himself,
 ⇔ thinking that his sin will not be discovered and be hated.

USTBecause they want to believe good things about themselves,
 ⇔ they do not think that God knows and hates their sins.

BSBFor his eyes are too full of conceit
 ⇔ to detect or hate his own sin.

OEBIt flatters them in their eyes
 ⇔ that their sin will not be found out.

WEBFor he flatters himself in his own eyes,
 ⇔ too much to detect and hate his sin.

WMB (Same as above)

NETfor he is too proud
 ⇔ to recognize and give up his sin.

LSVFor he made [it] smooth to himself in his eyes,
To find his iniquity to be hated.

FBVIn their own eyes they're so wonderful that they can't even see their sin and do something about it.[fn]

36:2 The Hebrew of this verse is unclear.

T4TBecause they are very proud,
 ⇔ they do not think that God will discover their sins and condemn them (OR, they do not think about their sins and hate themselves for it).

LEB•  hating to detect his iniquity.[fn]

?:? Or “when finding his iniquity and when hating”

BBEFor he takes comfort in the thought that his sin will not be uncovered and hated.

MoffHe flatters himself
 ⇔ that his iniquity will never be found out.

JPS(36-3) For it flattereth him in his eyes, until his iniquity be found, and he be hated.

ASVFor he flattereth himself in his own eyes,
 ⇔ That his iniquity will not be found out and be hated.

DRAFor they shall shortly wither away as grass, and as the green herbs shall quickly fall.

YLTFor he made [it] smooth to himself in his eyes, To find his iniquity to be hated.

DrbyFor he flattereth himself in his own eyes, [even] when his iniquity is found to be hateful.

RVFor he flattereth himself in his own eyes, that his iniquity shall not be found out and be hated.

WbstrFor he flattereth himself in his own eyes, until his iniquity is found to be hateful.

KJB-1769For he flattereth himself in his own eyes, until his iniquity be found to be hateful.[fn]

36.2 until…: Heb. to find his iniquity to hate

KJB-1611[fn]For he flatterech himselfe in his owne eyes, vntill his iniquitie be found to be hatefull.
   (For he flatterech himself in his own eyes, until his iniquitie be found to be hatefull.)

36:2 Heb. to find his iniquitie to hate.

BshpsFor he flattereth him selfe in his owne sight: so that his iniquitie is found worthy of hatred.
   (For he flattereth himself in his own sight: so that his iniquitie is found worthy of hatred.)

GnvaFor hee flattereth himselfe in his owne eyes, while his iniquitie is foud worthy to be hated.
   (For he flattereth himself in his own eyes, while his iniquitie is found worthy to be hated.)

CvdlFor he dyssembleth before his face, so longe till his abhominable synne be founde out.
   (For he dyssembleth before his face, so long till his abhominable sin be found out.)

WycFor thei schulen wexe drie swiftli as hey; and thei schulen falle doun soone as the wortis of eerbis.
   (For they should wexe dry swiftli as hey; and they should fall down soone as the wortis of eerbis.)

LuthEs ist von Grund meines Herzens von der GOttlosen Wesen gesprochen, daß keine Gottesfurcht bei ihnen ist.
   (It is from Grund meines heartens from the/of_the Godlosen Wesen gesprochen, that no God’sfurcht at to_them is.)

ClVgquoniam tamquam fœnum velociter arescent, et quemadmodum olera herbarum cito decident.[fn]
   (quoniam tamquam fœnum velociter arescent, and quemadmodum olera herbarum cito decident.)

36.2 Olera herbarum. AUG. Modo est hiems, etc., usque ad quia nondum apparuit quod erimus. AUG., CASS. Olera non hortorum, sed herbarum, id est, vilissima, quæ per agros sponte nascuntur. Fenum, nobiles, qui facile proficiunt; olera, mediocres: sed et illi cito arescunt, et hi decidunt.

36.2 Olera herbarum. AUG. Modo it_is hiems, etc., until to because nondum apparuit that erimus. AUG., CASS. Olera not/no hortorum, but herbarum, id it_is, vilissima, which through agros sponte nascuntur. Fenum, nobiles, who facile proficiunt; olera, mediocres: but and illi cito arescunt, and hi decidunt.

BrTrFor they shall soon be withered as the grass, and shall soon fall away as the green herbs.

BrLXXὍτι ὡσεὶ χόρτος ταχὺ ἀποξηρανθήσονται, καὶ ὡσεὶ λάχανα χλόης ταχὺ ἀποπεσοῦνται.
   (Hoti hōsei ⱪortos taⱪu apoxaʸranthaʸsontai, kai hōsei laⱪana ⱪloaʸs taⱪu apopesountai.)

TSNTyndale Study Notes:

Ps 36 This lament contrasts the world of folly devised by the wicked with the world of wisdom created and sustained by the Lord. The wicked care only about themselves, whereas the Lord cares for all of creation. He will intervene to bring about justice in his world. The righteous will enjoy his protection, but the wicked will perish.

UTNuW Translation Notes:

he comforts himself, thinking

(Some words not found in UHB: oracle transgression to_the,wicked in/on/at/with,midst heart,my not fear ʼElohīm at,before eyes,his )

Alternate translation: “he prefers to believe” or “he wants to think”

Note 1 topic: figures-of-speech / activepassive

his sin will not be discovered and be hated

(Some words not found in UHB: oracle transgression to_the,wicked in/on/at/with,midst heart,my not fear ʼElohīm at,before eyes,his )

If your language does not use the passive form in this way, you can state this in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. Alternate translation: “God will not discover and hate his sin”

BI Psa 36:2 ©