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Bshps JOS

1After the death of Moyses the seruaunt of the Lord, it came to passe also that the Lorde spake vnto Iosuah ye sonne of Nun, Moyses minister, saying: 2Moyses my seruaunt is dead: Nowe therefore arise, go ouer this Iordane, thou and all this people, vnto the lande the whiche I to them the chyldren of Israel do geue. 3All the places that the soles of your feete shall treade vpon, haue I geuen you, as I sayde vnto Moyses. 4From the wyldernesse and this Libanon, vnto the great riuer Euphrates, all the lande of the Hethites, euen vnto the great sea towarde the goyng downe of the sunne, shalbe your coast. 5There shal not a man be able to withstande thee all the dayes of thy life: For as I was with Moyses, so wyll I be with thee, and wyll not fayle thee, nor forsake thee. 6Be strong therfore and bolde: for vnto this people shalt thou deuide ye lande for inheritaunce, whiche I sware vnto their fathers to geue them. 7Only be thou strong, and of a stoute courage, that thou maiest obserue and do according to all the law which Moses my seruaunt commaunded thee: Turne from the same neither to the right hande, nor to the lefte, that thou maiest do wisely in al that thou takest in hande. 8Let not the booke of this lawe departe out of thy mouth, but occupie thy minde therein day & night, that thou maiest obserue and doe according to all yt is written therein: For then shalt thou make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt do wisely. 9Haue not I comaunded thee, that thou shouldest be strong & hardie, and not feare nor be faint hearted? For I the Lorde thy God am with thee, whyther soeuer thou goest. 10Then Iosuah commaunded the officers of the people, saying: 11Go thorowe the middes of the hoaste, and comaunde the people, saying, Prepare you vitailes: for after three daies ye shal passe ouer this Iordane, to go in and enioye the lande, which the Lorde your God geueth you, to possesse it. 12And vnto the Rubenites, Gadites, and halfe the tribe of Manasses spake Iosuah saying: 13Remember the worde whiche Moyses the seruaunt of the Lorde commauded you, saying: The Lorde your God hath geuen you rest, & hath geuen you this lande. 14Your wyues, your children, and your catell shall remaine in the lande which Moyses gaue you on this syde Iordane: but ye shal go before your brethren armed, all that be men of warre, and helpe them: 15Untill the Lorde haue geuen your brethren rest as he hath you, and vntill they also haue obtained the lande whiche the Lorde your God geueth them: And then shal ye returne vnto the lande of your possession, and enioye it: which lande Moyses the Lordes seruaut gaue you on this side Iordane towarde the sunne rysyng. 16And they aunswered Iosuah, sayinge: Al that thou hast commaunded vs we will do, and whyther soeuer thou sendest vs, we will go. 17According as we obeyed Moyses in al thinges, so will we obey thee: only the Lorde thy God be with thee, as he was with Moyses. 18And whosoeuer he be that doth disobey thy mouth, and wil not hearken vnto thy wordes in all that thou commaudest him, let him dye: Only be strong, and of good courage. 2And Iosuah ye sonne of Nun sent out of Sittim two men to spye secretely, saying: Go, and viewe the land, and also Iericho. And they went, and came into a harlotes house, named Rahab, and lodged there. 2And it was tolde the king of Iericho, saying: Beholde, ther came men in hyther to night, of the children of Israel, to spye out the countrey. 3And the king of Iericho sent vnto Rahab, saying: Bring foorth the men that are come to thee, and which are entred into thyne house: for they be come to searche out all the lande. 4And the woman toke the two men and hyd them, and sayd thus: In deede there came men vnto me, but I wiste not whence they were. 5And about the time of the shutting of the gate when it was darke, the men went out, whyther the men went I wote not: folowe ye after them quickly, for ye shall ouertake them. 6But she had brought them vp to the rooffe of the house, & hyd them with the stalkes of flare which she had lying abrode vpon the rooffe. 7And the men pursued after them the way to Iordane vnto the fourdes: and assoone as they whiche pursued after them were gone out, they shut the gate. 8And or euer they were asleepe, she came vp vnto them vpon the rooffe, 9And sayd vnto the men: I knowe that the Lorde hath geuen you the land, for the feare of you is fallen vpo vs, and the inhabitantes of the lande faint at the presence of you: 10For we haue hearde howe the Lorde dried vp the water of the red sea before you when you came out of Egypt, and what you dyd vnto the two kynges of the Amorites that were on the other syde Iordane, Sehon and Og, whom ye vtterly destroyed. 11And assoone as we had hearde these thynges, our heartes dyd faynt, and there remained no more courage in any man at the presence of you: For the Lorde your God he is the God in heauen aboue, and in earth beneath. 12Nowe therfore, I pray you sweare vnto me by the Lorde, that as I haue shewed you mercie, ye shall also shewe mercie vnto my fathers house, and geue me a true token: 13And that ye shall saue alyue both my father and my mother, my brethren and my sisters, and all that they haue: and that ye shall delyuer our soules from death. 14And the men aunswered her: Our lyues for you to dye, yf ye vtter not this our busynesse. And when the Lorde hath geuen vs the lande, we wyll deale mercyfully and truely with thee. 15And then she let them downe by a corde through a wyndow: for her house was vpon the towne wall, & she dwelt vpon the towne wall. 16And she sayde vnto them: Get you into the mountaine leste the pursuers meete you, and hyde your selues there three dayes vntyl the pursuers be returned, & then shall ye go your owne way. 17And the men sayde vnto her: We wyl be blamelesse of this thy oth which thou hast made vs sweare: 18Behold, when we come into the lande, thou shalt bynde this corde of red threde in the wyndowe whiche thou dydst let vs downe by: and thou shalt bryng thy father and thy mother, thy brethren, & all thy fathers housholde euen into thy house. 19And then whosoeuer doeth go out at the doores of thy house into the streate, his blood shalbe vpon his owne head, and we wyll be gyltlesse: And who soeuer shalbe with thee in the house, his blood shalbe on our head yf any mans hande touche hym. 20And if thou vtter these our wordes, we wilbe quite of thy oth which thou hast made vs sweare. 21And she saide: According vnto your wordes, so be it. And she sent the away, and they departed. And she bounde the red corde in the windowe. 22And they departed, and came into the mountaine, & there abode three dayes, vntyl the pursuers were returned: And the pursuers sought them throughout all the way, but founde them not. 23And the two men returned, and descended from the mountaine, and passed ouer, and came to Iosuah the sonne of Nun, and tolde him all that came vnto them. 24And they saide vnto Iosuah: Truely the Lorde hath delyuered into our handes all the lande, and all the inhabitauntes of the countrey faint at the presence of vs. 3And Iosuah rose early and they remoued fro Sittim, and came to Iordane, he and all the chyldren of Israel: and lodged there before they went ouer. 2And after three dayes, the officers went throughout the hoaste, 3And commaunded the people, saying: When ye see the arke of the testament of the Lorde your God, and the priestes that are Leuites bearing it, ye shall depart from your place, and go after it. 4So yet that there shalbe a space betweene you and it, about two thousand cubites by measure: And ye shall not come nye vnto it, that ye may know the way by whiche ye must go: for ye haue not gone this way in times past. 5And Iosuah sayde vnto the people: Sanctifie your selues, for to morowe the Lord shal do wonders among you. 6And Iosuah spake vnto the priestes, saying: Take vp the arke of the couenaunt, and go ouer before the people. And they toke vp the arke of the testament, and went before the people. 7And ye Lord sayd vnto Iosuah: This day will I beginne to magnifie thee in the sight of all Israel, that they may knowe howe that as I was with Moyses, so will I be with thee. 8And thou shalt comaunde ye priestes that beare the arke of the couenaunt, saying: when ye are come to the edge of the waters of Iordane, ye shall stande still in Iordane. 9And Iosuah saide vnto the children of Israel: Come hyther, and heare the wordes of the Lorde your God. 10And Iosuah sayde: Hereby ye shall knowe that the liuing God is among you, and that he will without fayle cast out before you the Chanaanites, and the Hethithes, the Heuites, the Pherezites, the Gergesites, the Amorites, and the Iebusites. 11Beholde, the arke of the couenaunt of the Lorde of all the world, goeth before you into Iordane. 12Nowe therfore take from among you twelue men out of the tribes of Israel, out of euery tribe a man. 13And assoone as the soles of the feete of the priestes that beare the arke of the Lorde the gouernour of all the worlde, treade in the waters of Iordane, the waters of Iordane shalbe deuided: and the waters that come from aboue shall stande still vpon an heape. 14And so, when the people were departed fro their tentes to go ouer Iordane, the priestes bearing the arke of the couenaunt, went before the people. 15And assoone as they that bare ye arke came vnto Iordane, and the feete of the priestes that bare the arke were dypped in the brym of the water (For Iordane vseth to fyll all his banckes all the time of haruest) 16The waters also that came downe fro aboue, did rise vp vpon an heape and departed farre from ye citie of Ada, that was beside Zarthan: And the waters that were beneath towarde ye sea of the wildernes, euen the salt sea, fayled and were cut of: and the people went right ouer against Iericho. 17And the priestes that bare the arke of the couenaunt of the Lorde, stoode drie within Iordane, redy prepared, and all the Israelites went ouer thorowe the drie, vntill all the people were gone cleane ouer thorowe Iordane. 4And so when the people were al gone ouer Iordane (after ye Lord had spoken vnto Iosuah, saying: 2Take you twelue men out of the people, out of euery tribe a man, 3And commaunde you them, saying: Take you hence out of the middes of Iordane euen out of the place where the priestes stoode in a redinesse, twelue stones, which ye shall take away with you, and leaue them in the lodgyng where you shall lodge this nyght) 4Then Iosuah called the twelue men, which he had prepared of the chyldren of Israel, out of euery tribe a man. 5And Iosuah sayde vnto them: Get you before the arke of the Lorde your God, euen through the middes of Iordane, and take vp euery man of you a stone vpon his shoulder, accordyng vnto the number of the tribes of the chyldren of Israel, 6That this may be a signe among you: That when your chyldren aske their fathers in tyme to come, saying, What meane these stones with you? 7Ye maye aunswere them: howe that the waters of Iordane deuided at the presence of the arke of the couenaunt of the Lorde, (For when it went ouer Iordane, the waters of Iordane deuided) And these stones are become a memoriall vnto the chyldren of Israel for euer. 8And the chyldren of Israel dyd euen so as Iosuah commaunded, and toke vp twelue stones out of the middes of Iordane as the Lorde sayde vnto Iosuah, accordyng to the number of the tribes of the chyldren of Israel, and caryed them away with them vnto the place where they lodged, & layde them downe there. 9And Iosuah set vp twelue stones in the middes of Iordane, in the place where the feete of the priestes whiche bare the arke of the testament stoode: and there haue they continued vnto this day. 10For the priestes whiche bare the arke stoode in the middes of Iordane, vntyll all was finished that the Lorde commaunded Iosuah to saye vnto the people, accordyng to all that Moyses charged Iosuah: And the people hasted, & went ouer. 11And when all the people were cleane passed ouer, the arke of the Lord went ouer also, and the priestes before the people. 12And the chyldren of Ruben, and the chyldren of Gad, and halfe the tribe of Manasse, went before the chyldren of Israel armed, as Moyses charged the. 13Euen fourtie thousande prepared for warre, went before the Lorde vnto battayl, through the plaine of Iericho. 14That day the Lorde magnified Iosuah in the syght of all Israel: and they feared hym, as they feared Moyses all dayes of his lyfe. 15And the Lorde spake vnto Iosuah, saying: 16Commaunde the priestes that beare the arke of the testimonie to come vp out of Iordane. 