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1And the LORDE spake vnto Moses in ye wyldernesse of Sinai, in the Tabernacle of witnesse, the first daye of the secode moneth in the seconde yeare, wha they were gone out of the lade of Egipte, and sayde: 2Take ye summe of the whole congregacion of the children of Israel, after their kynredes & their fathers houses, with the nombre of the names, all that are males, heade by heade, 3fro twentye yeare and aboue, as many as are able to go forth in to ye warre in Israel. And ye shal nombre them acordinge to their armyes thou and Aaron, 4and of euery trybe ye shal take vnto you one captayne ouer his fathers house. 5These are the names of the captaynes that shal stonde with you. Of Ruben, Elizur the sonne of Sedeur. 6Of Simeon, Selumiel the sonne of Zuri Sadai. 7Of Iuda, Nahasson the sonne of Aminadab. 8Of Isachar, Nathaneel the sonne of Zuar. 9Of Zabulon, Eliab the sonne of Helon. 10Amonge the children of Ioseph: Of Ephraim, Elisama ye sonne of Amihud. Of Manasse, Gamaliel the sonne of Pedazur. 11Of Ben Iamin, Abidam ye sonne of Gedeoni. 12Of Dan, Ahieser the sonne of Ammi Sadai. 13Of Asser, Pagiel the sonne of Ochram. 14Of Gad, Eliasaph ye sonne of Deguel. 15Of Nephthali, Ahira the sonne of Enan. 16These are the awncient men of the congregacion, the captaynes amonge the trybes of their fathers, which were heades and prynces in Israel. 17And Moses & Aaron toke them (like as they are there named by name) 18and gathered the whole cogregacion together also, ye first daye of the secode moneth, and rekened the after their byrth, acordinge to their kynreds and fathers houses by their names, fro twetye yeare and aboue, heade by heade, 19as the LORDE commaunded Moses, and nombred them in the wyldernes of Sinai. 20The children of Ruben Israels first sonne, their kynreds & generacions after their fathers houses, in ye nombre of their names heade by heade, all yt were males, from twentye yeare & aboue, and were able to go forth to the warre, 21were nombred to the trybe of Ruben, sixe and fourtye thousande, and fyue hundreth. 22The children of Simeon their kynreds & generacions after their fathers houses in the nombre of the names heade by heade, all that were males from twetye yeare and aboue, and were able to go forth to the warre, 23were nombred to the trybe of Symeon, nyne and fiftye thousande and thre hundreth. 24The children of Gad their kynreds and generacions after their fathers houses in ye nombre of the names, from twentye yeare and aboue, all that were able to go forth to the warre, 25were nombre to the trybe of Gad, fyue and fourtye thousande, sixe hundreth and fiftie. 26The children of Iuda their kynreds and generacions after their fathers houses in ye nombre of the names, from twentye yeare and aboue, all that were able to go forth to the warre, 27were nombred to the trybe of Iuda, foure and seuentye thousande, & sixe hundreth. 28The children of Isachar their kynreds & generacions, after their fathers houses in ye nombre of the names from twentye yeare & aboue, all that were able to go forth to the warre, 29were nombred to ye trybe of Isachar, foure and fiftye thousande and foure hundreth. 30The children of Zabulon their kynreds and generacions after their fathers houses in the nombre of the names from twentye yeare & aboue, all that were able to go forth to the warre, 31were nombred to the trybe of Zabulon, seuen and fiftye thousande and foure hundreth. 32Iosephs children of Ephraim, their kynreds & generacions after their fathers houses in ye nombre of the names, from twetye yeare and aboue, 33all yt were able to go forth to ye warre, were nobred to the trybe of Ephraim, fourtye thousande & fyue hundreth. 34The children of Manasse their kynreds & generacions, after their fathers houses in ye nombre of the names from twentye yeare & aboue, all yt were able to go forth to the warre, 35were nombred to the trybe of Manasse, two & thirtie thousande & two hundreth. 36The childre of Ben Iamin their kynreds and generacions, after their fathers houses, in the nombre of the names from twentye yeare & aboue, all that were able to go forth to the warre, 37were nombred to the trybe of Ben Iamin, fyue and thirtie thousande and foure hundreth. 38The children of Dan their kynreds and generacions after their fathers houses, in the nombre of the names, 39from twentye yeares and aboue, all that were able to go forth to the warre, were nombred to the trybe of Dan, two and thre score thousande, and seuen hundreth. 40The children of Asser their kynreds & generacions, after their fathers houses in the nombre of the names, from twentye yeare & aboue, all yt were able to go forth to ye warre, 41were nombred to the trybe of Asser, one & fourtye thousande and fyue hundreth. 42The childre of Nephthali, their kynreds and generacions after their fathers houses in the nombre of the names, from twentye yeare & aboue, all that were able to go forth vnto the warre, 43were nombred to the trybe of Nephthali, thre and fiftie thousande and foure hundreth. 44These are they whom Moses and Aaron nombred with ye twolue prynces of Israel, wherof euery one was ouer ye house of their fathers. 45And the summe of the children of Israel after their fathers houses, from twentye yeare and aboue (what so euer was able to go forth to the warre in Israel) 46was sixe C. thousande, thre thousande, fyue C. & fiftie. 47But the Leuites after the trybe of their fathers, were not nombred amonge them. 48And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, and saide: 49The trybe of Leui shalt thou not nombre, ner take the summe of them amonge ye children of Israel: 50but shalt appoynte them to the Habitacion of wytnesse, and to all ye apparell therof, and to all that belongeth therto. And they shall beare the Tabernacle & all the ordinaunce therof, and shal wayte vpon it, and shal pitch their tentes rounde aboute it. 51And whan men shal go on their iourney, the Leuites shal take downe ye Tabernacle. And whan the hoost pitch their tetes, they shal set vp the Tabernacle. And yf a straunger preasse nye vnto it, he shall dye. 52The children of Israel shal pitch their tentes, euery one in his awne armye, and by the baner of his awne companye. 53But the Leuites shall pitch rounde aboute the Tabernacle of wytnesse, that there come no wrath vpon ye congregacion of the children of Israel: therfore shal the Leuites wayte vpon the Habitacion of wytnesse. 54And the children of Israel dyd all, as the LORDE commaunded Moses. 2And ye LORDE spake vnto Moses and Aaron, & sayde: 2The childre of Israel shal pitch rounde aboute ye Tabernacle of wytnesse, euery one vnder his banner & tokens, after their fathers houses. 3On the East syde shall Iuda pitch with his banner & hoost, their captayne Nahasson the sonne of Aminadab. 4And his armie in the summe, foure & seuentie thousande and sixe hundreth. 5Nexte vnto him shal the trybe of Isachar pitch, their captayne Nathaneel the sonne of Zuar: 6and his armye in the summe, foure and fiftye thousande and foure hundreth. 7The trybe of Zabulon also, their captayne Eliab the sonne of Helon: 8his armye in the summe, seuen and fiftie thousande and foure hundreth. 9So yt all they which beloge to ye hoost of Iuda, be in the summe an C. sixe and foure score thousande, & foure hundreth be longinge to their armye, & they shall go before. 10On the South side shall lye the pauylions & baner of Ruben wt their hoost, their captaine Elizur ye sonne of Sedeur: 11& his armie in the summe, sixe & fourtie thousande, & fyue C. 12Nexte vnto him shal the trybe of Simeon pitch, their captayne Selumiel ye sonne of Zuri Sadai: 13& his armie in ye summe, nyne and fiftie thousande, and thre hundreth. 14The trybe of Gad also, their captayne Eliasaph ye sonne of Deguel: 15& his armye in the summe, fyue & fourtye thousande, sixe hundreth & fiftie. 16So that all they which belonge to the hoost of Ruben, be in the summe, an hundreth, one & fiftie thousande, foure hudreth and fiftye, belonginge to their armye. And they shall be the seconde in the iourney. 17After that shall the Tabernacle of wytnesse go wt the hoost of the Leuites eue in ye myddes amoge the hoostes: & as they lye in their tentes, so shal they go forth also, euery one in his place vnder his baner. 18On the West syde shall lye ye pauylions & baner of Ephraim wt their hoost: their captayne shalbe Elisama sonne of Amihud, 19and his armye in the summe, fourtye thousande and fyue hundreth. 20Nexte vnto him shal ye trybe of Manasse pitch, their captayne Gamaliel the sonne of Pedazur: 21his armye in the summe, two and thirtie thousande & two hudreth. 22The trybe of Ben Iamin also, their captayne Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni: 23his armye in the summe, fyue and thirtie thousande & foure hundreth. 24So yt all they which belonge to the hoost of Ephraim, be in the summe, an hundreth thousande, eight thousande, & an hudreth, belonginge to his armie. And they shal be the thirde in the iourney. 25On the North syde shal lye ye pauylions & baner of Dan with their hoost: their captayne Ahieser ye sonne of Ammi Sadai, 26his armye in the summe, two and sixtye thousande and seue hundreth. 27Nexte vnto him shal the trybe of Asser pitche: their captayne Pagiel ye sonne of Ochran, 28his army in the summe, one and fourtie thousande, and fyue hundreth. 29The trybe of Nephthali also, their captayne Ahira the sonne of Enan: 30his armye in the summe, thre & fiftye thousande & foure hudreth. 31So yt all they which belonge to the hoost of Dan, be in the summe, an hudreth thousande, seuen & fiftie thousande, & sixe hundreth. And they shalbe the last in the iourney with their baners. 32This is the summe of the children of Israel, after their fathers houses and armyes with their hoostes: euen sixe hundreth thousande, & thre thousande, fyue hudreth & fiftie. 33But ye Leuites were not nombred in ye summe amonge the childre of Israel, as ye LORDE comaunded Moses. 34And ye childre of Israel dyd all as the LORDE comaunded Moses. And so they pitched vnder their baners, & toke their iourney, euery one in his kynred, acordinge to the house of their fathers. 3These are the generacions of Aaron & Moses, whan ye LORDE spake vnto Moses at ye same tyme vpon mount Sinai. 2And these are ye names of the sonnes of Aron. The firstborne, Nadab: then Abihu, Eleasar & Ithamar. 3These are ye names of the sonnes of Aaron, which were anoynted to be prestes, & their handes fylled for ye presthode. 4But Nadab & Abihu dyed before ye LORDE, wha they offred strauge fyre before ye LORDE, in ye wildernesse of Sinai, & had no sonnes. But Eleasar and Ithamar executed ye prestes office wt their father Aaron. 5And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, & sayde: 6Bringe hither the trybe of Leui, and set them before Aaron the prest, yt they maye serue wt him, & wayte vpon him 7& vpo the whole congregacion before ye Tabernacle of witnesse, and execute the seruyce of the habitacion, 8and kepe all the apparell of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, and wayte vpon the children of Israel, to mynistre in the seruyce of the habitacion. 9And thou shalt geue ye Leuites vnto Aaron and his sonnes for a gift, vnto euery one his awne, from amonge the children of Israel. 10As for Aaron & his sonnes, thou shalt appoynte them to wayte on their prestes office. Yf another preasse therto, he shal dye. 11And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, and saide 12Beholde, I haue take the Leuites fro amonge the childre of Israel, for all the first borne that open the Matrix amonge the children of Israel, so that the Leuites shalbe myne. 13For the firstborne are myne, sence ye tyme that I smote all the first borne in ye lande of Egipte, wha I sanctified vnto me all the first borne in Israel, from me vnto catell, that they shulde be myne. I the LORDE. 14And the LORDE spake vnto Moses in the wyldernesse of Sinai, and sayde: 15Nombre the children of Leui after their fathers houses and kynreds, all that are males of a moneth olde and aboue. 16So Moses nombred them acordinge to the worde of the LORDE, as he had commaunded. 17And these were the children of Leui with their names: Gerson, Rahath, Merari. 18The names of the children of Gerson in their kynreds, were: Libni and Semei. 19The childre of Rahath in their kynreds were, Amram, Iezehar, Hebron and Vsiel. 20The children of Merari in their kynreds, were Maheli and Musi. These are the kynreds of Leui after their fathers houses. 21These are ye kynreds of Gerson: The Libnites and Semeites, 22the summe was founde in nombre, seuen thousande and fyue hundreth, of all that were males of a moneth olde and aboue. 23And the same kynreds of the Gersonites shal pitche behinde the Habitacion on the west syde: 24Let Eliasaph the sonne of Lael be their ruler. 25And they shal waite vpon the Tabernacle of wytnesse, of the habitacion, and of the tent, and couerynges therof, and the hangynge in the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, 26the hangynge aboute the courte, & the hangynge in ye courtedore, which (courte) goeth aboute the habitacion and the altare, and the cordes of it, & all that belongeth to the seruyce therof. 27These are the kynreds of Rahath: The Amramites, the Iezeharites, the Hebronites, and Vsielites, 28all that were males of a moneth olde & aboue, in nombre eight thousande and sixe hundreth, waytinge vpon the Tabernacle of the Sanctuary, 29& shal pitch on the south syde of ye Habitacion: 30Let Elisaphan the sonne of Vsiel be their ruler. 31And they shal kepe the Arke, the table, the candilsticke, the altare and all the vessels of the Sanctuary, to do seruyce in, and the vayle, and all that belongeth to the seruice therof. 32But the chefe of all the rulers of the Leuites, shalbe Eleasar the sonne of Aron the prest, ouer them that are apoynted to kepe the watch of the Sanctuary. 33These are ye kynreds of Merari: The Mabelites and Musites, 34which were in nombre sixe thousande and two hudreth, all that were males of a moneth olde and aboue: 35Let Zuriel ye sonne of Abihail be their ruler, and they shall pitche vpon the north syde of the Habitacion. 36And their office shalbe to kepe the bordes, and barres, and pilers, and sokettes of the Habitacion, and all the apparell therof and that serueth therto: 37ye pilers also aboute ye courte, with the sokettes, and nales, and cordes. 38But before the Habitacion and before ye Tabernacle on the East syde shal Moses & Aaron & his sonnes pytche, that they maye wayte vpon the Sanctuary, & the children of Israel. Yf eny other preasse therto, he shal dye. 39All the Leuites in the summe, whom Moses and Aaron nombred after their kynreds, acordinge to the worde of the LORDE, all that were males, of a moneth olde and aboue, were two and twentye thousande. 40And ye LORDE saide vnto Moses: Nombre all the first borne, that are males amonge the children of Israel, of a moneth olde and aboue, and take the nombre of their names. 41And ye Leuites shalt thou take out vnto me the LORDE, for all ye first borne of ye childre of Israel, & the catell of the Leuites for all the first borne amonge the catell of ye children of Israel. 42And Moses nombred all the first borne amoge the childre of Israel, as the LORDE commaunded him. 43And in the nombre of the names of all the first borne, that were males of a moneth olde & aboue, in their summe, there were foude two and twentye thousande, two hundreth, and thre and seuentye. 44And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, & sayde: 45Take the Leuites for all ye first borne amonge the childre of Israel, & the catell of ye Leuites for their catell, yt the Leuites maye be myne the LORDES. 46But the redempcion money of the two hundreth thre & seuentye yt remayne of the first borne of the children of Israel, 47aboue the nombre of the Leuites, shalt thou take, euen fyue Sycles of euery heade, after the Sycle of the Sanctuary (one Sycle is worth twentye Geras) 48& the money yt remayneth ouer their nobre, shalt thou geue vnto Aaron and his sonnes. 49Then toke Moses ye redempcion money (that remayned ouer aboue the nombre of the Leuites) 50from ye first borne of the childre of Israel, euen a thousande, thre hundreth, and fyue and thre score Sycles, after ye Sycle of the Sanctuary, 51& gaue it vnto Aaron and his sonnes, acordinge to the worde of the LORDE, as the LORDE commaunded Moses. 4And the LORDE spake vnto Moses & Aaron, 2& sayde: Take ye summe of the childre of Rahath from amonge the childre of Leui, after their kynreds & fathers houses 3from thirtie yeare and aboue vntill fiftye yeare, all that are mete for the warre, that they maye do the worke in the Tabernacle of witnesse. 4This shal be the office of the children of Rahath in the Tabernacle of wytnesse, which is most holy. 5Whan the hoost breaketh vp, Aaron and his sonnes shall go in, and take downe the vayle, and couer the Arke of wytnesse therwith, 6and laye the couerynge of doo skynnes vpon it, and sprede a whole yalowe clothe aboue theron, and put his staues therin. 7And vpon the shewe table they shal sprede a yalowe clothe also, and set ther on the disshes, spones, flatpeces and pottes to poure out and in, and the daylie bred shal lye vpon it, 8and they shall sprede a purple clothe ther ouer, and couer it with a couerynge of doo skynnes, and put the staues of it therin. 9And they shal take a yalowe clothe, and couer the cadilsticke of light therwith, and his lampes, with his snoffers and outquenchers, and all the oyle vessels that belonge to the seruyce, 10and aboute all this shal they put a couerynge of doo skynnes, and put it vpon staues. 11So shal they sprede a yalowe clothe ouer the golden altare also, and couer the same with a couerynge of doo skynnes, and put it vpon staues. 12All the vessels that they occupye in the Sanctuary, shal they take, and put a yalowe clothe ther ouer, & couer them with a couerynge of doo skynnes, and put them vpon staues. 13They shal swepe the asshes also from the altare, and sprede a clothe of scarlet ouer it, and set all his vessels theron, 14that they occupye vpon it: colepames, fleshokes, shouels, basens, with all the apparell of the altare, and they shal sprede a couerynge of doo skynnes theron, and put his staues therto. 15Now whan Aaron and his sonnes haue done this, and haue couered the Sanctuary & all the ornametes therof, whan the hoost breaketh vp, then shal the children of Rahath go in, that they maye beare it, and the Sanctuary shall they not touche, lest they dye. This is the charge of the childre of Rahath in the Tabernacle of wytnesse. 16And Eleasar the sonne of Aaron ye prest, shal haue the office, to prepare the oyle for the light, and the spyces for the incense, and the daylie meatofferynge, and the anoyntinge oyle, to order the whole habitacion, & all that therin is, in the Sanctuary and the ornamentes therof. 17And the LORDE spake vnto Moses and Aaron, & sayde: 18Ye shal not destroye the trybe of the kynred of the Rahathites amoge the Leuites, 19but this shal ye do with them, yt they maye lyue & not dye, yf they touche the most holy. Aaron and his sonnes shal go in, and appoynte euery one vnto his office & charge. 20But they shal not go in, presumptuously to loke vpo ye Sanctuary, lest they die. 21And ye LORDE spake vnto Moses and Aaron & sayde: 22Take the summe of the children of Gerson also, after their fathers house & kynred, 23from thirtye yeare & aboue, vntyll fiftye yeare, & appoynte them all yt are mete for the warre, to haue an office in the Tabernacle of wytnesse. 24This shalbe the office of the kynred of the Gersonites, eue to serue & to beare. 25They shal beare the curtaynes of the habitacion and of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, and his couerynge and the coueringe of doo skynnes, that is aboue theron, and the hanginge in the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, 26and the hanginge aboute the courte, which goeth aboute the habitacion and the altare, and their cordes, and all the instrumentes yt serue for the, and all that belongeth to their occupienge. 27Acordinge vnto the worde of Aaron and of his sonnes, shal all the office of the children of Gerson be done, what so euer they shall beare and occupye. And ye shal se, that they wayte vpon all their charge. 28This shal be ye office of ye kinred of ye childre of ye Gersonites in ye Tabernacle of witnes. And their waytinge shal be vnder ye hade of Ithamar, the sonne of Aaro the prest. 29The children of Merari after their kynred and fathers house, shalt thou appoynte also, 30from thirtie yeare and aboue, vnto fiftie yeare, all that are mete for the warre, yt they maye haue an office in the Tabernacle of wytnesse. 31But vpon this charge shall they wayte acordinge to all their office in ye Tabernacle of witnesse, that they beare the bordes of the Habitacion, and the barres, and pilers, and sokettes: 32the pilers of the courte also rounde aboute, and the sokettes and nales and cordes, with all their apparell, acordynge to all their seruyce. And vnto euery one shall ye appoynte his porcion of charge to waite vpon the apparell. 