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UST GEN Chapter 25

GEN 25 ©

Abraham and Keturah’s Descendants


1 Chronicles 1:32-33

25Then Abraham got married again, and his wife’s name was Keturah. 2She had sons with him whom they named Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah. 3Her son Jokshan had sons named Sheba and Dedan. Dedan’s descendants became people groups named the Asshurites, Letushites, and Leummites. 4Keturah’s son Midian had sons named Ephah, Epher, Hanoch, Abida, and Eldaah. All of those were Keturah’s descendants whom she had with Abraham.

5Abraham gave everything that he owned to Isaac. 6He also gave valuable gifts to the sons that his servant wives had with him, but after that he made them move away to the east country so that they would live far away from his son Isaac.

Abraham Dies and Is Buried


7Abraham lived to be 175 years old. 8Then he took his last breath and died at a very old age. After he had lived a long and satisfying life, he joined his ancestors who had already died. 9His sons Isaac and Ishmael put his body in the cave of Machpelah which was in the field that had belonged to Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite, east of the city of Mamre. 10That is the same field that Abraham had bought from the Hittites. That is the cave where his sons buried his body next to the body of his wife Sarah whom he had buried there before. 11After Abraham died, God blessed his son Isaac, who lived near the well Beer Lahai Roi.

Ishmael’s Descendants


12What follows is a record of the descendants of Abraham’s son Ishmael, the son Abraham had with Sarah’s Egyptian slave woman Hagar. 13Here is a list of the names of Ishmael’s sons, given in the order that they were born: His oldest son was Nebaioth, followed by Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, 14Mishma, Dumah, Massa, 15Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedermah. 16Those were Ishmael’s twelve sons, who became the leaders of twelve tribes that were named after them, and each tribe lived in its own towns and villages. 17Ishmael lived a total of 137 years. Then he took his last breath and died, and he joined his ancestors who had died before him. 18His descendants lived throughout the area that extended from the region of Havilah to the wilderness of Shur that is east of the country of Egypt as you head from there to the city of Asshur. They lived as enemies against all their relatives.

The Birth of Isaac’s Twin Sons Jacob and Esau


19Here is more of the history about Abraham’s son Isaac and his descendants: After Abraham had Isaac, 20Isaac grew up and married Rebekah when he was forty years old. She was a daughter of Bethuel, who was an Aramean from the region of Paddan Aram, and her brother was Laban who was also an Aramean. 21However for many years Rebekah was not able to become pregnant, so Isaac prayed that Yahweh would give her children. Yahweh did what Isaac prayed for, so that she became pregnant with twins. 22But the two babies wrestled with each other inside her, so she asked, “Why is this happening to me?” Then she asked Yahweh about it. 23Yahweh answered her,

The ancestors of two future people groups are inside you.

They will be enemies starting now even before they are born.

One of them will be more powerful than the other,

so that the older son’s descendants will serve the younger son’s descendants.”

24Later when it was time for Rebekah to give birth, sure enough, there were twin boys inside her! 25The first one who was born was completely covered with thick red hair. So his parents named him Esau, which means “hairy.” 26Next his brother was born, with his hand grabbing on tightly to Esau’s heel. So they named him Jacob, which means “heel-grabber.” Isaac was sixty years old when Esau and Jacob were born.

Esau Sells His Rights as the Firstborn Son to Jacob


27When the boys grew up, Esau became a skilled hunter and he enjoyed being in the open country, but Jacob had a quiet personality and preferred to work at home. 28Isaac’s favorite son was Esau, because he liked to eat the meat of wild animals that Esau hunted, whereas Rebekah’s favorite son was Jacob.

29One day when Jacob was making some soup, Esau came home from hunting out in the open country and he felt weak and hungry. 30So Esau requested from Jacob, “Please let me have some of that very red soup because I feel weak and hungry!” That is why Esau’s nickname was Edom, which means “red.” 31But Jacob replied, “First trade your rights as the oldest son to me for the soup, then I will give you some.” 32Esau responded, “Look, I am about to die from hunger! So my birthright is of no use to me right now.” 33Jacob insisted, “First make a vow to me today before God that your rights are now mine!” So Esau vowed to Jacob that he had traded his rights as the oldest son to him for the soup. 34Then Jacob gave Esau some of the lentil soup with some bread, and Esau quickly ate the meal and left. In that way, Esau treated his birthright carelessly as if it had no value.

GEN 25 ©
