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TCNT REV Chapter 18

REV 18 ©

The Fall of Babylon the Great

18After this I saw [fn]another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. 2He cried out [fn]with a mighty voice,

[fn]Fallen is Babylon the great!

She has become a dwelling place for demons,

a haunt for every unclean [fn]spirit,

and a haunt for every unclean and hated bird.

3For all the nations have [fn]fallen

because of the [fn]wine of the wrath of her fornication.

The kings of the earth have committed fornication with her,

and the merchants of the earth have become rich from the power of her luxury.”

4Then I heard another voice from heaven say,

“Come out of her, my people,

so that you do not participate in her sins,

and so that you do not receive any of her plagues;

5for her sins [fn]are heaped as high as heaven,

and God has remembered her unrighteous acts.

6Render to her as she herself has [fn]rendered;

[fn]repay her double according to her works.

Mix a double portion for her in the cup she has mixed.

7As much as she has glorified herself and lived in luxury,

give her the same amount of torment [fn]and mourning,

for in her heart she says,

‘I sit enthroned as a queen;

I am not a widow

and will never see mourning.’

8Therefore her plagues will come in a single day—

death, mourning, and famine.

She will be burned up with fire,

for mighty is the Lord God who [fn]has judged her.”

9The kings of the earth who have committed fornication with her and lived in luxury with her will [fn]weep and wail over her when they see the smoke of her burning. 10In fear of her torment they will stand at a distance and say,

“Woe, woe, the great city,

Babylon, the mighty city!

For in a single hour yoʋr judgment has come.”

11The merchants of the earth [fn]will weep and mourn over her, because no one buys their cargo anymore, 12cargo of gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, fine linen, purple cloth, silk, scarlet cloth, all kinds of citron wood, all kinds of articles made of ivory, all kinds of articles made of costly wood, bronze, iron, and marble; 13cargo of [fn]cinnamon, incense, myrrh, frankincense, [fn]wine, oil, fine flour, wheat, [fn]sheep, cattle, horses and chariots, and bodies and souls of men.

14“The ripe fruit that was the desire of yoʋr soul

[fn]has gone from yoʋ,

and all yoʋr delicacies and splendors

[fn]are lost to [fn]yoʋ;

yoʋ will never find them again!”

15The merchants of these wares, who became rich from her, will stand at a distance in fear of her torment, weeping and mourning aloud,

16“Woe, [fn]woe, the great city,

she who was clothed in fine linen,

in purple and scarlet,

adorned with gold,

with precious stone and pearls!

17For in a single hour such great wealth has been laid waste!”

And every shipmaster and seafaring man, sailors and all whose trade is on the sea, stood at a distance 18and cried out as they saw the smoke of her burning,

“What city is like the great city?”

19They threw dust on their heads and cried out, weeping and mourning aloud,

“Woe, woe, the great city,

where all who had ships at sea

grew rich from her valuable merchandise!

For in a single hour she has been laid waste.

20Rejoice over her, O heaven,

and you [fn]saints, apostles, and prophets,

for God has given judgment for you against her.”

21Then a mighty angel picked up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, and said,

“With [fn]such violence Babylon the great city

will be thrown down,

never to be found again.

22The sound of harpists, musicians, flutists, and trumpeters

will never be heard in yoʋ again.

No craftsman of any trade

will ever be found in yoʋ again.

The sound of a mill

will never be heard in yoʋ again.

23The light of a lamp

will never shine in yoʋ again.

The voice of bridegroom and bride

will never be heard in yoʋ again.

[fn]For yoʋr merchants were the magnates of the earth,

because all the nations were deceived by yoʋr sorcery.

24And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints,

and of all who have been slain on the earth.”

18:1 another ¦ an ST

18:2 with a mighty ¦ mightily with a loud TR

18:2 Fallen ¦ Fallen, fallen, Αν ANT BYZ CT PCK TR

18:2 spirit, and a haunt for every unclean and hated bird. ¦ spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, and a haunt for every unclean and hated beast. NA SBL ¦ and hated spirit. Αν

18:3 fallen because of 39.1% {SBL TH WH 1.2%} ¦ drunk BYZ PCK TR {22.7%} BYZ HF {12.5%} ANT NA {0.8%} [Note: There are two separate BYZ readings that have the same English translation.]

18:3 wine of the wrath 48.8% ¦ wrath of the wine Αν BYZ PCK 41.5%

18:5 are heaped as high ¦ have reached as far ST

18:6 rendered ¦ rendered to you Αν BYZ PCK TR

18:6 repay her double 53.4% ¦ make it double, as she has done, even BYZ HF 27.7% ¦ make it double CT 0.8%

18:7 and mourning ¦ — PCK

18:8 has judged ¦ judges TR

18:9 weep ¦ weep for her ANT TR

18:11 will ¦ — BYZ CT PCK TR

18:13 cinnamon, ¦ cinnamon, amomum, ANT CT

18:13 wine, 50% ¦ — K BYZ 32.8%

18:13 sheep, cattle 42.6% ¦ cattle, sheep Αν ANT BYZ CT PCK TR 46.7%

18:14 has gone from ¦ is lost to ANT

18:14 are lost to ¦ have gone from Αν ANT BYZ TR

18:14 yoʋ; yoʋ will never find them 32.5% {BYZ PCK 26.7% BYZ 11.9% TR 4.9% ANT 0%} ¦ yoʋ, never to be found CT 4.1%

18:16 woe, ¦ — K BYZ

18:20 saints, apostles, ¦ holy apostles TR

18:21 such 82.1% ¦ — PCK 13.4%

18:23 For yoʋr ¦ Yoʋr K HF

REV 18 ©
