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OET-RV ACTs Chapter 5


This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

5:1 The death of Ananias and Sapphira

5But in contrast, a couple named Ananias and Sapphira sold a property 2but agreed together to hide some of the proceeds. So Ananias brought a smaller amount and put it down in front of the missionaries. 3Then Peter said, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your mind such that you would lie to the holy spirit and keep aside some of the proceeds of the property? 4Wasn’t it yours before it was sold? And even when it was sold, the money was still yours. Why did you decide to handle it like this? It wasn’t people that you’re lying to, but God.” 5When Ananias heard that, he fell down and stopped breathing. Everyone who heard about it felt very afraid, 6and the young men there stood up and covered his body, carried it out, and buried him.

7Three hours later, Ananias’ wife came in, not knowing anything about what had happened. 8Peter checked, “Is it true that you guys sold the property for such-and-such an amount?”

“Yes, for that amount,” she replied.

9But Peter said to her, “Why did the two of you agree to test the spirit of the master? The guys who just buried your husband are just out the door, and they’ll carry you out as well.” 10Sapphira immediately fell down in front of him and stopped breathing. Then the young men came in and found her dead, so they took her body out and buried her with her husband. 11So the entire assembly of believers became very afraid, along with every else who heard about these events.

5:12 Ongoing miracles and healings

12The missionaries went on to do many miracles and amazing things, and all the people who gathered in Solomon’s Porch had a united vision, 13but no one else dared to join them. However, the people were talking positively about them 14and more were becoming believers in the master—big numbers of both men and women. 15Some would even bring those who were sick out to the side of the road, lying them on beds and mats waiting for Peter to come past so that even his shadow might touch them. 16More crowds were coming from the towns around Yerusalem, bringing those who were sick and those tormented by demons, and they were all getting healed.

5:17 The preachers get arrested but released again

17But the chief priest and his colleagues who were members of the sect of Sadducees were filled with jealousy and took action 18by having the missionaries arrested and thrown into the public jail. 19But one of the master’s messengers opened the prison doors during the night and led them out again, saying, 20“Now go and stand in the temple and keep telling the people all the teaching about new life.” 21So at dawn, having taken notice of the messenger, they went into the temple and started teaching the people there again.

When the chief priest arrived with his companions, they called together the religious council and also the political council of Israel, then called for the missionaries to be brought in from the prison. 22But when their attendants got to the jail, they weren’t there, so they returned to the gathering and told them, 23“We found the prison all locked up with the guards in their positions at the doors, but when they opened it up, there was no one inside!” 24When they heard this, the officer of the temple and the chief priests were totally puzzled as to what could have happened. 25Just then someone came in and told them, “Hey, the men that you put in prison are in the temple—standing there teaching the people.” 26So the temple officer took the attendants and went and got them, but didn’t use force because they were afraid that the people might start throwing rocks at them.

27So they brought them in and stood them in front of the council, where the chief priest addressed them, 28[ref]“We officially commanded you all not to be teaching in this name and authority. But see here, now you have filled Yerusalem with your teaching, and what’s more, you’re blaming us for the death of that man.” 29But Peter and the other missionaries answered, “It’s better to obey God than people. 30The god of our ancestors brought Yeshua back to life after you all handed him over to be hung up on a pole. 31But God honoured this way-maker and saviour by placing him in the place of honour, to encourage Israel to repent and then to forgive their sins. 32We are witnesses of these messages, along with the holy spirit who God gave to the ones who obey him.”

33When the gathered councils heard this, they were enraged and wanted to kill them, 34but a certain member of the Pharisee party named Gamaliel stood up in the council chamber. He was a law teacher respected by all the community, and he ordered the guards to take them outside for a while, 35then he said, “Fellow Israelis, think carefully about what you’re planning to do with these men. 36A while back, a man called Theudas became prominent, saying that he was someone important. Eventually about four hundred others joined him, but he was killed and those who had followed him were dispersed and it all came to nothing. 37A bit later on, a Galilean man named Yudas became prominent at the time of the census and he attracted people to him. But he also died, and all those who’d been persuaded by him ended up being scattered. 38So here’s my advice to you all: pull back from killing these men and allow them to continue, because if this teaching and goings on is man-made, it’ll be overthrown, 39but if it’s from God, you all won’t be able to bring them down in case you find yourselves opposing God.”

So they were persuaded by Gamaliel, 40and after calling in the missionaries and having them beaten, they commanded them not to speak using the name and authority of Yeshua and then sent them out. 41So the missionaries left the councils, very excited that they were considered worthy to be disgraced because of Yeshua. 42After that, they never stopped teaching and preaching the good message about Yeshua the messiah in the temple and in various homes.

5:28: Mat 27:25.

