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Index of parallel sections for OET-RV MARK

Intro:0 MRK (Headers)

Intro:14 Introduction (Introduction section heading)

1:1 Mark 1 (Start of chapter)

1:1 The Proclamation of John the Baptist (Alternate section heading)

1:1 John the Baptist and Jesus (Alternate section heading)

1:1 The Preaching of John the Baptist (Alternate section heading)

1:1 John the Baptist Prepares the Way (Alternate section heading)

1:2 The ministry of Yohan the immerser (The return of ‘Eliyyah’)

1:9 Yeshua gets immersed and then tempted

1:9 The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

1:14 The selection of the first followers/apprentices

1:14 Proclaiming the kingdom (Alternate section heading)

1:14 The Calling of the First Disciples (Alternate section heading)

1:14 The Beginning of the Galilean Ministry (Alternate section heading)

1:14 Jesus Calls Four Fishermen (Alternate section heading)

1:21 Yeshua drives out a demon

1:21 The Man with an Unclean Spirit (Alternate section heading)

1:21 Jesus Casts Out an Evil Spirit (Alternate section heading)

1:21 A Man with an Evil Spirit (Alternate section heading)

1:21 Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit (Alternate section heading)

1:29 Yeshua heals many others

1:29 Jesus Heals Many at Simon's House (Alternate section heading)

1:35 Yeshua prays before going preaching

1:35 Jesus Prays in a Solitary Place (Alternate section heading)

1:35 Jesus Preaches in Galilee (Alternate section heading)

1:35 A Preaching Tour in Galilee (Alternate section heading)

1:40 Yeshua heals a man with leprosy

1:40 Jesus Cleanses a Leper (Alternate section heading)

1:40 A Man With Leprosy (Alternate section heading)

2:1 Yeshua heals a paralysed man

2:1 Jesus Heals a Paralytic (Alternate section heading)

2:13 The calling of Levi (Matthew)

2:13 The Calling of Levi (Alternate section heading)

2:13 Jesus Calls Levi (Matthew) (Alternate section heading)

2:18 The question of fasting

2:18 Jesus Questioned About Fasting (Alternate section heading)

2:18 A Discussion about Fasting (Alternate section heading)

2:23 Working on the Rest Day

2:23 The Question about the Sabbath (Alternate section heading)

2:23 Pronouncement about the Sabbath (Alternate section heading)

2:23 A Discussion about the Sabbath (Alternate section heading)

2:23 Lord of the Sabbath (Alternate section heading)

3:1 The man with the curled-up hand

3:1 Jesus Heals on the Sabbath (Alternate section heading)

3:1 The Man with a Withered Hand (Alternate section heading)

3:1 The Man with a Paralysed Hand (Alternate section heading)

3:7 Big crowds press on Yeshua

3:7 A Multitude at the Seaside (Alternate section heading)

3:7 Crowds Follow Jesus (Alternate section heading)

3:7 A Crowd by the Lake (Alternate section heading)

3:13 Yeshua appoints his twelve representatives

3:13 Jesus Appoints the Twelve (Alternate section heading)

3:13 The Appointing of the Twelve Apostles (Alternate section heading)

3:13 Jesus Chooses the Twelve Apostles (Alternate section heading)

3:20 The two opposing spiritual powers

3:20 Jesus and Beelzebul (Alternate section heading)

3:20 Jesus and Beelzebub (Alternate section heading)

3:20 Jesus and the Prince of Demons (Alternate section heading)

3:31 Yeshua’s mother and brothers arrive

3:31 The True Family of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

3:31 Jesus' Mother and Brothers (Alternate section heading)

3:31 The True Kindred of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

4:1 The parable about planting seed

4:1 Parables (Alternate section heading)

4:1 Story of the Farmer Scattering Seed (Alternate section heading)

4:1 The Parable of the Sower (Alternate section heading)

4:10 Why Yeshua speaks in parables

4:10 The Purpose of the Parables (Alternate section heading)

