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OET-RV YHN Chapter 2


This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

2:1 The wine miracle

2On the Tuesday[fn], there was a wedding in Cana in Galilee, and Yeshua’s mother was there 2and Yeshua and his apprentices were also invited. 3When the wine ran out at the wedding, his mother said to him, “They haven’t got any more wine.”

4Yeshua answered, “What does that have to do with us, mother? It’s not the time for my ministry yet.

5But his mother told the servants, “Just do whatever he tells you.”

6Now there were six empty stone water jars there that are used for Jewish purification ceremonies. (Each one could hold over 70 litres.) 7So Yeshua told them to fill the jars with water, and they filled them up. 8Then he said, “Ok, now take a sample out and give it to the MC.” So they took some 9and when the MC tasted the water that had now turned to wine, not knowing where it had come from he called the groom 10and exclaimed, “Most people supply the best wine at the beginning of the reception, and the cheaper stuff when people are a bit tipsy. But you’ve kept the best wine until last!”

11This event in Cana, Galilee, was the first of the miracles that Yeshua did, and it revealed his greatness and his followers believed that he was from God.

12[ref]After that, Yeshua and his mother and brothers and his followers travelled east to Capernaum, but they only stayed there a few days.

2:13 Yeshua disturbs the temple traders

(Mat. 21:12-13, Mark 11:15-17, Luke 19:45-46)

13[ref]By then it was getting close to the time of the Jewish Festival of the Passover, and Yeshua went down to Yerusalem. 14There in the temple, he discovered merchants selling cows and sheep and doves, and moneychangers sitting at their tables. 15Yeshua formed some cords into a whip and drove the sheep and cows out of the temple grounds, and he overturned the tables—spilling the coins of the moneychangers onto the ground. 16He scolded the ones selling doves, saying, “Get them out of here! Don’t be making my father’s house into a market.17[ref]That reminded his followers of the scripture: “I’ll be filled with zeal for your temple.”

18Then the Jewish leaders responded, “Do a miracle to show that you have the authority to do these things.”

19[ref]But Yeshua answered, “Well, destroy this temple and I’ll raise[fn] it again in three days.

20The leaders smirked, “This temple took forty-six years to build, and you reckon that you can raise it again in three days?”

21But Yeshua had been meaning his own body when he was talking about the temple. 22In the future when he was actually raised from the dead, his followers remembered this statement, and they believed both the Hebrew scriptures and Yeshua’s message.

2:23 Yeshua does miracles and knows thoughts

23When Yeshua was at the Passover Feast in Yerusalem, many believed in his authority because they saw the miracles that he was able to do. 24But Yeshua never fully entrusted himself to them, because he knew what people are like. 25(He didn’t need anyone to tell him what people are like because he could see what any person was like on the inside.)

2:1 Or possibly, ‘Three days later’.

2:19 We couldn’t easily use rebuild here because there’s a play on words—see verse 21.

2:12: Mat 4:13.

2:13: Exo 12:1-27.

2:17: Psa 69:9.

2:19: Mat 26:61; 27:40; Mrk 14:58; 15:29.