17Iosuah therefore commaunded the priestes, saying: Come ye vp out of Iordane. 18And when the priestes that bare the arke of the couenaunt of the Lorde, were come vp out of the middes of Iordane, and assoone as the soles of the priestes feete were set on ye drie land, the waters of Iordane returned vnto their place, and went ouer all their bankes as they dyd before. 19And the people came vp out of Iordane the tenth day of the first moneth, and pitched in Gilgal, euen in the east border of the citie Iericho. 20And the twelue stones whiche they toke out of Iordane, dyd Iosuah pitch in Gilgal. 21And he spake vnto the chyldren of Israel, saying: If your chyldren aske their fathers in tyme to come, and saye: What meane these stones? 22Ye shall shewe your chyldren, and say: Israel came ouer this Iordane on drye lande. 23For the Lorde your God dried vp the water of Iordane before you, vntill ye were gone ouer, as ye Lorde your God dyd the red sea, which he dried vp before vs, tyll we were gone ouer. 24That all the people of ye world may knowe the hande of the Lorde howe mightie it is, and that ye might feare the Lorde your God for euer. 5And whe al the kinges of ye Amorites which are beyonde Iordane westwarde, and al the kynges of the Chanaanites which were by the sea, heard howe ye Lorde had dried vp the waters of Iordane before the chyldren of Israel vntill they were gone ouer, their heartes faynted for feare, and there was no spirite in them any more for the presence of the children of Israel. 2That same time the Lorde saide vnto Iosuah: Make thee sharp kniues, and go to agayne and circumcise the children of Israel the seconde time. 3And Iosuah made him sharpe kniues, and circumcised the children of Israel in the hill of the foreskinnes. 4And this is the cause why Iosuah circumcised all the people, euen the males that came out of Egypt: because that al the men of warre died in the wildernes by ye way, after they came out of Egypt. 5For all the people that came out, were circumcised: but al the people that were borne in the wildernes by the way after they came out of Egypt were not circumcised. 6For the chyldren of Israel walked fourtie yeres in the wildernesse, till al ye people of ye men of warre that came out of Egypt were consumed, because they hearkened not vnto the voyce of the Lorde: Unto whom the Lorde sware, that he woulde not shewe them ye lande which the Lorde sware vnto their fathers that he woulde geue vs, euen a lande that floweth with mylke & hony. 7And their children whom he set vp in their steede, them Iosuah circumcised, for they were vncircumcised: because they circumcised them not by the way. 8And when they had circumcised al the people, they abode in their places in the campe tyll they were whole. 9And the Lorde sayde vnto Iosuah: This day haue I taken away the shame of Egypt from you: wherefore the name of the same place is called Gilgal, vnto this day. 10And the children of Israel abode in Gilgal, and helde the feast of Passouer the fourteenth day of the moneth at euen, in the playne of Iericho. 11And they did eate of the corne of the lande on the morowe after the Passouer sweete cakes and parched corne, in the selfe same day. 12For the Manna ceassed on the morowe after they had begun to eate of the corne of the lande, neither had the chyldren of Israel Manna any more, but did eate of the fruite of the lande of Chanaan that yere. 13And when Iosuah was nye to Iericho, he lift vp his eyes and loked: and behold, there stoode a man against him, hauing a sworde drawen in his hande: And Iosuah went vnto him, and sayde vnto him, Art thou on our syde, or on our aduersaries? 14And he sayde, Naie: but as a captaine of the hoast of the Lord am I nowe come. And Iosuah fell on his face to ye earth, and did worship, and sayde vnto him: What saith my Lord vnto his seruaunt? 15And the captaine of the Lordes hoast sayde vnto Iosuah: Do thy shoe of thy foote, for the place wheron thou standest, is holy. And Iosuah did so. 6And Iericho was shut vp and closed, because of the childre of Israel, neither myght any man go out, or in. 2And the Lorde sayde vnto Iosuah: Behold, I haue geuen into thyne hande Iericho, and the kyng therof, and the strong men of warre. 3And ye shall compasse all the citie, all ye that be men of warre, and go rounde about it once: & so shal you do sixe dayes. 4And seuen priestes shall beare before the arke seuen trumpettes of rammes hornes: And the seuenth day ye shall compasse the citie seuen tymes, and the priestes shal blowe with the trumpets. 5And when they make a long blast with the rammes horne, and ye heare the sounde of the horne, all the people shall shout with a great shout: And then shall the wall of the citie fall downe, and the people shall assende vp, euery man strayght before hym. 6And Iosuah the sonne of Nun, called the priestes, and sayde vnto them: Take vp the arke of the couenaunt, and let seuen priestes beare seuen trumpets of rammes hornes before the arke of the Lorde. 7And he sayde vnto the people: Go, and compasse the citie, & let hym that is harnessed go before ye arke of the Lord. 8And when Iosuah had spoken vnto ye people, the seuen priestes bare the seuen trumpets of rammes hornes, and went foorth before the arke of the Lorde, and blewe with the trumpets: and the arke of the couenaunt of the Lorde folowed them. 9And the men of armes went before the priestes that blewe with the trumpets: & the gatheryng hoast came after the arke as they went, and blewe with trumpets. 10And Iosuah had commaunded the people, saying: Ye shall not shout, nor make any noyse with your voyce, neither shall any worde proceede out of your mouth vntyll the day I byd you shout, then shall ye shout. 11And so the arke of the Lorde compassed the citie, and went about it once: and they returned into the hoast, and lodged there. 12And Iosuah rose early in the mornyng, and the priestes toke vp the arke of the Lorde. 13And seuen priestes bare seuen trumpettes of rammes hornes, and went before the arke of the Lorde: and goyng, blewe with the trumpettes. And the men of armes went before them: but the gatheryng hoast came after the arke of the Lorde, whiche went before with the blowyng of the trumpettes. 14And the seconde daye they passed the citie once, and returned againe into the hoast: and so they dyd sixe dayes. 15And when the seuenth day came, they rose early euen with the dawnyng of the day, & compassed the citie after the same maner seuen tymes: only that day they compassed the citie seue times. 16And at the seuenth tyme when the priestes blew with the trumpettes, Iosuah sayde vnto the people: Showt, for the Lorde hath geuen you the citie. 17And the citie shalbe accursed and al that are therin, vnto the Lorde: onlye Rahab the harlot shal liue, and all that are with her in the house, because she hyd the messengers that we sent. 18And in any wyse be ye ware of the accursed thinges, lest ye make your selues accursed, & take of the accursed thynges, and make the hoast of Israel accursed, and trouble it. 19But all the syluer, golde, vesselles of brasse and iron, shalbe consecrate vnto the Lorde, and all shall come into his treasurie. 20And the people showted, and blewe with trumpettes: And when the people heard the sound of the trumpe, they showted with a great showt, and the wall fell downe flat, so that the people went vp into ye citie, euery man straight before hym, and toke the citie: 21And they vtterly destroyed all that was in the citie, both man and woman, young and olde, oxe, sheepe, and asse, with the edge of the sworde. 22But Iosuah had sayde vnto the two men that had spyed out the countrey: Go into the harlottes house, and bryng out thence the woman and all that she hath, as ye sware vnto her. 23And the young men that were spyes, went in, and brought out Rahab, and her father and mother, & her brethren, and all that she had: and they brought out all her kynred, & put them without the hoast of Israel. 24And they burnt the citie with fire, and all that was therin: only the syluer and the golde, the vesselles of brasse & iron, they put vnto ye treasure of the house of the Lorde. 25And Iosuah saued Rahab the harlot, and her fathers household, and all that she had: and she dwelt in Israel euen vnto this day, because she hyd the messengers which Iosuah sent to spye out Iericho. 26And Iosuah sware at that tyme, saying: Cursed be the man before the Lord that ryseth vp, and buyldeth this citie Iericho: He shall lay the foundation thereof in his eldest sonne, and in his youngest sonne shall he set vp the gates of it. 27And so the Lorde was with Iosuah, and his fame was noysed throughout all landes. 7But yet the chyldren of Israel trespassed in ye forbydden thyng: for Achan ye sonne of Charmi, the sonne of Zabdi, ye sonne of Zareth, of the tribe of Iuda, toke of the forbydden thyng: And the wrath of the Lorde waxed hot against the chyldren of Israel. 2And Iosuah sent men from Iericho to Ai, which is besyde Bethauen, on the east syde of Bethel, and spake vnto them, saying: Get you vp, and viewe the countrey. And the men went vp, & viewed Ai, 3And returned to Iosuah, and sayde vnto him, Let not all the people go vp: but let as it were two or three thousande men go vp, and smyte Ai: and make not all the people to labour thyther, for they are but fewe. 4And so there went vp thyther of the people about a three thousande men, and they fled before the men of Ai. 5And the men of Ai smote of them vpon a thirtie and sixe men: for they chased them from before the gate euen vnto Sebarim, and smote them in the goyng downe: Wherfore the heartes of the people for feare melted away lyke water. 6And Iosuah rent his clothes, & fell to the earth vpo his face before the arke of the Lorde vntill the euentide, he and the elders of Israel, and put earth vpon their heades. 7And Iosuah sayde: Alas, O Lorde God, wherfore hast thou brought this people ouer Iordane, to deliuer vs into the hande of the Amorites, & to destroye vs? Would to God we had ben content, and dwelt on the other side Iordane. 8Oh Lorde what shall I say, when Israel turneth their backes before their enemies? 9Surely the Chanaanites, and all the inhabitauntes of the lande shal heare of it, and shall conspire against vs, and destroy the name of vs out of the worlde: And what wilt thou do vnto thy mightie name? 10And the Lorde sayde vnto Iosuah: Get thee vp, wherfore liest thou thus vpon thy face? 11Israel hath sinned, and they haue transgressed myne appointment which I commaunded them: for they haue taken of the excommunicate thinges, and haue also stolen, and dissembled also, & put them vnto their owne stuffe. 12And therfore is it that the children of Israel can not stande before their enemies, but shal turne their backes before their enemies, because they be excommunicate: Neither will I be with you any more, except ye destroy the excommunicate from among you. 13Up therfore and sanctifie the people, and say: Sanctifie your selues against to morowe, for so sayde the Lorde God of Israel, there is a dampned thyng among you, O Israel: and therfore ye cannot stande against your enemies, vntyll ye haue put the dampned thing from among you. 14To morowe morning therfore ye shalbe brought according to your tribes: And the tribe which the Lorde taketh, shal come according to the kinredes therof: And the kinred which the Lorde shall finde giltie, shall come by housholdes: And the housholde which the Lorde shal finde faultie, shall come ma by man. 15And he that is founde with the accursed thing, shalbe burnt with fire, he, and all that he hath, because he hath transgressed the couenaunt of the Lord, and wrought follie in Israel. 16And so Iosuah rose vp early in the morning, and brought Israel by their tribes, & the tribe of Iuda was caught. 17And he brought the kinredes of Iuda, and toke the kinred of the Zarehites: And he brought the kinred of the Zarehites man by ma, & Zabdi was caught. 18And he brought his housholde man by man, & Achan the sonne of Charmi, the sone of Zabdi, ye sonne of Zared of the tribe of Iuda, was caught. 19And Iosuah sayde vnto Achan: My sonne, I beseche thee geue glorie to the Lorde God of Israel, and make confession vnto him, and shewe me what thou hast done, hyde it not from me. 20And Achan auswered Iosuah, & sayd: Of a trueth I haue sinned against the Lorde God of Israel, and thus & thus haue I done. 21I sawe among the spoyles a goodly babilonishe garment, and two hundred sicles of siluer, and a tonge of golde of fiftie sicles wayghte, and I coueted them, and toke them: and beholde they lye hyd in the earth in the middest of my tent, and the siluer is ther vnder. 