4:13 Explaining about the ground where the seed fell

4:13 Jesus Explains the Parable of the Sower (Alternate section heading)

4:21 The light will shine on everything

4:21 A Lamp under a Bushel Basket (Alternate section heading)

4:21 A Lamp on a Stand (Alternate section heading)

4:21 A Lamp under a Bowl (Alternate section heading)

4:21 Illustration of the Lamp (Alternate section heading)

4:26 The parable concerning the seed

4:26 The Parable of the Growing Seed (Alternate section heading)

4:26 Illustration of the Growing Seed (Alternate section heading)

4:30 The small seed produces a large result

4:30 Illustration of the Mustard Seed (Alternate section heading)

4:30 The Parable of the Mustard Seed (Alternate section heading)

4:35 Yeshua halts the storm on the lake

4:35 Jesus Calms a Storm (Alternate section heading)

4:35 Miracles (Alternate section heading)

4:35 Jesus Stills a Storm (Alternate section heading)

5:1 Yeshua sends the demons into the pigs

5:1 Jesus Heals a Demon-Possessed Man (Alternate section heading)

5:1 Jesus Heals the Gerasene Demoniac (Alternate section heading)

5:1 Jesus Heals a Man with Evil Spirits (Alternate section heading)

5:1 The Healing of a Demon-possessed Man (Alternate section heading)

5:21 A woman is healed as Yeshua goes to help a dying girl

5:21 A Girl Restored to Life and a Woman Healed (Alternate section heading)

5:21 A Dead Girl and a Sick Woman (Alternate section heading)

5:21 Jesus Heals in Response to Faith (Alternate section heading)

5:21 Jairus' Daughter and the Woman Who Touched Jesus' Cloak (Alternate section heading)

6:1 Yeshua’s community can’t believe he’s from God

6:1 Jesus Is Rejected at Nazareth (Alternate section heading)

6:1 A Prophet Without Honour (Alternate section heading)

6:1 The Rejection of Jesus at Nazareth (Alternate section heading)

6:7 Yeshua sends his apprentices out in pairs

6:7 Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Disciples (Alternate section heading)

6:7 Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Apostles (Alternate section heading)

6:7 Death of John the Baptist (Alternate section heading)

6:7 The Mission of the Twelve (Alternate section heading)

6:14 The execution of Yohan-the-immerser

6:14 The Death of John the Baptist (Alternate section heading)

6:14 John the Baptist Beheaded (Alternate section heading)

6:30 Yeshua feeds 5,000 people

6:30 Miracles of feeding and their significance (Alternate section heading)

6:30 Jesus Feeds Five Thousand (Alternate section heading)

6:30 Feeding the Five Thousand (Alternate section heading)

6:45 Yeshua walks on the lake surface

6:45 Jesus Walks on the Water (Alternate section heading)

6:53 Yeshua heals many people around Gennesaret

6:53 Healing the Sick in Gennesaret (Alternate section heading)

6:53 Jesus Heals the Sick in Gennesaret (Alternate section heading)

7:1 Yeshua suggests obeying God, not tradition

7:1 The Tradition of the Elders (Alternate section heading)

7:1 The Teaching of the Ancestors (Alternate section heading)

7:1 Clean and Unclean (Alternate section heading)

7:1 Jesus Teaches about Inner Purity (Alternate section heading)

7:14 Evil comes from inside a person

7:14 The Things That Make a Person Unclean (Alternate section heading)

7:24 The bold faith of a non-Jewish woman

7:24 The Faith of a Syrophoenician Woman (Alternate section heading)

7:24 A Woman's Faith (Alternate section heading)

7:24 The Faith of a Gentile Woman (Alternate section heading)

7:24 The Syrophoenician Woman's Faith (Alternate section heading)

7:31 Yeshua heals a deaf man who couldn’t speak

7:31 Jesus Heals a Deaf-Mute (Alternate section heading)

