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KJB-1611 by section PSA 95:0

PSA 95:0–95:11 ©

Psalmes 95

01 An exhortation to praise God, 3 for his greatnesse, 6 and for his goodnesse, 8 And not to tempt him. XCV¶ O come, let vs sing vnto the LORD: let vs make a ioyfull noise to the rocke of our saluation. 2[fn]Let vs come before his presence with thanksgiuing: and make a ioyfull noise vnto him with psalmes. 3For the LORD is a great God: and a great king aboue all Gods. 4[fn][fn]In his hand are the deepe places of the earth: the strength of the hilles is his also. 5[fn]The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land. 6O come, let vs worship and bowe downe: let vs kneele before the LORD our maker. 7For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheepe of his hand: to day if yee will heare his voyce, 8[fn][fn][fn][fn]Harden not your heart, as in the prouocation: and as in the day of temptation, in the wildernesse: 9When your fathers tempted me: proued me, and sawe my worke. 10Fortie yeeres long was I grieued with this generation: and sayd, It is a people that doe erre in their heart: and they haue not knowen my wayes. 11[fn]Unto whom I sware in my wrath: that they should not enter into my rest.

95:2 Heb. preuent his face.

95:4 Heb. in whose.

95:4 Or, the heightes of the hilles, are his.

95:5 Heb. whose the sea is.

95:8 Heb.3.7. and 4. 7.

95:8 Num.14. 22. &c.

95:8 Heb. contention.

95:8 Exod. 17. 2. and 7.

95:11 Heb. if they enter into my rest.

PSA 95:0–95:11 ©