33Let this be the office of the kynred of the children of Merari, all that they shall do in the Tabernacle of wytnesse vnder the hande of Ithamar the sonne of Aaron the prest. 34And Moses and Aaron with the captaynes of the congregacion, nombred the children of ye Rahathites, acordinge to their kynreds and houses of their fathers, 35from thirtie yeare and aboue, vntyll fyftye, all that were mete for the warre, to haue offyce in the Tabernacle of wytnesse. 36And the summe was, two thousande, seuen hundreth and fyftie. 37This is the summe of the kynred of the Rahathites (which all had seruyce in the Tabernacle of witnesse) whom Moses and Aaron nombred, acordynge to the worde of the LORDE by Moses. 38The children of Gerson were nombred also in their kynreds and fathers houses 39from thirtie yeare and aboue vntyll fyftie, all that were mete for the warre, to haue office in ye Tabernacle of witnesse, 40and the summe was two thousande, syxe hundreth and thirtie. 41This is ye summe of the kinred of the childre of Gerson, which all had to do in the Tabernacle of wytnesse, whom Moses and Aaron nombred, acordinge to ye worde of ye LORDE. 42The children of Merari were nombred also acordinge to their kynreds and fathers houses, 43from thirtie yeare and aboue vntyll fyftye, all that were mete for the warre, to haue office in the Tabernacle of witnesse, 44& the summe was thre thousande, and two hundreth. 45This is the summe of the kynred of the childre of Merari, whom Moses and Aaron nombred, acordinge to the worde of the LORDE by Moses. 46The summe of all the Leuites, whom Moses and Aaron with the captaynes of Israel tolde, after their kinreds and fathers houses, 47from thyrtie yeare and aboue vntyll fyftye, all that wente in to do euery one his office, and to beare the burthen in ye Tabernacle of wytnesse, 48was eight thousande fyue hundreth and foure score, 49which were nombred acordinge to the worde of the LORDE by Moses, euery one to his office & charge, as the LORDE commaunded Moses. 5And ye LORDE spake vnto Moses, and sayde: 2Commaunde the children of Israel, yt they put out of the hoost all ye lepers, and all that haue yssues, and that are defyled vpon the deed, 3both men and wome shall they putt out of the hoost, that they defyle not their tentes, wherin I dwell amonge them. 4And ye children of Israel dyd so, and put them out of the hoost, as ye LORDE had sayde vnto Moses. 5And the LORDE talked with Moses, and sayde: 6Speake vnto the children of Israel & saye vnto them: Whan a man or woman doth a synne to eny body, and offendeth therwith agaynst the LORDE, then hath that soule a trespace vpon it. 7And they shall knowlege their synne, that they haue done, and shall make amendes for their trespace, euen with the whole summe, and put ye fifth parte more therto, and geue it vnto him, agaynst whom they haue trespaced. 8But yf there be noman to make the amendes vnto for the offence yt he hath trespaced agaynst him, then shal the reconcylynge be made vnto the LORDE for the prest, besydes the ramme of the attonemet, wherwith he shalbe reconcyled. 9Likewyse all the Heueofferynges of all that the children of Israel halowe vnto the LORDE, and offre vnto the prest, shall be his. 10And who so haloweth eny thinge, it shalbe his. And who so geueth the prest eny thinge, it shal be his also. 11And the LORDE talked with Moses, and sayde: 12Speake to the children of Israel, and saye vnto them: Whan eny mans wife goth asyde, and trespaceth agaynst him, 13& eny ma lye with her fleshlye, and the thinge be yet hyd from his eyes, and is not come to light that she is defiled, and he can brynge no witnesse agaynst her (for she was not take therin) 14and the sprete of gelousye kyndleth him, so that he is gelous ouer his wife: whether she be vncleane or not vncleane, 15then shal he brynge her vnto the prest, and brynge an offerynge for her, euen the tenth parte of an Epha of barlye meele, and shal poure no oyle theron, ner put frankensence vpon it: for it is an offerynge of gelousy, and an offeringe of remembraunce, that remembreth synne. 16Then shall the prest brynge her, and sett her before the LORDE, 17and take of the holy water in an earthen vessell, and put of ye dust that is on the floore of the habitacion, in to the water. 18And he shal set the wife before ye LORDE, and vncouer hir heade, and the offeringe of remembraunce which is an offeringe of gelousy, shall he laye vpon hir handes. And the prest shal haue in his hande bytter cursinge water, and shal coniure the wife, & saye vnto her: 19Yf no man haue lye with the, and thou hast not gone asyde from thy hu?bande, to defyle thy self, then shall not these bytter cursinge waters hurte the. 20But yf thou hast gone asyde from thy hu?bande, so that thou art defyled, and some other man hath lyen with the besyde thy hu?bande, 21then shall the prest coniure the wife with this curse, and shal saye vnto her: The LORDE sett the to a curse and a coniuracion amonge thy people, so that the LORDE make thy thye rotte, and thy wombe to berst. 22So go this cursed water in to thy body, that yi wombe berst, and thy thye rotte. And the wife shal saye: Amen Amen. 23So the prest shall wryte this curse in a byll, and wash it out with the water, 24and shall geue the wife of the bytter cursinge waters to drynke. 25And wha the cursinge water is gone in her, so yt it is bytter vnto her then shal the prest take the gelousy offerynge out of the wyues hande, and waue it for a meatofferynge before the LORDE, and offre it vpon the altare: 26namely, he shall take an handfull of the meatofferynge for hir remebraunce, & burne it vpo the altare, & then geue the wife the water to drinke. 27And wha she hath dronken the water, yf she be defyled and haue trespaced agaynst hir hu?bande, then shal the cursinge water go in to her, and be so bytter, that hir wombe shal berst, and hir thye shall rotte, and the wife shal be a curse amonge hir people. 28But yf the same wife be not defyled, but is cleane, then shall it do her no harme, so that she maye be with childe. 29This is the lawe of gelousy, whan a wyfe goeth asyde from hir hu?bande, and is defyled: 30Or whan ye sprete of gelousy kyndleth a man, so that he is gelous ouer his wyfe, yt he brynge her before the LORDE, and that ye prest do all wt her acordinge vnto this lawe. 31And ye man shalbe giltlesse of the synne, but the wife shall beare hir my?dede. 6And the LORDE talked with Moses, and sayde: 2Speake vnto the children of Israel, and saye vnto them: Whan a man or woman separateth them selues, to vowe a vowe of abstinence vnto the LORDE, 3he shal absteyne from wyne and stroge drynke. Vyneger of wyne & of stronge drynke shal he not drynke, ner that is pressed out of grapes: he shall nether eate fresh ner drye grapes, so longe as his abstinence endureth. 4Morouer he shall eate nothinge that is made of the vyne tre, from the wyne cornels vnto the hulle. 5As longe as the vowe of his abstynence endureth, there shall no rasoure come vpon his heade, tyll the tyme be out which he absteyneth vnto the LORDE, for he is holy. And he shall let the heer of his heade growe, and stonde bare openly. 6All the tyme ouer yt he absteyneth vnto the LORDE, shal he go to no deed. 7Nether shal he defyle him self at ye death of his father, of his mother, of his brother, or of his sister. For the abstinence of his God is vpon his heade, 8and ye whole tyme of his abstinence shall he be holy vnto the LORDE. 9And yf it chaunce eny man to dye sodenly before him, then shal ye heade of his abstynence be defyled. Therfore shal he shaue his heade in the daye of his clensynge, that is vpon the seuenth daye: 10and vpon ye eight daye shall he brynge two turtill doues, or two yonge pigeons, vnto the prest before ye dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse. 11And the prest shall make the one a synofferynge, and the other a burntofferynge, and make an attonement for him, because he defyled himself vpon ye deed, and so shal he halowe his heade the same daye, 12that he maye holde out the tyme of his abstinence vnto the LORDE, and he shall brynge a lambe of a a yeare olde for a trespaceofferynge. But ye daies afore shal be but lost, because his abstinence was defyled. 13This is the lawe of the absteyner. Whan the tyme of his abstinence is out, he shal be brought before the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse. 14And he shal brynge his offeringe vnto the LORDE, euen an he lambe of a yeare olde without blemysh for a burntofferinge, & a she lambe of a yeare olde without blemysh for a synofferynge, and a ramme wt out blemish for an healthofferynge, 15& a maude wt vnleuended cakes of fyne floure myngled with oyle, and swete wafers anoynted with oyle, & their meatofferinges & drynkofferynges. 16And the prest shall brynge it before the LORDE, and shal make his synofferynge and his burntofferynge, 17and ye ramme shal he make an healthofferynge vnto the LORDE, with ye maunde of the vnleuended bred. His meatofferynge and drinkofferinge shal he make also. 18And he shall shaue the heade of the absteyners abstinence before the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, and shall take the heade heer of his abstinence, and cast it vpon the fyre that is vnder ye healthofferynge. 19And the sodden shulder of the ramme shall he take, and an vnleuended cake out of the maunde, and a swete wafer, and laye them vpon the handes of the absteyner: (after that he hath shauen of his abstinence.) 20And he shal Waue them before the LORDE. This is holy for the prest with the Wauebrest, and Heueshulder. After that, maye the absteyner drynke wyne. 21This is the lawe of the absteyner, which voweth his offeringe vnto the LORDE for his abstynence, besydes that, which his hande can get. As he hath vowed, so shall he do acordinge to the lawe of his abstinence. 22And the LORDE talked with Moses, and sayde: 23Speake vnto Aaron and his sonnes, and saye: Thus shal ye saye vnto the childre of Israel, whan ye blesse them. 24The LORDE blesse the, and kepe the. 25The LORDE make his face to shyne vpo the, and be mercifull vnto the. 26The LORDE lift vp his countenaunce vpon the, and geue the peace. 27For they shal put my name vpo the children of Israel, that I maye blesse them. 7And whan Moses had set vp the Habitacion and anoynted it, and sanctifyed it with all the apparell therof: and had anoynted and halowed the altare also with all his vessels, 2Then offred the captaynes of Israel, which were the rulers in their fathers houses. For they were the captaynes amonge ye kynreds, and stode ouer the that were nombred. 3And they brought their offerynges before the LORDE, sixe couered charettes, and twolue oxen, for euery two captaynes a charett, and an oxe for euery one, and brought them before the habitacion. 4And the LORDE sayde vnto Moses: 5Take it of them, that it maye serue for the mynistracion of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, and geue it vnto the Leuites, vnto euery one acordinge to his office. 6Then toke Moses the charettes and oxen, and gaue them vnto the Leuites. 7Two charettes and foure oxen gaue he vnto ye children of Gerson acordinge to their office: 8and foure charettes and eight oxen gaue he vnto the children of Merari acordinge to their office, vnder the hande of Ithamar the sonne of Aaron the prest. 9But vnto the children of Rahath he gaue nothynge, because they had an holy office vpon them, and must beare vpo their shulders. 10And the captaines offred to the dedicacion of the altare, in the daye whan it was anoynted, and offred their giftes before the altare. 11And ye LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Let euery captayne brynge his offerynge vpon his daye to the dedicacion of the altare. 12On the first daye, Nahasson the sonne of Aminadab, of the trybe of Iuda, offred his gifte. 13And his gifte was a syluer charger, worth an hundreth and thyrtie Sycles: A syluer boule, worth seuentye Sycles (after the Sycle of the Sanctuary) both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferinge: 14And a golden spone, worth ten Sycles of golde, full of incense: 15A bullocke from amonge the greate catell, a ramme, a lambe of a yeare olde for a burntofferynge, 16an he goate for a synofferynge: 17And for an healthofferynge two oxen, fyue rammes, fyue he goates, and fyue lambes of a yeare olde. This is the gifte of Nahasson the sonne of Aminadab. 18On the seconde daye offred Nathaneel the sonne of Zuar, the captayne of Isachar 19his gifte was a syluer charger, worth an hundreth and thirtie Sycles: A syluer boule, worth seuentye Sycles (after the Sycle of the Sanctuary) both full of fyne floure myngled with oile for a meatofferinge: 20And a golden spone, worth ten Sycles of golde, full of incense: 21A bullocke from amonge the greate catell, a rame, a lambe of a yeare olde for a burntofferynge, 22an he goate for a synofferynge: 23And for an healthofferynge two oxen, fyue rammes, fyue he goates, and fyue lambes of a yeare olde. This is the gifte of Nathaneel the sonne of Zuar. 24On the thirde daye, the captayne of the children of Zabulon, Eliab the sonne of Helon. 25His gifte was a syluer charger, worth an hundreth and thirtie Sycles: A syluer boule, worth seuentye Sycles (after the Sycle of the Sanctuary) both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: 26And a golden spone, worth ten Sycles of golde, full of incense: 27A bullocke from amonge the greate catell, a ramme, a lambe of a yeare olde for a burntofferynge, 28an he goate for a synofferynge: 29And for an healthofferinge two oxen, fyue rammes, fiue he goates, and fiue lambes of a yeare olde. This is the gifte of Eliab the sonne of Helon. 30On the fourth daye, the captayne of the children of Ruben, Elizur the sonne of Sedeur. 31His gifte was a syluer charger, worth an hundreth and thirtie Sycles: A syluer boule, worth seuentye Sycles (after the Sycle of the Sanctuary) both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: 32And a golde spone, worth ten Sycles of golde, full of incense: 33A bullocke from amonge the greate catell, a ramme, a lambe of a yeare olde for a burntofferinge, 34an he goate for a synofferynge: 35And for an healthofferynge two oxen, fyue rammes, fyue he goates, & fyue lambes of a yeare olde. This is the gifte of Elizur the sonne of Sedeur. 36On the fifth daye, the captayne of ye children of Simeon, Selumiel the sonne of Zuri Sadai. 37His gifte was a syluer charger, worth an hundreth and thirtie Sycles: A siluer boule, worth seuentye Sycles (after the Sycle of the Sanctuary) both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferinge: 38And a golde spone, worth ten Sycles of golde, full of incese: 39A bullocke from amoge the greate catell, a ramme, a lambe of a yeare olde for a burntofferinge, 40& an he goate for a synofferynge: 41And for an healthofferynge two oxe, fyue rammes, fyue he goates, and fiue lambes of a yeare olde. This is the gifts of Selumiel the sonne of Zuri Sadai. 42On the sixte daye, the captayne of ye children of Gad, Eliasaph the sonne of Deguel. 43His gifte was a siluer charger, worth an hudreth & thirtie Sicles: A syluer boule, worth seuentye Sycles (after the Sycle of ye Sanctuary) both full of fine floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: 44And a golden spone, worth ten Sycles of golde, full of incense: 45A bullocke from amonge ye greate catell, a ramme, a lambe of a yeare olde for a burntofferinge, 46an he goate for a synnofferynge: 47And for an health offerynge two oxen, fyue rammes, fyue he goates, and fyue lambes of a yeare olde. This is the gifte of Eliasaph the sonne of Deguel. 48On the seuenth daye the captayne of the children of Ephraim, Elisama, the sonne of Amihud. 49His gifte was a syluer charger, worth an hundreth and thirtie Sycles: A syluer boule, worth seuentye Sycles (after ye Sycle of the Sanctuary) both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: 50And a golde spone, worth ten Sycles of golde, full of incense: 51A bullocke from amonge the greate catell, a rame, a lambe of a yeare olde for a burntofferynge, 52an he goate for a synofferynge: 53And for an healthofferynge two oxe, fyue rammes, fyue he goates, and fyue lambes of a yeare olde. This is ye gifte of Elisama the sonne of Amihud. 54On the eight daye, the caytayne of the children of Manasse, Gamaliel the sonne of Pedazur. 55His gifte was a syluer charger, worth an hundreth and thirtie Sycles: A syluer boule, worth seuentye Sycles (after the Sycle of ye Sanctuary) both full of fyne floure myngled wt oyle for a meatofferynge: 56And a golde spone, worth ten Sycles of golde, full of incese. 57A bullocke from amoge the greate catell, a ramme, a lambe of a yeare olde for a burntofferynge, 58an he goate for a synofferynge. 59And for an healthofferynge two oxen, fyue rammes, fyue he goates, & fyue lambes of a yeare olde. This is the gifte of Gamaliel the sonne of Pedazur. 60On the nyenth daye, the captayne of the children of Ben Iamin, Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni. 61His gifte was a syluer charger, worth an hundreth and thirtie Sycles: A syluer boule, worth seuentye Sycles (after the Sycle of the Sanctuary) both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: 62And a golden spone, worth ten Sycles of golde, full of incese: 63A bullocke from amonge the greate catell, a ramme, a lambe of a yeare olde for a burntofferynge: 64(Omitted Text) 65And for an healthofferynge two oxen, fyue rammes, fyue he goates, and fyue lambes of a yeare olde. This is the gifte of Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni. 66On the tenth daye, the captayne of the children of Dan, Ahieser the sonne of Ammi Sadai. 67His gifte was a siluer charger, worth an hundreth & thirtie Sycles: A syluer boule, worth seuentie Sycles (after the Sycle of the Sactuary) both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: 68And a golden spone, worth ten Sycles of golde, full of incense: 69A bullocke from amonge the greate catell, a ramme, a lambe of a yeare olde for a burntofferynge, 70an he goate for a synofferynge: 71And for an healthofferynge two oxen, fyue rammes, fyue he goates, & fyue lambes of a yeare olde. This is the gifte of Ahieser the sonne of Ammi Sadai. 72On the eleuenth daye, the captayne of ye childre of Asser, Pagiel the sonne of Ochra: 73His gifte was a syluer charger, worth an hundreth and thirtie Sycles: A syluer boule, worth seuentie Sycles (after the Sycle of the Sactuary) both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: 74And a golden spone, worth ten Sycles of golde, full of incese: 75A bullocke from the greate catell, a ramme, a lambe of a yeare olde for a burntofferynge, 76an he goate for a synofferynge: 77And for an healthofferynge two oxe, fyue rammes, fyue he goates, and fyue lambes of a yeare olde. This is the gifte of Pagiel the sonne of Ochran. 78On the twolfte daye, the captayne of the children of Nephtali, Ahira the sonne of Enan. 79His gifte was a syluer charger, worth an hundreth and thirtie Sycles: A syluer boule, worth seuentye Sycles (after the Sycle of the Sanctuary) both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: 80And a golden spone, worth ten Sycles of golde, full of incense: 81A bullocke from amonge the greate catell, a ramme, a lambe of a yeare olde for a burntofferinge, 82an he goate for a synnofferinge: 83And for an health offeringe two oxen, fyue rammes, fyue he goates, and fyue lambes of a yeare olde. This is the gifte of Ahira the sonne of Enan. 84This is ye dedicacion of the altare, what tyme as it was anoynted, vnto the which ye captaynes of Israel offered these twolue syluer chargers, twolue syluer boules, twolue spones of golde: 85euery charger conteynynge an hudreth and thirtie Sycles of syluer, and euery boule seuentye Sycles. So that ye summe of all the syluer in the vessels, was two thousande and foure hundreth Sycles (after the Sycle of the Sanctuary). 86And the twolue spones of golde full of incense, conteyned euery one ten Sycles, after the Sycle of the Sanctuary: So that the summe of the golde in the spones, was an hundreth and twentye Sycles. 87The summe of the catell for the burntofferinges, was twolue bullockes, twolue rammes, twolue labes of a yeare olde with their meatofferinges: And twolue he goates for synnofferinges. 88And the summe of the catell for the healthofferinges, was foure and twetye oxen, thre score rammes, and thre score he goates, thre score labes of a yeare olde. This is the dedicacion of the altare, after that it was anoynted. 89And whan Moses wente in to the Tabernacle of wytnes, yt he might be commoned withall, he herde the voyce speakynge vnto him fro of the Mercy seate, which was vpo the Arke of witnes betwixte the two Cherubins, from thence was he comoned withall. 