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Bshps GEN Chapter 14

GEN 14 ©

14And it came to passe in the dayes of Amraphel kyng of Sinar, Arioch kyng of Elasar, Chodorlaomer kyng of Elam, and Thidai kyng of the nations: 2These made warre with Bera kyng of Sodome, and with Birsa kyng of Gomorrhe, and with Sinab kyng of Adma, and with Semeber kyng of Seboiim, and with the kyng of Bela, the same is Soar. 3All these were ioyned together in the vale of Siddim, where nowe the salt sea is. 4For twelue yere were they subiecte to kyng Chodorlaomer, and in the thirteenth yere rebelled. 5And in the fourteenth yere came Chodorlaomer and the kynges that were with hym, and smote the Giauntes in Astaroth-carnaim, and the Lusimes in Ham, and the Emims in the playne of Cariathaim. 6And the Horites in their mount Seir, vnto the playne of Paran, which bordereth vpon the wyldernesse. 7And they returnyng, came to En-mispat, which is Cades, and smote all the countrey of the Amalecites, and also the Amorites that dwelt in Hazezon-thamar. 8And there went out the kyng of Sodome, and the kyng of Gomorrhe, and the kyng of Adma, and the kyng of Seboiim, and the kyng of Bela, whiche is Soar. 9And they ioyned battell with them in the vale of Siddim: that is to saye, with Chodorlaomer the kyng of Elam, and with Thidal kyng of nations, and with Amraphel kyng of Sinar, and with Arioch kyng of Elasar, foure kynges agaynst fyue. 10And the vale of Siddim was full of slyme pyttes: and the kynges of Sodome and Gomorrhe fledde, and fell there, and they that remayned, fledde to the mountayne. 11And they takyng all the goodes of Sodome and Gomorrhe, and all their vittayles, went their way. 12And they caryed awaye Lot also Abrams brothers sonne, & his goodes, (for he dwelled in Sodome) and departed. 13And there came one that had escaped, and tolde Abram the Hebrewe, whiche dwelled in the playne of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eschol, and brother of Aner, whiche were confederate with Abram. 14When Abram hearde that his brother was taken, he armed his exercised seruauntes whiche were borne in his owne house, three hundreth & eyghteen, and folowed on them vntyll Dan. 15And he and his seruauntes were parted in companies agaynst the by nyght, and smote them, and pursued them vnto Hoba, which lyeth on the left hand of Damascus. 16And recouered all the goodes, and also brought agayne his brother Lot, & his goodes, the wome also, & the people. 17After that he returned agayne from the slaughter of Chodorlaomer, and of the kynges that were with hym, came the kyng of Sodome foorth to meete hym in the valey Sauch, which is the kynges dale. 18And Melchisedech kyng of Salem brought foorth breade and wine: & he was the priest of the most highest God, 19And blessed hym, saying: Blessed be Abram vnto the hygh God possessour of heauen and earth. 20And blessed be the high God, which hath deliuered thyne enemies vnto thy hande: and Abram gaue him tithes of all. 21And the kyng of Sodome sayde vnto Abram: geue me the soules, and take the goodes to thy selfe. 22And Abram aunswered the kyng of Sodome: I haue lyft vp my hande vnto the Lord the hye God, possessour of heauen and earth, 23That I wyll not take of all that is thyne so muche as a threede or shoe latchet, lest thou shouldest saye, I haue made Abram ryche: 24Saue onlye that which the young men haue eaten, and the portions of the men which went with Aner, Eschol, & Mamre, which shal take their portios.

GEN 14 ©