22And so Iosuah sent messegers: which whe they ranne vnto his tent, beholde they were hyd in his tent, and the siluer ther vnder. 23Therfore they toke them out of the middest of his tent, and brought them vnto Iosuah, and vnto all the children of Israel, and layed them out before the Lorde. 24And Iosuah toke Achan the sonne of Zareth, and the siluer, and the garmet, and the tonge of gold, and his sonnes, and his daughters, & his oxen, and his asses, his sheepe, his tent, and al that he had: and al Israel with him brought them vnto the valley of Achor. 25And Iosuah sayde: In as much as thou hast troubled vs, the Lorde shall trouble thee this day. And all Israel stoned hym with stones, and burned them with fire, and ouerwhelmed them with stones. 26And they cast vpon hym a great heape of stones vnto this day: And so the Lord turned from the wrath of his indignation. And the name of the place is called the valley of Achor vnto this day. 8And the Lorde sayde vnto Iosuah: Feare not, neither be thou faint hearted: Take all the men of warre with thee, and vp, & get thee to Ai. Beholde, I haue geuen into thy hande the kyng of Ai, and his people, his citie, and his lande: 2And thou shalt do to Ai and her kyng, as thou dyddest vnto Iericho and her king. Neuerthelesse, the spoyle & cattell thereof, shall ye take vnto your selues: Thou shalt lye in wayte agaynst the citie, on the backside thereof. 3And so Iosuah arose, and all the men of warre, to go vp agaynst Ai: And Iosuah chose out thirtie thousande strong men and valiaunt, and sent them away by nyght: 4And he commaunded them, saying: Beholde, ye shall lye in wayte agaynst the towne on the backside thereof: Go not verie farre from the citie, but be all redie: 5And I, and al the people that are with me, wyll approche vnto the citie: And when they come out against vs, as they dyd at the first tyme, then wyll we flee before them: 6For they wyll come out after vs tyll we haue brought them out of the citie. For they wyll say, They flee before vs, as at the first tyme: and we will flee before them. 7In the meane tyme shall ye ryse vp from lying in wayte, and destroy the citie: for the Lorde your God wyll delyuer it into your hande. 8And when ye haue taken the citie, ye shall set it on fire: Accordyng to the commaundement of the Lorde shall ye do. Behold, I haue charged you. 9Iosuah therfore sent them foorth, and they went to lye in wayte, and abode betweene Bethel & Ai, on the westsyde of the citie of Ai: But Iosuah lodged that nyght among the people. 10And Iosuah rose vp early in the mornyng, and numbred the people, & went vp, he and the elders of Israel before the people, against Ai. 11And all the men of warre that were with him, went vp, & drue nye, and came agaynst the citie, and pitched on the northsyde of Ai: and there was a valley betweene them and Ai. 12And he toke vpon a fiue thousande men, and set them to lye in wayte betweene Bethel and Ai, on the westsyde of the citie. 13And the people set all the hoast that was on the northsyde agaynst the citie, & the lyers in wayte on the west, against the citie: And Iosuah walked the same nyght in the myddes of the valley. 14And when the kyng of Ai sawe it, they hasted and rose vp early, and the men of the citie went out agaynst Israel to battayle, he and all his people at a tyme appoynted, euen before the playne: and wyst not that there were lyers in wayte agaynst him on the backsyde of the citie. 15And Iosuah & all Israel as beaten before them, fledde by the way of the wildernesse. 16And all the people of the towne were called together, to folowe after them: And they folowed after Iosuah, and were drawen away from the citie. 17And there was not a man left in Ai and in Bethel, that went not out after Israel: And they left the citie open, and folowed after Israel. 18And the Lorde sayde vnto Iosuah: Stretch out ye speare that is in thine hand towarde Ai, for I will geue it into thy hand. And Iosuah stretched out the speare that he had in his hand, towarde the citie. 19And the lyers in waite arose quickly out of their place, and ran assoone as Iosuah had stretched out his hande: and they entred into the citie, and toke it, and hasted, and set the citie on fyre. 20And when the men of Ai loked backe after them, they sawe the smoke of the citie ascend vp to heauen, and they had no place to flee either this way or that: and the people that fled to the wildernes, turned backe againe vpon the folowers. 21And when Iosuah & all Israel sawe that the lyers in waite had taken the citie, and that the smoke of it ascended, they turned againe and slue the men of Ai. 22And the other issued out of the citie against them, and so were they in the middest of Israel: for these were on the one side of them, and the rest on the other side. And they laide vpon them, so that they let none of them escape, nor remaine: 23And the kyng of Ai they toke aliue, and brought him to Iosuah. 24And when Israel had made an ende of slayeng all the inhabitantes of Ai in the fielde of the wildernesse where they chased them, and when they were all fallen on the edge of the sworde, vntill they were wasted, all the Israelites returned vnto Ai, and smote it with the edge of the sworde. 25And al that fell that day, both of men and women, were twelue thousande, euen all the men of Ai. 26For Iosuah plucked not his hande backe againe which he stretched out vpo the speare vntil, he had vtterly destroyed al the enhabitours of Ai. 27Onely the cattell and the spoile of the citie, Israel toke vnto them selues, according vnto the word of the Lorde, whiche he commaunded Iosuah. 28And Iosuah set Ai on fire, and made it an heape for euer, & a wildernesse, euen vnto this day. 29And the king of Ai he hanged on a tree, vntill euen: And assoone as the sunne was downe, Iosuah commaunded that they should take ye carkasse downe of the tree, and cast it at the entring of the gate of the citie, and laye theron a great heape of stones, that remaineth vnto this day. 30Then Iosuah buylt an aulter vnto the Lorde God of Israel in mount Ebal, 31As Moyses the seruaunt of the Lord commaunded the chyldren of Israel, and as it is written in the booke of the lawe of Moyses, an aulter of whole stones, ouer which no man hath lyft an iron: And they sacrificed theron burnt sacrifices vnto the Lorde, and offered peace offerynges. 32And he wrote there vpon the stones a rehearsal of the lawe of Moyses, and wrote it in the presence of the chyldren of Israel. 33And all Israel and the elders therof, and their officers & iudges, stoode part on this syde the arke, and part on that syde, before the priestes that were Leuites whiche bare the arke of the couenaunt of the Lorde, aswell the straunger, as they that were borne among them: halfe of the ouer against mount Garizim, & halfe of them ouer against mount Ebal, as Moyses the seruaunt of the Lorde had commaunded before, that they shoulde blesse the people of Israel. 34Afterwarde he read all the wordes of the lawe, the blessinges, and cursinges, accordyng to all that is written in the booke of the lawe. 35And there was not one worde of all that Moyses commaunded, which Iosuah read not before all the congregation of Israel, aswel the women and chyldren, as the straungers that were conuersaunt among them. 9And when al ye kinges that dwell beyonde Iordane in the hylles and valleys, & along by all the coastes of the great sea, ouer against Libanon: Namely the Hethites, the Amorites, the Chanaanites, the Pherezites, the Heuites, and the Iebusites, hearde therof: 2They gathered them selues together, to fyght against Iosuah, and against Israel, with one accorde. 3And the inhabitours of Gibeon heard what Iosuah had done vnto Iericho, and to Ai, 4And they dyd worke wylylye, & went and made them selues embassadours, and toke olde sackes vpon their asses, & wine bottels old, both rent & boude vp: 5And olde clowted shoes vpon their feete, and their rayment was olde: and all their prouision of bread was dryed vp, and hored. 6And they came vnto Iosuah into the hoast to Gilgal, and sayde vnto him and vnto all the men of Israel, We be come from a far countrey: and nowe make ye agreement with vs. 7And the men of Israel sayde vnto the Heuite: It may be thou dwellest amog vs, and then howe can I make peace with thee? 8And they sayde vnto Iosuah: We are thy seruauntes. And Iosuah sayde vnto them againe: What are ye, & whence come ye? 9They aunswered him: From a very farre coutrey thy seruauntes are come, for the name of the Lorde thy God: for we haue hearde the fame of him, & all that he did in Egypte, 10And all that he did to the two kinges of ye Amorites that were beyonde Iordane, Sehon king of Hesbon, and Og king of Basa, which were at Astaroth. 11Wherfore our elders and all the enhabitours of our countrey spake to vs, saying: Take vitailes with you to serue by the way, and go meete them, and say vnto them, We are your seruautes: And now make ye a couenaunt of peace with vs. 12This our foode of bread we toke with vs out of our houses whot, ye daye we departed to come vnto you: But nowe beholde, it is dried vp, and hored. 13And these bottelles of wine whiche we filled, were newe, and see they be rent: And these our garmentes and shoes are worne for oldenesse, by the reason of the exceeding long iourney. 14And the men toke of theyr vitayles, & counseled not with the mouth of the Lorde. 15And Iosuah made peace which the, and made a couenaunt with them, that they shulde be suffered to liue: And the princes of the congregation sware vnto them. 16But at the ende of three dayes, after they had made a league with them, they hearde that they were their neighbours, & that they dwelt among them. 17And the children of Israel toke their iorney, and came vnto their cities the thirde day: and their cities were Gibeon, and Caphira, Beroth, and Kiriathiarim. 18And the children of Israel slue them not, because the princes of the congregation had sworne vnto them by the Lord God of Israel: and all the multitude mourned agaynst the princes. 19But all the princes sayde vnto all the congregation: We haue sworne vnto them by the Lorde God of Israel, and therfore we may not hurt them. 20But this we wyll do to them, We wyll let them liue, lest wrath be vpon vs because of the othe which we sware vnto them. 21And the princes said vnto them againe, Let them liue, and hewe wood, & drawe water vnto all the congregation, and they dyd as the princes sayde vnto them. 22And Iosuah called for them, & talked with them, and sayde, Wherfore haue ye beguiled vs, saying, We dwell farre from you: when ye dwell among vs? 23And nowe are ye cursed, and there shal not ceasse to be of you bondmen, and hewers of wood, & drawers of water for the house of my God. 24And they aunswered Iosuah, & sayd, It was tolde thy seruauntes how that the Lorde thy God had commaunded his seruaunt Moyses to geue you all the lande, and to destroy all the inhabitours therof out of your sight, and therfore we were exceedyng sore afrayde for our liues at the presence of you, and haue done this thing. 25And beholde, we are in thyne hande: as it seemeth good and right in thyne eyes to do vnto vs, so do. 26And euen so did he vnto them, and rid them out of the hande of the chyldren of Israel, that they slue them not. 27And Iosuah made them that same day hewers of wood, and drawers of water for the congregation and for the aulter of God, vnto this day, in the place whiche he shoulde choose. 10Nowe when Adonizedec kyng of Hierusalem had hearde howe Iosuah had taken Ai and had destroyed it: (and howe that as he had done to Iericho and her king, euen so he had done to Ai and her king) and howe the inhabitours of Gibeon had made peace with Israel, and were among them: 2They feared exceedingly, for Gibeon was a great citie as any citie of the kingdome, and was greater then Ai, & all the men therof were very mightie. 3Wherfore Adonizedec king of Hierusalem sent vnto Hoham king of Hebron, and vnto Pira king of Iarmuth, and vnto Iaphia king of Lachis, and vnto Dabir king of Eglon, saying: 4Come vp vnto me, and helpe me, that we may smite Gibeon: for they haue made peace with Iosuah, and with the children of Israel. 5Therfore the fiue kinges of the Amorites, the king of Hierusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Iarmuth, the king of Lachis, and the king of Eglon, gathered them selues together, and went vp, they with all their hoastes, and besieged Gibeon, & made warre against it. 6And the men of Gibeon sent vnto Iosuah to the hoast in Gilgal, saying: withdrawe not thy hande from thy seruauntes, come vp to vs quickly, and saue vs, and helpe vs: for all the kinges of the Amorites which dwell in the mountaynes are gathered together agaynst vs. 7And so Iosuah ascended from Gilgal, he and all the people of warre with him, and all the men of might. 