8And the LORDE talked with Moses, & sayde: 2Speake to Aaron, & saye vnto him: Whan thou settest vp ye lapes, thou shalt set the so, that they maye all seue geue light aboue vpo ye candilsticke. 3And Aaron dyd so, & set ye lampes vpo ye candilsticke, as ye LORDE comaunded Moses. 4The worke of ye cadilsticke was of beate golde, both ye shaft & floures therof: Acordynge to ye visio that the LORDE had shewed Moses, euen so made he the candelsticke. 5And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, and sayde: 6Take the Leuites fro amonge the children of Israel, & clense them. 7But thus shalt thou do with them, that thou mayest clense them. Thou shalt sprenkle purifienge water vpon them, and lett a rasure go ouer their whole body, and washe their clothes, and then are they cleane. 8Then shall they take a yonge bullocke, and his meatofferynge of fyne floure myngled with oyle. And another yonge bullocke shalt thou take for a synofferinge. 9And thou shalt brynge the Leuites before the Tabernacle of wytnesse, and gather together the whole congregacion of ye children of Israel, 10and brynge the Leuytes before the LORDE. And the children of Israel shall laye their handes vpon the Leuites. 11And Aaron shal waue ye Leuites before the LORDE for the children of Israel, that they maye mynistre in the seruyce of the LORDE. 12And the Leuites shall laye their handes vpon the heedes of the bullockes, and the one shalbe made a synnofferynge, the other a burntofferinge vnto the LORDE, to make an attonement for the Leuites. 13And thou shalt set the Leuites before Aaron and his sonnes, and waue them before the LORDE, 14and so shalt thou separate them from ye children of Israel, that they maye be myne. 15The shall they go in, that they maye do seruyce in the Tabernacle of witnesse. Thus shalt thou clense the, & waue them: 16for they are my gifte of the children of Israel, and I haue taken them vnto me for all that openeth the Matrix, namely for the first borne of all the children of Israel. 17For euery first borne amonge the children of Israel is myne, both of men and of catell, sens the tyme that I smote all the first borne in the lande of Egipte, and sanctified them vnto myself, 18and toke the Leuites for all the first borne amonge the childre of Israel, 19and gaue them for a gifte vnto Aaro and his sonnes from amonge the children of Israel, yt they shulde do the seruyce of the children of Israel in the Tabernacle of witnesse, to make attonemet for the children of Israel, that there be not a plage amonge the children of Israel, yf they wyll come nye ye Sanctuary. 20And Moses with Aaron and the whole congregacio of the childre of Israel, dyd wt the Leuites all as the LORDE had commauded Moses. 21And they purified the Leuites, and wa?shed their clothes. And Aaron waued them before the LORDE, and made attoment for them, that they might be cleane. 22After that wente they in, to do their office in the Tabernacle of witnesse before Aaron and his sonnes: as the LORDE commauded Moses concernynge the Leuites, euen so dyd they with them. 23And the LORDE spake vnto Moses & sayde: 24This is it that belongeth vnto the Leuites: From fyue and twentye yeare and aboue, shal they go in to the office of the Tabernacle of witnesse. 25But fro fyftie yeare forth, they shal ceasse from the waitinge of the seruyce therof, and shall mynister nomore, 26but shal appoynte their brethren to waite and to serue in the Tabernacle of wytnesse: but the office shal not they execute. Thus shalt thou do with the Leuites in their seruyces, that euery one maye wayte vpon his awne charge. 9Annd the LORDE spake vnto Moses in the wildernesse of Sinai, in ye first moneth of the seconde yeare that they were departed out of the lande of Egipte, & sayde: 2Let the children of Israel kepe Easter in his season, 3euen vpon the fourtene daye of this moueth at euen, in his season shall they kepe it, acordynge to all the statutes & lawes therof. 4And Moses spake to ye childre of Israel, yt they shulde kepe Easter. 5And they kep Easter vpo the fourtene daye of the first moneth at euen in the wildernes of Sinai. Acordinge to all that the LORDE comaunded Moses, euen so dyd the children of Israel. 6Then were there certayne men defyled of a deed man, so that they coulde not kepe Easter vpon that daye: these came before Moses and Aaron the same daye, 7and sayde vnto him: We are defiled of a deed ma: wherfore shulde we be despysed, that we must not bringe oure giftes in his season amonge the children of Israel? 8Moses sayde vnto them: Stonde styll, I wil heare what the LORDE commaundeth you. 9And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, and sayde: 10Speake vnto the children of Israel, & saie: Wha eny man is defyled of a deed coarse, or is gone farre from you ouer the felde, or is amonge youre kyn?folkes, yet shall he kepe Easter, 11but in the seconde moneth vpo ye fourtene daye at euen, and they shal eate it with vnleuended bred and sowre sawse, 12and shall leaue none of it vntyll the mornynge, ner breake eny bone therof, and shal kepe it acordinge to all ye maner of ye Easter. 13But he that is cleane, and not gone in a iourney, and is negligent to kepe the Easter, the same soule shal be roted out from amoge his people: because he brought not his gifte to the LORDE in his season, he shal beare his synne. 14And whan there dwelleth a straunger amonge you, he shal kepe Easter also vnto the LORDE, & shal holde it acordinge to ye ordinaunce and lawe of ye Easter. This statute shal be vnto you alike, to the straunger as to him that is borne in the londe. 15And ye same daye yt the Habitacion was set vp, a cloude couered it vpo the Tabernacle of witnesse, & at euen there was a symilitude of fyre vpon the Habitacion vntill the mornynge. 16So came it to passe allwaye, yt the cloude couered it by daye, & the symilitude of fyre by night. 17And whan the cloude was take vp from the Habitacion, then the children of Israel wente on their iourney. And loke in what place the cloude abode, there the childre of Israel pitched their tentes. 18Acordinge to the worde of the LORDE toke the children of Israel their iourney, and acordinge to his worde pitched they their tentes. So longe as the cloude abode vpon the Habitacion, they laye styll. 19And whan the cloude taried many dayes vpon the Habitacion, the childre of Israel wayted vpon the LORDE, & wente not on their iourney. 20And whan it chaunced that the cloude abode vpo ye Habitacion eny space of dayes, then pitched they acordinge to the worde of the LORDE, & after the worde of the LORDE wente they on their iourney. 21Whan the cloude was there from the euenynge vntyll the mornynge, and so was taken vp, then wete they on their iourney: and whether it was take vp by daye or by night, they iourneyed. 22But whan it taried vpon the habitacion two dayes, or a moneth, or a longe season, then laye the children of Israel, and iourneyed not: and so whan it was taken vp, they wente on their iourney. 23For acordinge to the mouth of the LORDE they saye, and after the mouth of the LORDE they iourneyed, so yt they kepte the LORDES watch, acordinge to the worde of the LORDE by Moses. 10And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, and sayde: 2Make the two trompettes of beaten syluer, that thou mayest vse them, to call the cogregacion together, and whan the hoost shal breake vp. 3Whan they blowe with both, then shall the whole congregacion gather them selues together vnto the before the dore of the Tabernacle of witnesse. 4Whan they blowe but with one, then the captaynes, the rulers ouer the thousandes in Israel shal gather them selues together vnto the. 5Whan ye trompe, then shal the hoostes that lye on the East syde, breake vp. 6And whan ye trompe the seconde tyme, the hoostes that lye on the South syde, shal breake vp. For ye shall trompe, whan they shal take their iourneys. 7But whan ye congregacion is to be gathered together, ye shal blowe, and not trompe. 8This blowinge wt the trompettes shal the sonnes of Aaron the prest do. And it shall be yor lawe for euer amonge youre posterities. 9Whan ye go to a battayll in youre londe agaynst youre enemies yt vexe you, ye shall trompe with the trompettes, that ye maye be remembred before the LORDE yor God, and delyuered from youre enemies. 10Like wyse whan ye are mery, and in youre feast dayes, & in youre new Monethes, ye shal blowe with the trompettes ouer youre burntsacrifices & healthofferinges, yt it maie be a remembraunce vnto you before youre God. I am the LORDE youre God. 11Vpon the twentye daye in the seconde moneth of the seconde yeare, arose the cloude from the habitacion of witnesse. 12And the childre of Israel wente on their iourney out of the wyldernesse of Sinai, and the cloude abode in the wyldernesse of Paran, 13First brake vp (acordinge to the worde of the LORDE by Moses.) 14Namely, the baner of the hoost of Iuda wente forth first with their armies, and ouer their hoost was Nahasson the sonne of Aminadab. 15And ouer the hoost of the trybe of the children of Isachar was Nathaneel the sonne of Zuar. 16And ouer the hoost of the trybe of the children of Zabulon was Eliab the sonne of Elon. 17And the habitacion was taken downe, and the children of Gerson and Merari bare the habitacion. 18After that wente the baner of the hoost of Ruben with their armies, and ouer their hoost was Elizur the sonne of Sedeur. 19And ouer the hoost of the trybe of the children of Simeon was Selumiel the sonne of Zuri Sadai. 20And Eliasaph the sonne of Deguel ouer the hoost of the trybe of the children of Gad. 21Then wente the Rahathites forwarde also, and bare the Sanctuary, and caused ye habitacion be set vp agaynst they came. 22After that wente the baner of the hoost of the children of Ephraim with their armies, and ouer their hoost was Elisama the sonne of Amihud. 23And Gamaliel the sonne of Pedazur ouer the hoost of the trybe of the children of Manasse. 24And Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni ouer the hoost of the trybe of the children of Ben Iamin. 25After that wente the baner of the hoost of the children of Dan with their Armyes, (and so were all the hoostes vp) and Ahieser the sonne of Ammi Sadai was ouer their hoost. 26And Pagiel ye sonne of Ochran, ouer the hoost of the trybe of the children of Asser. 27And Ahira the sonne of Enan ouer the hoost of the trybe of the children of Nephthali. 28Thus the childre of Israel wete forth with their armyes. 29And Moses spake vnto his brother in lawe, Hobab the sonne of Raguel of Madian: We go vnto the place, of the which ye LORDE sayde: I wil geue it you: Come now with vs therfore, and we wil do ye best with the, for the LORDE hath promysed good vnto Israel. 30But he answered: I wil not go wt you, but wil go in to myne awne londe vnto my kynred. 31He sayde: Oh nay, leaue vs not: for thou knowest where is best for vs to pytche in the wyldernesse, and thou shalt be oure eye. 32And yf thou goest with vs, loke what good the LORDE doth vnto vs, the same wil we do vnto the. 33So they departed from the mount of the LORDE thre dayes iourney, & the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt wente before them those thre dayes iourney, to shewe the where they shulde rest. 34And ye cloude of the LORDE was ouer them in the daye tyme, whan they wete out of ye tetes. 35And whan the Arke wente forth, Moses sayde: Aryse LORDE, let thine enemies be scatered, and let them that hate the, flye before the. 36And whan it rested, he sayde: Come agayne O LORDE vnto the multitude of the thousandes of Israel. 11And whan ye people waxed vnpaciet, it displeased sore ye eares of ye LORDE. And whan the LORDE herde it, his wrath waxed whote, & the fyre of ye LORDE burnt amoge them, so yt it cosumed the vttemost of ye hoost. 2The cryed the people vnto Moses. And Moses prayed vnto the LORDE. So ye fyre quenched. 3And the place was called Tabera, because the fyre of the LORDE burnt amonge them. 4Then the comon sorte of people yt was amoge them, fell a lustinge, and sat & wepte wt the children of Israel, and sayde: Who wyll geue vs flesh to eate? 5We remembre the fish, the we ate in Egipte for naught, & Cucumbers, Melouns, lekes, onyons, & garleke: 6But now is oure soule dryed awaye, oure eyes se nothinge then the Manna. 7The Manna was like Coriader sede, and to loke vpon, like Bedellion. 8And the people ranne here and there, & gathered it, & grounde it in Milles, and beate it in morters, and baked it in panes, and made cakes of it, and it had a taist like an oyle cake. 9And whan ye dew fell vpon the tetes in the night, ye Manna fell therwith. 10Now whan Moses herde the people wepe amoge their kynreds, euery one in his tet dore, then the wrath of the LORDE waxed exceadinge whote. And it greued Moses also. 11And Moses sayde vnto the LORDE: Why vexest thou thy seruaunte? And why fynde not I fauoure in yi sight, yt thou layest ye burthen of all this people vpo me? 12Haue I the coceaued all this people, or begotten them, that thou shuldest saye vnto me: Cary them in thine armes (as a nurse beareth a childe) vnto the londe, that thou hast sworne vnto their fathers? 13Where shal I get flesh, to geue all this people? They wepe before me, and saye: Geue vs flesh, that we maye eate. 14I am not able to beare all this people alone, for it is to heuy for me. 15And yf thou wylt deale thus wt me: O kyll me then, yf I haue founde fauoure in thy sight, that I se not my wrechednesse. 16And the LORDE saide vnto Moses: Gather vnto me seuentye men amonge the Elders of Israel, whom thou knowest yt they are the Elders in ye people and officers ouer them, and brynge them before the Tabernacle of witnesse, and set them there with the: 17then wil I come downe, and talke with the euen there, & take of thy sprete that is vpon the, and putt it vpon them, that they maye beare the burthen of the people with the, yt thou beare not all alone. 18And vnto ye people thou shalt saye: Sactifye yor selues agaynst tomorow, yt ye maye eate flesh: for youre wepynge is come into the eares of the LORDE, ye that saye: Who shal geue vs flesh to eate? for we were well at ease in Egipte. Therfore shal the LORDE geue you flesh to eate, 19not one daye, not two, not fyue, not ten, not twentye dayes longe, 20but a moneth longe, tyll it go out at youre noses, and tyll ye lothe it: euen because ye haue refused the LORDE, which is amonge you, and haue wepte before him, & sayde: Wherfore wente we out of Egipte? 21And Moses sayde: Sixe hundreth thousande fote men are there of the people amoge whom I am, and thou sayest: I wyll geue you flesh to eate a moneth loge. 22Shal the shepe and oxen be slayne to be ynough for them? Or shal all the fishes of the see be gathered together, to be sufficient for them? 23The LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Is the LORDES hande shortened then? But now shalt thou se, whether my wordes shall be fulfilled in dede, or no? 24And Moses wete out, and tolde the people ye worde of the LORDE, and gathered the seuentye men amonge the Eldest of the people, & set them rounde aboute the Tabernacle. 25Then came the LORDE downe in a cloude, & spake vnto him, & toke of the sprete yt was vpon him, & put it vpon the seuentie Elders. And whan the sprete rested vpon them, they prophecied, and ceassed not. 26But in the hoost there remayned yet two men, of whom the one was called Eldad, ye other Medad, & the sprete rested vpo them. For they were wrytten vp also, & yet were they not gone out vnto the Tabernacle, and they prophecied in the hoost. 27Then ran there a lad, & tolde Moses, & sayde: Eldad and Medad prophecie in the hoost. 28Then answered Iosua ye sonne of Nun Moses seruaunte (whom he had chosen) and sayde: My lorde Moses, for bydde them. 29But Moses sayde vnto him: Art thou gelous for my sake? wolde God, yt all the people of ye LORDE coulde prophecie, and that ye LORDE wolde geue them his sprete. 30So Moses and the Elders of Israel gat them to the hoost. 31Then wente out the wynde from ye LORDE, & caused quayles to come from the see, & scatred the ouer the hoost, here a dayes iourney, there a dayes iourney rounde aboute ye hoost, two cubytes hye aboue ye earth. 32Then the people stode vp all that daye and all yt night, and all the nexte daye, and gathered quayles: and he that gathered the leest, gathered ten Homers, & they kylled them rounde aboute the hoost. 33But whyle ye flesh was yet betwene their tethe, & or euer it was vp, the wrath of the LORDE waxed whote amonge the people, and slewe them with an exceadinge greate slaughter. 34Therfore is the same place called the graues of lust, because the voluptuous people were buried there. 35From the lustgraues toke the people their iourney vnto Hazeroth, and abode at Hazeroth. 12And Miriam & Aaron spake agaynst Moses because of his wife the Morian which he had taken, because he had take a Morian to wife, 2and they sayde: Doth the LORDE speake onely thorow Moses? Speaketh he not also by vs? And the LORDE herde it. 3But Moses was a very meke man, aboue all men vpon earth. 4And haistely spake the LORDE vnto Moses, and to Aaron, and to Miriam: Go out ye thre vnto ye Tabernacle of wytnesse. And they wente out all thre. 5Then came the LORDE downe in the cloudy piler, & stode in the dore of the Tabernacle, & called Aaron & Miriam, & they both wete out. 6And he sayde: Heare my wordes: Yf eny man be a prophet of the LORDE, vnto him wil I shewe my self in a vision, or wil speake vnto him in a dreame. 7But not so wt my seruaunt Moses, which is faithfull in all my house. 8Mouth to mouth speake I vnto him, & he seyth the LORDE in his fashion, not thorow darke wordes or licknesses: Wherfore were ye not afrayed then to speake agaynst my seruaunt Moses? 9And ye wrath of the LORDE waxed whote ouer them, & he turned him awaye, 10and ye cloude also departed from the Tabernacle. And beholde, then was Miriam become leporus, as it were snowe. And Aaron turned him vnto Miriam, and sawe that she was leporous, 11and sayde vnto Moses: Oh my lorde, put not the synne vpon vs, which we haue foolishly committed and synned, 12that she be not as one that commeth deed out of his mothers wombe: It hath eaten vp half hir flesh allready. 13But Moses cried vnto the LORDE, & sayde: Oh God, heale her. 14The LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Yf hir father had spytte in hir face, shulde she not be ashamed seuen dayes? Let her be shut out of ye hoost seue dayes, after yt let her be receaued agayne. 15So Miriam was shut out of the hoost seue dayes, & the people wente no farther, tyll Miriam was receaued againe. 16Afterwarde departed the people from Hazeroth, and pitched in ye wildernesse of Paran. 13And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, & sayde: 2Sende forth men to spye out ye lande of Canaan (which I wil geue vnto ye children of Israel) of euery trybe of their fathers a man, and let them all be soch as are captaynes amonge them. 3Moses sent the out of the wildernes of Paran, acordinge to the worde of the LORDE, soch as were all heades amonge the children of Israel, and these are their names: 4Samma the sonne of Zacur, of the trybe of Ruben. 5Saphat the sonne of Hori, of the trybe of Simeon. 6Caleb ye sonne of Iephune, of the trybe of Iuda. 7Igeal the sonne of Ioseph, of the trybe of Isachar. 8Hosea the sonne of Nun, of ye trybe of Ephraim. 9Palti the sonne of Raphu, of the trybe of Ben Iamin. 10Gadiel the sonne of Sodi, of ye trybe of Zabulon. 11Gaddi the sonne of Susi, of the trybe of Ioseph of Manasse. 12Ammiel the sonne of Gemalli, of the trybe of Dan. 13Sethur ye sonne of Michael, of the trybe of Asser. 14Nahebi the sonne of Vaphsi, of the trybe of Nephtali. 15Guel the sonne of Machi, of the trybe of Gad. 16These are the names of the men, whom Moses sent forth to spye out the lande. As for Hosea the sonne of Nun, Moses called him Iosua. 17Now whan Moses sent the forth to spye out the lande of Canaan, he sayde vnto the: Go vp southwarde, and get you vp to the mountaynes, 18and loke vpon the londe how it is: and the people that dwell therin, whether they be stronge or weake, fewe or many: 19and what maner of lande it is that they dwell in, whether it be good or bad: & what maner of cities they be that they dwell in, whether they be fenced with walles, or not: 20and what maner of lande it is, whether it be fatt or leane, and whether there be trees therin, or not. Be of a good corage, and bringe of the frutes of the londe. It was euen aboute the tyme, that grapes are first rype. 21They wente vp, & spyed the lande, from ye wildernes of Zin; vntyll Rehob, as me go vnto Hemath. 22They wente vp also towarde the south, and came vnto Hebron, where Ahiman was, and Sesai and Thalmai, the children of Enack (Hebron was buylded seuen yeare before Zoan in Egipte.) 23And they came to the ryuer of Escol, and there they cut downe a cluster of grapes, and caused two to beare it vpon a staffe, pomgranates also and fygges. 24The place is called the ryuer of Escol, because of the cluster of grapes, which the children of Israel cut downe there. 