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Bshps JOS Chapter 23

JOS 23 ©

23And it came to passe, along season after that the Lorde had geuen rest vnto Israel from al their enemies round about, that Iosuah waxed olde, and was stricken in age. 2And Iosuah called for all Israel, and for their elders, their heades, their iudges, and officers, and sayd vnto them: I am olde and stricken in age, 3And ye haue seene all that the Lorde your God hath done vnto all these nations before you, how the Lorde your God himself hath fought for you. 4Beholde, I haue deuided vnto you by lot these nations that remayne, to be an inheritaunce for your tribes, euen from Iordane, with all the nations that I haue destroyed, euen vnto the great sea westward. 5And the Lorde your God shall expel them before you, & cast them from out of your sight, and ye shall conquer their lande, as the Lord your God hath sayd vnto you. 6Go to therfore, and be of a good courage, that ye take heede and do all that is written in the booke of the lawe of Moyses, that ye bowe not aside therefrom to the right hande or to the left. 7Neither company with these nations that is with them that are left with you, neither make mention of the name of ther gods, nor cause to sweare by them, neither serue them, nor bowe your selues vnto them. 8But sticke fast vnto the Lorde your God, as ye haue done vnto this day. 9So shall the Lord cast out before you great nations and mightie, as no man hath ben able to stande before you hytherto. 10One man of you shall chase a thousand: for the Lorde your God he fighteth for you, as he hath promised you. 11Take good heede therfore vnto your selues, that ye loue the Lord your God. 12Els, if ye go backe and cleaue vnto the rest of these nations that remaine with you, & shall make mariages with them, and go in vnto them, and they to you: 13Be ye sure that the Lorde your God will no more cast out all these nations from before you: but they shalbe snares and trappes vnto you, and scourges in your sides, & thornes in your eyes, vntill ye perishe from of this good land whiche the Lorde your God hath geuen you. 14And behold, this day do I enter into the way of all the world, and ye knowe in al your heartes and in al your soules, that nothyng hath fayled of all the good thinges whiche the Lorde your God promised you, but all are come to passe vnto you, and nothing hath fayled therof. 15Therfore, as al good thinges are come vpon you, whiche the Lorde your God promised you: so shall the Lorde bring vpon you all euyll, vntill he haue destroyed you fro of this good land which the Lorde your God hath geuen you. 16When ye haue transgressed the appointmet of the Lord your God which he commaunded you, and haue gone & serued straunge goddes, & bowed your selues to them: then shall the wrath of the Lorde waxe whot vpon you, and ye shall perishe quicklie from of the good lande which he hath geuen you.

JOS 23 ©