8And the Lorde sayde vnto Iosuah, Feare them not: for I haue deliuered them into thine hande, neither shall any of them stande agaynst thee. 9Iosuah therfore came vnto them sodaynly, and went vp from Gilgal all nyght. 10And the Lorde troubled them before Israel, and slue them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them along the way that goeth vp to Bethoron, and smote them to Azeka and Makeda. 11And as they fled from before Israel, and were in the going downe to Bethoron, the Lorde cast downe great stones from heauen vpon them vntyll Azeka, and they dyed: there were mo dead with hayle stones, then they were whom the children of Israel slue with the sworde. 12Then spake Iosuah to the Lorde in the day when the Lorde deliuered the Amorites before the children of Israel, & he sayd in the sight of Israel, Sunne, stande thou styll vpon Gibeon, and thou Moone in the valley of Aialon. 13And the sunne abode, and the moone stoode styll, vntyll the people auenged them selues vpon their enemies. Is not this written in the booke of the righteous? So the sunne I say abode in the middest of heauen, and hasted not to go downe by the space of a whole day. 14And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the Lorde hearde the voyce of a man: for the Lorde fought for Israel. 15And Iosuah returned and all Israel with him, vnto the campe to Gilgal. 16But the fiue kinges fled, and were hyd in a caue at Makeda. 17And it was tolde Iosuah of one saying, The fiue kinges are founde hyd in a caue which is at Makeda. 18And Iosuah sayd, Roule great stones vpon the mouth of the caue, and set men by it, for to kepe it: 19And stand ye not styll, but folowe after your enemies, & smite all the hindmost, and suffer them not to enter into their cities: for the Lorde your God hath deliuered them into your hande. 20And when Iosuah and the children of Israel had made an ende of slaying them with an exceedyng great slaughter, tyll they were wasted: the rest that remayned of them, entred into walled cities: 21And all the people returned to the hoast to Iosuah at Makeda in peace, neither dyd any man moue his tongue agaynst the children of Israel. 22Then sayde Iosuah, Open the mouth of the caue, and bryng out these fiue kinges vnto me out of the caue. 23And they did so, and brought those fiue kinges vnto him out of the caue, euen the king of Hierusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Iarmuth, the king of Lachis, and the king of Eglon. 24And when they brought out those kinges vnto Iosuah: Iosuah called for all the men of Israel, and saide vnto the chiefe of the men of warre which went with him: Come neare, & put your feete vpo the neckes of these kinges. And they came neare, and put their feete vpon the neckes of them. 25And Iosuah sayd vnto them, Ye shall not feare, nor be faynt hearted: but be strong, and plucke vp your heartes, for thus shall the Lorde do to al your enemies against whom ye fight. 26And then Iosuah smote them, and slewe them, and hanged them on fiue trees: And they hanged still vpon the trees vntill the euening. 27And at the goyng downe of the sunne, Iosuah gaue commaundement: And they toke them downe of the trees, and cast them into the caue wherin they had ben hyd, and layed great stones in the caues mouth, which remayne vntil this daye. 28And that same day Iosuah toke Makeda, and smote it with the edge of the sworde, & the king therof also destroyed he vtterly, with al the soules that were therin, and let none remayne: And he dyd to the king of Makeda, as he dyd vnto the king of Iericho. 29Then Iosuah went from Makeda, and all Israel with him, vnto Libna, and fought agaynst Libna. 30And the Lorde deliuered it & the king therof into the hande of Israel: and he smote it with the edge of the sword, and all the soules that were therin: He let none remayne in it, but dyd vnto the king therof as he did vnto the king of Iericho. 31And Iosuah departed from Libna, and all Israel with him vnto Lachis, and besieged it, and assaulted it. 32And the Lorde deliuered Lachis into the hande of Israel, which toke it the seconde day, and smote it with the edge of the sworde, & all the soules that were therin: doing according to all, as he had done to the citie of Libna. 33Then Horam king of Geser came vp to helpe Lachis: And Iosuah smote him and his people, vntill none remayned of him. 34And from Lachis Iosuah departed vnto Eglon, and all Israel with him: and they besieged it, and assaulted it. 35And toke it the same day, and smote it with the edge of the sworde: & al the soules that were therin he vtterly destroyed the same day, according to all that he he had done to Lachis. 36And Iosuah departed vp from Eglon, and all Israel with him, vnto Hebron: And they fought against it. 37And when they had taken it, they smote it with the edge of the sworde, & the king therof, and all the townes that parteined to it, and all the soules that were therin, and he left none remayning: but dyd according to all, as he had done to Eglon, and destroyed it vtterly, and all the soules that were therin. 38And Iosuah returned, and all Israel with him to Dabir, & fought against it. 39And when he had taken it, & the king therof, and all the townes that parteyded therto, they smote them with the edge of the sworde, & vtterly destroyed all the soules that were therin, neither let he any remayne: Euen as he dyd to Hebron, so he dyd to Dabir and the king therof, as he had done also to Libna and her king. 40Iosuah therfore smote al the hil countreyes, and the south countreyes, & the valleyes, and the downes, and al their kinges, and let none remayne of them, but vtterly destroyed all that breathed, as the Lorde God of Israel commaunded. 41And Iosuah smote them from Cades Barnea vnto Asah, and all the countrey of Gosan euen vnto Gibeon. 42And all these kinges and their lande dyd Iosuah take at one time: because the Lord God of Israel fought for Israel. 43And Iosuah and all Israel, returned vnto the hoast that was in Gilgal. 11And when Iabin king of Hazor had hearde those thinges, he sent to Iobab king of Madon, and to the king of Sunron, & to the king of Achsaph, 2And vnto the kinges that were by the north in the mountaynes and playnes towarde the southside of Ceneroth, & in the lowe countreys, and in the borders of Dor westwarde, 3And vnto the Chanaanites both by east and west, and vnto the Amorites, Hethites, Pherezites, and Iebusites in the mountaines, and vnto the Heuites that were vnder Hermon in the lande of Mispah: 4And they came out, & all their hoastes with them, a multitude of folke, euen as the sande that is on the sea shore, in a great number, with horses and charettes exceeding many. 5And all these kinges met together, and came & pitched together at the waters of Merom, for to fight against Israel. 6And the Lord sayde vnto Iosuah, Be not afrayde at the presence of them: for to morow about this time will I deliuer them all slayne before Israel: thou shalt hough their horses, and burne their charettes with fire. 7And so Iosuah came, and all the men of warre with him against them by the waters of Merom, and sodenly fell vpon them. 8And the Lorde deliuered them into the hande of Israel, and they smote them, and chased them vnto great Sidon, & vnto Misrephothmaim, & vnto the valley of Mispah whiche is eastward: and smote them, vntill they had none remaining of them. 9And Iosuah dyd vnto them as the Lorde bad him: he houghed their horses, and burnt their charettes with fire. 10And Iosuah at that time turned back, and toke Hazor, & smote the king therof with the sworde: And Hazor before time was the head of all those kingdomes. 11And they smote all the soules that were therin with ye edge of the sworde, vtterly destroying al, and nothing that breathed, was let remaine: And he burnt Hazor with fire. 12And all the cities of those kinges, and all the kinges of them did Iosuah take, and smote them with the edge of the sworde, and vtterly destroyed them, as Moyses the seruaunt of the Lord commaunded. 13But Israel burnt none of the cities that stoode still in their strength, saue Hazor only that Iosuah burnt. 14And all the spoyle of the sayde cities & the cattel, the children of Israel caught vnto them selues: But euery ma they smote with the edge of the sword, vntill they had destroyed them, neither left they ought that had breath. 15As the Lorde commaunded Moyses his seruaunt, so did Moyses comaunde Iosuah, and euen so did Iosuah: so that he minisshed no worde of all that the Lorde commaunded Moyses. 16And so Iosuah toke all that lande of the hilles, and al the south countrey, and all the lande of Gosan, and the lowe countrey, & the playne, and the mountayne of Israel, and the lowe countrey of the same: 17Euen from the mount Halak, that goeth vp to Seir, vnto Baal Gad in the valley of Libanon, vnder mount Hermon: And all the kinges of the same he toke, and smote them, and slewe them. 18Iosuah made warre long time with those kinges: 19Neither was there any citie that made peace with the children of Israel, saue those Hethites that inhabited Gibeon, and therfore all other they toke with battayle: 20For it came of the Lorde, whiche dyd harden their heartes that they should come against Israel in battell, and that they shoulde destroy them vtterly, and shew them no mercy: but to bring them to naught, as the Lorde commaunded Moyses. 21And that same season came Iosuah & destroyed the Anakims out of the moutaynes: as out of Hebron, Dabir, Anab, and out of al the mountaynes of Iuda, and out of all the mountaynes of Israel: And Iosuah destroyed them vtterly, with their cities. 22There was not one Anakim left in the lande of the children of Israel: only in Asah, Gath, and Asdod, there remayned of them. 23And Iosuah toke the whole lande, according to all that the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses, and Iosuah gaue it for a possession vnto Israel according to their partes and tribes: and the lande rested from warre. 12These are the kinges of the lande which the childre of Israel smote, & possessed their lande, on the other side Iordane eastward, from the riuer Arnon, vnto mount Harmon, and all the plaine eastwarde. 2Sehon king of the Amorites, that dwelt in Hesbon, and ruled from Aroer, which is beside the riuer of Arnon, and from the middle of the riuer, and from halfe Gilead vnto the riuer Iabok, which is in the border of the children of Ammon: 3And from the playne vnto the sea of Ceneroth eastward, and vnto the sea of the plaine, euen the salt sea eastward, the way to Beth Iesimoth, and from the south vnder the springes of Pisgah. 4And the coast of Og king of Basan, which was of the remnaunt of the giauntes, and dwelt at Astharoth, and Edrai: 5And raigned in mount Harmon, and in Salcah, and in all Basan, vnto the border of the Gessurites, and the Machathites, and halfe mount Gilead, vnto the borders of Sehon king of Hesbon. 6Moyses the seruaunt of the Lorde, and the children of Israel smote them, and Moyses the seruaunt of the Lord gaue their land for a possession vnto the Rubenites, Gadites, and the halfe tribe of Manasses. 7These are the kinges of the countrey which Iosuah and the children of Israel smote on this side Iordane westwarde, from Baal Gad, whiche is in the valley of Libanon, euen vnto the mount Halak, that goeth vp to Seir: whiche lande Iosuah gaue vnto the tribes of Israel to possesse, to euery man his part, 8In the vpper lande and neather land, in the plaines, and in the hil sides, in the wildernesse & southe countrey the Hethites, the Amorites, ye Chanaanites, the Pherezites, ye Heuites, & the Iebusites. 9The king of Iericho, was one: the king of Ai which is beside Bethel, one: 10The king of Hierusalem, one: the king of Hebron, one: 11The king of Iarmuth, one: the king of Lachis, one: 12The king of Eglon, one: the king of Gazer, one: 13The king of Dabir, one: the king of Gader, one: 14The king of Horma, one: the king of Arad, one: 15The king of Libna, one: the king of Adullam, one: 16The king of Makeda, one: the king of Bethel, one: 17The king of Taphuha, one: the king of Hepher, one: 18The king of Aphek, one: the king of Lasaron, one: 19The king of Madon, one: the king of Hasor one: 20The king of Simron Meron, one: the king of Achsaph, one: 21The king of Thanach, one: the king of Megiddo, one: 22The king of Kedes, one: the king of Iokneam of Carmel, one: 23The king of Dor in the coutrey of Dor, one: the king of the nations of Gilgal, one: 24The king of Thirza, one: al the kinges together thirtie and one. 13Iosuah was olde, and stricken in yeres, and the Lorde sayde vnto him: Thou art olde, and stricken in yeres, and there remaineth yet exceeding muche lande to be possessed. 