25And whan they had spyed out the lande, they turned bake againe after fourtye daies, 26and wente, and came to Moses and Aaron, & to the whole congregacion of ye children of Israel in to ye wyldernesse of Paran, eue vnto Cades, and brought them worde agayne, and to the whole congregacion, how it stode, and let them se the frute of the lande, 27and tolde them, and sayde: We came in to ye lande, whither ye sent vs, where it floweth with mylke and hony, and this is the frute therof: 28sauynge that stronge people dwell therin, and the cities are exceadinge stronge and greate. And we sawe the children of Enack there also. 29The Amalechites dwell in the south countre, the Hethites, and Iebusites and Amorites dwell vpon the mountaynes, but the Cananites dwell by the see, and aboute Iordane. 30Howbeit Caleb stylled ye people that was agaynst Moses, and sayde vnto them: Let vs go vp, and conquere the lande, for we are able to ouercome it. 31But the men that wente vp with him, sayde: We are not able to go vp agaynst that people, for they are to stronge for vs. 32And of the lande that they had searched, they brought vp an euell reporte amonge the childre of Israel, and saide: The lade that we haue gone thorow to spye out, eateth vp the indwellers therof: and all the people that we sawe therin, are men of greate stature. 33We sawe giauntes there also, yee giauntes as the children of Enack: and we semed in oure sighte as ye greshoppers, and so dyd we in their sighte. 14Then the whole cogregacion toke on, and cryed, and the people wepte yt night. 2And all the childre of Israel murmured agaynst Moses and Aaron, and the whole congregacion sayde vnto them: Oh that we had dyed in the lande of Egipte, or that we might dye yet in this wyldernesse. 3Wherfore bryngeth the LORDE vs in to this lande, that oure wyues shulde fall thorow the swerde, and ouer children be a praye? Is it not better, that we go agayne in to Egipte? 4And they sayde one to another: Let vs make a captayne, and go into Egipte agayne. 5But Moses & Aaron fell vpo their faces before ye whole cogregacion of the multitude of the childre of Israel. 6And Iosua ye sonne of Nun, & Caleb ye sonne of Iephune (which also had spyed out the lande) rente their clothes, 7& spake to the whole cogregacion of the children of Israel: The londe yt we haue walked thorow to spye it out, is a very good lande. 8Yf the LORDE haue lust vnto vs, he shal brynge vs in to the same londe, & geue it vs, which is a lade that floweth with mylke & hony. 9But in anye wyse rebell not ye agaynst the LORDE, & feare not ye people of this lande, for we wil eate the vp as bred. Their defence is departed fro them, but the LORDE is wt vs, be not ye afrayed of them. 10And all the people, bad stone them wt stones. Then appeared the glory of the LORDE in the Tabernacle of witnesse vnto all the children of Israel, 11& the LORDE sayde vnMoses: How longe shal this people blaspheme me? And how longe wil it be, or they beleue me, for all the tokes that I haue shewed amonge them? 12I wil smyte them with pestilence & destroye the, & wil make of the a greater & mightier people then this is. 13But Moses sayde vnto ye LORDE: Then shal ye Egipcians heare it (for wt thy power hast thou brought this people from amoge the) 14so shal it be tolde the inhabiters of this lande also, which haue herde, yt thou O LORDE art amonge this people, yt thou art sene from face to face, & that thy cloude stondeth ouer them, and that thou goest before them in the cloudy piler on the daye tyme, and in the fyrie piler on the night season. 15Yf thou shuldest now slaye this people as one man, then the Heythen that haue herde so good reporte of the, shulde saye: 16The LORDE was not able to brynge the people in to the londe, that he sware vnto them, therfore hath he slayne them in the wyldernes. 17So let the power of the LORDE now be greate, acordinge as thou hast spoken and sayde: 18The LORDE is of longe sufferaunce and of greate mercy, and forgeueth synne and trespace, and leaueth no man innocent, & vysiteth the my?dede of the fathers vpon the children in to the thirde and fourth generacion. 19O be gracious now vnto the synne of this people acordinge to thy greate mercy, like as thou hast forborne this people also, euer from Egipte vnto this place. 20And the LORDE sayde: I haue forgeue it, as thou hast saide. 21But as truly as I lyue, all ye worlde shalbe full of my glory. 22For of all ye men that haue sene my glory & my tokens, which I dyd in Egipte and in the wildernesse, and tempted me new ten tymes, & haue not herkened vnto my voyce, 23there shall not one se the londe that I sware vnto their fathers: nether shal eny of them that haue blasphemed me, se it. 24But my seruaut Caleb, because there is another maner sprete with him, & because he hath folowed me, him wil I brynge in to the lande, which he hath gone thorow, & his sede shal conquere it, 25and ye Amalechites also and the Cananites, that dwell in the lowe countrees. Tomorow turne you, and get you to the wyldernesse, in the waye towarde the reed see. 26And ye LORDE spake vnto Moses & Aaron, & sayde: 27How loge shal this euell multitude murmur agaynst me? 28For I haue herde the murmuringe of the childre of Israel, yt they haue murmured agaynst me. Tell them therfore: As trulye as I lyue (sayeth ye LORDE) I wil do vnto you, euen as ye haue spoken in myne eares: 29Youre carcases shal lye in this wildernesse. And all ye that were nombred from twentye yeare and aboue, which haue murmured agaynst me, 30shall not come in to the lande (cocernynge the which I lift vp my hade, yt I wolde let you dwell therin) saue Caleb ye sonne of Iephune, and Iosua the sonne of Nun. 31Youre children, of whom ye sayde: They shalbe a spoyle, them wyll I brynge in, so yt they shal knowe the lande, which ye haue refused. 32But ye with youre carcases shall lye in this wildernesse, 33and yor children shal wander in this wildernesse fourtye yeares, & beare yor whordome, tyll yor carcases be waisted in the wildernesse, 34acordinge to the nombre of ye fourtye dayes, wherin ye spyed out the londe. A daye for a yeare, so yt fourtye yeares ye shall beare youre my?dede, that ye maye knowe what it is, whan I withdrawe my hande. 35Euen I the LORDE haue sayde it, & wil do it in dede vnto all this euell congregacion, that haue lift vp them selues agaynst me: In this wildernesse shal they be consumed, and there shal they dye. 36So there dyed and were plaged before the LORDE all the me, whom Moses sent to spye out the lade, & came agayne, and made the whole cogregacion to murmur agaynst it, because they brought vp a my?reporte of the lande, 37that it was euell. 38But Iosua the sonne of Nun, and Caleb ye sonne of Iephune were left alyue, of the men that wente to spye out the lande. 39And Moses spake these wordes vnto all the children of Israel. The toke the people greate sorowe. 40And they arose early in ye mornynge, and wente vp to the toppe of ye mountayne, and sayde: Lo, here are we, and will go vp to the place, wherof the LORDE hath sayde: for we haue synned. 41But Moses sayde: wherfore go ye on this maner beyonde ye worde of the LORDE? It shall not prospere with you: 42go not vp (for ye LORDE is not amoge you) yt ye be not slayne before yor enemies. 43For the Amalechites and Cananites are there before you, & ye shal fall thorow ye swerde, because ye haue turned yor selues from the LORDE, and the LORDE shal not be with you. 44But they were blynded to go vp to the toppe of the mountaine: neuertheles the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt & Moses came not out of the hooste. 45Then came downe ye Amalechites & Cananites which dwelt vpon that mountayne, and smote them and hewed them, euen vnto Horma. 15And the LORDE talked with Moses, and sayde: 2Speake to the childre of Israel, & saye vnto them: Whan ye come in to the lande of youre dwellinge, which I shal geue you, 3and wil do sacrifice vnto the LORDE, whether it be a burntofferynge, or an offrynge for a speciall vowe, or a frewyll offerynge, or youre feast offerynges, that ye maye make a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE, of oxen or of shepe. 4He yt wil offre now his gifte vnto ye LORDE, shal brynge for the meatofferinge a teth deale of fyne floure myngled with oyle of the fourth parte of an Hin, 5and wyne for ye drynkofferynge the fourth parte of an Hin also: to the burntofferinge, or eny other offeringe, whan a lambe is offred. 6But wha there is a ramme offred, thou shalt make the meatofferynge two teth deales of fyne floure myngled with oyle, of the thirde parte of an Hin, 7and ye thirde parte of an Hin of wyne also for a drynkofferinge: this shalt thou offre for a swete sauor vnto the LORDE. 8But yf thou wilt offre an oxe for a burntofferynge, or for a speciall vowe offerynge, or for an healthofferinge vnto the LORDE, 9thou shalt brynge to the oxe, the meatoffrynge, euen thre tenth deales of fyne floure mingled with half an Hin of oyle, & half an Hin of wyne for a drynkoffrynge. 10This is an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE. 11Thus shalt thou do with an oxe, with a ramme, with a lambe, and with a goate. 12Acordinge as the nombre of the offerynges is, therafter shall the nombre of the meatofferynges and drynkofferynges be also. 13He that is one of youre selues, shall do this, that he maye offre a sacrifice of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE. 14And yf there dwell a straunger with you, or is amoge youre kyn?folkes, and wil do an offerynge vnto the LORDE for a swete sauoure, the same shal do as ye do. 15Let there be one statute for the whole cogregacion, both vnto you and to the straungers. A perpetuall statute shal it be vnto youre posterities, that the straunger be eue as ye before ye LORDE. 16One lawe, and one ordinaunce shalbe vnto you and to the straunger that dwelleth with you. 17And the LORDE talked with Moses, & sayde: 18Speake to the children of Israel, and saye vnto them: Whan ye come in to the lande, in to ye which I shal brynge you, 19so that ye eate the bred of the londe, ye shal heue vp an Heueofferynge vnto the LORDE, 20namely, a cake of the firstlinges of youre dowe shall ye geue for an Heueofferynge: as the Heueofferynge of the barne, 21euen so shal ye geue the firstlinges of youre dowe also vnto the LORDE, for an Heueofferynge amonge youre posterities. 22And whan ye thorow ignoraunce ouer se eny of these commaundementes, which the LORDE hath spoken by Moses, 23and all yt the LORDE hath commaunded you by Moses (from the daye that the LORDE beganne to commaunde for youre posterities) 24and the cogregacion do ought ignorauntly, the shal the whole congregacion offre a yonge bullocke from amonge the greate catell to a burntofferynge, for a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE, with his meatofferynge and drynkofferynge as the maner is, and an he goate for a synofferynge. 25And so shal the prest make an attonement for the whole congregacion of the children of Israel, and it shalbe forgeuen them: for it is an ignoraunce. And they shal brynge these their giftes for an offerynge vnto the LORDE, and their synofferynge before the LORDE for their ignoraunce, 26and it shalbe forgeuen the whole congregacion of the childre of Israel, & the straunger also yt dwelleth amonge you, for so moch as all the people is in soch ignoraunce. 27Yf one soule synne thorow ignoraunce, the same shal brynge a she goate of a yeare olde for a synofferynge. 28And the prest shall make an attonement for soch an ignoraunt soule with the synofferinge for the ignoraunce before the LORDE, that he maye reconcyle him, and it shal be forgeuen him. 29And it shal be one lawe, (that ye shal do for ye ignoraunce) both vnto him that is borne amonge the children of Israel, and to the straunger that dwelleth amonge you. 30But yf a soule do ought presumptuously, whether he be one of youre selues or a straunger, he hath despysed the LORDE: ye same soule shalbe roted out from amoge his people: 31because he hath despysed the worde of the LORDE, and hath left his commaundement vndone: that soule shall vtterly perishe, his synne shalbe vpon him. 32Now whyle the children of Israel were in the wyldernesse, they founde a man gatherynge stickes vpon the Sabbath daye. 33And they that founde him gatherynge stickes, brought him vnto Moses and Aaron, and before the whole congregacion. 34And they put him in preson, for it was not declared what shulde be done vnto him. 35The LORDE sayde vnto Moses: The man shall dye the death, the whole congregacion shal stone him without the hoost. 36Then the whole cogregacion brought him out of ye hoost, and stoned him that he dyed, as ye LORDE commaunded Moses. 37And ye LORDE sayde vnto Moses: 38Speake to the childre of Israel, & saye vnto the, yt they make them gardes vpon ye quarters of their garmentes amonge all yor posterities, and put yalowe rybandes vpon the gardes in ye quarters. 39And ye gardes shal serue you, yt ye maye loke vpon the, and remembre all the comaundementes of the LORDE, & do them: that ye order not youre selues after ye meanynge of youre awne hert, ner go awhorynge after youre awne eyes. 40Therfore shal ye remembre and do all my commaundementes, and be holy vnto youre God. 41I am the LORDE youre God, which brought you out of the lande of Egipte, to be yor God. Euen I the LORDE youre God. 16And Corah the sonne of Iezehar the sonne of Kahath, the sonne of Leui, with Dathan and Abiram the sonne of Eliab, and On the sonne of Peleth, ye sonnes of Rube, 2tode vp agaynst Moses, with certayne men amonge the childre of Israel, two hundreth & fyftie captaynes of the congregacion, councelers, & famous men. 3And they gathered them selues agaynst Moses & Aaro & sayde vnto them: Ye make to moch adoo, for all the congregacion is holy euery one, and the LORDE is amonge them: Why lifte ye youre selues vp then aboue the congregacion of the LORDE? 4Whan Moses herde yt, he fell vpo his face, 5& saide vnto Corah, & to all his company: Tomorow shal ye LORDE shewe who is his, & who is holy to come vnto him. Who so euer he choseth, ye same shal come vnto him. 6This do: Take ye censors, thou Corah & all yi copanye, 7& do fyre therin, & put incense theron tomorow before the LORDE: then whom so euer the LORDE choseth, the same shal be holy. Ye make to moch a doo, ye children of Leui. 8And Moses sayde vnto Corah: Heare ye childre of Leui, 9it not ynough vnto you, yt ye God of Israel hath separated you fro ye multitude of Israel, yt ye shulde come nye him, to do the seruyce of the dwellynge place of the LORDE, and stonde before the people to mynister vnto them? 10He hath caused the and all thy brethren the childre of Leui with the, to come nye vnto him: and now ye seke the presthode also. 11Thou and all thy copany conspyre agaynst the LORDE. What is Aaron, that ye shulde murmur against him? 12And Moses sent to call Datha & Abira ye sonnes of Eliab. But they saide: We wil not come vp. 13Is it to litle yt thou hast brought vs out of ye lande of Egipte (yt floweth wt mylke & hony) to kyll vs in ye wildernesse: but thou must raigne ouer vs also? 14How goodly well hast thou brought vs in to a lande, that floweth wt milke and hony, & geue vs feldes and vyniardes in possession? Wilt thou put out these mens eyes? We will not come vp. 15Then was Moses very wroth, & saide vnto ye LORDE: Turne ye not vnto their meatofferinges. I haue not take so moch as an Asse fro the, nether haue I hurte eny of the. 16And Moses sayde vnto Corah: Tomorow be thou & all yi companye before ye LORDE, thou, and they, & Aaron. 17And take euery one his censer, and put incense therin, and come before the LORDE, euery one with his censer (that is two hundreth and fiftye censers) and both thou and Aaron take either his censer. 18And euery one toke his censer, and put fyre therin, and layed incense theron, and came before the dore of the Tabernacle of witnes, and Moses and Aaron also. 19And Corah gathered ye whole congregacio agaynst the before the dore of the Tabernacle of witnes. But ye glory of the LORDE appeared before ye whole congregacion. 20And ye LORDE spake vnto Moses & Aaron, & sayde: 21Separate youre selues fro this congregacio, yt I maye shortly consume them. 22And they fell vpon their faces, & sayde: O God, thou God of the spretes of all flesh, yf one man haue synned, wilt thou therfore be wroth ouer the whole congregacion? 23And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, & saide: 24Speake to the congregacio, and saye: Come vp from ye dwellynge of Corah, and Dathan, and Abiram. 25And Moses stode vp, & wente vnto Dathan & Abiram, & the Elders of Israel folowed him, 26& he spake to ye cogregacio, & saide: Departe fro ye tentes of these vngodly me & touche nothinge yt is theirs, yt ye perishe not in eny of their sinnes. 27And they gat them vp from the dwellynge of Corah, Dathan, & Abiram. But Dathan and Abira came out, and stode in the dore of their tentes, with their wyues, and sonnes and children. 28And Moses sayde: Hereby shal ye knowe that the LORDE hath sent me, to do all these workes, and that I haue not done them of myne awne hert. 29Yf these men dye the comon death of all men, or be vysited as all men are vysited, then hath not the LORDE sent me. 30But yf the LORDE make a new thinge, and the earth open hir mouth, and swalowe them with all that they haue, so yt they go downe quycke in to hell, the shal ye knowe, that these men haue blasphemed the LORDE. 31And wha he had spoke out all these wordes, ye groude cloue asunder vnder the, 32& the earth opened hir wouth, & swalowed the, wt their houses, & all the me yt were wt Corah, & all their substauce, 33and they wente downe quycke in to the hell, with all that they had. And the earth closed vpo them, & so they perished from amonge ye congregacio. 34And all Israel yt were aboute the, fled at ye crye of the, for they sayde: That ye earth swalowe not vs also. 35Morouer the fyre came out fro the LORDE, and consumed the two hundreth and fyftye men, that offred the incense. 36And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, & sayde: 37Speake to Eleasar ye sonne of Aaron ye prest, yt he take vp ye censers out of ye burninge, & scater ye fyre here & there 38(For the censers of these synners are halowed thorow their soules) yt they maye be beate in to thinne plates, & fastened vpon ye altare. For they are offred before ye LORDE, & halowed: and they shalbe a token vnto ye childre of Israel. 39And Eleasar the prest toke ye brasen censers which they yt were burnt, had offred, & bet the to plates, to fasten the vpon ye altare 40for a remebraunce vnto ye children of Israel yt no straunger (and he that is not of ye sede of Aaron) come nye to offre incense before the LORDE, yt it happe not vnto him as vnto Corah and his companye, acordynge as the LORDE sayde vnto him by Moses. 41On the nexte morow murmured ye whole congregacion of ye childre of Israel against Moses & Aaro, & saide: Ye haue slayne ye people of ye LORDE. 42And whan the cogregacio was gathered agaynst Moses & Aaro, they turned the towarde ye Tabernacle of witnes And beholde, the ye cloude couered ye Tabernacle, & ye glory of ye LORDE appeared. 43And Moses & Aaro wete in before ye Tabernacle of witnes. 44And ye LORDE spake vnto Moses & sayde: 45Get you out of this cogregacion, I wil shortly consume the. And they fell vpon their faces. 46And Moses sayde vnto Aaron: Take the ceser & put fyre therin fro of the altare, & laye incese theron, & go soone to the cogregacion, & make an attonement for them. For the wrath is gone out from the LORDE, and the plage is begone amonge the people. 47And Aaron dyd as Moses sayde, & ranne in the myddest amonge ye congregacio. And beholde, ye plage was begone. And he burnt incese & made an attonemet for the people, 48& stode betwene the deed & the lyuynge, and the plage ceassed. 49But there were fourtene thousande, and seue hundreth deed in the plage, besydes them that dyed aboute the busynesse of Corah. 50And Aaron came agayne vnto Moses before the dore of the Tabernacle of witnesse. And the plage ceassed. 17And ye LORDE spake vnto Moses, & sayde 2Speake to the children of Israel, & take of the twolue staues, of euery captayne of his fathers house one, and wryte euery mans name vpon his staffe. 3But Aarons name shalt thou wryte vpon the staffe of Leui. For euery heade of their fathers house shal haue a staffe. 4And laye the in the Tabernacle of witnesse, before the witnesse where I testifie vnto you. 5And loke whom I shall chose, his staffe shal florishe, yt I maye stylle the grudginges of the children of Israel, which they grudge agaynst you. 6And Moses spake vnto the childre of Israel, & all their captaynes gaue him twolue staues, euery captayne a staffe, after ye house of their fathers. And Aarons staffe was amonge their staues also. 7And Moses layed the staues before the LORDE in the Tabernacle of witnesse. 