7:31 Jesus Cures a Deaf Man (Alternate section heading)

7:31 The Healing of a Deaf and Mute Man (Alternate section heading)

7:31 Jesus Heals a Deaf and Mute Man (Alternate section heading)

8:1 Yeshua feeds 4,000 people

8:1 Jesus Feeds Four Thousand People (Alternate section heading)

8:1 Feeding the Four Thousand (Alternate section heading)

8:1 Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand (Alternate section heading)

8:11 The religious leaders want to see a miracle

8:11 The Demand for a Sign (Alternate section heading)

8:11 Pharisees Demand a Miraculous Sign (Alternate section heading)

8:11 The Pharisees Ask for a Miracle (Alternate section heading)

8:14 The apprentices miss the significance of what’s happening

8:14 The Yeast of the Pharisees and of Herod (Alternate section heading)

8:14 Yeast of the Pharisees and Herod (Alternate section heading)

8:22 Yeshua heals a blind man near Bethsaida

8:22 The Healing of a Blind Man at Bethsaida (Alternate section heading)

8:22 Jesus Heals a Blind Man at Bethsaida (Alternate section heading)

8:22 Jesus Cures a Blind Man at Bethsaida (Alternate section heading)

8:27 Yeshua asks who they think he is

8:27 The cross foreshadowed (Alternate section heading)

8:27 Peter's Confession of Christ (Alternate section heading)

8:27 Peter's Declaration about Jesus (Alternate section heading)

8:31 Yeshua’s radical challenge to his would-be followers

8:31 Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection (Alternate section heading)

8:31 Jesus Speaks about His Suffering and Death (Alternate section heading)

8:31 Jesus Predicts His Death (Alternate section heading)

9:2 Mosheh and Eliyyah speak with Yeshua

9:2 The Transfiguration (Alternate section heading)

9:14 Yeshua drives out a stubborn demon

9:14 Jesus Heals a Boy with an Evil Spirit (Alternate section heading)

9:14 The Healing of a Boy with a Spirit (Alternate section heading)

9:14 The Healing of a Boy with an Evil Spirit (Alternate section heading)

9:14 Jesus Heals a Boy Possessed by an Evil Spirit (Alternate section heading)

9:30 Yeshua talks again about being executed

9:30 Learning what discipleship means (Alternate section heading)

9:30 Jesus Again Predicts His Death (Alternate section heading)

9:30 Jesus Again Foretells His Death and Resurrection (Alternate section heading)

9:30 Jesus Speaks Again about His Death (Alternate section heading)

9:33 How to be the best

9:33 The Greatest in the Kingdom (Alternate section heading)

9:33 Who Is the Greatest? (Alternate section heading)

9:38 Others are also serving Yeshua

9:38 Whoever Is Not Against Us Is for Us (Alternate section heading)

9:38 Another Exorcist (Alternate section heading)

9:38 Using the Name of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

9:42 Difficult teachings about disobedience

9:42 Causing to Sin (Alternate section heading)

9:42 Temptations to Sin (Alternate section heading)

10:1 It’s God that joins husband and wife

10:1 Discussion about Divorce and Marriage (Alternate section heading)

10:1 Teaching about Divorce (Alternate section heading)

10:1 Jesus Teaches about Divorce (Alternate section heading)

10:13 Yeshua encourages childlike faith

10:13 The Little Children and Jesus (Alternate section heading)

10:13 Jesus Blesses Little Children (Alternate section heading)

10:13 Jesus Blesses the Children (Alternate section heading)

10:17 Leaving behind everything to be saved

10:17 The Rich Man (Alternate section heading)

10:17 The Rich Young Man (Alternate section heading)

10:32 Yeshua predicts his execution a third time

10:32 Jesus Again Predicts His Death (Alternate section heading)

10:32 A Third Time Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection (Alternate section heading)

10:32 Jesus Speaks a Third Time about His Death (Alternate section heading)

