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KJB-1611 by section PSA 16:0

PSA 16:0–16:11 ©

Psalmes 16

01 Dauid in distrust of merites, and hatred of Idolatry, flyeth to God for preseruation. 5 He sheweth the hope of his calling, of the resurrection, and life euerlasting.

¶ Michtam of Dauid.

XVI¶ Preserue me, O God: for in thee doe I put my trust. 2[fn]O my soule, thou hast sayd vnto the LORD, Thou art my LORD: my goodnes extendeth not to thee: 3But to the Saints, that are in the earth, and to the excellent, in whom is all my delight. 4[fn]Their sorrowes shalbe multiplied, that hasten after another God: their drinke offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take vp their names into my lippes. 5[fn][fn]The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance, and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot. 6The lines are fallen vnto mee in pleasant places; yea, I haue a goodly heritage. 7I will blesse the LORD, who hath giuen me counsell: my reines also instruct me in the night seasons. 8[fn]I haue set the LORD alwaies before me: because hee is at my right hand, I shall not be moued. 9[fn]Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory reioyceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope. 10[fn]For thou wilt not leaue my soule in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption. 11Thou wilt shewe me the path of life: in thy presence is fulnesse of ioy, at thy right hand there are pleasures for euermore.

16:2 Psal. 50. 10. Iob. 22. 2. & 35.7.

16:4 Or, giue gifts to another.

16:5 Lam.3. 24. Deut.32.9.

16:5 Heb. of my part.

16:8 Actes 2. 25.

16:9 Heb. dwell confidently.

16:10 Act 2.31. and 13. 35.

PSA 16:0–16:11 ©