8On the morow wha Moses wete in to ye Tabernacle of witnesse, he foude yt Aaros rodde of the house of Leui florished, and brought forth blossoms, & bare allmondes. 9And Moses brought forth all ye staues fro ye LORDE before all ye childre of Israel, that they might se it. And they toke euery ma his staffe. 10The LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Bringe Aaros staffe againe before the wytnesse, yt it maye be kepte for a toke to the children of rebellion, that their murmuringes maye ceasse fro me, lest they dye. 11Moses dyd as ye LORDE comaunded him. 12And ye childre of Israel sayde vnto Moses: Beholde, we cosume awaie, we are destroied, & perishe. 13Who so cometh nye ye dwellynge place of ye LORDE, he dyeth. Shal we the vtterly cosume awaie? 18And the LORDE sayde vnto Aaron: Thou & thy sonnes, & thy fathers house wt the shal beare the my?dede of ye Sactuary: & thou & thy sonnes wt the, shall beare the my?dede of yor presthode. 2But thy brethren of the trybe of Leui yi father, shal come nye the, & be ioyned vnto the, that they maye mynistre vnto ye. But thou & thy sonnes wt the, shal mynistre before ye Tabernacle of witnesse. 3And they shal wayte vpo ye seruyce & vpon ye seruyce of the whole Tabernacle. But nye vnto the vessels of ye Sactuary & to the altare, shall they not come, yt both they & ye dye not: 4howbeit they shal be ioyned vnto the, to wayte vpo the mynistracion in the Tabernacle of witnesse, in all the seruice of the Tabernacle. And there shal no straunger come nye vnto you. 5Therfore wayte now vpon the seruyce of the Sanctuary, and vpon the seruyce of the altare, that there come no more wrath vpon the children of Israel. 6For lo, I haue take yor brethre the Leuites fro amonge the children of Israel, to be youre gifte, for a presente vnto ye LORDE, to do ye seruyce in ye Tabernacle of witnes. 7As for ye, and yi sonnes with the, ye shal waite vpon youre prestes office, that ye maye ministre in all maner busynes of the altare, and within the vayle: for yor prestes office geue I vnto you for a gifte to do seruyce. Yf a straunger come nye, he shall dye. 8And the LORDE sayde vnto Aaron: beholde, I haue geuen the my Heueofferynges: And all that the children of Israel halowe, haue I geuen vnto the, and to thy sonnes for a perpetuall dewtye. 9This shalt thou haue of the most holy thinges that they offer. All their giftes with all their meatofferinges, and with all their synofferynges, and wt all their trespace offerynges, that they geue me, the same shal be most holy vnto the and yi sonnes. 10In the most holy place shalt thou eate it. All that are males shall eate therof: For it shal be holy vnto the. 11The Heue offerynge of their giftes in all the Waueofferynges of the children of Israel, haue I geuen vnto the also, and to thy sonnes, and to thy doughters for a perpetuall dewtye. Who so is cleane in thy house, shal eate therof. 12All the fat of the oyle, and all ye fat of the wyne and corne of their firstlinges, that they geue vnto the LORDE, haue I geuen vnto ye. 13The first frutes of all that is in their londe, which they bringe vnto the LORDE, shal be thine. Who so euer is cleane in thine house, shal eate therof. 14All dedicate thinges in Israel shal be thine. 15All that breaketh the Matrix amonge all flesh, which they brynge vnto the LORDE, whether it be man or beest, shalbe thine. But so, that thou cause the firstborne of ma to be redemed, and that thou cause the first borne of vncleane beestes to be redemed also 16(They shal redeme it whan it is a moneth olde, and shall geue it lowse for money, euen for fyue Sycles, after the Sycle of the Sanctuary, which Sycle is worth twentye Geras.) 17But the first frutes of an oxe, or lambe, or goate shalt thou not cause to be redemed for they are holy. Their bloude shalt thou sprenkle vpon the altare, and their fat shalt thou burne for an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto ye LORDE. 18Their flesh shalbe thine, like as ye Wauebrest and ye right shulder is thine also. 19All the Heueofferinges that ye childre of Israel halowe vnto ye LORDE, haue I geuen vnto the, & to thy sonnes, & to thy doughters with the for a perpetuall dewtie. This shalbe a salted couenaut for euer before ye LORDE, vnto the and thy sede with the. 20And the LORDE sayde vnto Aaro: Thou shalt inheret nothinge in their londe, ner haue eny porcio amonge them: for I am yi porcion, and thine enheritaunce amoge the children of Israel. 21Vnto the children of Leui haue I geuen all the tithes in Israel to inheritaunce, for ye seruyce which they do vnto me in the Tabernacle of witnesse, 22that from hece forth the children of Israel come not nye the Tabernacle of witnes, to lade them selues with synne, and to dye: 23But the Leuites shal do the seruyce in the Tabernacle of witnes, & shal beare their synne, for a perpetuall lawe amonge youre posterities. And they shall inheret none inheritaunce amonge the children of Israel. 24For ye tithes of the childre of Israel, which they Heue vnto ye LORDE, haue I geuen vnto the Leuites for an heretage. Therfore haue I sayde vnto them, that they shall inheret no inheritannce amonge the children of Israel. 25And ye LORDE talked wt Moses, & saide: 26Speake to the Leuites, & saye vnto them: Wha ye take of ye childre of Israel ye tithes, yt I haue geuen you of the for yor inheritauce, ye shal take an Heueofferinge of the same vnto the LORDE, euen the tenth of the tithe. 27And the same yor Heueofferynge shall ye reken, as though ye gaue corne out of the barne, and fullnesse out of the wynepresse. 28Thus shal ye geue an Heueofferynge vnto the LORDE of all yor tithes, which ye take of the children of Israel, yt ye maie geue the same Heueofferynge of ye LORDE, vnto Aaro ye prest. 29And all yt ye geue of ye tythes, & halowe vnto ye LORDE for a gifte, ye same shall be his of the best. 30And saye thou vnto them: Whan ye thus Heue vp ye fat therof, it shalbe rekened vnto the Leuites as the increace of the barne, and as the increace of the wine presse. 31And ye maye eate it in all places, ye & yor children: for it is youre rewarde for youre seruyce in the Tabernacle of witnesse: 32and ye shal not lade synne vpon you in the same, whan ye Heue the fat therof, and vnhalowe not the halowed thinges of the children of Israel, and ye shal not dye. 19And the LORDE spake vnto Moses & Aaro & sayde: 2This custome shall be a lawe, which the LORDE hath comaunded, & sayde: Speake vnto ye children of Israel, yt they brynge vnto ye a reed cow without spot, wherin is no blemysh, & vpon who there came neuer yock: 3and ye shal geue her vnto Eleasar the prest, which shall brynge her without the hooste, and cause her to be slayne there before him. 4And Eleasar ye prest shal take of hir bloude with his fynger, and sprenckle it seuen tymet straight towarde the dore of the Tabernacle of witnesse, and cause the cow to be burnt before him, 5both hir?kynne and hir flesh, and hir bloude also with hir donge. 6And the prest shal take Ceder wodd and ysope, and purple woll, and cast it vpo the cow as she burneth, 7& he shal washe his clothes, and bathe his body with water, and the go in to the hoost, and be vncleane vntyll ye eue. 8And he that burnt her, shal wash his clothes also with water, and bathe his body in water, & be vncleane vntyll ye euen. 9And one yt is cleane, shal gather vp the a?shes of ye cow, and poure them without the hoost in a cleane place, that they maye be kepte there, for sprenklinge water to the congregacion of the childre of Israel, for it is a synofferinge. 10And he that gathered vp the a?shes of the cow, shall wash his clothes, and be vncleane vntyll the euen. This shalbe a perpetuall lawe vnto ye children of Israel, and to the straungers that dwell amonge you. 11Who so now toucheth a deed ma, shal be vncleane seuen dayes: 12the same shall purifie himself herewith, on the thirde daye and on the seuenth daie, and then shall he be cleane. And yf he puryfye not himself on the thirde daye, & on the seuenth daye, the shall he not be cleane. 13But wha eny ma toucheth a deed personne, and wil not purifie himself, he defyleth the dwellynge of the LORDE, and the same soule shal be roted out of Israel, because the sprenklinge water is not sprenkled vpon him: and he is vncleane, as longe as he letteth not himself be pourged therof. 14This is the lawe. Whan a ma dyeth in ye tente, who so euer goeth in to the tente, and all yt is in the tente, shal be vncleane seue daies. 15And euery open vessel that hath no lydd nor couerynge, is vncleane. 16And who so euer toucheth one yt is slayne wt the swerde vpon ye felde, or eny other deed, or a deed mans bone, or a graue, ye same is vncleane seue dayes. 17So now for the vncleane personne, they shal take of ye a?shes of this burntsynofferinge, & put springinge water theron in to a vessell, 18and a cleane man shall take ysope, & dyppe it in the water, and sprenkle it vpon the tente, and vpon all the vessels, and all the soules that are therin. Likewyse also vpon him, yt hath touched a deed mans bone, or a slayne personne, or a deed body, or a graue. 19And he that is cleane, shal sprenkle vpon the vncleane, ye thirde daye, & the seueth daie, & purifye him on ye seueth daye. And he shal washe his clothes, & bathe him self wt water, and so at euen he shalbe cleane. 20But he yt is vncleane, and wil not purifye him self, ye same soule shal be roted out of ye cogregacion. For he hath defyled the Sanctuary of the LORDE, & is not sprekled wt spreklinge water, therfore is he vncleane. And this shalbe a perpetuall lawe vnto the. And he yt sprenkled wt the spreklinge water, shall wash his clothes also. 21And who so euer toucheth the spreklinge water, shal be vncleane vntill the euen. 22And what so euer he toucheth, shalbe vncleane: & loke what soule he toucheth, shalbe vncleane vntill the euen. 20And the childre of Israel came wt the whole cogregacion into the wildernesse of Zin in the first moneth, & the people abode at Cades. And there dyed Miriam, & was buried there. 2And the congregacion had no water, & they gathered them selues together agaynst Moses & Aaron, 3& the people chode with Moses, & sayde: Wolde God yt we had perished, whan oure brethre perished before the LORDE. 4Wherfore haue ye brought the congregacion of the LORDE in to this wildernesse, yt we shulde dye here with oure catell? 5And wherfore haue ye brought vs out of Egipte in to this place, where men can not sowe, where are nether fygges, ner vynes, ner pomgranates, & where there is no water to drynke? 6And Moses & Aaron wete fro the congregacion vnto ye dore of ye Tabernacle of witnesse, & fell vpon their faces. And the glory of the LORDE appeared vnto them. 7And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, and sayde: 8Take the staffe, & gather the cogregacion together, thou & thy brother Aaron, & speake vnto the rocke before their eyes, & it shall geue his water. And thus shalt thou prouyde the water out of the rocke, & geue the congregacion drynke, and their catell also. 9The toke Moses the staffe before ye LORDE, as he commaunded him, 10& Moses & Aaron gathered the congregacion together before the rocke, & sayde vnto the: Heare ye rebellions: Shal we prouyde you water out of this rocke? 11And Moses lift vp his hande, & smote ye rocke wt the staffe two tymes. Then came ye water out abudantly, so yt the cogregacion dranke, and their catell also. 12But the LORDE sayde vnto Moses & Aaron: Because ye beleued me not, to sanctifye me before ye childre of Israel, ye shal not bringe this congregacion in to the londe that I shal geue the. 13This is ye water of strife, where the children of Israel stroue wt the LORDE and he was sanctified vpon them. 14And Moses sent messaungers fro Cades vnto ye kynge of ye Edomites: This worde sendeth the yi brother Israel: Thou knowest all ye trauayle that happened vnto vs, 15how that oure fathers wente downe in to Egipte, & how we haue dwelt in Egipte a longe tyme, & how the Egipcians dealte euell with vs & or fathers. 16And we cryed vnto ye LORDE which herde oure voyce, and sent his angell, & hath brought vs out of Egipte: And beholde, we are at Cades in ye cite without the borders of yi londe. 17O let vs go thorow thy londe, we wyl not go thorow ye feldes ner vynyardes, ner drynke the water out of the foutaynes. We wyl go the hye strete, and turne nether to ye right hande ner to ye lefte, tyll we be come past ye borders of thy countre. 18But the Edomite answered him: Thou shal not go by me, or I wyl come agaynst ye with ye swerde. 19The children of Israel saide vnto him: We wil go ye como hye waye, & yf we or oure catell drynke of thy water, we wil paye for it: we wil do nothinge, but passe thorow on fote onely. 20But he sayde: Thou shalt not go thorow, And the Edomites came out against them with a mightie people & a stroge hande. 21Thus ye Edomites denied to graute Israel passage thorow the borders of the lande. And Israel turned awaye from them. 22And the children of Israel brake vp fro Cades, and came with the whole congregacion vnto mount Hor. 23And the LORDE spake vnto Moses & Aaron at mount Hor harde vpon the coastes of ye lande of ye Edomites, & sayde: 24Let Aaro be gathered vnto his people: for he shal not come in to ye lande yt I haue geuen vnto ye children of Israel, because ye were dishobedient vnto my mouth at the water of strife. 25Take Aaron and Eleasar and his sonne, and brynge them vp vnto mount Hor, 26and strype Aaron out of his vestimentes, and put the vpon Eleasar his sonne and there shall Aaron be gathered (vnto his people) and dye. 27Then dyd Moses as the LORDE comaunded him, and they wente vp vnto Mount Hor in ye sight of the whole congregacion. 28And Moses toke Aarons clothes, & put the vpon Eleasar his sonne. And Aaron dyed there, euen aboue vpon the mount. 29And Moses & Eleasar came downe from the mount. And whan the whole congregacion sawe that Aaron was awaye, they mourned for him thirtie daies thorow out the whole house of Israel. 21And whan Arad the kynge of the Cananites (which dwelt towarde the south) herde, that Israel came in by ye waie yt the spyes had founde out, he fought agaynst Israel, and toke some of them presoners. 2Then vowed Israel a vowe vnto ye LORDE, and sayde: Yf thou wylt geue this people vnder my hande, I wyll vtterly destroye their cities. 3And the LORDE herde ye voyce of Israel, and delyuered them the Cananites, and they vtterly destroyed them wt their cities also. And he called the place Horma. 4Then departed they fro mount Hor on ye waye towarde the reed see, that they might go aboute the lande of the Edomites. And the soules of the people faynted by the waie 5and they spake agaynst God and agaynst Moses: Wherfore hast thou brought vs out of the lande of Egipte, to slaye vs in the wildernesse? For here is nether bred ner water, and oure soule lotheth this lighte meate. 6Than sent the LORDE fyrie serpentes amonge the people, which bote the peple, so that there dyed moch people in Israel. 7The came they vnto Moses, and sayde: We haue synned, because we haue spoken agaynst the LORDE and agaynst the. Praye thou vnto the LORDE, that he take awaye the serpentes from vs. And Moses prayed for the people. 8Then sayde the LORDE vnto Moses: Make the a brasen serpente, and set it vp for a token. Who so euer is bytten, and loketh vpon it, shal lyue. 9Then made Moses a serpent of brasse, and set it vp for a token: and whan a serpent had bytten eny man, he behelde the brasen serpente, and recouered. 10And the children of Israel departed, and pitched in Oboth. 11And from Oboth they wente on, and pitched in Igim by Abarim in the wyldernesse ouer agaynst Moab, on the Eastsyde. 12From thence departed they, & pitched by the ryuer of Sared. 13From thence departed they, and pitched on this syde Arnon, which is in the wyldernesse, and commeth out of the coastes of the Amorites. For Arnon is the border betwixte Moab and ye Amorites. 14Wherfore it is spoken in the boke of the warres of the LORDE: And go with violence both on the ryuer of Arnon, 15& on the founteyne of the riuer, which boweth downewarde to dwell at Ar, & leaneth theron, to be the border of Moab. 16And from thence they came to the well. This is the well, wherof the LORDE spake vnto Moses: gather the people together, I wil geue them water. 17Then sange Israel this songe, and they sange one after another ouer the well: 18This is the well, that the prynces dygged: the nobles amonge the people haue digged it thorow ye teacher and their staues. And from this wildernes they wente vnto Mathana, 19& from Mathana vnto Nahaliel, and from Nahaliel to Bamoth, 20and fro Bamoth vnto the valley that lieth in ye felde of Moab at the toppe of Pisga, and turneth towarde the wyldernesse. 21And Israel sent messaungers vnto Siho the kynge of the Amorrites, & caused to saye vnto him: 22Let me go thorow ye lande, we wyl not turne in to ye feldes ner in to the vynyardes: nether will we drynke the water of the welles, ye hye strete wil we go, till we be past the borders of thy countre. 23Howbeit Sihon wolde not geue the children of Israel licence to go thorow the coastes of his londe, but gathered all his people together, and wente out agaynst Israel in the wyldernesse. And whan he came to Iaheza, he fought agaynst Israel. 24Neuerthelesse Israel smote him with the edge of the swerde, and conquered his lande from Arnon vnto Iabock, and vnto the children of Ammon. For the borders of the children of Ammon were stroge. 25So Israel toke all these cities, and dwelt in all the cities of ye Amorites, namely at He?bon, and in the townes belonginge therto. 26For He?bon the cite was Sihons the kynge of the Amorites, and he had foughten before with the kynge of the Moabites, and conquered all his londe from him vntyll Arnon. 27Wherfore it is sayde in the prouerbe: Come vnto He?bon, let vs buylde and prepare ye cite of Sihon. 28For there is a fyre gone out of He?bon, and a flamme from the cite of Sihon, which hath consumed Ar of ye Moabites, and the citisens of ye toppe of Arnon. 29Wo vnto the Moab, thou people of Camos art vndone. His sonnes are put to flighte, & his doughters brought captyue vnto Sihon the kynge of the Amorites. 30Their glory is come to naught from He?bon vnto Dibon: waisted are they vnto Nopha, which reacheth vnto Mediba. 31Thus dwelt Israel in the lande of the Amorites. 32And Moses sent out spyes vnto Iahesar, & they toke the townes belongynge therto, & coquered the Amorites yt were therin. 33And they turned, & wente vp the waye towarde Basan. Then Og the kynge of Basan wete out agaynst them wt all his people, to fight in Edrei. 34And ye LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Feare him not, for I haue geuen him wt his lande & people in to thy hande, & thou shalt do with him, as thou dyddest with Sihon the kynge of the Amorites, which dwelt at He?bon. 35And they smote him, & his sonnes, & all his people (so yt there remayned none) & coquered the londe. 22Afterwarde wete ye children of Israel, & pitched in ye felde of Moab beyonde Iordane by Iericho. 2And whan Balac ye sonne of Ziphor sawe all that Israel had done vnto the Amorites, 3and that the Moabites were sore afrayed of the people (yt was so greate) and that the Moabites stode in feare of the children of Israel, 4he sayde vnto ye Elders of the Madianites: Now shal this heape licke vp all that is aboute vs, eue as an oxe licketh vp the grasse in the felde. (And Balac ye sonne of Ziphor was kynge of the Moabites at that tyme.) 5And he sent out messaungers vnto Balaam the sonne of Beor, which was an interpreter. (The same dwelt by the water of the lande of ye children of his people) that they shulde call him, and he caused to saye vnto him: Beholde, there is come out of Egipte, a people, which couereth ye face of ye earth, and lyeth ouer agaynst me. 6Come now therfore, and curse me this people, for they are to mightie for me, yf peraduenture I might be able to smyte them, and to dryue them out of the lande. For I wote, that whom thou blessest, he is blessed: and whom thou cursest, he is cursed. 7And the Elders of the Moabites wente on with ye Elders of the Madianites, and had the rewarde of ye soyth sayenge in their handes, and they came vnto Balaam, & tolde him the wordes of Balaac. 8And he saide vnto the: Tary here all night, & I will bringe you worde agayne, euen as the LORDE shal saye vnto me. So ye prynces of ye Moabites abode with Balaam. 9And God came vnto Balaam, & sayde: What men are these, which are with ye? 10Balaam sayde vnto God: Balac ye sonne of Ziphor the kynge of the Moabites hath sent vnto me: 11Beholde, there is a people come out of Egipte, and couereth the face of the earth, come now therfore, & curse me the, yf peradueture I maye be able to fighte with them, & to dryue the out. 12But God sayde vnto Balaam: Go not with them, & curse not that people, for they are blessed. 