2This is the lande that yet remaineth: all the regions of the Philistines, and al Gessuri: 3From Nilus which is vpon Egypt, vnto the borders of Accaron northward, which land is counted vnto Chananie, euen fiue lordeshippes of the Philistines, the Azathites, Asdothites, Ascalonites, Gethites, Accaronites, and the Euites. 4And from the south, al the lande of the Chanaanites, and the caue that is beside the Sidonians, euen vnto Aphak & to the borders of the Amorites. 5And the lande of the Giblites, and all Libanon towarde the sunne rising, from the plaine of Gad vnder mount Hermo, vntil a man come to Hamath: 6All the inhabitours of the hil countrey from Libano vnto the Misrephothmaim, and all the Sidonians will I cast out from before the children of Israel: only see that thou in any wise deuide it by lot vnto the Israelites to inherite, as I haue commaunded thee. 7Nowe therfore deuide this lande to inherite vnto the nine tribes, and the halfe tribe of Manasses. 8For with that other, the Rubenites & the Gadites haue receaued their inheritaunce which Moyses gaue them beyonde Iordane eastwarde, euen as Moyses the seruaunt of the Lord gaue them: 9From Aroer that lieth on the brim of the riuer Arnon, and from the citie that is in the middest of the ryuer, & all the plaine of Medeba vnto Dibon: 10And al the cities of Sehon king of the Amorites, which raigned in Hesbon, euen vnto the border of the children of Ammon: 11And Gilead, and the border of Gessuri and Machati, and all mount Hermon, with al Basan vnto Salecha: 12Euen all the kingdome of Og in Basan, which raigned in Astharoth and Edrai: which same remained yet of the rest of the giauntes. These dyd Moyses smite, and cast them out. 13Neuertelesse, the children of Israel expelled not the Gesurites and the Machathites: But the Gesurites and the Machathites dwell among the Israelites euen vntill this day. 14Onely vnto the tribe of Leui he gaue none inheritaunce: but the sacrifices of the Lord God of Israel is their inheritaunce, as he sayde vnto them. 15Moyses gaue vnto the tribe of the children of Ruben inheritaunce, according to their kinredes: 16And their coast was from Aroer that lyeth on the bancke of the riuer Arnon, and from the citie that is in the middest of the riuer, and all the playne which is by Medeba: 17Hesbon, with all their townes that lye in the playne: Dibon and the hill places of Baal, and the house of Baalmeon, 18And Iahazah, and Redemoth, and Mephaath. 19Kiriathaim, Sabamath, and Zarath Zahar, in the mount of the valley, 20The house of Peor, and the springes of the hilles, and Bethpheor, and Ashdoth Pisgah, and Besiesimoth: 21And al the cities of the plaine, and all the kingdome of Sehon king of the Amorites, which raigned in Hesbon, which Moyses smote, with the lordes of Madian, Eui, Bekem, Zur, and Hur, & Keba, the whiche were dukes of Sehon, dwelling in the countrey. 22And Balaam also the sonne of Beor the soothsayer, did the childre of Israel slay with the sworde among other of them that were slayne. 23And the border of the children of Ruben, was Iordane, with the countrey that lieth theron. This was the inheritaunce of the children of Ruben after their kinredes, cities, and villages perteyning therto. 24And Moyses gaue inheritaunce vnto the tribe of Gad, euen vnto the children of Gad he gaue by their kinredes: 25And their coastes were Iazer, and al the cities of Gilead, and halfe the lande of the children of Ammon vnto Aroer that lieth before Rabba. 26And from Hesbon vnto Ramath, Mispeh, and Betonim: and from Mahanaim vnto the borders of Dabir. 27And in the valley they had Betharam, Bethnimra, Socoth, and Zaphon, the rest of the kyngdome of Sehon king of Hesbon, vnto Iordane and the coastes that lie theron, euen vnto the edge of the sea of Cenereth, on the other side Iordane eastwarde. 28This is the inheritaunce of the children of Gad, after their kinredes, their cities, and villages. 29And Moyses gaue inheritaunce vnto the halfe tribe of Manasses: And this was the possession of the halfe tribe of Manasses by their kinredes. 30Their coast was from Mahanaim, euen all Basan, and all the kingdome of Og king of Basan, and all the townes of Iair which lie in Basan, euen threescore cities. 31And halfe Gilead, Astaroth, & Edrai, cities of the kingdome of Og in Basan, which pertayne vnto the children of Machir the sonne of Manasses, euen to the one halfe of the children of Machir by their kinredes. 32These are the heritages which Moyses did distribute in the fieldes of Moab on the other side Iordane, ouer agaynst Iericho eastwarde. 33But vnto the tribe of Leui, Moyses gaue none inheritaunce: for the Lorde God of Israel is their inheritaunce, as he sayde vnto them. 14And these are the countreis which the childre of Israel inherited in the lande of Chanaan, which Eleazer the priest, and Iosuah the sonne of Nun, and the auncient heades of the tribes of the children of Israel distributed to them: 2By lot they receaued their possessions, as the Lord commaunded by the hand of Moyses, to geue vnto the nine tribes, and vnto the halfe tribe. 3For Moyses had geue inheritaunce vnto two tribes & an halfe, on the other syde Iordane: But vnto the Leuites he gaue none inheritaunce among the. 4For the children of Ioseph were two tribes, Manasses and Ephraim: And therfore they gaue no parte vnto the Leuites in the land, saue cities to dwell in, with the suburbes of the same, for their beastes and cattel. 5As the Lord commaunded Moyses: euen so the children of Israel dyd, when they deuided the lande. 6And the children of Iuda came vnto Iosuah in Gilgal: And Caleb the sonne of Iephune the Kenesite sayde vnto him: Thou wottest what ye Lorde sayd vnto Moyses the man of God about me and thee in Cades Barnea. 7Fourtie yeres olde was I whe Moyses the seruaunt of the Lorde sent me from Cades Barnea to espie out the land: and I brought him worde againe euen as it was in myne hearte. 8Neuerthelesse, my brethre that went vp with me, discouraged the hearte of the people: And I folowed the Lorde my God. 9And Moyses sware the same day, saying: The lande wheron thy feete haue troden, shalbe thyne inheritaunce and thy childrens for euer, because thou hast folowed the Lorde my God. 10And behold, the Lorde hath kept me aliue as he sayde this fourtie and fyue yeres, euen sence the Lorde spake this worde vnto Moyses, whyle the children of Israel wandred in the wildernesse: And nowe lo, I am this day fourscore and fyue yeres olde: 11And yet am as strong at this time, as I was when Moyses sent me: Loke howe strong I was then, so strong am I nowe, eyther for warre, or for gouernment. 12Nowe therfore geue me this mountaine wherof the lorde spake in that day (for thou heardest in that day, howe the Anakims were there, and the cities great and walled,) If the Lorde will be with me, and I shalbe able to dryue them out, as the Lorde sayde. 13And Iosuah blessed him, and gaue vnto Caleb the sonne of Iephune, Hebron to inherite. 14And Hebron therfore became the inheritaunce of Caleb ye sonne of Iephune the Kenesite, vnto this day: because he folowed constantly the Lorde God of Israel. 15And the name of Hebron was called in old time, Kiriath Arba, which Irba was a great man among the Enekims: And the lande ceassed from warre. 15This was the lot of the tribe of the children of Iuda by their kinreds, euen to the border of Edom in the wildernesse of Zin southwarde, euen from the vtmost parte of the south coast. 2And their south coast was from the brinke of the salt sea, from a rocke that leaneth southwarde. 3And it went out to the southside towarde ye goyng vp to Maale Acrabim, & went along to Zin, and ascended vp on the southside vnto Cades Barnea: and went along to Hezron, and went vp to Adar, and fet a compasse to Karcaa. 4From thence went it along to Azmon, and reached vnto the riuer of Egypt, & the ende of that coast was on the westside: This is their south coast. 5Their east coast is the salt sea, euen vnto ye ende of Iordane: And their border in the north quarter, was from the rocke of the sea and from the ende of Iordane. 6And the same border went vp to Bethhagla, and went along by the northside of Betharabah, and vp from thence to the stone of Bohen ye sonne of Ruben. 7And againe, the same border went vp to Debir from the valley of Achor, and so northwarde, turning towarde Gilgal, that lieth before the goyng vp to Adommim, which is of the south side of the riuer: And the same border went vp to the waters of the fountayne of the sunne, and ended at the well of Rogel. 8And then went vp to the valley of the sonne of Hennom, euen vnto the south syde of Iebusi, the same is Hierusalem: And then went vp to the toppe of the hyll that lyeth before the valley of Hennom westwarde, and by the end of the valley of the giauntes northwarde. 9And then it compasseth from the top of the hill vnto the fountaine of the water of Nephthoah, and goeth out of the cities of mount Ephron, and draweth to Baala, which is Kiriathiarim. 10And then it compasseth from Baala westward vnto mount Seir, and then goeth along vnto the side of mount Iarim, which is Chesalon on the northside, and commeth downe to Bethsames, and goeth to Thimnah. 11And goeth out againe vnto the syde of Akaron northward: And then draweth to Secron, and goeth along to mount Baala, and stretcheth vnto Iabneel: and the endes of the coastes leaue at the west sea. 12And the west border was the great sea, and the same coast was the coast of the children of Iuda round about, in their kinredes. 13And vnto Caleb the sonne of Iephune did Iosuah geue a parte among the childre of Iuda, according to the mouth of the Lorde, euen Kiriatharba of the father of Enac, whiche citie is Ebron. 14And Caleb droue thence the three sonnes of Enac, Sesai, and Ahiman, and Thalmai, which were the sonnes of Enac. 15And he went vp thence, to the inhabitours of Dabir: and the name of Dabir in the old time was Kiriath Sephar. 16And Caleb sayde: He that smyteth Kiriath Sephar, & taketh it, to him wil I geue Achsah my daughter to wyfe. 17And Othniel, the sonne of Kenez, the brother of Caleb toke it: And he gaue him Acsah his daughter to wife. 18And as she went in vnto him, she moued him to aske of her father a fielde: And she alighted of her asse. And Caleb sayde vnto her what ayleth thee. 19Who aunswered: Geue me a blessing, for thou hast geuen me a south lande, geue me also springes of water. And he gaue her springes of water, both aboue and beneath. 20This is the inheritaunce of the tribe of the children of Iuda by their kinredes. 21And the vtmost cities of the tribe of the children of Iuda, towarde ye coastes of Edom southwarde, were Kabzeel, Eder, and Iagur, 22Kinah, Dimonah, and Adadah, 23Kedes, Hazor, and Iethnan, 24Ziph, Telem, and Baloth, 25Hazor, Hadathah, Karioth, Hesron, which is Hazor, 26Amam, Shema, and Moladah, 27Hazar, Gadah, Hasmon, and Bethpheleth, 28Hazarsual, Beersabe, and Baziothia, 29Baala, Iim, and Azem, 30Eltholad, Cecil, and Horma, 31Zikelag, Medemenah, and Sensenna, 32Labaoth, Selhim, Ain, and Rimon: all the cities are twentie and nine, with their villages. 33And in the lowe countrey they had Esthaol, Zareah, and Asenah, 34Zanoah, Engannim, Thaphuah, and Enam: 35Iarmuth, Adulam, Socoh, and Azekah, 36Saarem, Adithaim, Gederah, & Gederothaim: fourteene citie with their villages. 37Zenan, Hadazah, and Magdalgad, 38Delean, Mispeh, and Iektheel, 39Lachis, Bazcath, and Eglon, 40Chabbon, Lehamam, and Cethlis, 41Gederoth, Bethdagon, Naamah, & Makedah: sixteene cities with their villages. 42Lebnah, Ether, and Asan, 43Iephthah, Asnah, and Nezib, 44Keilah, Achzib, and Maresah: nine cities, with their villages. 45Akron with her townes and villages. 46From Akron euen vnto the sea, all that lieth about Asdod, with their villages. 47Asdod with her townes and villages, Azah with her townes & villages, vnto the riuer of Egypt, and the great sea was their coast. 48And in the mountaines, they had Samir, Iathir, and Socoh. 49Danah, and Kariah Sennah, which is Dabir, 50Anab, Esthemoh, and Anim, 51Gosen, Holon, and Giloh, a leuen cities with their villages. 52Arab, Dumah, and Esean, 53Ianum, Beththaphuah, & Aphecah: 54Humtah, & Kiriatharbe (which is Hebron) & Sior, nine cities with their villages. 