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Bshps GEN Chapter 40

GEN 40 ©

40And it came to passe after these thynges, that the butler of ye king of Egypt and his baker, had offended their lorde the kyng of Egypt. 2And Pharao was angry agaynst his two officers, agaynst the chiefe butler and the chiefe baker. 3And put them in warde in his chiefe stewardes house, euen in the prison and place where Ioseph was bounde. 4And the chiefe steward gaue Ioseph a charge with them, & he serued them: and they continued a season in warde. 5And they dreamed eyther of them in one night, both the butler and the baker of the kyng of Egypt, whiche were bounde in the pryson house, eyther of them his dreame, & eche mans dreame of a sundry interpretation. 6When Ioseph came in vnto them in the mornyng, and loked vpon them, beholde they were sadde. 7And he asked Pharaos chiefe officers that were with hym in his maisters warde, saying: Wherfore loke ye so sadlye to day? 8They aunswered him: We haue dreamed a dreame, and haue no man to declare it. And Ioseph sayde vnto them: do not interpretinges belong to God? tell me I pray you. 9And the chiefe butler tolde his dreame to Ioseph, and saide vnto him: In my dreame, me thought there stoode a vine before me, 10And in the vine were three braunches, and it was as though it budded, & her blossomes shot foorth: and the clusters therof brought foorth rype grapes. 11And I had Pharaos cup in my hand, and toke of the grapes and pressed them in Pharaos cuppe, and deliuered Pharaos cuppe into his hande. 12And Ioseph sayde vnto hym, this is the interpretatio of it. The three braunches are three dayes. 13For within three dayes shall Pharao lyft vp thine head, and restore thee into thine office agayne, and thou shalt deliuer Pharaos cup into his hande after the olde maner when thou wast his butler. 14But thynke on me when thou art in good case, and shewe mercy I praye thee vnto me, and make mention of me to Pharao, & bring me out of this house: 15For I was priuily by stealth taken away out of the lande of the Hebrewes: and here also haue I done nothyng at all wherfore they shoulde haue put me into this dungeon. 16When the chiefe baker sawe that the interpretatio was good, he sayd vnto Ioseph: me thought also in my dreame that I had three whyte wycker baskettes on my head, 17And in the vppermost basket there was of all maner bake meates for Pharao, and the birdes dyd eate them out of the basket that was vpon my head. 18And Ioseph aunswered and saide: this is the interpretation thereof. The three baskettes, are three dayes: 19For within three dayes shall Pharao take thy head from thee, and shall hang thee on a tree, and the birdes shall eate thy fleshe from of thee. 20And it came to passe the thirde day, which was Pharaos birth day, that he made a feast vnto all his seruauntes: and he lyfted vp the head of the chiefe butler, and of the chiefe baker among his seruauntes: 21And restored the chiefe butler vnto his butlership agayne, whiche also reached the cuppe into Pharaos hande. 22But he hanged the chiefe baker, euen as Ioseph had interpreted vnto him. 23Neither dyd the chiefe butler remember Ioseph, but forgat hym.

GEN 40 ©