13Then rose Balaam vp in the mornynge, & sayde vnto the prynces of Balac: Get you vnto youre londe, for the LORDE wyll not suffer me to go with you. 14And the prynces of ye Moabites gat the vp, came to Balac, & saide: Balaam refuseth to come wt vs. 15Then sent Balac yet a greater copany of prynces, & more honorable the they. 16Whan they came to Balaam, they tolde him: Balac ye sonne of Ziphor sendeth ye this worde: Oh refuse not to come vnto me, 17for I wyll promote the vnto hye honoure, & wil do what so euer thou sayest vnto me. Come I praye the, curse me this people. 18Balaam answered, & sayde vnto ye seruautes of Balac: Yf Balac wolde geue me his house full of syluer & golde, yet coulde I not go beyonde ye worde of the LORDE my God, to do litle or greate. 19Neuertheles tary ye here this night, yt I maye were, what the LORDE wil saye more vnto me. 20Then came God to Balaam by night, & saide vnto him: Yf the men are come to call the, get the vp then, and go with the: but what I shal saye vnto the, that shalt thou do. 21Then rose Balaam vp in the mornynge, & sadled his Asse, & wente wt the prynces of ye Moabites. 22But the wrath of God waxed whote, because he wete. And the angell of ye LORDE stode in the waye, to withstode him. But he rode vpo his Asse, & two seruauntes wt him. 23And ye Asse sawe ye angell of ye LORDE stodinge in ye waye, & his swerde drawen in his hade. And ye Asse turned a syde out of ye waye, & wete in to the felde. But Balaam smote her, yt she shulde go in the waye. 24Then stode the angell of the LORDE in ye pathe by the vynyardes, where there were walles on both the sydes. 25And whan ye Asse sawe the angell of the LORDE, she wrenshed vnto the wall, & thrust Balaams fote vnto the wall. And he smote her agayne. 26The wete the angell of the LORDE farther, & stode in a narow place, where there was no waye to turne, nether to the righte hade ner to ye lefte. 27And whan the Asse sawe the angell of the LORDE, she fell downe vnder Balaam. Then was Balaams wrath furious, & smote the Asse with a staffe. 28Then opened the LORDE the mouth of ye Asse, and she sayde vnto Balaam: What haue I done vnto the, that thou hast smytten me now thre tymes? 29Balaam sayde vnto ye Asse: Because thou hast mocked me. Oh yt I had a swerde now in my hande, I wolde kyll the. 30The Asse sayde vnto Balaam: Am not I thine Asse, which thou hast rydden vpon in yi tyme vnto this daye? Was I euer wonte to do so vnto the? He sayde: No. 31Then opened the LORDE the eyes of Balaam, yt he sawe ye angell of the LORDE stondinge in ye waye, & a drawe swerde in his hade. And he enclyned him selfe, & bowed downe wt his face. 32And the angell of the LORDE sayde vnto him: Wherfore hast thou smytte thine Asse now thre tymes? Beholde, I am come out to resiste ye, for yi waye is frowarde, & cotrary vnto me. 33And ye Asse sawe me, & auoyded fro me thre tymes: or els yf she had not turned asyde fro me, I had slayne the, & saued the Asse alyue. 34Then sayde Balaam vnto ye angell of ye LORDE: I haue synned, for I wyst not, that thou stodest in the waye agaynst me. And now yf it displease ye, I wil turne agayne. 35The angell of ye LORDE saide vnto him: Go with the me: but thou shalt speake nothinge els, then yt I shal saye vnto ye. So Balaam wente forth wt the princes of Balac. 36Whan Balac herde yt Balaam came, he wente out to mete him (in the cite of the Moabites yt lieth on the coaste of Arnon, which is on ye vttemost border) 37& sayde vnto him: Dyd not I sende for ye to call the? Wherfore camest thou not then vnto me? Thinkest thou yt I am not able to promote ye vnto honor? 38Balaam answered him: Lo, I am come vnto ye But how can I saye eny thinge els, the yt God putteth in my mouth? yt I must speake 39So Balaam wente with Balac, and they came vnto the cite on the vttemost border of his lande. 40And Balac slewe oxen and shepe, and sent for Balaam, and for the prynces that were with him. 41And in the mornynge, Balac toke Balaam, and they wete vp to the hye place of Baal, that from thece he might se vnto the vttemost parte of ye people 23. And Balaam sayde vnto Balac: Buylde me here seuen altares, and prouyde me here seuen bullockes, and seue rammes. 2Balac dyd as Balaam sayde. And both Balac and Balaam offred, on euery altare a bullocke & a ramme. 3And Balaam sayde vnto Balac: Stonde thou by yi burntofferynge, I wil go, yf happly the LORDE wil mete me, & call me, yt I maye tell the, what so euer he sheweth me. And he wente his waye, as he sayde. 4And ye LORDE mett Balaam. And Balaam saide vnto him: Seuen altares haue I prepared, and offred on euery altare a bullocke and a ramme. 5The LORDE put ye worde in Balaams mouth, and sayde: Go agayne vnto Balac, and saye on this wise. 6And whan he came agayne vnto him, beholde, he stode by his burntofferynge, with all ye prynces of the Moabites. 7Then toke he vp his parable, & sayde: Balac the kynge of the Moabites hath caused to fet me out of Syria from the moutaynes towarde the East, (& sayde:) Come, curse me Iacob: come, defye me Israel. 8How shall I curse, whom God curseth not? How shal I defye, whom ye LORDE defyeth not? 9For fro ye toppe of ye stonye rockes I se him, & from the hilles I beholde him. Beholde, ye people shal dwell by theselues, & shal not be rekened amoge the Heithe. 10Who can tell the dust of Iacob, & the nombre of the fourth parte of Israel? My soule die ye death of ye righteous, and my ende be as the ende of these. 11The saide Balac vnto Balaam: What doest thou vnto me? I caused to set ye for to curse myne enemies, & beholde, thou blessest the. 12He answered & saide: Must I not kepe & speake yt, which the LORDE putteth in to me mouth? 13Balac saide vnto him: Come wt me yet vnto another place, fro whence thou mayest se ye vttemost parte of them, & not se them all, and curse me them there. 14And he toke him vp to a fre place, eue vnto the toppe of Pisga, & buylded seuen altares, and offered on euery altare a bullocke & a ramme. 15And he sayde vnto Balac: Stonde so by thy burntoffrynge, whyle I go yonder. 16And the LORDE mett Balaam, & put the worde in his mouth, & sayde: Go agayne vnto Balac, & saye on this wyse. 17And whan he came to him agayne, beholde, he stode by his burntofferynge with the prynces of the Moabites. And Balac sayde vnto him: What hath the LORDE sayde? 18And he toke vp his parable, & sayde: Ryse vp Balac & heare, marke my testimony wt thine eares thou sonne of Ziphor. 19God is not a man yt he shulde lye, ner a mans childe yt eny thinge shulde repente him. Shulde he saye and not do? Shulde he speake & not make it good? 20Beholde, I am brought hither to blesse, I blesse, & can not go backe there fro. 21There is no weerynesse sene in Iacob, nether eny laboure in Israel. The LORDE his God is wt him, & the kynges trompet is amoge the. 22God hath brought the out of Egipte, his stregth is as of an Vnicorne. 23For there is no Sorcerye in Iacob, & no Soyth sayer in Israel. Whan the tyme cometh, it shalbe saide vnto Iacob, & to Israel, what God doth. 24Beholde, the people shall ryse vp as a Lyonesse, & heue vp him self as a Lyon. He shal not lye downe, tyll he eate of the pray, and drynke the bloude of the slayne. 25Then sayde Balac vnto Balaam: Thou shalt nether curse him ner blesse him. 26Balaam answered, & sayde vnto Balac: Haue I not tolde the: All yt the LORDE speaketh, yt must I do? 27Balac saide vnto him: Oh come, I wil brynge ye to another place, yf it maye happly please God, yt thou mayest curse the there. 28And he brought him vp to the toppe of mount Peor, yt boweth towarde the wyldernesse. 29And Balaam sayde vnto Balac: Buylde me here seuen altares, and prouyde me seuen bullockes and seuen rammes. 30Balac dyd as Balaam sayde, and offered on euery altare a bullocke vnd a ramme. 24Now whan Balaam sawe yt it pleased the LORDE, that he shulde blesse Israel, he wente not (as he dyd before) to seke witches, but set his face straight towarde the wyldernesse, 2lifte vp his eyes, and sawe Israel, how they laye acordinge to their trybes, and the sprete of God came vpon him, 3and he toke vp his parable, and sayde: Thus sayeth Balaam the sonne of Beor: 4Thus sayeth the man whose eyes are opened: Thus sayeth he which heareth the wordes of God, which sawe the vision of ye Allmightie: which fell downe, and his eyes were opened. 5How goodly are thy tetes O Iacob, and thy habitacions O Israel? 6Euen as the brode valleys, as the gardens by the waters syde, as ye tentes which the LORDE hath plated, & as the Ceder trees vpon ye water. 7The water shal flowe out of his boket, and his sede shalbe a greate water. His kynge shalbe hyer then Agag, & his kyngdome shalbe exalted. 8God hath broughte hi out of Egipte, his strength is as of an vnicorne. He shal eate vp the Heithen his enemies, and grynde their bones to poulder, and shute thorow them with his arowes. 9He hath layed him downe as a Lyon and as a Lyonesse. Who wyll rayse him vp? Blessed be he, yt blesseth the: and cursed, that curseth the. 10The was Balac furious i wrath against Balaam, & smote his hades together, & sayde vnto him: I haue called the, yt thou shuldest curse myne enemies, and beholde, thou hast blessed the now thre tymes: 11& now get the hece to yi place. I thoughte yt I wolde promote the vnto honoure, but the LORDE hath kepte the backe from that worshipe. 12Balaam answered him: Tolde not I thy messaungers (whom thou sendedst vnto me) & sayde: 13Yf Balac wolde geue me his house full of syluer and golde, yet coulde I not go beyonde the worde of the LORDE, to do either euell or good after myne awne hert: but what ye LORDE speaketh, that must I speake also. 14And now beholde, for so moch as I go to my people, come therfore, I wyll shewe the what this people shal do vnto yi people after this tyme. 15And he toke vp his parable, and sayde: Thus sayeth Balaam the sonne of Beor: Thus sayeth ye man, whose eyes are opened: 16Thus sayeth he which heareth the wordes of God, & yt hath the knowlege of ye hyest, eue he yt sawe ye visio of ye Allmightie, & fell downe, & his eyes were opened: 17I shal se him, but not now: I shal beholde him, but not nie at hade. There shal a starre come out of Iacob, & a cepter shall come vp out of Israel, and shal smyte ye rulers of the Moabites, and ouercome all the children of Seth. 18Edom shalbe his possession, and Seir shalbe his enemies possessio, but Israel shal do manfully. 19Out of Iacob shal come he yt hath dominion, and shall destroye the remnaunt of the cities. 20And wha he sawe ye Amalechites, he toke vp his parable, & sayde: Amalec the first amoge the Heithe, but at ye last thou shalt perishe vtterly. 21And whan he sawe the Kenites, he toke vp his parable, & sayde: Stroge is yi dwellinge, and on a rocke hast thou put thy nest, 22neuertheles thou shalt be a burninge vnto Kain, tyll Assur take ye presoner. 23And he toke vp his parable agayne, & sayde: Alas, who shal lyue, wha God doth this? 24And shippes out of Citim shall subdue Assur and Eber. He himself also shal perishe vtterly. 25And Balaam gat him vp, and departed, and came againe vnto his place, and Balac wente his waye also. 25And Israel dwelt in Sittim, and the people beganne to commytte whordome with the doughters of the Moabites, 2which called the people vnto the sacrifice of their goddes. And the people ate and worshipped their goddes, 3and Israel submytted him self vnto Baal Peor. Then the wrath of the LORDE waxed whote vpon Israel, 4and he sayde vnto Moses: Take all the rulers of the people, and hange them vp vnto the LORDE agaynst ye Sonne, that the terryble wrath of the LORDE maye be turned awaye from Israel. 5And Moses sayde vnto the iudges of Israel: Euery man slaye his captayne, that haue submytted them selues vnto Baal Peor. 6And beholde, one of the childre of Israel wete in against his brethre, & ioyned him self to a Madianitish woma, in ye sighte of Moses & of the whole cogregacion of ye childre of Israel, which weped before the dore of ye Tabernacle of wytnesse. 7Whan Phineas ye sonne of Eleasar the sonne of Aaron ye prest sawe yt, he rose vp out of the congregacion, & toke a swerde in his hande, 8& wente after the man of Israel in to the whore house, & thrust the thorow, both the man of Israel and the woman, eue thorow the bely of her. Then ceassed the plage from the children of Israel, 9and there were slayne in the plage foure and twentye thousande. 10And ye LORDE spake vnto Moses, & saide: 11Phineas the sonne of Eleasar the sonne of Aaron ye prest, hath turned my wrath awaie from the childre of Israel thorow his gelousy for my sake amonge them, yt I shulde not cosume the childre of Israel in my gelousy. 12Wherfore saye: beholde, I geue him my couenaunt of peace, 13and he shal haue it, & his sede after him, eue the couenaunt of an euerlastinge presthode, because he was gelous for his Gods sake, and made an attonement for the children of Israel. 14The man of Israel that was slayne with the Madianitish woman, was called Simri the sonne of Salu, a captayne of the house of the father of the Simeonites. 15The Madianitish woman also that was slayne, was called Co?bi, ye doughter of Zur, which was a ruler of the people of a kynred amonge the Madianites. 16And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, & sayde: 17Vexe the Madianites, & smyte them, 18for they haue vexed you with their wyles, wherby they haue bigyled you thorow Peor, and thorow their sister Co?bi the doughter of a captayne of ye Madianites, which was slayne in the daye of the plage, for Peors sake, and the plage came after. 26And whan the giltye bloude was shed, the LORDE sayde vnto Moses & vnto Eleasar ye sonne of Aaron ye prest: 2Take the summe of the whole cogregacion of the childre of Israel from twentye yeare & aboue, after their fathers houses, all yt are able to go forth to the warre in Israel. 3And Moses & Eleasar the prest spake vnto them (in the felde of the Moabites besyde Iordane ouer against Iericho) 4namely vnto all the that were twentye yeare olde & aboue, as the LORDE comaunded Moses. And these are ye childre of Israel, that came out of Egipte. 5Ruben ye first borne sonne of Israel. The childree of Ruben were, Hanoch: of whom cometh ye kynred of the Hanochites. Pallu: of whom cometh the kynred of the Palluites. 6Hesron: of whom cometh the kynred of the Hesronites. Carmi: of whom cometh ye kynred of the Carmites. 7These are the kynreds of the Rubenites. And the nombre of the was, thre & fourtye thousande, seuen hundreth & thirtye. 8But the childre of Pallu were, Eliab. 9And the children of Eliab were Nemuel, and Dathan and Abiram. This is yt Dathan & Abira, those famous men in the congregacion, which stode vp agaynst Moses and Aaron in the copany of Corah, whan they rose vp agaynst the LORDE, 10& the earth opened hir mouth, and swalowed the wt Corah, wha the copany dyed, what tyme as the fyre consumed two hundreth & fiftye men, & they became a toke. 11But the children of Corah dyed not. 12The childre of Simeon in their kynreds were, Nemuel: of who cometh the kynred of ye Nemuelites. Iamin: of whom cometh ye kynred of ye Iaminites. Iachin: of who cometh the kynred of the Iachinites. 13Sera: of whom cometh ye kynred of the Sarahites. Saul: of whom commeth the kynred of the Saulites. 14These are the kynreds of the Simeonites, two & xx.M. & two hundreth. 15The childre of Gad in their kynreds were Zephon: of whom cometh ye kynred of ye Zephonites. Haggi: of whom cometh the kynred of ye Haggites. Suni: of whom cometh ye kynred of ye Sunites. 16Aseni: of whom commeth ye kynred of the Asenites. Eri: of who cometh the kynred of the Erinites. 17Arod: of whom cometh the kynred of the Arodites. Ariel: of whom cometh ye kynred of ye Arielites. 18These are the children of Gad, in their nombre fourtye thousande and fyue C. 19The children of Iuda, Er & Onan, which both dyed in the lade of Canaan. 20But ye children of Iuda in their kyndreds, were, Sela: of whom cometh the kynred of the Selanites. Phares: of whom cometh the kynred of the Pharesites. Serah: of whom cometh ye kynred of ye Serahites. 21The childre of Phares, were Hesron: of whom commeth the kynred of the Hesronites. Hamul: of whom cometh the kynred of the Hamulites. 22These are the kynreds of Iuda, in their nombre, sixe and seuentye thousande and fyue hundreth. 23The children of Isachar in their kynreds were, Thola: of whom commeth the kynred of the Tholaites. Phuua: of whom cometh ye kynred of the Phuuaites. 24Iasub: of who commeth the kynred of the Iasubites. Simron: of whom cometh the kynred of ye Simronites. 25These are the kynreds of Isachar, in nombre, foure and thre score thousande, & thre hundreth. 26The children of Zabulon in their kynreds were, Sered, of whom cometh the kynred of ye Seredites. Elon: of whom cometh ye kynred of ye Elonites. Iahelel: of whom cometh the kynred of the Iahelites. 27These are ye kynreds of Zabulon, in their nobre, thre score thousande, and fyue hundreth. 28The children of Ioseph in their kynreds were, Manasses & Ephraim. 29The childre of Manasse were, Machir: of whom commeth the kynred of the Machirites. And Machir begat Gilead: of whom cometh ye kynred of ye Gileadites. 30And these are ye childre of Gilead, Hieser: of whom cometh the kynred of ye Hieserites. Helech: of whom cometh ye kynred of the Helechites. 31Asriel: of whom commeth the kynred of the Asrielites. Siche: of whom cometh the kynred of ye Sichemites. 32Simida: of who cometh ye kynred of ye Simidites. Hepher: of whom cometh ye kynred of ye Hepherites. 33And Zelaphead was ye sonne of Hepher, & had no sonnes, but doughters, whose names were: Mahela, Noa, Hagla, Milca and Thyrza. 34These are the kynreds of Manasse, in their nombre, two and fiftye thousande and seuen hundreth. 35The childre of Ephraim in their kynreds were, Suthelah: of whom cometh ye kynred of the Suthelahites. Becher: of whom cometh ye kynred of the Becherites. Thahan: of whom cometh the kynred of the Thahanites. 36The childre of Suthelah were, Eran: of whom cometh ye kynred of ye Eranites. 37These are ye kynreds of the childre of Ephraim, in their nombre, two and thirtie thousande and fyue hundreth. These are the childre of Ioseph in their kynreds. 38The childre of Ben Iamin in their kynreds were, Bela: of whom cometh ye kynred of the Belaites. A?bel: of whom cometh ye kynred of the A?belites. Ahiram: of whom cometh the kynred of the Ahiramites. 39Supham: of whom cometh the kynred of the Suphamites. Hupham: of whom commeth the kynred of the Huphamites. 40And the childre of Bela were, Ard & Naeman: of whom commeth the kynred of the Aroites & Naemanites. 41These are the children of Ben Iamin in their kynreds, in nombre, fyue & fourtye thousande and sixe hundreth. 42The childre of Dan in their kynreds were, Suham: of whom cometh the childre of ye Suhamites. These are ye kynreds of Dan in their generacions, 43& they were all together in nombre, foure and thre score thousande & foure hundreth. 44The childre of Asser in their kynreds were, Iemna: of whom cometh the kynred of the Iemnites. Iesui: of whom commeth the kynred of the Iesuites. Bria: of whom cometh the kynred of the Bryites. 45And ye childre of Bria, were Heber: of whom commeth the kynred of the Hebrites. Melchiel: of who commeth the kynred of the Melchielites. 46And the doughter of Asser was called Sarah. 47These are the kynreds of the children of Asser, in their nombre, thre and fiftye thousande and foure hundreth. 48The childre of Nephtali in their kynreds were, Iaheziel: of whom cometh the kynred of the Iahezielites Guni: of whom cometh ye kynred of ye Gunites. 49Iezer: of whom cometh ye kynred of the Iezerites. Sillem: of who cometh ye kynred of ye Sillemites. 50These are ye kynreds of the childre of Nephtali in their generacions, in their nombre, fyue & fourtye thousande and foure hundreth. 51This is the summe of the children of Israel: sixe hundreth thousande, a thousande seuen hundreth and thirtye. 52And ye LORDE spake vnto Moses, & sayde: 53Vnto these shalt thou deuyde the lode to enheritaunce, acordinge to the nombre of ye names. 54To many shalt thou geue the more enheritaunce, and to few the lesse, vnto euery one shall be geue acordinge to their nombre: 55yet shall the londe be deuyded by lott. Acordinge to ye names of the trybes of their fathers shal they enheret it: 56for after the lot shalt thou deuyde their enheritaunce, both betwixte many and fewe. 57And this is the summe of the Leuites in their kynreds. Gerson: of whom cometh the kynred of the Gersonites. Rahath: of who cometh the kynred of the Rahathites. Merari: of whom cometh ye kynred of ye Merarites. 58These are ye kynreds of Leui, the kynred of ye Libnites, ye kynred of ye Hebronites, ye kynred of the Mahelites, ye kynred of the Musites, the kynred of the Corahites. Rahath begat Amram. 59And Amrams wife was called Iochebed a doughter of Leui, which was borne him in Egipte: And vnto Amram she bare Aaron & Moses, & Miriam their sister. 60And vnto Aaron were borne Nadab, Abihu. Eleasar & Ithamar. 61As for Nadab & Abihu, they dyed, whan they offred straunge fyre before ye LORDE. 