55Maon, Carmel, Ziph, and Iutah, 56Iesrael, Iukadan, and Zanoah 57Cain, Gabaah, and Thanmah: ten cities with their villages. 58Halhul, Bethzur, and Gedor, 59Maarath, Bethanoth, and Elthecon: sixe cities with their villages 60Kariah Baal, whiche is Kariath Iarim, and Rabba: two cities with their villages. 61In the wildernesse they had Betharabah, Meddin, and Sacacah, 62Nebsan, & the citie of Salte, & Engaddi: syxe cities with their villages. 63Neuerthelesse, ye Iebusites that wer the inhabitaunts of Hierusale, could not the children of Iuda cast out: But the Iebusites dwell with the children of Iuda at Hierusalem vnto this daye. 16And the lot of the children of Ioseph fell fro Iordane by Iericho, vnto the water of Iericho eastwarde, & to the wildernesse that goeth vp fro Iericho throughout mount Bethel. 2And goeth out fro Bethel to Luz, and runneth along vnto the borders of Archiataroth: 3And goeth downe againe westward euen to the coast of Iaphleti, and vnto the coast of Bethhoron the neather, & to Gazer, and the endes of their coastes leaue at the west sea. 4And so the children of Ioseph, Manasses, & Ephraim, toke their inheritaunce. 5And the border of the children of Ephraim was by their kynreds. Their border on the east side was, Ataroth Adar, euen vnto Bethhoron the vpper. 6And went out westwarde to Machmethath on the northside, and returneth eastward vnto Thaanath Silo, & past it on the eastside vnto Ionoah. 7And went downe from Ionoah to Atharoth and Naarath, and came to Iericho, and went out at Iordane. 8And their border went from Thaphuah westward vnto the riuer Kanah, and the endes were the west sea. This is the inheritaunce of the tribe of the children of Ephraim by their kynredes. 9And the seperate cities for the childre of Ephraim, were among ye inheritauce of the children of Manasses, euen the cities with their villages. 10And they draue not out the Chanaanites that dwelt in Gazer: but the Chanaanites dwelt among the Ephraites vnto this day, and serue vnder tribute. 17This was the lot of the tribe of Manasses, which was the eldest son of Ioseph, to witte of Machir the eldest sonne of Manasses, which was the father of Gilead: now because he was a man of warre, he had Gilead and Basan. 2This is the possession of the rest of the children of Manasses by their kinreds: Namely of the children of Abiezer, the children of Helek, the children of Ariel, the children of Sichem, the children of Hepher, the children of Semida: for these were the male children of Manasses, the sonne of Ioseph by their kinredes. 3But Selaphead the sonne of Hepher, the sonne of Giliad, ye sonne of Machir, the sonne of Manasses, had no sonnes: but daughters, whose names are these, Mahaia, Noa, Hagla, Melcha, and Thirsa. 4Which came before Eleasar the priest, and before Iosuah the sonne of Nun, & before the Lordes, saying: The Lord commaunded Moyses to geue vs an enheritaunce among our brethren. 5And therfore according to the commaundement of the Lorde, he gaue them an enheritaunce among the brethren of their father. And there fel ten portions to Manasses, beside the lande of Gilead and Basan, whiche were on the other side Iordane. 6Because the daughters of Manasses dyd enherite among his sonnes: And Manasses other sonnes had the lande of Gilead. 7And the coaste of Manasses was from Aser to Machmathath that lieth before Sichem, and went along on the right hande, euen vnto the inhabitantes of Entaphuah, 8And the lande of Thaphuah belonged to Manasses: which Thaphuah is beside the border of Manasses, beside the border of the children of Ephraim. 9And the coaste descended vnto the riuer Canah southwarde, euen to the riuer: These cities of Ephraim, are among ye cities of Manasses. The coaste of Manasses went also on the northside to the riuer, and the endes of it go out at the sea: 10So that ye south partained to Ephraim, & the north to Manasses, & the sea is his border: And they met together in Aser northwarde, & in Isachar eastwarde. 11And Manasses had in Isachar and in Aser, Bethsean & her townes, Iiblean and her townes, and the inhabitours of Dor, with the townes pertaining to the same, and the inhabitours of Endor with the townes of the same, and the inhabitours of Thaanach with her townes, and the inhabitours of Magedo with the townes of the same, euen three countreys. 12Yet the children of Manasses coulde not ouercome those cities: but the Chanaanites presumed to dwell in the same lande. 13Neuerthelesse, assoone as the children of Israel were waxed strong, they put the Chanaanites vnder tribute, but expelled them not. 14And the children of Ioseph spake vnto Iosuah, saying: Why hast thou geue me but one lotte and one portion to inherite, seyng I am a great people, and forasmuche as the Lorde hath blessed me hytherto? 15And Iosuah auswered them: If thou be much people, then get thee vp to the wood countrey and prepare for thy selfe there in the lande of the Pherezites and of the Giauntes, yf mount Ephraim be to narowe for thee. 16And the children of Ioseph sayd, The hill is not ynough for vs: And all ye Chanaanites that dwel in the lowe countrey haue charettes of iron, and so haue they that inhabite Bethlean & the townes of the same, and they also that dwell in the valley of Iezreel. 17And Iasuah sayde vnto the house of Ioseph, Ephraim, & Manasses: Ye be much people, and haue great power, and shall not therfore haue one lotte. 18Therfore the hyll shalbe yours, and ye shall cut downe the wood that is in it: and the endes of it shalbe yours, yf ye cast out the Chananaites which haue iron charettes, and are very strong. 18And the whole congregation of the children of Israel came together at Silo, and set vp the tabernacle of the congregation there, after the land was in subiection before them. 2And there remained among the children of Israel seuen tribes, which had not yet receaued their enheritaunce. 3And Iosuah sayde vnto the children of Israel: Howe long are ye so slacke to come and possesse the lande whiche the Lord God of your fathers hath geuen you? 4Geue out from among you for euery tribe three men, that I may sende them: and that they may ryse, and walke through the lande, and distribute it accordyng to the inheritaunce therof, & come againe to me. 5And let them deuide it vnto them into seuen partes: And (Iuda shall abide in their coast on the south, and the house of Ioseph shall stande in their coastes on the north.) 6Describe ye the lande therfore into seuen partes, and bryng the description hyther to me: and I shall cast lottes for you here before the Lord our God. 7But the Leuites haue no part among you, for the priesthood of the Lorde is their inheritaunce: And Gad, and Ruben, and halfe the tribe of Manasses, haue receaued their inheritaunce beyond Iordan eastward, which Moyses the seruaunt of the Lord gaue them. 8And the men arose, and went their waye: And Iosuah charged them that went to describe the lande, saying: Depart, and go through the lande, and describe it, and come againe to me, that I may here cast lottes for you before the Lorde in Silo. 9And the men departed, and walked through the lande, and described it by cities into seuen partes in a booke, and returned to Iosuah into ye hoast at Silo. 10And Iosuah cast lottes for them in Silo before the Lorde: & there Iosuah diuided the lande vnto the children of Israel, to eche their portion. 11And the lot of the tribe of the children of Beniamin came vp according to their kinredes: And the coast of their lot came betweene the children of Iuda, and the children of Ioseph. 12And their north coast was from Iordane, & went vp to the side of Iericho on the north side, and went vp through the mountaines westwarde, and they ended at the wildernesse of Bethauen. 13And went from thence toward Luz, euen to the south side of Luz (the same is Bethel) & descended againe to Ataroth Adar, vnto the hyll that lyeth on the south side of ye neather Bethhoron. 14And the coast turneth thence, & compasseth the corner of the sea southward, euen from the hyll that lyeth before Bethhoron southward, and goeth out at Kiriathbaal (which is Kiriath Iarim) a citie of the childre of Iuda: This is the west quarter. 15And the south coast goeth from the ende of Kiriathiarim, and goeth out westwarde, and thence it turneth to the well of waters of Nephthoah, 16And commeth downe againe to the end of the hyll that lyeth before the valley of the sonne of Hennom, euen in the valley of the giauntes northwarde, and descendeth into the valley of Hennom beside Iebusi southward, & goeth downe to the well of Rogel, 17And compasseth from the north, and goeth foorth to En shemesh, and departeth from thence to the places of Geliloth, whiche are towarde the going vp vnto Adommim: and goeth downe to the stone of Bohan the sonne of Ruben. 18And then goeth along toward the side of the plaine northward, and goeth downe into the fieldes. 19And goeth along to the syde of Bethhagla northwarde, and endureth the poynt of the salt sea north therefrom, euen at the south ende of Iordane: This is the south coast. 20And Iordane kepeth in this coast on the east syde: And this is the inheritaunce of the chyldren of Beniamin by their coastes rounde about, throughout their kinredes. 21These were the cities of the tribes of the chyldren of Beniamin throughout their kinredes: Iericho, Bethhagla, and the plaine of Casis. 22Betharabah, Samaraim, and Bethel. 23Auim, Parah, and Ophrah, 24Haamonai, Ophni, & Gaba, twelue cities with their villages. 25Gabaon, Ramah, Beeroth, 26Mispeh, Chephirah, and Mosah, 27Recem, Iarephel, and Tharela, 28Sela, Eleph, and Iebusi (which is Hierusalem) Gibath, and Ciriath, fourteene cities with their villages. This is the inheritaunce of the chyldren of Beniamin throughout their kinredes. 19And the secod lot came out to Simeon, euen for the tribe of the children of Simeon by their kinreds: And their inheritauce was in the middes of the inheritaunce of the children of Iuda. 2And they had in their inheritaunce, Beersabe, Sabe, and Moladah, 3Hazorsual, Balah, and Azem, 4Eltholad, Bethul, and Hormah, 5Zikelag, Bethmarcaboth, and Hazetsusah, 6Bethlebaoth, & Saruhen, thirteene cities with their villages. 7Ain, Remmon, Ether, & Asan, foure cities with their villages. 8And therto all the villages that were rounde about these cities, euen to Balasah Beer, and Ramath southward. This is the inheritaunce of the tribe of the children of Simeon throughout their kinredes. 9Out of the lot of the children of Iuda, came the inheritaunce of the children of Simeon: For the part of the children of Iuda was to much for them, and therfore the children of Simeon had their inheritaunce in the inheritaunce of them. 10And the third lot arose for the childre of Zabulon throughout their kynreds: And the coastes of their inheritaunce came to Sarid. 11And went vp westward euen to Maralah, and reached to Dabbaseth, & came thence to the riuer that lyeth before Iokneam. 12And turned from Sarid eastward toward the sunne risyng vnto the border of Chisloth Thabor, & then goeth out to Dabereth, and goeth vp to Iaphia. 13And from thence goeth along eastward to Gethah Hepher, to Itthah Kazin, and goeth to Remmon, and turneth to Neah: 14And compasseth it on the north side to Hannathon, and endeth in the valey of Iephthahel, 15And Katath, Nahalol, Simeon, Iedalah, and Bethlehem: twelue cities with their villages. 16This is the inheritaunce of the children of Zabulon throughout their kynredes, and these are the cities with their villages. 17And the fourth lot came out to Isachar, euen for the children of Isachar by their kinreds. 18And their coast was Iesraelah, Casuloth, aud Sunem, 19Hapharaim, Sion, and Anaharath, 20Harabith, Kision, and Abez, 21Rameth, Enganim, Enhadah, and Bethphazez. 22And his coast reacheth to Thabor, & Sahazimah, and Bethsames: and endeth at Iordane, syxteene cities with their villages. 23This is the inheritaunce of the tribe of the children of Isachar by their kinreds: and these are the cities with their villages. 24And ye fyfth lot came out for the tribe of the children of Aser by their kinreds. 25And their coast was, Helkath, Hali, Beten, and Achsap, 26Alamelech, Amaad, and Miseal: and came to Carmel westwarde, and to Sihor Libanath. 27And turneth toward the sunne rising to Bethdagon, and commeth to Zabulon, and to the valley of Iephthahel, towarde the north side of Bethemek & Neiel, and goeth out on the lefte side of Cabul, 28And to Hebron, Rohob, Hammon, and Kanah, euen vnto great Sidon. 