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Cvdl NUM Chapter 8

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8And the LORDE talked with Moses, & sayde: 2Speake to Aaron, & saye vnto him: Whan thou settest vp ye lapes, thou shalt set the so, that they maye all seue geue light aboue vpo ye candilsticke. 3And Aaron dyd so, & set ye lampes vpo ye candilsticke, as ye LORDE comaunded Moses. 4The worke of ye cadilsticke was of beate golde, both ye shaft & floures therof: Acordynge to ye visio that the LORDE had shewed Moses, euen so made he the candelsticke. 5And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, and sayde: 6Take the Leuites fro amonge the children of Israel, & clense them. 7But thus shalt thou do with them, that thou mayest clense them. Thou shalt sprenkle purifienge water vpon them, and lett a rasure go ouer their whole body, and washe their clothes, and then are they cleane. 8Then shall they take a yonge bullocke, and his meatofferynge of fyne floure myngled with oyle. And another yonge bullocke shalt thou take for a synofferinge. 9And thou shalt brynge the Leuites before the Tabernacle of wytnesse, and gather together the whole congregacion of ye children of Israel, 10and brynge the Leuytes before the LORDE. And the children of Israel shall laye their handes vpon the Leuites. 11And Aaron shal waue ye Leuites before the LORDE for the children of Israel, that they maye mynistre in the seruyce of the LORDE. 12And the Leuites shall laye their handes vpon the heedes of the bullockes, and the one shalbe made a synnofferynge, the other a burntofferinge vnto the LORDE, to make an attonement for the Leuites. 13And thou shalt set the Leuites before Aaron and his sonnes, and waue them before the LORDE, 14and so shalt thou separate them from ye children of Israel, that they maye be myne. 15The shall they go in, that they maye do seruyce in the Tabernacle of witnesse. Thus shalt thou clense the, & waue them: 16for they are my gifte of the children of Israel, and I haue taken them vnto me for all that openeth the Matrix, namely for the first borne of all the children of Israel. 17For euery first borne amonge the children of Israel is myne, both of men and of catell, sens the tyme that I smote all the first borne in the lande of Egipte, and sanctified them vnto myself, 18and toke the Leuites for all the first borne amonge the childre of Israel, 19and gaue them for a gifte vnto Aaro and his sonnes from amonge the children of Israel, yt they shulde do the seruyce of the children of Israel in the Tabernacle of witnesse, to make attonemet for the children of Israel, that there be not a plage amonge the children of Israel, yf they wyll come nye ye Sanctuary. 20And Moses with Aaron and the whole congregacio of the childre of Israel, dyd wt the Leuites all as the LORDE had commauded Moses. 21And they purified the Leuites, and wa?shed their clothes. And Aaron waued them before the LORDE, and made attoment for them, that they might be cleane. 22After that wente they in, to do their office in the Tabernacle of witnesse before Aaron and his sonnes: as the LORDE commauded Moses concernynge the Leuites, euen so dyd they with them. 23And the LORDE spake vnto Moses & sayde: 24This is it that belongeth vnto the Leuites: From fyue and twentye yeare and aboue, shal they go in to the office of the Tabernacle of witnesse. 25But fro fyftie yeare forth, they shal ceasse from the waitinge of the seruyce therof, and shall mynister nomore, 26but shal appoynte their brethren to waite and to serue in the Tabernacle of wytnesse: but the office shal not they execute. Thus shalt thou do with the Leuites in their seruyces, that euery one maye wayte vpon his awne charge.

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