62And the summe of the was thre & twentye thousande, all males fro fyue monethes & aboue. For they were not nombred amoge the childre of Israel, for there was no enheritaunce geuen the amonge the children of Israel. 63This is ye summe of ye childre of Israel, who Moses & Eleasar the prest nombred in the felde of the Moabites besyde Iordane ouer agaynst Iericho: 64Amonge whom there was not one of the summe of those children of Israel, whom Moses & Aaron the prest nombred in the wildernesse of Sinai. 65For ye LORDE sayde vnto the, yt they shulde dye in the wildernesse. And there was not one of them lefte, saue Caleb the sonne of Iephune and Iosua the sonne of Nun. 27And the doughters of Zelaphead ye sonne of Hepher ye sonne of Gilead, the sonne of Machir, the sonne of Manasse, amonge the kynreds of Manasse the sonne Ioseph (whose names were, Mahela, Noa, Hagla, Milca, & Thirza) 2came & stode before Moses & Eleasar the prest, & before the rulers & the whole congregacion, euen before the dore of ye Tabernacle of witnesse, & sayde: 3Oure father is deed in the wildernesse, & was not in the company of them yt rose vp agaynst ye LORDE in the cogregacion of Corah: but dyed in his awne synne, and had no sonnes. 4Wherfore shulde or fathers name perishe then amonge his kynred, though he haue no sonne? Geue vs a possession also amonge oure fathers brethren. 5Moses broughte their cause before ye LORDE. 6And the LORDE sayde vnto him: 7The doughters of Zelaphead haue spoke righte. Thou shalt geue the a possession to inheret amonge their fathers brethren, & shalt turne their fathers enheritaunce vnto them. 8And saye vnto the childre of Israel: Whan a ma dyeth & hath no sonne, ye shall turne his enheritaunce vnto his doughter. 9Yf he haue no doughter, ye shal geue it vnto his brethre. 10Yf he haue no brethren, ye shal geue it vnto his fathers brethren. 11Yf he haue no fathers brethre, ye shal geue it vnto his nexte kyn?folke which beloge vnto him in his kynred, yt they maye possesse it. This shalbe an ordynaunce and a perpetuall lawe vnto the children of Israel, as the LORDE comaunded Moses. 12And the LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Get the vp in to this mount Abarim, & beholde the lode, which I shal geue vnto the childre of Israel. 13And whan thou hast sene it, thou shalt be gathered vnto yi people as Aaron yi brother was gathered: 14for ye were dishobedient vnto my worde in the wyldernesse of Zin, in ye strife of the cogregacion, whan ye shulde haue sanctified me, thorow the water before them. This is the water of stryfe at Cades in the wyldernesse of Zin. 15And Moses spake vnto the LORDE & sayde: 16O let the LORDE God of the spretes of all flesh set a ma ouer the congregacion, 17which maye go in & out before them, & to leade the out & in, yt the congregacion of the LORDE be not as the shepe without a shepherde. 18And the LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Take vnto the Iosua the sonne of Nun, which is a man in whom is the sprete, and put thine handes vpon him, 19& set him before Eleasar the prest, and before the whole congregacion, and geue him a charge in their sighte, 20& beutyfye him with thy bewty, that the whole congregacion of the children of Israel maye be obediet vnto him. 21And he shal stonde before Eleasar the prest, which shall axe councell for him after the maner of the lighte, before the LORDE. At the mouth of him shall both he and all the children of Israel with him, and the whole congregacion go in and out. 22Moses dyd as the LORDE comaunded him, & toke Iosua, and set him before Eleasar the prest, and before all the congregacion, 23and layed his handes vpon him, and gaue him a charge, as the LORDE sayde vnto Moses. 28And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, & sayde: 2Comaunde ye childre of Israel, & saye vnto the: The offerynge of my bred which is my offerynge of the swete sauoure, shal ye kepe in his due season, that ye maie offre vnto me. 3And saye vnto the: These are the offerynges that ye shal offre vnto the LORDE: Lambes of a yeare olde which are without blemysh, euerydaye two for a daylie burntofferynge: 4the one lambe in the mornynge, the other at euen. 5And therto a tenth deale of an Epha of fyne floure for a meatofferynge, myngled with beate oyle of the fourth parte of an Hin, 6this is a daylie burntofferynge, which ye offred vpon mout Sinai, for a swete sauoure of a sacrifice unto the LORDE: 7And the drynkofferinge of the same, ye fourth parte of an Hin to a lambe, and this shalbe poured in the Sanctuary for a gifte vnto the LORDE. 8The other lambe shalt thou prepare at eue (like as the meatofferynge in the mornynge) & the drynkofferinge therof, for a sacrifice of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE. 9On the Sabbath daye, two lambes of a yeare olde without blemysh, & two teth deales of fyne floure myngled with oyle, & the drynk offerynge therof. 10This is the burntofferynge of euery Sabbath, besyde the daylie burntofferynge, wt his drynkofferinge. 11And on the first daye of youre monethes ye shal offre a burntofferynge vnto ye LORDE: two yonge bullockes, a ramme, seue lambes of a yeare olde without blemysh, 12and all waye thre tenth deales of fyne floure for a meatofferynge myngled with oyle vnto euery bullocke: two tenth deales of fyne floure for a meatofferynge myngled with oyle vnto the ramme: 13and a tenth deale of fyne floure for a meatofferynge myngled with oyle vnto euery lambe. This is the burntofferynge of a swete sauoure, a sacrifice unto ye LORDE. 14And their drynkofferynges shalbe, half an Hin of wyne vnto euery bullocke, the thirde parte of an Hin to the ramme, ye fourth parte of an Hin to euery lambe. This is the burntofferynge of euery moneth in the yeare. 15There shalbe offered an he goate also for a synofferynge vnto the LORDE, to the daylie burntofferynge with his drynkofferynge. 16And on the fourtene daye of the first moneth is the Easter vnto the LORDE, 17and on the fyftene daye of the same moneth is the feast. Seue dayes shal vnleuended bred be eaten. 18The first daye shalbe an holy conuocacion: No seruile worke shal ye do therin, 19and ye shal offre a burntofferynge vnto the LORDE: two yonge bullockes, one ramme, seuen labes of a yeare olde without blemysh, 20with their meatofferynge: thre tenth deales of fyne floure myngled with oile to either bullocke, and two tenth deales to the ramme, 21and one tenth deale to euery lambe amonge the seuen lambes. 22And an he goate for a synofferinge, to make an attonement for you. 23And these shal ye offre in the mornynge, besydes the burntofferynge, which is a daylie burntofferynge. 24After this maner shal ye offre ye bred euery daye seuen dayes longe for an offeringe of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE, to the daylie burntofferynge, and drynkofferynge also. 25And the seuenth daye shal be called an holy conuocacion with you: no seruyle worke shal ye do therin. 26And the daye of the fyrst frutes (wha ye offre the meatofferynge of the moneth vnto ye LORDE in youre wekes) shal be an holy couocacion also: 27No worke of bondage shal ye do therin. And ye shal offre a burntofferynge for a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE: two yonge bullockes, a ramme, seuen lambes of a yeare olde, 28with their meatofferynges: thre tenth deales of fyne floure myngled with oyle to euery bullocke, two tenth deales to the ramme, 29and one tent deale to euery lambe of the seuen lambes. 30And an he goate to make an attonement for you. 31This shal ye do, besydes ye daylie burntofferynge with his meatofferynge and his drynkofferinge. Without blemysh shal they be all. 29And the fyrst daye of the seuenth moneth shal be with you an holy couocacion. No seruyle worke shal ye do therin, for it is the daye of youre trompet blowinge. 2And ye shal offre a burntofferinge for a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE: a yonge bullocke, a ramme, seuen lambes of a yeare olde without blemish. 3And their meatofferinges: thre tenth deales of fyne floure myngled wt oyle to the bullocke, two tenth deales to ye rame, 4and one tenth deale vnto euery lambe of ye seuen labes. 5An he goate also for a synofferinge, to make an attonemrnt for you, 6beside ye burntofferinge of ye moneth & his meatofferinge, & besyde ye daylie burntofferynge wt his meatofferynge & with their drink offeringes, acordinge to the maner of the for a swete sauor. This is a sacrifice vnto the LORDE. 7The tenth daye of this seuenth moneth shalbe an holy conuocacion wt you also, and ye shal humble youre soules, and do no seruyle worke therin, 8but offre a burntofferynge vnto the LORDE for a swete sauoure: a yonge bullocke, a ramme, seuen lambes of a yeare olde without blemish, 9wt their meatofferinges: thre tenth deales of fine floure myngled with oyle to the bullocke, two tenth deales to the rame, 10& one tenth deale to euery one of the seuen lambes. 11And an he goate for a synofferinge, besyde the synofferinge of the attonemet, and ye daylie burntofferige wt his meatofferinge, and wt his drynkofferinge. 12The fiftenth daye of the seuenth moneth shal be an holy couocacion wt you, no seruyle worke shal ye do therin, and seue dayes shal ye kepe a feast vnto the LORDE. 13And ye shal offre the LORDE a burntofferinge for a sacrifice of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE: thirtene yonge bullockes, two rames, fourtene labes of a yeare olde without blemish, 14wt their meatofferynges: thre tenth deales of fyne floure myngled with oyle to euery one of the thirtene bullockes, two tenth deales to ether of the two rammes, 15& one tenth deale to euery one of the fourtene lambes: 16& an he goate for a synofferynge, besyde ye daylye burntofferynge with his meatofferynge and his drynkofferynge. 17On the seconde daye, twolue yonge bullockes, two rammes, fourtene lambes of a yeare olde without blemysh 18wt their meatoffeges and drinkofferynges to the bullockes, to the rammes and to the lambes in ye nombre of them acordinge to the maner. 19And an he goate for a synofferinge, besyde the daylie burntofferinge with his meatofferinge, and with his drynkofferynge. 20On the thirde daye, eleuen bullockes, two rammes, fourtene lambes of a yeare olde wt out blemish, 21with their meatofferinges, and drynkofferinges to the bullockes, to the rammes and to the lambes in their nombre acordinge to the maner. 22And an he goate for a synofferynge, besyde the daylye burntofferinge with his meatofferynge and his drynkofferynge. 23On the fourth daye, ten bullockes, two rames, fourtene lambes of a yeare olde without blemysh, 24with their meatofferynges and drynkofferynges, to the bullockes, to the rames, and to the lambes in their nombre acordynge to the maner. 25And an he goate for a synofferynge, besyde the daylie burntofferinge wt his meatofferinge, & his drynk offeringe. 26On the fifth daye, nyne bullockes, two rames, fourtene lambes of a yeare olde without blemysh, 27with their meatofferynges & drinkofferynges to the bullockes, to ye rammes & to the lambes in their nombre acordynge to the maner. 28And an he goate for a synofferinge, besyde ye daylie burntofferynge with his meatofferynge and his drynkofferynge. 29On the sixte daye, eight bullockes, two rames, fourtene labes of a yeare olde without blemysh, 30with their meatofferynges & drynkofferinges to the bullockes, to the rammes, & to the lambes in their nombre acordinge to the maner. 31And an he goate for a synofferinge, beside the daylie burntofferinge with his meatofferynge and his drynkofferynge. 32On the seuenth daye, seuen bullockes, two rammes, fourtene lambes of a yeare olde wt out blemysh, 33with their meatofferinges and drynkofferinges to the bullockes, to the rammes, and to the lambes in their nombre acordynge to the maner. 34And an he goate for a synofferynge, besyde the daylie burntofferinge with his meatofferynge and his drynkofferynge. 35On the eight daye shal ye gather the people together, No seruyle worke shall ye do therin. 36And ye shall offre a burntofferynge for a sacrifice of a swete sauoure vnto ye LORDE. A bullocke, a ramme, seue lambes of a yeare olde without blemysh, 37with their meatofferynges and drynkofferynges to ye bullocke to the ramme, and to the lambes in their nobre acordinge to the maner. 38And an he goate for a synofferinge, besyde the daylie burntofferynge with his meatofferynge & his drinkofferynge. 39These thinges shal ye do vnto ye LORDE in youre feastes, besyde that ye vowe and geue of a frewyll for burntofferinges, meatofferynges, drynkofferynges and healthofferinges. 40And Moses tolde the children of Israel all that the LORDE commaunded him. 30And Moses spake vnto the rulers of the trybes of the children of Israel, and saide: This is that the LORDE hath commauded: 2Yf eny man make a vowe vnto the LORDE, or sweare an ooth, so that he binde his soule, he shal not breake his worde, but do all that is proceaded out of his mouth. 3Yf a damsell make a vowe vnto ye LORDE, and bynde hirself, whyle she is in hir fathers house, and vnmaried, 4and hir vowe or bonde that she maketh ouer hir soule, commeth to hir fathers eares, & he holde his peace therto, the all hir vowes & bondes yt she hath boude hir self withall ouer hir soule, shal stode in effecte. 5But yf hir father forbyd her ye same daye that he heareth it, the shal no vowe ner bonde that she hath bounde hir self withall ouer hir soule, be of vayle. And the LORDE shalbe mercifull vnto her, for so moch as hir father forbad her. 6Yf she haue an hu?bande, & hath a vowe vpon her, or yf she haue letten go out of hir lippes a bode ouer hir soule, 7& hir hu?bande heare it, & holdeth his peace ther at, the same daye that he heareth it, then hir vowe & bonde wherwith she hath boude hir self ouer hir soule, shal stonde in effecte. 8But yf hir hu?bande forbyd her the same daye that he heareth it, the is the vowe lowse yt she hath vpo hir, & the bonde also that she hath letten go out of hir lippes ouer hir soule, and the LORDE shalbe gracious vnto her. 9The vowe of a wyddowe, & of her yt is deuorced, all yt she byndeth hir self withall ouer hir soule, shal stonde in effecte vpo her. 10Yf she vowe in hir hu?bades house, or binde hir self wt an ooth ouer hir soule, 11& hir husbande heare it, & holde his peace therto, and forbyddeth it not, the shal all ye same vowe, & all yt she hath boude hir self wt all ouer hir soule, stode i effecte. 12But yf hir hu?bade disanulle it, ye same daye yt he heareth it, the is it of no value yt is proceaded out of hir lippes, which she hath vowed or boude ouer hir soule: for hir hu?bade hath made it lowse, & the LORDE shalbe gracious vnto her. 13And all vowes & oothes yt bynde to humble ye soule, maie hir hu?bade stablish or breake, thus: 14Yf he holde his peace therto fro one daie to another, then stablisheth he all hir vowes & bondes, yt she hath vpon her, because he helde his peace, the same daye yt he herde the. 15But yf he disanulle the after yt he hath herde the, then shal he take awaie hir mi?dede. 16These are the statutes yt the LORDE comaunded Moses betwene a man & his wife, & betwene the father & his doughter, whyle she is yet a damsell in hir fathers house. 31And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, & sayde: 2Auenge the childre of Israel of the Madianites, yt thou mayest afterwarde be gathered vnto yi people. 3The spake Moses vnto the people, & sayde: Harnesse some men amonge you to the warre agaynst the Madianites (yt they maye auenge ye LORDE vpon the Madianites) 4out of euery trybe a thousande, yt out of euery trybe of Israel ye maye sende some to the battayll. 5And from amonge the thousandes of Israel they toke one thousande out of euery tribe, euen twolue thousande prepared vnto the battayll. 6And Moses sent them with Phineas the sonne of Eleasar the prest in to the battayll, and the holy vessels and ye trompettes to blowe in his hande. 7And they fought agaynst ye Madianites as ye LORDE comaunded Moses, & slew all ye males, 8& the kynge of the Madianites slew they also amonge the other that were slaine namely, Eui, Rekem, Zur, Hur and Reba, the fyue kynges of the Madianites. And they slew Balaam the sonne of Beor wt the swerde. 9And ye children of Israel toke the wemen of the Madianites presoners, & their childre: all their catell, all their substaunce, and all their goodes spoiled they, 10and all their cities of their dwellynges & castels burnt they wt fyre. 11And they toke all ye spoyles, & all yt they coulde catche men & catell, 12and brought the vnto Moses & to Eleasar the prest, and to ye congregacion of the children of Israel (namely ye presoners, and the catell yt were take, and the good that was spoyled) in to the hoost in the felde of the Moabites, which lyeth besyde Iordane ouer against Iericho. 13And Moses and Eleasar the prest and all the captaines of ye congregacion, wete out of the hoost to mete the. 14And Moses was angrie at the officers of the hoost, which were captaynes ouer thousandes and hudreds, yt came from the battayll, 15and sayde vnto the: Haue ye saued all ye wemen alyue? 16Beholde, haue not they (thorow Balaams busynes) turned awaye ye childre of Israel to synne agaynst the LORDE vpo Peor, & their came a plage ouer the whole cogregacion of ye LORDE? 17Now therfore slaie all the males amoge ye childre, & kyll all ye wemen yt haue knowne men & lyen wt them. 18But all the wemen chidren yt haue knowne no me ner lien wt them, kepe those alyue for youre selues. 19And lodge ye without the hoost, all yt haue slayne any man, or touched the slayne, that on the thirde and seuenth daie ye maie purifie yor selues and those whom ye haue taken presoners. 20And all the clothes, and all stuffe that is made of?kynnes, and all maner furres, and all vessels of wod shal ye purifie. 21And Eleasar the prest sayde vnto ye captaynes of the hoost, yt wente out to the battayll: This is the statute of the lawe, which the LORDE comaunded Moses: 22Golde, siluer brasse, yron, tynne and leed, 23and all that suffreth the fyre, shall ye cause to go thorow the fyre, and clense it, that it maye be purified with ye sprencklynge water. As for all soch as suffreth not the fyre, ye shal cause it to go thorow ye water, 24and shal washe yor clothes vpon the seuenth daye. and the shall ye be cleane. After that shall ye come in to the hooste. 25And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, and sayde: 26Take the summe of the spoyle of those that are taken, both of wemen and of catell, thou and Eleasar the prest, and the chefe fathers of the congregacion, 27and geue ye halfe vnto those that toke the warre vpon them, and wente out to the battayll, and ye other halfe to the congregacion. 28And of the men of warre that wente out to ye battayll, thou shalt heue vnto the LORDE one soule of fyue hundreth, both of the wemen, oxen, Asses and shepe: 29Of their halfe parte shalt thou take it, and geue it vnto Eleasar the prest for an Heueofferynge vnto the LORDE. 30But of the children of Israels halfe parte, thou shalt take one heade of fyftie, both of the wemen, oxen, Asses and shepe, and of all the catell, and shalt geue them vnto the Leuites, that wayte vpon the habitacio of the LORDE. 31And Moses and Eleasar the prest dyd as the LORDE commaunded Moses. 32And the spoyle and praye which ye men of warre had spoyled, was sixe hundreth thousande and fyue and seuentye thousande shepe, 33two and seuentye thousande oxen, 34one & thre score thousande Asses: 35and the wemen yt had knowne no men ner lyen wt them, were two and thirtie thousande soules. 36And the halfe parte which belonged vnto them that wente to the warre, was in nobre thre hundreth thousande, and seuen and thirtie thousande, and fyue hundreth shepe: 37of the which the LORDE had sixe hundreth, & fyue and seuentye shepe. 38Item sixe and thirtie thousande oxen: wherof the LORDE had two & seuentye. 39Item thirtie thousande fyue hundreth Asses: wherof the LORDE had one & thre score. 40Item sixtene thousande soules of wemen: wherof the LORDE had two & thirtie. 41And Moses gaue this heueofferynge of the LORDE vnto Eleasar the prest, as the LORDE commaunded him. 42As for the other halfe which Moses deuyded vnto the children of Israel fro thorne; men of warre 43(namely ye halfe that fell to the congregacion) it was also thre hundreth thousande, and seuen and thyrtie thousande, & fyue hundreth shepe, 44sixe and thirtie thousande oxen, 45thyrtie thousande & fyue hundreth Asses, 46and sixtene thousande wemen soules. 47And of this halfe of the childre of Israel toke Moses one of euery fyftie, both of the catell & of the wemen, and gaue them vnto ye Leuites, that waited vpon the habitacio of the LORDE, as ye LORDE comauded Moses. 48And the captaynes ouer ye thousandes of the hoost, namely they that were ouer thousandes and ouer hundreds, came forth vnto Moses, and sayde vnto him: 49Thy seruauntes haue taken ye summe of ye men of warre, that were vnder oure hande, and there lacked not one: 50therfore brynge we a present vnto the LORDE, what euery one hath foude of Iewels of golde, cheynes, bracelettes, rynges, earinges, and taches, that oure soules maye be reconcyled before the LORDE. 