29And then the coast turneth to Ramah & to the strong citie of Zor, and turneth to Hozah, & endeth at the sea, by the possession of Achzibah, 30Amah also, and Aphek, and Rohob: twentie and two cities with their villages. 31This is the inheritaunce of the children of Aser by their kinreds: these are the cities with their villages. 32And the syxth lot came out to the children of Nephthali euen to the childre of Nephthali by their kinredes. 33And their coast was from Heleph, and from Elon to Zacnanim, Adami Nekeb, and Iabneel, euen to Lakum, and doth go out at Iordane. 34And then the coast turneth westward to Asanoth Thabor, & then goeth out from thence to Hukokah, and reacheth to Zabulon on the south side, and goeth to Aser on the west side, and to Iuda vpon Iordane toward the sunne risyng. 35And their strong cities are Ziddim, Zer, Hamath, Raccath, & Cenereth, 36Adamah, Ramah, and Hazor, 37Kedes, Edrai, and Enhazor, 38Ieron, Magdalel, Horem, Bethanah and Bethsames, ninteene cities with their villages. 39This is the inheritaunce of the tribe of the children of Nephthali by their kynredes: these also are the cities and their villages. 40And the seuenth lot came out for the tribe of the children of Dan by their kinredes. 41And the coast of their inheritaunce was, Zaraah, Esthaol, Irsemes, 42Saelabin, Aialon, Iethlah, 43Elon, and Themnathah, and Akron, 44Elthekeh, Gibbethon, and Baalath, 45Iehud, Banebarac, & Gathrimon, 46Meiercon, and Arecon, with the border that lyeth before Iapho. 47And the coastes of the childre of Dan went out from them: And the children of Dan went vp to fyght against Lesem, and toke it, and smote it with ye edge of the sworde, & conquered it, and dwelt therin, and called it Dan, after the name of Dan their father. 48This is the inheritaunce of the tribe of the childre of Dan in theyr kinredes: these also are the cities, with their villages. 49When they had made an ende of deuiding the lande by her coastes, the children of Israel gaue an inheritaunce to Iosuah the sonne of Nun among the: 50According to the worde of the Lorde they gaue hym the citie whiche he asked, euen Thimnath Serah in mount Ephraim: and he buylt the citie, & dwelt therin. 51These are the inheritaunces whiche Eleazar the priest, & Iosuah the sonne of Nun, and the auncient fathers of the tribes of the children of Israel deuided by lot in Silo before the Lorde at the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation: and so they made an ende of deuidyng the countrey. 20The Lorde also spake vnto Iosuah, saying: 2Speake to the children of Israel, and saye: Appoint out fro amog you cities of refuge, wherof I spake vnto you by the hande of Moyses: 3That the slear that kylleth any person vnwares and vnwyttyngly, may flee thyther: And those cities shall be your refuge from the auenger of blood. 4And he that doth flee vnto one of those cities, shall stande at the entryng of the gate of the citie, & shall shewe his cause in the eares of the elders of the citie: And they shall take him into the citie vnto them, and geue hym a place, that he may dwell among them. 5And if the auenger of blood folow after him, they shall not deliuer the slear into his hand: because he smote his friend ignorauntly, and hated him not before tyme. 6And he shall dwell in the sayd citie vntyl he stande before the congregation in iudgement, or vntyll the death of the hye priest that shall be in those dayes: for then shall the slear returne, and come vnto his owne citie, and vnto his owne house, and vnto the citie from whence he fled. 7And they sanctified Kedes in Galilee in mount Nephthali, & Siche in mount Ephraim, and Kiriatharba (which is Hebron) in the mountayne of Iuda. 8And on the other syde Iordane ouer against Iericho eastward, they appoynted Bezer in the wildernesse vpon the playne, out of the tribe of Ruben, and Ramoth in Gilead out of the tribe of Gad, and Golan in Basan out of the tribe of Manasses. 9These were the cities appointed for all the children of Israel, & for the straunger that soiourned among them, that whosoeuer kylled any person ignorautly, the same might flee thyther, & should not dye by the hand of the auenger of blood, vntil he stoode before the congregation. 21And then came the principall fathers of ye Leuites vnto Eleazar the priest, and vnto Iosuah the sonne of Nun, & vnto the auncient fathers that were ouer ye tribes of the children of Israel. 2And spake vnto the at Silo in the lande of Chanaan, saying: The Lorde commaunded by Moyses to geue vs cities to dwell in, with the suburbes thereof for our catell. 3And the children of Israel gaue vnto the Leuites, out of their inheritaunce at the biddyng of the Lorde, these cities folowing with their suburbes. 4And the lot came out for the kynred of the Caathites: the children of Aaron the priest, which were of the Leuites, had geuen them by lot out of the tribe of Iuda, out of the tribe of Simeon, and out of the tribe of Beniamin, thirteene cities. 5And the rest of the children of Caath had by lot, out of the kynredes of the tribe of Ephraim, out of ye tribe of Dan, and out of the halfe tribe of Manasses, ten cities. 6And the children of Gerson had by lot out of the kynredes of the tribe of Isachar, and out of the tribe of Aser, & out of the tribe of Nephthali, and out of the other halfe tribe of Manasses in Basan, thirteene cities. 7And the childre of Merari by their kinredes, had out of the tribe of Ruben, & out of the tribe of Gad, and out of the tribe of Zabulon, twelue cities. 8And the children of Israel gaue by lot vnto the Leuites these cities with their suburbes, as the Lord commaunded by the hand of Moyses. 9And they gaue out of the tribe of the children of Iuda, and out of the tribe of the children of Simeon, these cities by name. 10Which the children of Aaron being of the kynredes of the Caathites, and of the childre of Leui, obtained: (for theirs was the first lotte.) 11And they gaue them Kiriath Arba of the father of Enac (which is Hebron) in the hyll countrey of Iuda, with the suburbes of the same rounde about it. 12But the lande that pertayned to the citie and the villages therof, gaue they to Caleb the sonne of Iephune, to be his possession. 13And thus they gaue to the childre of Aaron the priest, a citie to the which the slayer myght flee, euen Hebron with her suburbes, and Libna with her suburbes, 14And Iathir with her suburbes, and Estemoa with he suburbes: 15Holon with her suburbes, Dabir with her suburbes: 16Ain with her suburbes, Iuttah with her suburbes, Bethsames with her suburbes: nine cities out of those two tribes. 17And out of the tribe of Beniamin, they gaue Gibeon with her suburbes, Gabae with her suburbes, 18Anatoth with her suburbes, Almon with her suburbes, foure cities. 19All these cities of the children of Aaron priestes, were thirteene cities with their suburbes. 20And the kynredes of the children of Caath that were Leuites, that is to say, the other children of Caath, had cities geuen them for their lot out of the tribe of Ephraim. 21For they gaue them the citie that the slear might flee vnto, Sichem with her suburbes in mount Ephraim, and Gazer with her suburbes. 22And Cibzaim with her suburbes, and Bethhoron with her suburbes, foure cities. 23And out of ye tribe of Dan, Elthec with her suburbes, Gabethon with her suburbes. 24And Aialo with her suburbes, Gathremon with her suburbes, foure cities. 25And out of the halfe tribe of Manasses, Thanach with her suburbes, & Gathremon with her suburbes, two cities. 26All the cities for the other kynredes of the children of Caath, were ten, with their suburbes. 27And vnto the childre of Gerson, which were of the kynredes of the Leuites, they gaue out of the other halfe tribe of Manasses, the citie of refuge for ye slear, Golan in Basan with her suburbes, & Beestherah with her suburbes, two cities. 28And out of the tribe of Isachar, Kision with her suburbes, and Dabereh with her suburbes: 29And Iarmuth with her suburbes, Enganim with her suburbes, foure cities. 30And out of the tribe of Aser, Misal with her suburbes, Abdo with her suburbes. 31Helcath with her suburbes, and Rohob with her suburbes, foure cities. 32And out of the tribe of Nephthali the citie for the slear to flee vnto, Kedes in Galilee with her suburbes, Hamothdor with her suburbes, and Carthan with her suburbes, three cities. 33All the cities of ye Gersonites throughout their kynredes, were thirteene cities with their suburbes, 34And vnto the other kynredes of the children of Merari, the rest of the Leuites, they gaue out of the tribe of Zabulon, Iecnam with her suburbes, and Cartha with her suburbes. 35Dimnah with her suburbes, and Nahalal with her suburbes, foure cities. 36And out of the tribe of Rube, Bezer with her suburbes, and Iahasa with her suburbes, 37Kedmoth with her suburbes, and Mephaath with her suburbes, foure cities. 38And out of the tribe of Gad, they gaue the citie for the slear to flee vnto, Ramoth in Gilead with her suburbes, and Mahanaim with her suburbes, 39Hesbon with suburbes, and Iaser with her suburbes, foure cities in all. 40So that all the cities of the children of Merari throughout their kinredes which were the rest of the kynredes of the Leuites, were by their lot twelue cities. 41And all the cities that the Leuites had, among the possession of the children of Israel, were 48 with their suburbes. 42And these cities lay euery one seuerally, hauing their suburbes rounde about them throughout al the said cities. 43And the Lorde gaue vnto Israel all the lande which he sware to geue vnto their fathers: And they conquered it, & dwelt therin. 44And the Lord gaue them rest rounde about, according to all that he sware vnto their fathers: and there stoode not a man of all their enemies before them: The Lorde also deliuered all their enemies into their handes. 45There scaped nothing of al the good thinges which the Lord had sayd vnto ye house of Israel, but all came to passe. 22Then Iosuah called the Rubenites, the Gadites, & the halfe tribe of Manasses, 2And sayd vnto them: Ye haue kept all that Moyses the seruaut of the Lord comaunded you, and haue obeyed my voyce in all that I comaunded you. 3Ye haue not lefte your brethren of a long season vnto this day, but haue kept the commaundement of the Lorde your God. 4And now that the Lorde hath geuen rest vnto your brethren as he promised them: therfore returne ye, and go vnto your tentes, and vnto the lande of your possession, which Moyses the seruaunt of the Lord gaue you on the other side Iordane. 5But in any wyse take diligent heede, to do ye commaundement & lawe which Moyses the seruaunt of the Lord charged you: that ye loue the Lorde your God, and walke in all his wayes, and kepe his commaundements, and cleaue vnto him, and serue him with all your heartes, and all your soules. 6And so Iosuah blessed them, & sent them away: And they went vnto their tentes. 7Unto the one halfe of the tribe of Manasses Moyses gaue possession in Basan: & vnto the other halfe thereof gaue Iosuah, among their brethren on this syde Iordane westwarde. And Iosuah sent them away also vnto their tentes, and blessed them, 8And sayde vnto them: Returne with much riches vnto your tentes, and with a great multitude of cattell, with syluer and golde, with brasse, and iron, and with much rayment, and deuide the spoyle of your enemies with your brethren. 9And the children of Ruben, the childre of Gad, & the halfe tribe of Manasses returned, and departed from the children of Israel out of Silo, which is in the lande of Chanaan, to go vnto the countrey of Gilead, to the lande of their possession, which they had obtayned, according to the word of the Lorde by the hand of Moyses. 10And when they came vnto the borders of Iordane that are in the land of Chanaan, there the children of Ruben, the children of Gad, and the halfe tribe of Manasses buylt there an aulter by Iordane, & that a great aulter to see to. 11When the children of Israel hearde saye, beholde the children of Ruben, the children of Gad, and the halfe tribe of Manasses, haue buylt an aulter in ye forefront of the lande of Chanaan in the borders of Iordane, at the passage of the children of Israel: 12When the children of Israel hearde of it, the whole congregation of the children of Israel gathered them together at Silo, to make battell against them. 13And the children of Israel sent vnto the children of Ruben, and to the children of Gad, and to the halfe tribe of Manasses into the lade of Gilead, Phinehes the sonne of Eleazar the priest, 14And with him ten lordes, of euery cheefe house a lorde, throughout all the tribes of Israel, which were heades of their fathers housholdes among the thousandes of Israel. 