10:35 How to become respected in God’s kingdom

10:35 The Request of James and John (Alternate section heading)

10:35 Jesus Teaches about Serving Others (Alternate section heading)

10:46 Blind Bartimeus gets his miracle

10:46 Blind Bartimaeus Receives His Sight (Alternate section heading)

10:46 The Healing of Blind Bartimaeus (Alternate section heading)

10:46 Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeus (Alternate section heading)

11:1 Yeshua is treated like a king as he enters Yerushalem

11:1 The Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem (Alternate section heading)

11:1 Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (Alternate section heading)

11:1 The challenge to Jerusalem (Alternate section heading)

11:12 Yeshua curses a fig tree

11:12 Jesus Clears the Temple (Alternate section heading)

11:12 Jesus Curses the Fig Tree (Alternate section heading)

11:15 Yeshua upsets the traders inside the temple

11:15 Jesus Goes to the Temple (Alternate section heading)

11:15 Jesus Cleanses the Temple (Alternate section heading)

11:15 Jesus Clears the Temple (Alternate section heading)

11:20 Yeshua gives a lesson on moving mountains

11:20 The Lesson from the Fig Tree (Alternate section heading)

11:20 The Withered Fig Tree (Alternate section heading)

11:20 The Lesson from the Withered Fig Tree (Alternate section heading)

11:26 The leaders question Yeshua’s authority

11:26 The Authority of Jesus Challenged (Alternate section heading)

11:26 The Authority of Jesus Questioned (Alternate section heading)

11:26 The Question about Jesus' Authority (Alternate section heading)

12:1 The parable about the tenants killing the owner’s son

12:1 The Parable of the Wicked Tenants (Alternate section heading)

12:1 Story of the Evil Farmers (Alternate section heading)

12:1 The Parable of the Tenants in the Vineyard (Alternate section heading)

12:13 Yeshua answers about payment of taxes

12:13 Paying Taxes to Caesar (Alternate section heading)

12:13 The Question about Paying Taxes (Alternate section heading)

12:13 Taxes for Caesar (Alternate section heading)

12:18 Yeshua explains that those who’ve died are alive

12:18 The Question about Rising from Death (Alternate section heading)

12:18 Discussion about Resurrection (Alternate section heading)

12:18 The Question about the Resurrection (Alternate section heading)

12:18 Marriage at the Resurrection (Alternate section heading)

12:28 Yeshua answers about genuine obedience to God

12:28 The Most Important Commandment (Alternate section heading)

12:28 The Great Commandment (Alternate section heading)

12:28 The Greatest Commandment (Alternate section heading)

12:28 The First Commandment (Alternate section heading)

12:35 Yeshua asks about the messiah being a descendant of David

12:35 Whose Son Is the Messiah? (Alternate section heading)

12:35 The Question about the Messiah (Alternate section heading)

12:35 Whose Son Is the Christ (Alternate section heading)

12:35 The Question about David's Son (Alternate section heading)

12:38 Yeshua warns about smartly-dressed teachers

12:38 Jesus Warns against the Teachers of the Law (Alternate section heading)

12:38 Jesus Denounces the Scribes (Alternate section heading)

12:41 The sacrificial donation of a widow

12:41 The Widow's Offering (Alternate section heading)

13:1 Yeshua predicts total destruction of the temple

13:1 Warnings about the end (Alternate section heading)

13:1 Jesus Speaks of the Destruction of the Temple (Alternate section heading)

13:1 The Destruction of the Temple Foretold (Alternate section heading)

13:1 Signs of the End of the Age (Alternate section heading)

13:1 Jesus Foretells the Future (Alternate section heading)

13:3 Yeshua talks about coming hardships

13:3 Troubles and Persecutions (Alternate section heading)

13:14 Yeshua warns about coming horror and deceptions

13:14 The Desolating Sacrilege (Alternate section heading)

13:14 The Awful Horror (Alternate section heading)

13:24 The universe collapses as the son arrives

13:24 The Coming of the Son of Man (Alternate section heading)