51And Moses and Eleasar ye prest toke of them ye golde of all maner ornamentes. 52And all the golde of the Heueofferynge that they Heued vnto the LORDE, was sixtene thousande and seuen hundreth and fyftye Sycles, of the captaynes ouer thousandes and hundreds. 53For loke what euery one had spoyled, that was his awne. 54And Moses wt Eleasar the prest toke the golde of the captaynes ouer thousandes and hundreds, and broughte it in to the Tabernacle of witnesse for a remembraunce of the children of Israel before the LORDE. 32The children of Ruben and the children of Gad had an exceadinge greate multitude of catell, and sawe the londe of Iaeser and Gilead yt it was a mete place for catell, 2and came & spake vnto Moses and to Eleasar the prest, and to the captaynes of the congregacion: 3The londe of Atroth, Dibon, Iaesar, Nimra, He?bo, Eleale, Seban, Nebo, & Beon, 4which the LORDE smote before ye congregacion of Israel, is a mete londe for catell, and thy seruauntes haue many catell. 5And they sayde morouer: Yf we haue founde fauoure before the, the geue thy seruauntes this londe in possession, and we wyl not go ouer Iordane. 6Moses sayde vnto them: Youre brethren shall go to the warre, and wyll ye tary here? 7Wherfore turne ye ye hertes of the children of Israel, that they shulde not go ouer in to the londe that the LORDE shall geue them? 8Thus dyd youre fathers also, whan I sent them out from Cades Bernea, to spye out ye londe. 9And whan they were come vp to ye ryuer of Escol, and sawe ye londe, they turned the hertes of the children of Israel, so yt they wolde not into the londe which ye LORDE wolde haue geuen them. 10And the LORDE was wroth at the same tyme, & sware, & sayde: 11These men yt are come out of Egipte, from twetye yeare olde & aboue, shall not se the lande which I sware vnto Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, because they haue not wholy folowed me: 12saue Caleb ye sonne of Iephune ye Kenisite, & Iosua ye sonne of Nun: for they haue wholy folowed ye LORDE. 13So the LORDE was wroth wt Israel, & let the wander in the wildernesse fourtye yeares, tyll all ye generacion yt had done euell before the LORDE, was consumed. 14And beholde, ye are rysen vp in youre fathers steade, to increase the nombre of synfull men, & to augmente yet the wrath & indignacion of the LORDE agaynst Israel. 15For yf ye turne you backe from folowinge him, he shal yet leaue them more in the wildernes, & so shal ye destroye all this people. 16Then stepte they to him, & sayde: we wyll but buylde shepefoldes here for oure shepe & catell, & cities for or children: 17As for oure selues, we will go ready armed before the children of Israel, tyll we haue broughte them vnto their place: Oure childre shal remayne in the fenced cities, because of ye indwellers of the londe. 18We will not turne home agayne, tyll the children of Israel haue taken euery one his inheritaunce in possession: 19for we wyll not inheret with them beyonde Iordane: for or inheritaunce shal fall vnto vs vpon this syde Iordane Eastwarde. 20Moses sayde vnto them: Yf ye wil do this, that ye wil harnesse youre selues to the warre before the LORDE, 21then go ouer Iordane before the LORDE, who so euer is harnessed amonge you, tyll he haue dryuen out his enemies before his face, 22and vntyll the londe be subdued before the LORDE, then shal ye returne, & be vngiltye before the LORDE, and before Israel, & so shal ye haue this londe in possession before the LORDE. 23But if ye will not do so, beholde, ye shal offende agaynst the LORDE, and be sure, that youre synne shal fynde you out. 24Buylde cities now therfore for youre children, and shepefoldes and stalles for youre shepe and catell, and do as ye haue spoken. 25The childre of Gad, & the childre of Ruben sayde vnto Moses: Thy seruauntes shal do as my lorde hath comaunded. 26Oure children, wyues, substaunce, & all or catell, shal be in ye cities of Gilead. 27But we yi seruauntes will go all harnessed for the warre vnto battaill before ye LORDE, as my lorde hath saide. 28The Moses comaunded Eleasar ye prest & Iosua the sonne of Nun, & the chefe fathers of the tribes of the children of Israel, 29and saide vnto them: Yf the children of Gad & the children of Ruben go ouer Iordane wt you, all prepared to fight before the LORDE, & whan the londe is subdued vnto you, the geue them the londe of Gilead in possessio. 30But yf they go not ouer with you in harnes, then shal they inheret wt you in ye lode of Canaa. 31The children of Gad and the children of Rube answered, & sayde: As ye LORDE hath spoken vnto yi seruauntes, so wyll we do: 32we wil go harnessed before the LORDE in to ye lade of Canaan, and possesse oure enheritaunce on this syde Iordane. 33So Moses gaue vnto ye children of Gad and to the children of Ruben, and to the halfe trybe of Manasse the sonne of Ioseph, ye kyngdome of Sihon kynge of the Amorites and the kyngdome of Og the kynge of Basan, the londe with the cities therof in all ye coastes of ye countre rounde aboute. 34The ye children of Gad buylded Dibon, Araroth, Aroer, Atroth, 35Sophan, Iaeser, & Iegabeha, 36Bethnimra, & Betharan, stronge fenced cities, & shepe foldes. 37The children of Ruben buylded He?bo, Eleale, Kiriathaim, 38Nebo, Baal Meon, & turned ye names, & Sibamas & gaue names vnto ye cities which they buylded. 39And ye children of Machir the sonne of Manasse wente in to Gilead, & conquered it, and droue out the Amorites yt were therin. 40Then Moses gaue Gilead vnto Machir ye sonne of Manasse, & he dwelt therin. 41Iair ye sonne of Manasse, wente and conquered the vyllagies therof, and called them Hauoth Iair. 42Nobah wente, and coquered Kenath, with the townes belonginge therto, and called it Nobah, after his awne name. 33These are ye iourneys of the childre of Israel, which wete out of ye lande of Egipte acordinge to their armies, by Moses & Aaro. 2And Moses wrote their goige out as they iourneyed, after ye comaundement of ye LORDE. And these (namely) are the yourneyes of their outgoinge. 3They departed fro Raemses vpon ye fiftene daye of the first moneth (euen the morow after the Easter) thorow an hye hande, so that all the Egipcians sawe, 4and buried then their firstborne, whom the LORDE had slayne amonge them: for the LORDE executed iudgment also vpon their goddes. 5When they were departed from Raemses, they pitched in Sucoth. And fro Sucoth 6they departed, & pitched their tentes in Etha, which lyeth in ye edge of ye wildernes. 7Fro Etham they departed, and abode in the valley of Hiroth (which lyeth towarde Baal Zephon) & pitched ouer agaynst Migdol. 8From Hyroth they daparted, & wente in thorow ye middes of the see into ye wyldernes, and wente thre dayes yourney in the wildernes of Etham, & pitched in Marah. 9From Marah they departed, and came vnto Elim, where there were twolue welles of water, and seuentye palme trees, & and there they pitched. 10From Elim they departed, and pitched by the reed see. 11From ye reed see they departed, and pitched in the wildernesse of Sin. 12From the wildernes of Sin they departed, and pitched in Daphka. 13Fro Daphka they departed, and pitched in Alus. 14From Alus they departed, and pitched in Raphidim, where the people had no water to drynke. 15From Raphidim they departed and pitched in the wildernes of Sinai. 16From Sinai they departed, and pitched at the Lustgraues. 17Fro the Lustgraues they departed, and pitched in Hazeroth. 18From Hazeroth they departed, & pitched in Rithma. 19From Rithma they departed, and pitched in Rimon Parez. 20From Rimon Parez they departed, and pitched in Libna. 21From Libna they departed, and pitched in Rissa. 22Fro Rissa they departed, & pitched in Kehelatha. 23Fro Kehelatha they departed, & pitched in mout Sapher. 24From mout Sapher they departed, & pitched in Harada. 25Fro Harada they departed, pitched in Makeheloth. 26From Makeheloth they departed, & pitched in Tahath. 27From Tahath they departed, and pitched in Tharah. 28From Tharah they departed, and pitched in Mitka. 29From Mitka they departed, and pitched in Hasmona. 30From Hasmona they departed, and pitched in Mosseroth. 31From Mosseroth they departed, and pitched in Bne Iaekon. 32From Bne Iaekon they departed, and pitched in Horgadgad. 33From Horgadgad they departed, & pitched in Iathbatha. 34From Iathbatha they departed, and pitched in Abrona. 35From Abrona they departed, and pitched in Ezeon gaber. 36From Ezeon gaber they departed, and pitched in ye wildernes of Zin, which is Cades. 37From Cades they departed, and pitched at mount Hor, on the border of the londe of Edom. 38Then Aaron the prest wente vp vnto mount Hor (acordynge to the commaundement of the LORDE) and died there in the fourtyeth yeare, after yt the children of Israel departed out of the londe of Egipte, in the first daie of the fifte moneth, 39wha he was an hundreth and thre and twentye yeare olde. 40And Arad the kynge of the Cananites, which dwelt in the south countre of Canaa herde yt the children of Israel came. 41And from mount Hor they departed, and pitched in Zalmona. 42From Zalmona they departed, and pitched in Phimon. 43From Phimon they departed, and pitched in Oboth. 44From Oboth they departed, and pitched in Igim by Abarim vpon the border of the lode of ye Moabites. 45From Igim they departed, and pitched in Dibon Gad. 46From Dibo Gad they departed, and pitched in Almon Diblathama. 47Fro Almon Diblathama they departed and pitched in the mountaynes of Abarim ouer agaynst Nebo. 48From the moutaynes of Abarim they departed, and pitched in ye felde of the Moabites besyde Iordane ouer agaynst Iericho. 49Fro Beth haiesmoth vnto the playne of Sitim laye they in the felde of the Moabites. 50And the LORDE spake vnto Moses in the felde of the Moabites, by Iordane ouer agaynst Iericho, and sayde: 51Speake to the children of Israel, and saie vnto them: Wha ye are come ouer Iordane in the lande of Canaan, 52ye shal dryue out all the inhabiters before youre face, and plucke downe all their pilers, and all their ymages of metall, and destroye all their hye places: 53that ye maye so take the londe in possession and dwell therin For I haue geue you the londe to enioye it. 54And the londe shall ye deuyde out by lott amonge youre kynreds. Vnto those that are many, shall ye deuyde the more: And vnto them that are fewe, shall ye deuyde the lesse. Euen as the lott falleth there vnto euery one, so shal he haue it, acordinge to the trybes of their fathers. 55But yf ye wyll not dryue out the inhabiters of ye lande before yor face, then they who ye suffre to remayne, shall be come thornes in youre eyes, and dartes in youre sydes, & shall vexe you in the londe where ye dwell. 56Then wil it come to passe, that I shal do vnto you euen as I thought to do vnto them. 34Annd the LORDE spake vnto Moses, and sayde: 2Commaunde the childre of Israel, and saye vnto them: Whan ye come into the londe of Canaan, the londe yt falleth to youre inheritaunce, shall haue hir borders in the londe of Canaan. 3The South quarter shall begynne at the wyldernesse of Zin by Edom, so that youre South quarter be from the edge of the Salt see, which lyeth towarde the South: 4and that ye same quarter fet a compasse from the South vp to Acrabim, & go thorow Zimma: & that his outgoinge be from the South vnto Cades Barnea, & reache vnto Hazor Adar, and go thorow Azmona, 5and stretch out from Azmona vnto the ryuer of Egipte, and that the ende therof be at the greate see. 6But the West quarter shal be this: namely the greate see, let yt be youre border towarde the West. 7The North quarter shalbe this: Ye shall compasse from the greate see vnto mount Hor. 8And fro mount Hor ye shall compasse tyll a man come vnto Hemath, that the outgoynge therof be the coast of Zedada, 9and that the border of the same go out vnto Siphron, and that the goynge out of it be at Hazor Enan. Let this be youre North quarter. 10And youre East quarter shall ye copasse from Hazor Enan vnto Sephan, 11& let the coaste go downe from Sephan and Ribla on the East syde of Ain. The let it go downe, & reache vnto the syde of the see of Chinereth East warde, 12and come downe by Iordane, so yt the goynge out of it be the Salt see. Let this be youre londe with the borders therof rounde aboute. 13And Moses commaunded the children of Israel, and sayde: This is youre londe that ye shal deuyde out amonge you by lott, which the LORDE hath commaunded to geue vnto the nyne trybes, and to the halfe trybe. 14For the trybe of the children of Ruben after their fathers house, and the trybe of the children of Gad acordinge to their fathers house, and the half trybe of Manasse haue receaued their porcion. 15hus the two trybes and the halfe trybe haue their enheritaunce allready, on this syde Iordane, ouer agaynst Iericho, Eastwarde. 16And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, and sayde: 17These are ye names of the men, which shal deuyde the londe amonge you. Eleasar the prest, and Iosua the sonne of Nun. 18And the captayne of euery trybe shal ye take, to deuyde the londe. 19And these are the names of the men: Caleb the sonne of Iephune of the trybe of Iuda. 20Semuel the sonne of Ammihud of the trybe of Simeon. 21Elidad ye sonne of Cislon of the trybe of Ben Iamin 22Buki the sonne of Iagli of the trybe of the childre of Dan. 23Hamuel the sonne of Ephod, of 24Elizaphan the sonne of Parnach, of the trybe of the childre of Zabulon. the trybe of the children of Manasse amonge the children of Ioseph. 25Remuel the sonne of Siphthan, of the trybe of the children of Ephraim. 26Palthiel the sonne of Asan, of the trybe of the childre of Isachar. 27Abihud the sonne of Selomi, of ye trybe of the children of Asser. 28Pedahel the sonne of Ammihud, of the trybe of the children of Nephtali. 29These are they whom ye LORDE commaunded, that they shulde deuyde the inheritaunce vnto the children of Israel in the londe of Canaan. 35And the LORDE spake vnto Moses in the felde of the Moabites by Iordane ouer agaynst Iericho, & sayde: 2Commaunde the childre of Israel, that they geue vnto ye Leuites of the inheritauce of their possession, cities to dwell in. The suburbes also aboute the cities shal ye geue vnto the Leuites, 3that they maye dwell in the cities, and in the suburbes to haue their catell, and substaunce, and all their beestes. 4The suburbes which ye geue vnto ye Leuites, shal reache fro the wall of ye cite outwarde, a M. cubites rounde aboute. 5Thus ye shal measure without the cite on ye East syde, two thousande cubites: & on ye South syde, two thousande cubites: & on ye West syde, two thousande cubites: & on ye North syde, two thousande cubites, so yt the cite be in the myddes. This shal be their suburbes. 6And amoge the cities which ye shal geue vnto the Leuites, ye shall geue the sixe fre cities, that he which comitteth a slaughter, maie flye thither. Besydes the same ye shal geue the yet two & fourtie cities: 7so yt all ye cities which ye geue vnto ye Leuites, be eight & fourtye wt their suburbes. 8And of ye same ye shal geue the more, from the yt haue moch in possession amonge the children of Israel: & the lesse from them, that haue litle in possession. Euery one (acordinge to his enheritaunce that is deuyded vnto him) shall geue of his cities vnto the Leuites. 9And the LORDE talked wt Moses & saide: 10Speake to the childre of Israel, & saye vnto the: Whan ye come ouer Iordane into ye londe of Canaan, 11ye shall chose out cities to be fre cities, yt who so comytteth slaughter vnawarres, maye flye thither. 12And soch fre cities shalbe amonge you because of the auenger of bloude, that he which hath commytted slaughter, dye not, tyll he stonde in iudgment before the congregacion. 13And of these cities which ye shall geue, there shalbe sixe fre cities. 14Thre shal ye geue on this side Iordane, and thre in the londe of Canaan. 15These are the sixe fre cities, both for ye childre of Israel & for the straungers, & for soch as dwell amoge you, yt who so euer hath slaine eny soule vnawarres, maye flye thither. 16He yt smyteth eny man wt an yron weapo, yt he dye, the same is a murthurer, & shal dye the death. 17Yf he cast at him wt a stone (wherwith enyman maye be slayne) yt he dye therof, then is he a murthurer, and shal dye the death. 18Yf he smyte him wt an handweapon of wodd (wherwith eny man maie be slayne) that he dye, then is he a murthurer, and shal dye the death. 19The auenger of bloude shal bringe ye murthurer to death. Whan he fyndeth him, he shal slaye him. 20Yf he thrust at him of hate, or cast ought at him with laienge of wayte, or smyte him of envye wt his hande, that he dye, 21then shal he that hath slayne him, dye the death: for he is a murthurer. The auenger of bloude shal brynge him to death, as soone as he fyndeth him. 22But yf he thrust him by chaunce, & not of envye, or hurle ought at him without eny layenge of wayte, 23or cast at him with a stone (wherof a man maye dye, & sawe it not) so yt he dye, & is not his enemie, nether thought him eny euell, 24the shal the cogregacion iudge betwene him yt hath comytted ye slaughter, and the auenger of bloude, in soch cases. 25And the cogregacion shal delyuer the deedslayer from the hande of ye auenger of bloude, & shal let him come agayne to the fre cite, whither he was fled: & there shall he abyde vnto ye death of the hye prest, which was anoynted with ye holy oyle. 26But yf the deedsleyer go out of the borders of his fre cite, that he was fled vnto, 27and the auenger of bloude fynde him without ye borders of his fre cite, and kyll him, he shal not be gyltye of bloude. 28For he shulde haue bydden in his fre cite vntyll ye death of the hye prest, & after ye hye prestes death to come agayne vnto the londe of his enheritaunce. 29This shalbe a statute of the lawe vnto you amoge youre posterities in all youre dwellinges. 30The deed slayer shal be slayne at ye mouth of witnesses. One witnesse shal not answere ouer a soule to death. 31And ye shal receaue none attonement ouer the soule of the deedslayer (for he is giltye of death) but he shal dye the death. 32And ye shal receaue none attonement of him, which is fled to the fre cite, yt he shulde come agayne to dwell in the londe, tyll the hye prest dye. 33And defyle not ye ye londe wherin ye dwell. For who so is giltye of bloude, defyleth the londe: and the londe can not be reconcyled from the bloude that is shed therin, but onely thorow the bloude of him that shed it. 34Defyle not ye the londe that ye dwell in, wherin I dwell also. For I am the LORDE, which dwell amoge ye children of Israel. 36And ye chefe fathers of the kynred of the childre of Gilead ye sonne of Machir (which was the sonne of Manasse of the kynred of the children of Ioseph) came forth, and spake before Moses, and before the captaynes amonge the chefe fathers of the children of Israel, 2and saide: Syr, the LORDE hath commaunded, that ye shulde geue the londe by lott vnto the childre of Israel to inheret. And thou my lorde hast commaunded thorow the LORDE, that the enheritaunce of or brother Zelaphead shulde be geue vnto his doughters. 3Now yf eny men out of the trybes of Israel take them to wyues, then shal oure fathers enheritaunce be lesse: and as moch as they haue, shal come to ye enheritaunce of the trybe that they come vnto. Thus shal the lott of oure inheritaunce be mynished. 4So whan the yeare of Iubilye commeth vnto the childre of Israel, then shal their enheritaunce come to ye enheritaunce of the trybe, where they are. Thus shal oure fathers enheritaunce be mynished, as moch as they haue. 5Moses charged the childre of Israel (acordinge to the commaundement of the LORDE) and sayde: The trybe of the children of Ioseph hath sayde righte. 6This is it that ye LORDE commaundeth the doughters of Zelaphead, and sayeth: Let them mary as they like best, onely that they mary in ye kynred of the trybe of their father, 7that the enheritaunce of the children of Israel fall not fro one trybe to another. For euery one amonge the children of Israel shall cleue to the enheritaunce of the trybe of his father: 8& euery doughter that possesseth eny enheritaunce amonge the trybes of the children of Israel, shal be maryed vnto one of the kynred of the trybe of hir father: yt euery one amonge the children of Israel maye enioye his fathers enheritaunce, 9and that the enheritaunce fall not from one trybe to another: but that euery one maye cleue to his awne enheritaunce amonge the trybes of the children of Israel. 10As the LORDE comaunded Moses, eue so dyd ye doughters of ye Zelaphead, 11Mahela, Thirza, Hagla, Milca & Noa & were maried vnto their fathers brothers sonnes, 12of ye kynred of the children of Manasse the sonne of Ioseph. So their enheritauce remayned in the trybe of the kynred of their father. 13These are the commaundemetes & lawes, which ye LORDE commaunded by Moses vnto the childre of Israel, in the felde of the Moabites by Iordane ouer agaynst Iericho.