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WYC MARK Chapter 16

MARK 16 ©

16And whanne the sabat was passid, Marie Maudeleyne, and Marie of James, and Salomee bouyten swete smellynge oynementis, to come and to anoynte Jhesu. 2And ful eerli in oon of the woke daies, thei camen to the sepulcre, whanne the sunne was risun. 3And thei seiden togidere, Who schal meue awey to vs the stoon fro the dore of the sepulcre? 4And thei bihelden, and seien the stoon walewid awei, for it was ful greet. 5And thei yeden in to the sepulcre, and sayn a yonglyng, hilide with a white stole, sittynge `at the riythalf; and thei weren afeerd. 6Which seith to hem, Nyle ye drede; ye seken Jhesu of Nazareth crucified; he is risun, he is not here; lo! the place where thei leiden hym. 7But go ye, and seie ye to hise disciplis, and to Petir, that he schal go bifor you in to Galilee; there ye schulen se hym, as he seide to you. 8And thei yeden out, and fledden fro the sepulcre; for drede and quakyng had assailed hem, and to no man thei seiden ony thing, for thei dredden. 9And Jhesus roos eerli the firste dai of the woke, and apperid firste to Marie Maudeleyne, fro whom he had caste out seuene deuelis. 10And sche yede, and tolde to hem that hadden ben with hym, whiche weren weilynge and wepynge. 11And thei herynge that he lyuyde, and was seyn of hir, bileueden not. 12But after these thingis whanne tweyne of hem wandriden, he was schewid in anothir liknesse to hem goynge in to a toun. 13And thei yeden, and telden to the othir, and nether thei bileueden to hem. 14But `at the laste, whanne the enleuene disciplis saten at the mete, Jhesus apperide to hem, and repreuede the vnbileue of hem, and the hardnesse of herte, for thei bileueden not to hem, that hadden seyn that he was risun fro deeth. 15And he seide to hem, Go ye in to al the world, and preche the gospel to eche creature. 16Who that bileueth, and is baptisid, schal be saaf; but he that bileueth not, schal be dampned. 17And these tokenes schulen sue hem, that bileuen. In my name thei schulen caste out feendis; thei schulen speke with newe tungis; 18thei schulen do awei serpentis; and if thei drynke ony venym, it schal not noye hem. Thei schulen sette her hondis on sijk men, and thei schulen wexe hoole. 19And the Lord Jhesu, aftir he hadde spokun to hem, was takun vp in to heuene, and he sittith on the riythalf of God. 20And thei yeden forth, and prechiden euery where, for the Lord wrouyte with hem, and confermyde the word with signes folewynge.

MARK 16 ©
