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Bshps LEV Chapter 10

LEV 10 ©

10And Nadab and Abihu, the sonnes of Aaron, toke eyther of the his censar, and put fire therein, and put cense therevpon, and offred straunge fire before the Lorde, whiche he commaunded them not. 2And there went a fire from the Lord, and consumed them, and they dyed before the Lorde. 3Then Moyses sayde vnto Aaron: This is it that the Lorde spake, saying: I wyll be sanctified in them that come nye me, and before all the people I wylbe glorified. And Aaron helde his peace. 4And Moyses called Misael and Elsaphan the sonnes of Oziel, the vncle of Aaron, & sayd vnto them: Come neare, cary your brethren from before the sanctuarie, out of the hoast. 5And they went to them, & caryed them in their coates out of the hoast, as Moyses had sayde. 6And Moyses sayde vnto Aaron, and vnto Eleazar & Ithamar his sonnes: Uncouer not your heades, neither rent your clothes, lest ye dye, and lest wrath come vpon all the people: But let your brethren the whole house of Israel, bewayle the burnyng whiche the Lorde hath kyndled. 7And go not ye out from the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation, lest ye dye: for the annonynting oyle of God is vpon you. And they dyd as Moyses sayde. 8And the Lorde spake vnto Aaron, saying: 9Thou shalt not drinke wine nor strong drinke, thou nor thy sonnes that are with thee, when ye go into the tabernacle of the congregation, lest ye dye: Let it be a lawe for euer throughout your generations. 10And that ye may put difference betweene holy and vnholy, betweene vncleane and cleane: 11And that ye may teache the chyldren of Israel all the statutes whiche the Lorde hath spoken vnto them by the handes of Moyses. 12And Moyses sayde vnto Aaron, and vnto Eleazar, and Ithamar his sonnes that were left: Take the meate offering that remayneth of the sacrifices of the Lord made by fire, and eate it without leauen beside the aulter: for it is most holy. 13Ye shall eate it in the holy place, because it is thy duetie, & thy sonnes duetie, of the sacrifices of the Lord made by fire: for so I am commaunded. 14And the waue brest and heaue shoulder shall ye eate in a cleane place, thou and thy sonnes and thy daughters with thee: For they be thy duetie, and thy sonnes duetie, geuen out of the peace offeringes of the children of Israel. 15The heaue shoulder & the waue brest shall they bryng in with the sacrifices made by fire of the fat, to waue it for a waue offering before the Lorde: and it shalbe thyne and thy sonnes with thee by a lawe for euer, as the Lorde hath commaunded. 16And Moyses sought the goate that was offred for sinne, & see, it was burnt. And he was angry with Eleazar and Ithamar the sonnes of Aaron whiche were left aliue, saying: 17Wherefore haue ye not eaten the sinne offering in the holy place? seing it is most holy, & God hath geuen it yon, to beare the sinne of the congregation, to make agreement for them before the Lorde. 18Beholde, ye blood of it was not brought in within the holy place: Ye shoulde haue eaten it in the holy place, as I commaunded. 19And Aaron sayde vnto Moyses: Beholde, this day haue they offered their sinne offering, and their burnt offering before the Lorde: and suche thinges are come vnto me, if I had eaten the sinne offering to day, shoulde it haue ben accepted in the sight of the Lorde? 20And when Moyses hearde that, he was content.

LEV 10 ©
