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BB JOB Chapter 32
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32 So these three men ceassed to aunswere Iob, because he held him selfe a righteous man. 2 But Elihu the sonne of Barachel the Buzite, of the kinred of Ram, was very sore displeased at Iob, because he called hym selfe iust before God. 3 And with Iobs three friendes he was angry also, because they had founde no reasonable aunswere, and yet condempned Iob. 4 Nowe taried Elihu, till they had ended their comunication with Iob: for why? they were elder then he. 5 So when Elihu sawe that these three men were not able to make Iob aunswere, he was miscontent. 6 Therfore Elihu the sonne of Barachel the Buzite aunswered, and sayde: Considering that I am young, and ye be men of age, I was afrayde, and durst not shewe foorth my mynde. 7 For I thought thus within my selfe: It becommeth old men to speake, and the aged to teache wysdome. 8 Euery man no doubt hath a mynde, but it is the inspiration of the almightie that geueth vnderstanding. 9 Great men are not alway wyse, neither doth euery aged man vnderstande the thing that is lawfull: 10 Therefore I say, heare me, and I wil shewe you also myne vnderstanding. 11 For when I had wayted till ye made an end of your talking, and hearde your wysdome, what argumentes ye made in your communication, 12 Yea when I had diligently pondred what ye sayde, I found not one of you that made any good argument against Iob, that directly could make aunswere vnto his wordes, 13 Lest ye should say: We haue found out wisdome, God shall cast hym downe, and no man. 14 He hath not spoken vnto me, and I wil not aunswere hym as ye haue done. 15 For they were so abashed, that they coulde not make aunswere, nor speake one worde. 16 When I had wayted (for they spake not, but stoode still and aunswered no more:) 17 Then aunswered I in my turne, and I shewed myne opinion. 18 For I am full of matter, and the spirite within me compelleth me. 19 Beholde, my belly is as the wine, whiche hath no vent, lyke the newe bottels that bruste. 20 Therfore will I speake, that I may haue a bent: I will open my lippes, and make aunswere. 21 I will regarde no maner of person, no man will I spare. 22 For if I woulde go about to please men, I knowe not howe soone my maker would take me away.
◄ JOB 32 ► ║ ═ ©
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