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Wyc EPH Chapter 2

EPH 2 ©

2And whanne ye weren deed in youre giltis and synnes, 2in which ye wandriden sum tyme aftir the cours of this world, aftir the prince of the power of this eir, of the spirit that worchith now in to the sones of vnbileue; 3in which also we `alle lyueden sum tyme in the desiris of oure fleisch, doynge the willis of the fleisch and of thouytis, and we weren bi kynde the sones of wraththe, as othere men; 4but God, that is riche in merci, for his ful myche charite in which he louyde vs, 5yhe, whanne we weren deed in synnes, quikenede vs togidere in Crist, bi whos grace ye ben sauyd, and ayen reiside togidere, 6and made togidere to sitte in heuenli thingis in Crist Jhesu; 7that he schulde schewe in the worldis aboue comynge the plenteuouse ritchessis of his grace in goodnesse on vs in Crist Jhesu. 8For bi grace ye ben sauyd bi feith, and this not of you; for it is the yifte of God, 9not of werkis, that no man haue glorie. 10For we ben the makyng of hym, maad of nouyt in Crist Jhesu, in good werkis, whiche God hath ordeyned, that we go in tho werkis. 11For which thing be ye myndeful, that sumtyme ye weren hethene in fleisch, which weren seid prepucie, fro that that is seid circumcisioun maad bi hond in fleisch; 12and ye weren in that time with out Crist, alienyd fro the lyuyng of Israel, and gestis of testamentis, not hauynge hope of biheest, and with outen God in this world. 13But now in Crist Jhesu ye that weren sum tyme fer, ben maad nyy in the blood of Crist. 14For he is oure pees, that made bothe oon, and vnbyndynge the myddil wal of a wal with out morter, enmytees in his fleisch; 15and auoidide the lawe of maundementis bi domes, that he make twei in hym silf in to a newe man, 16makynge pees, to recounsele bothe in o bodi to God bi the cros, sleynge the enemytees in hym silf. 17And he comynge prechide pees to you that weren fer, and pees to hem that weren niy; 18for bi hym we bothe han niy comyng in o spirit to the fadir. 19Therfor now ye ben not gestis and straungeris, but ye ben citeseyns of seyntis, and houshold meine of God; 20aboue bildid on the foundement of apostlis and of profetis, vpon that hiyeste corner stoon, Crist Jhesu; 21in whom ech bildyng maad waxith in to an hooli temple in the Lord. 22In whom also `be ye bildid togidere in to the habitacle of God, in the Hooli Goost.

EPH 2 ©