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OET-RV by cross-referenced section MARK 7:1

MARK 7:1–7:13 ©

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Yeshua suggests obeying God, not tradition

Mark 7:1–13

Mat 15:1–9

7:1 Yeshua suggests obeying God, not tradition

(Mat. 15:1-9)

7Some from the Pharisee party and some of the law teachers had come from Yerusalem to observe Yeshua 2and noticed that some of his followers were eating their food without following their religious customs, i.e., without washing their hands. 3(The Pharisees and, in fact, all the Jewish religious leaders do not eat without first ceremonially washing their hands as taught by their elders over the generations. 4They won’t eat at the market if they can’t do this first, and have many other regulations about ceremonial washing of cups and jugs and copper kettles.)

5And the Pharisees and religious teachers asked Yeshua, “How come your followers don’t follow our Jewish traditions, but eat without the ceremonial washing of hands?”

6And he answered, “Isayah got it exactly right when he expressed God’s thoughts about you hypocrites and wrote:[ref]

‘These people honour me with their lips,

but their real desires are far away from mine.

7Their worship of me is worthless,

teaching man-made rules as if they are from God.’

8You’ve ignored God’s commands instead accepting human traditions.

9And Yeshua continued, “You all simply dismiss God’s commands in favour of your own customs. 10[ref]Mosheh teaches us,

‘Honour your parents,’


‘Anyone dishonestly slandering their parents deserves the death penalty.’

11But when you all encourage people to say, ‘Whatever I had that may have helped you guys has been given to God’, 12you are actively discouraging them from helping their parents— 13overriding God’s voice for your very convenient teaching that you disseminate instead. And that’s not the only example!

15:1 Obeying God versus tradition

(Mark 7:1-13)

15Then some from the Pharisees’ party and teachers of the law from Yerusalem arrived and asked Yeshua, 2“Why do your followers break the traditions handed down by our elders? They’re not practicing the washing hands ceremony before eating.”

3Well why also do you break God’s commandment because of your tradition?” Yeshua responded. 4[ref]God told us to honour our father and our mother, and also that anyone who speaks evil about their father or mother deserves the death penalty. 5But you all say that anyone who tells their father or mother that whatever help they may have expected from you is now given as a gift, 6then you say that they’re not actually dishonouring their parents. So by saying that, you’re overriding God’s message with your own tradition. 7You hypocrites! The prophet Isayah was right about you all when he wrote:[ref]

8‘These people honour me with their lips,

But their hearts are far away from me.

9Their worship of me is useless,

They teach human ideas as if they’re commandments.’

Collected OET-RV cross-references

Isa 29:13 (LXX):


29:13: Mat 15:8-9; Mrk 7:6-7.

Exo 20:12:

12Honour your father and your mother, so that you’ll have a long life on the land that your God Yahweh is about to give you.[ref]

20:12: a Deu 27:16; Mat 15:4; 19:19; Mrk 7:10; 10:19; Luk 18:20; Eph 6:2; b Eph 6:3.

Deu 5:16:


5:16: a Deu 27:16; Mat 15:4; 19:19; Mrk 7:10; 10:19; Luk 18:20; Eph 6:2; b Eph 6:3.

Exo 21:17:

17Anyone who curses their father or mother must certainly be put to death.[ref]

21:17: Lev 20:9; Mat 15:4; Mrk 7:10.

Lev 20:9:


20:9: Exo 21:17; Mat 15:4; Mrk 7:10.

Exo 21:17:

17Anyone who curses their father or mother must certainly be put to death.[ref]

21:17: Lev 20:9; Mat 15:4; Mrk 7:10.

Lev 20:9:


20:9: Exo 21:17; Mat 15:4; Mrk 7:10.

Isa 29:13 (LXX):


29:13: Mat 15:8-9; Mrk 7:6-7.