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CB RUTH Chapter 4

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4Boos wente vp to ye gate, and sat him downe there: & beholde, whan ye nye kynsman wente by, Boos spake vnto him, & sayde: Come & syt the downe here (and called him by his name.) And he came & sat him downe, 2& he toke ten men of the Elders of ye cite, & sayde: Syt you downe here. And they sat the downe. 3The sayde he to the nye kynsman: Naemi which is come againe fro the lode of the Moabites offreth to sell ye pece of londe, yt was oure brothers Eli Melech, 4therfore thoughte I to shewe it before thine eares, & to tell the: Yf thou wilt redeme it, then bye it before the citesyns & before the Elders of my people: but yf thou wylt not redeme it, then tell me, yt I maie knowe: for there is no nye kynsma excepte thou, and I nexte after the. He sayde: I wil redeme it. 5Boos saide: In the daye yt thou byest the lode out of ye hande of Naemi, thou must take Ruth also the Moabitisse the wife of the deed, that thou mayest rayse vp a name to ye deed in his inheritaunce. 6The sayde he: I can not redeme it, lest I happlye destroye myne awne enheritaunce. Redeme thou yt I shulde redeme, for I can not redeme it. 7But this was an olde custome in Israel concernynge the redemynge & chauginge, yt all matters mighte be stable, the one put of his shue, & gaue it vnto ye other: yt was the testimony in Israel. 8And the nye kynsman sayde vnto Boos: Bye thou it, & he put of his shue. 9And Boos sayde vnto the Elders and to all the people: Ye are witnesses this daie, yt I haue boughte out of the hande of Naemi, all that belonged to Eli Melech, and all that was Chilions and Mahelons: 10And Ruth the Moabitisse Mahelons wife, take I to wife, that I maye rayse vp a name vnto ye deed in his inheritaunce, and that his name be not roted out from amonge his brethren, and out of the gate of his place: Of this are ye witnesses. 11And all the people that was in the gate with the Elders, saide: We are witnesses. The LORDE make the woman that commeth in to thy house, as Rachel and Lea ( which both haue buylded vp the house of Israel) that she maye be an ensample of vertue in Ephrata, and haue an honorable name in Bethleem. 12And thy house be as ye house of Phares ( who Thamar bare vnto Iuda) thorow the sede, that the LORDE shall geue the of this damsell. 13So Boos toke Ruth, and she became his wife. And whan he laye with her, the LORDE graunted her yt she conceaued, and bare a sonne. 14The sayde the wemen vnto Naemi: Praysed be the LORDE, which hath not suffred a kynsman to ceasse from the at this tyme, that his name maye contynue in Israel: 15he shal restore thy life agayne, and prouyde for thine age. For yi sonnes wife which hath loued the, hath borne him that is better vnto the, then seuen sonnes. 16And Naemi toke the childe, and layde it vpon hir lappe, and became the norse of it, 17and hir neghbours gaue him a name & sayde: There is a childe borne vnto Naemi, and they called his name Obed. The same is the father of Isai, which is ye father of Dauid. 18This is ye generacion of Phares. Phares begat Hesrom. 19Hesrom begat Aram. Aram begat Aminadab. 20Aminadab begatt Naasson. Naasson begat Salmon. 21Salmo begat Boos. Boos begat Obed. 22Obed begat Isai. Isai begat Dauid.

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