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Cvdl JER Chapter 36

JER 36 ©

36In the fourth yeare of Ioachim the sonne of Iosias kynge of Iuda, came ye worde of the LORDE vnto Ieremy, sayege: 2Take a boke, & write therin all ye wordes, yt I haue spoke to the, to Israel, to Iuda & to all the people, fro the tyme yt I begane for to speake vnto the (in ye reigne of Iosias) vnto this daye. 3That when the house of Iuda heareth of the plage, which I haue deuysed for the, they maye peradueture turne, eueryman fro his wicked waye, that I maye forgeue their offences and synnes. 4Then dyd Ieremy call Baruch the sonne of Nerias, & Baruch wrote in the boke at ye mouth of Ieremy, all the wordes of the LORDE, which he had spoken vnto him. 5And Ieremy commaunded Baruch sayenge: I am in preson, so that I maye not come in to the house of ye LORDE: 6therfore go thou thither, & rede the boke, that thou hast writte at my mouth: Namely, the wordes off the LORDE, & rede the in the LORDES house vpon the fastinge daye: that the people, whole Iuda, & all they that come out of the cities, maye heare. 7Peraduenture they will praye mekely before the face of the LORDE, and turne, euery one from his wicked waye. For greate is the wrath and displeasure, that the LORDE hath taken agaynst this people. 8So Baruch the sonne of Nerias dyd, acordinge vnto all that Ieremy the prophet comauded him, readinge the wordes off the LORDE out off the boke in the LORDES house. 9And this was done in the fyfth yeare off Ioachim ye sonne of Iosias kinge of Iuda, in the ix. moneth when it was commaunded, that all the people of Ierusalem shulde fast before the LORDE, and they also that were come from the cities of Iuda vnto Ierusalem. 10Then red Baruch the wordes of Ieremy out of the boke within the house of the LORDE, out of ye treasury of Gamarias the sonne off Saphan the scrybe, which is besyde the hyer loffte off the new dore of the LORDES house: that all ye people might heare. 11Now whe Micheas the sonne off Gamarias the sonne of Saphan had herde all the wordes of the LORDE out of ye boke, 12he wete downe to the kinges palace in to ye scrybes chabre for there all ye prynces were set: Elisama the scrybe, Dalias the sonne of Semei, Elnatha the sonne off Achbor, Gamaria the sonne of Saphan, Sedechias the sonne of Hananias, with all the princes. 13And Micheas tolde them all the wordes, yt he herde Baruch rede out of the boke before the people. 14Then all the prynces sent Iehudi ye sonne of Nathanias the sonne of Salamia the sonne of Chusi, vnto Baruch, sayenge: Take in thine honde the boke, wherout thou hast red before all the people, and come. So Baruch the sonne of Nerias toke ye boke in his honde, and came vnto them. 15And they sayde vnto him: Syt downe, and rede the boke, yt we maye heare also. So Baruch red, yt they might heare. 16Now when they had herde all the wordes, they were abashed one vpon another, and sayde vnto Baruch: We wil certifie the kinge of all these wordes 17And they examined Baruch, sayenge: Tell vs, how didest thou wryte all these wordes out off his mouth? 18Then Baruch answered them: He spake all these wordes vnto me with his mouth, and I alone was with him, and wrote them in the boke. 19Then sayde the prynces vnto Baruch: Go thy waye, and hyde the with Ieremy, so that no man knowe where ye be. 20And they went in to the kinge to the courte. But they kepte the boke in the chambre off Elisama the scrybe, ad tolde the kynge all the wordes, that he might heare. 21So the kynge sent Iehudi to fetch him ye boke, which he brought out of Elisama ye scrybes chambre. And Iehudi red it, that the kynge and all the prynces, which were aboute him, might heare. 22Now the kynge sat in the wynter house, for it was in the ix. Moneth, and there was a good fyre before him. 23And whe Iehudi had red thre or foure leaues therof, he cut the boke in peces with a penne knyfe, and cast it in to the fyre vpo the herth, vntil the boke was all brente in the fyre vpon the herth. 24Yet no man was abashed therof, or rente his clothes: nether the kynge himselffe, ner his seruauntes, though they herde all these wordes. 25Neuertheles Elnathan, Dalias ad Gamarias, besoughte the kinge, that he wolde not burne the boke: notwithstondinge ye kynge wolde not heare them, 26but commaunded Ieramyhel the sonne off Amalech, Sarias the sonne of Esriel and Selamia ye sonne of Abdiel, to laye hondes vpon Baruch the scrybe, and vpon Ieremy the prophet: but the LORDE kepte them out of sight. 27After now that the kynge had brente the boke, ad ye sermos which Baruch wrote at ye mouth off Ieremy: The worde of the LORDE came vnto Ieremy sayenge: 28Take another boke, and write in it all the forsayde sermons, that were written in the first boke, which Ioachim the kynge off Iuda hath brente. 29And tell Ioachim the kynge off Iuda, Thus saieth the LORDE: thou hast brente ye boke, and thoughtest within thy selff: Why hast thou written therin, that the kynge off Babilon shal come, & make this lode waist? so that he shall make both people and catel to be out of it? 30Therfore thus the LORDE saieth, of Ioachim the kynge of Iuda: There shal none of his generacion syt vpon the trone of Dauid. His deed corse shalbe cast out, that the heat off the daye, and the frost of the night maye come vpon him: 31And I will vyset the wickednes of him, of his sede, and of his seruauntes. Morouer all the euell that I haue promised the (though they herde me not) will I bringe vpon them, vpon ye inhabitours of Ierusalem, and vpon all Iuda. 32Then toke Ieremy another boke, and gaue it Baruch the scrybe the sonne of Nerias, which wrote therin out of the mouth off Ieremy: all the sermons that were in the first boke, which Ioachim the kynge off Iuda dyd burne. And there were added vnto them many mo sermons, then before.

JER 36 ©
