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Bshps LEV Chapter 5

LEV 5 ©

5If a soule sinne, and heare the voyce of swearing, and is a witnesse, whether he hath seene or knowen of it, if he do not vtter it, he shall beare his sinne. 2Either if a soule touche any vncleane thyng, whether it be the carion of an vncleane beast, or a carion of vncleane cattell, or a carion of vncleane creeping thynges, and is not ware of it: beholde, he is vncleane, and hath offended. 3Either if he touche any vncleannesse of man, whatsoeuer vncleannesse it be that a man is wont to be defiled withall, and is not ware of it, and commeth to ye knowledge of it, he hath trespassed. 4Either if a soule sweare, and pronounceth with his lippes to do euill or to do good, whatsoeuer it be that a man shall pronounce with an othe, and the thyng be hyd from hym, and commeth to the knowledge of it, and hath offended in one of these: 5When he hath sinned in one of these thinges, he shall confesse that he hath sinned in that thyng. 6Therfore shall he bryng his trespasse offering vnto the Lorde, for his sinne whiche he hath sinned, a female from the flocke, a lambe or a shee goate, for a sinne offering: And the priest shal make an attonement for hym concerning his sinne. 7And if he be not able to bryng a sheepe, he shall bryng for his trespasse whiche he hath sinned, two turtle doues, or two young pigeons vnto the Lorde: one for a sinne offering, & the other for a burnt offering. 8And he shall bryng them vnto ye priest, which shall offer the sinne offering first, and wryng the necke a sunder of it, but plucke it not cleane of. 9And he shall sprinckle of the blood of the sinne offering vpon the side of the aulter, and the rest of the blood shall he powre by the bottome of the aulter: for it is a sinne offering. 10And he shall offer the seconde for a burnt offering, as the maner is: and so shall the priest make an attonement for hym for the sinne whiche he hath sinned, and it shalbe forgeuen hym. 11And if he be not able to bryng two turtle doues, or two young pigeons, then he that hath sinned shall bryng for his offering the tenth part of an Epha of fine floure for a sinne offering: but put none oyle thereto, neither put any frankensence theron: for it is a sinne offering. 12Then shall he bryng it to the priest, and the priest shall take his handfull of it for a remembraunce thereof, & burne it vpon the aulter, to be a sacrifice for the Lord made by fire: for it is a sinne offering. 13And the priest shall make an attonement for hym as touchyng his sinne that he hath sinned in one of these, and it shalbe forgeuen hym: And the remnaunt shalbe the priestes, as a meate offering. 14And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying: 15If a soule trespasse and sinne thorowe ignoraunce in thinges that are consecrated vnto the Lorde, let hym bryng for his trespasse vnto the Lord, a Ramme without blemishe out of the flockes, valued in money at two sicles, after the sicle of the sanctuarie, that it may be for a trespasse offering. 16And he shall make amendes for the harme that he hath done in the holy thyng, & let hym put the fift part more thereto, and geue it vnto the priest: And the priest shall make an attonement for hym, with the Ramme that is for the trespasse, and it shalbe forgeuen hym. 17If a soule sinne, and commit any of these thinges whiche are forbydden to be done by the comaundementes of the Lorde, and wyst it not, & hath offended, and beare his sinne: 18Then shall he bryng a Ramme without blemishe out of the flocke, that is esteemed to be worth a trespasse offering, vnto the priest: And the priest shall make an attonement for hym concerning his ignoraunce, wherein he erred, and was not ware, and it shalbe forgeuen hym. 19This is a trespasse offering, for the trespasse committed against the Lorde.

LEV 5 ©