15And they went vnto the children of Ruben, and to the children of Gad, and to the children of the halfe tribe of Manasses, vnto the lande of Gilead, and they spake with them, saying: 16Thus say the whole congregation of the Lorde: what transgression is this, that ye haue transgressed agaynst the God of Israel, to turne away this day from the Lord, in that ye haue buylded you an aulter for to rebell this day against the Lord? 17Is the wicked deede of Peor to litle for vs, wherof we are not yet cleansed vnto this day, and there was a plague in the congregation of the Lorde? 18Ye also are turned away this day from the Lorde: And seyng ye rebell to daye against the Lorde, it wyll come to passe that to morowe he shalbe wroth with all the congregation of Israel. 19Notwithstandyng, yf ye thynke that the lande of your possession is vncleane, then come ouer vnto the lande of the possession of the Lorde, wherein the Lordes tabernacle dwelleth, and take possession among vs: But rebell not against the Lorde, nor rebell against vs, to buylde you any other aulter, saue the aulter of the Lorde our God. 20Dyd not Achan the sonne of Zareth trespasse greeuouslie in the accursed thyng, and wrath fell on all the congregation of Israel? and this man alone perished not in his wickednes. 21Then the chyldren of Ruben, and the chyldren of Gad, and the halfe tribe of Manasses aunswered, and sayde vnto the heades ouer the thousandes of Israel: 22The Lorde God of gods, the Lorde God of gods knoweth, and also Israel shall knowe, yf it be to rebell or to transgresse against the Lorde, then thou Lorde saue vs not this day. 23Or els yf we haue buylt vs an aulter to turne from folowyng the Lorde, or to offer theron burnt offeryng or meate offeryng, or to offer peace offerynges theron, let ye Lord him selfe require it. 24And yf we haue not rather done it for feare of this thyng, saying, In tyme to come your chyldren myght say vnto ours: What haue you to do with the Lorde God of Israel? 25The Lorde hath made Iordane a border betweene vs and you ye children of Ruben and of Gad, ye haue no part therfore in the Lorde: and so shall your children make our children ceasse from fearyng the Lorde. 26Therfore we saide, We wyll make vs an aulter, not for burnt offering, nor for sacrifice: 27But for a witnesse betweene vs and you, and our generations after vs, that we should serue the Lorde with our offerynges, sacrifices, & peace offerynges before him: & that your children shoulde not say to ours in tyme to come, Ye haue no part in the Lorde. 28Therfore sayde we, that yf they should so say to vs or to our generations in tyme to come: that we wolde say again, Behold the fassion of the aulter of the Lord which our fathers made, neither for burnt offringes nor sacrifices, but for a witnesse betweene vs and you. 29God forbyd that we should rebell agaynst the Lord, & turne this day from after hym, and buylde any other aulter for burnt offringes, oblations, or sacrifices, saue the aulter of the Lorde our God that is before his tabernacle. 30And when Phinehes the priest, and the lordes of the congregation, & heades ouer the thousandes of Israel which were with him, hearde these wordes that the children of Ruben, and the children of Gad, and the children of Manasses spake, they were well content. 31And Phinehes the sonne of Eleazar the priest sayd vnto the children of Ruben, and to the children of Gad, and to the children of Manasses: This day we perceaue that the Lord is among vs, because ye haue not done this trespasse agaynst the Lorde: Now ye haue rydde the children of Israel out of the hand of the Lorde. 32And Phinehes the sonne of Eleazar the priest, with the lordes, returned from the children of Ruben, and from the children of Gad, out of the lande of Gilead, vnto the lande of Chanaan, to the children of Israel, & brought them this worde agayne. 33And the saying pleased the children of Israel, and they blessed God, and dyd not entende to go agaynst the in battell, and to destroy the lande which the children of Ruben and Gad dwelt in. 34And the children of Ruben, and the children of Gad, called the aulter Ed for it shalbe a witnes betweene vs, that the Lorde is God. 23And it came to passe, along season after that the Lorde had geuen rest vnto Israel from al their enemies round about, that Iosuah waxed olde, and was stricken in age. 2And Iosuah called for all Israel, and for their elders, their heades, their iudges, and officers, and sayd vnto them: I am olde and stricken in age, 3And ye haue seene all that the Lorde your God hath done vnto all these nations before you, how the Lorde your God himself hath fought for you. 4Beholde, I haue deuided vnto you by lot these nations that remayne, to be an inheritaunce for your tribes, euen from Iordane, with all the nations that I haue destroyed, euen vnto the great sea westward. 5And the Lorde your God shall expel them before you, & cast them from out of your sight, and ye shall conquer their lande, as the Lord your God hath sayd vnto you. 6Go to therfore, and be of a good courage, that ye take heede and do all that is written in the booke of the lawe of Moyses, that ye bowe not aside therefrom to the right hande or to the left. 7Neither company with these nations that is with them that are left with you, neither make mention of the name of ther gods, nor cause to sweare by them, neither serue them, nor bowe your selues vnto them. 8But sticke fast vnto the Lorde your God, as ye haue done vnto this day. 9So shall the Lord cast out before you great nations and mightie, as no man hath ben able to stande before you hytherto. 10One man of you shall chase a thousand: for the Lorde your God he fighteth for you, as he hath promised you. 11Take good heede therfore vnto your selues, that ye loue the Lord your God. 12Els, if ye go backe and cleaue vnto the rest of these nations that remaine with you, & shall make mariages with them, and go in vnto them, and they to you: 13Be ye sure that the Lorde your God will no more cast out all these nations from before you: but they shalbe snares and trappes vnto you, and scourges in your sides, & thornes in your eyes, vntill ye perishe from of this good land whiche the Lorde your God hath geuen you. 14And behold, this day do I enter into the way of all the world, and ye knowe in al your heartes and in al your soules, that nothyng hath fayled of all the good thinges whiche the Lorde your God promised you, but all are come to passe vnto you, and nothing hath fayled therof. 15Therfore, as al good thinges are come vpon you, whiche the Lorde your God promised you: so shall the Lorde bring vpon you all euyll, vntill he haue destroyed you fro of this good land which the Lorde your God hath geuen you. 16When ye haue transgressed the appointmet of the Lord your God which he commaunded you, and haue gone & serued straunge goddes, & bowed your selues to them: then shall the wrath of the Lorde waxe whot vpon you, and ye shall perishe quicklie from of the good lande which he hath geuen you. 24And Iosuah gathered all ye tribes of Israel to Sichem, and called for the elders of Israel, & for their heades, iudges, and officers, & they presented them selues before God. 2And Iosuah sayde vnto al the people, Thus sayth the Lorde God of Israel: Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the fludde in olde time, euen Thare the father of Abraham and of Nachor, and serued straunge goddes. 3And I toke your father Abraham from the other side of the fludde, and brought him throughout all the lande of Chanaan, and multiplied his seede, and gaue him Isahac. 4And I gaue vnto Isahac, Iacob and Esau, and I gaue vnto Esau mount Seir, to possesse it: But Iacob and his children went downe into Egypt. 5I sent Moyses also and Aaron, and I plagued Egypt, and when I had so done among them, I brought you out. 6And I brought your fathers out of Egypt: and as they came vnto the sea, the Egyptians folowed after your fathers with charettes and horsmen vnto the red sea. 7And when they cryed vnto the Lord, the Lord put darcknesse betweene you and the Egyptians, and brought the sea vpon them, & couered them, and your eyes haue seene what I haue done to the Egyptians: and ye dwelt in thee wildernesse along season. 8And I brought you into the lande of the Amorites, which dwelt on the other syde Iordane: And they fought with you, and I gaue them into your hande, that ye might conquer their countrey, and I destroied them from out of your sight. 9Then Balak the sonne of Ziphor king of Moab, arose & warred against Israel, and sent and called Balaam the sonne of Beor for to curse you: 10But I woulde not hearken vnto Balaam, & therfore he rather blessed you: and so I deliuered you out of his hand. 11And ye went ouer Iordane, and came vnto Iericho: and the men of Iericho fought against you, the Amorites, Pherezites, Chanaanites, Hethites, Gergesites, Heuites, and Iebusites, & I deliuered them into your hande. 12And I sent hornettes before you, whiche caste them out of your sight, euen the two kinges of the Amorites: but not with your owne sworde, or with your owne bowe. 13And I haue geuen you a lande in which ye dyd no labour, & cities which ye buylt not, & which ye dwell in: vineyardes also and olyue trees whiche ye planted not, and whereof ye do eate. 14Nowe therfore feare the Lorde, and serue him in perfectnesse and trueth, and put away the goddes whiche your fathers serued on the other side of ye fludde and in Egypt, and serue ye the Lorde. 15And yf it seeme euyll vnto you to serue the Lorde, then chose you this day who you wil serue, whether ye goddes which your fathers serued (that were on the other side of the fludde) either ye goddes of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwel: As for me and my house, we wil serue the Lorde. 16The people aunswered and sayd: God forbyd, that we should forsake the Lord, and serue straunge goddes. 17For the Lorde our God, he it is that brought vs & our fathers out of the land of Egypt, & from the house of bondage, and whiche did those great miracles in our sight, and preserued vs in al the way that we went, and among al the people which we came thorowe. 18And the Lord did cast out before vs all the people, euen the Amorites whiche dwelt in the lande: And therfore wil we also serue the Lord, for he is our God. 19And Iosuah sayde vnto the people, Ye can not serue the Lord: for he is an holy God, and a ielous God, and cannot beare your iniquite and sinne. 20Yf ye forsake the Lorde and serue straunge goddes, he will turne and do you euill, and consume you, after that he hath done you good. 21And the people sayde vnto Iosuah: Nay, but we will serue the Lorde. 22And Iosuah sayde vnto the people: Ye are witnesses against your selues, that ye haue chosen you the Lorde to serue him. And they sayde: we are witnesses. 23Then put away sayde he the strauge goddes whiche are among you, & bowe your heartes vnto the Lorde God of Israel. 24The people sayde vnto Iosuah: The Lorde our God will we serue, and his voyce will we obey. 25And so Iosuah made a couenaut with the people the same day, and set an ordinaunce & lawe before them in Sichem. 26And Iosuah wrote these wordes in the booke of the lawe of God: and toke a great stone, and pitched it on ende in the sayde place, euen vnder an oke that was in the sanctuarie of the Lorde. 27And Iosuah sayde vnto al the people: Behold, this stone shalbe a witnesse vnto vs, for it hath hearde al the wordes of the Lorde whiche he spake with vs, it shalbe therfore a witnesse vnto you, lest ye denie your God. 28And so Iosuah let the people depart, euery man vnto his inheritaunce. 29And after these thinges it came to passe, that Iosuah the sonne of Nun, the seruaunt of the Lorde died, being an hundreth and ten yeres old. 30And they buryed him in the countrey of his inheritaunce, euen in Thamnath Serah, whiche is in mount Ephraim, on the northside of the hill of Gaas. 31And Israel serued the Lorde all the dayes of Iosuah, and all the dayes of the elders that ouer lyued Iosuah, and whiche had knowne all the workes of the Lorde that he had done for Israel. 32And the bones of Ioseph whiche the childre of Israel brought out of Egypt, buried they in Sichem, in a parcell of ground whiche Iacob bought of the sonnes of Hemor the father of Sichem for an hundreth peeces of siluer, and it became the inheritaunce of the children of Ioseph. 33And Eleazar the sonne of Aaron died, whom they buried in a hill that pertayned to Phinehes his sonne, which hill was geuen him in mount Ephraim.