13:28 Watch out for the change in season

13:28 The Lesson of the Fig Tree (Alternate section heading)

13:32 Stay alert for the coming of the master

13:32 The Day and Hour Unknown (Alternate section heading)

13:32 The Necessity for Watchfulness (Alternate section heading)

13:32 No One Knows the Day or Hour (Alternate section heading)

14:1 The leaders plan to eliminate Yeshua

14:1 The Plot against Jesus (Alternate section heading)

14:1 The trial and crucifixion of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

14:1 Jesus Anointed at Bethany (Alternate section heading)

14:1 The Plot to Kill Jesus (Alternate section heading)

14:3 The woman anoints Yeshua for his burial

14:3 Jesus Is Anointed at Bethany (Alternate section heading)

14:3 The Anointing at Bethany (Alternate section heading)

14:10 Yudas offers to hand Yeshua over

14:10 Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus (Alternate section heading)

14:12 Yeshua’s trainees prepare the Passover meal

14:12 The Lord's Supper (Alternate section heading)

14:12 The Last Supper (Alternate section heading)

14:12 The Passover with the Disciples (Alternate section heading)

14:12 Jesus Eats the Passover Meal with His Disciples (Alternate section heading)

14:12 Communion (Alternate section heading)

14:17 Yeshua shocks his trainees at the Passover meal

14:27 Yeshua predicts Peters denials

14:27 Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial (Alternate section heading)

14:32 Yeshua, in distress, prays at Gethsemane

14:32 Jesus Prays in Gethsemane (Alternate section heading)

14:43 Yeshua is arrested in the night

14:43 Jesus Arrested (Alternate section heading)

14:43 Jesus Is Betrayed and Arrested (Alternate section heading)

14:43 The Arrest of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

14:43 The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

14:53 The mock trial where Yeshua is sentenced to death

14:53 Jesus before the Council (Alternate section heading)

14:53 Before the Sanhedrin (Alternate section heading)

14:66 Peter disowns Yeshua

14:66 Peter Denies Jesus (Alternate section heading)

15:1 Pilate tries to interrogate Yeshua

15:1 Jesus Before Pilate (Alternate section heading)

15:1 Jesus' Trial before Pilate (Alternate section heading)

15:6 Pilate agrees to execute an innocent man

15:6 Jesus Is Sentenced to Death (Alternate section heading)

15:6 Pilate Hands Jesus over to Be Crucified (Alternate section heading)

15:16 The battalion plays with their mock ‘king’

15:16 The Soldiers Make Fun of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

15:16 The Soldiers Mock Jesus (Alternate section heading)

15:21 Yeshua is publicly executed along with thieves

15:21 The Crucifixion of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

15:21 Jesus Is Crucified (Alternate section heading)

15:33 Yeshua breathes his last

15:33 The Death of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

15:42 Yosef boldly lays the body in a burial chamber

15:42 The Burial of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

16:1 The massive shock at the burial chamber

16:1 The Resurrection of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

16:9 The others don’t believe that Maria saw Yeshua

16:9 AN OLD ENDING TO THE GOSPEL (Alternate section heading)

16:9 THE LONGER ENDING OF MARK (Alternate section heading)

16:9 Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene (Alternate section heading)

16:9 [The most reliable early manuscripts and other ancient witnesses do not have Mark 16.9-20.] (Alternate 2nd level section heading)

16:12 Yeshua appears to two of his followers

16:12 Jesus Appears to Two Disciples (Alternate section heading)

16:12 Jesus Appears to Two Followers (Alternate section heading)

16:14 Yeshua appears to his trainees and instructs them

16:14 Jesus Appears to the Eleven (Alternate section heading)

16:14 Jesus Commissions the Disciples (Alternate section heading)

16:19 Yeshua is lifted up to heaven

16:19 The Ascension of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

16:19 Jesus Is Taken Up to Heaven (Alternate section heading)