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Bshps JOS Chapter 5

JOS 5 ©

5And whe al the kinges of ye Amorites which are beyonde Iordane westwarde, and al the kynges of the Chanaanites which were by the sea, heard howe ye Lorde had dried vp the waters of Iordane before the chyldren of Israel vntill they were gone ouer, their heartes faynted for feare, and there was no spirite in them any more for the presence of the children of Israel. 2That same time the Lorde saide vnto Iosuah: Make thee sharp kniues, and go to agayne and circumcise the children of Israel the seconde time. 3And Iosuah made him sharpe kniues, and circumcised the children of Israel in the hill of the foreskinnes. 4And this is the cause why Iosuah circumcised all the people, euen the males that came out of Egypt: because that al the men of warre died in the wildernes by ye way, after they came out of Egypt. 5For all the people that came out, were circumcised: but al the people that were borne in the wildernes by the way after they came out of Egypt were not circumcised. 6For the chyldren of Israel walked fourtie yeres in the wildernesse, till al ye people of ye men of warre that came out of Egypt were consumed, because they hearkened not vnto the voyce of the Lorde: Unto whom the Lorde sware, that he woulde not shewe them ye lande which the Lorde sware vnto their fathers that he woulde geue vs, euen a lande that floweth with mylke & hony. 7And their children whom he set vp in their steede, them Iosuah circumcised, for they were vncircumcised: because they circumcised them not by the way. 8And when they had circumcised al the people, they abode in their places in the campe tyll they were whole. 9And the Lorde sayde vnto Iosuah: This day haue I taken away the shame of Egypt from you: wherefore the name of the same place is called Gilgal, vnto this day. 10And the children of Israel abode in Gilgal, and helde the feast of Passouer the fourteenth day of the moneth at euen, in the playne of Iericho. 11And they did eate of the corne of the lande on the morowe after the Passouer sweete cakes and parched corne, in the selfe same day. 12For the Manna ceassed on the morowe after they had begun to eate of the corne of the lande, neither had the chyldren of Israel Manna any more, but did eate of the fruite of the lande of Chanaan that yere. 13And when Iosuah was nye to Iericho, he lift vp his eyes and loked: and behold, there stoode a man against him, hauing a sworde drawen in his hande: And Iosuah went vnto him, and sayde vnto him, Art thou on our syde, or on our aduersaries? 14And he sayde, Naie: but as a captaine of the hoast of the Lord am I nowe come. And Iosuah fell on his face to ye earth, and did worship, and sayde vnto him: What saith my Lord vnto his seruaunt? 15And the captaine of the Lordes hoast sayde vnto Iosuah: Do thy shoe of thy foote, for the place wheron thou standest, is holy. And Iosuah did so.

JOS 5 ©
