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Bshps GEN Chapter 7

GEN 7 ©

7And the Lord said vnto Noah: come thou and al thy house into ye arke: for thee haue I seen ryghteous before me in this generation. 2Of euery cleane beast thou shalt take with thee seuen and seuen, the male and his female, but of vncleane cattell two, the male and his female. 3Of foules also of the ayre seuen and seuen, the male and the female, to kepe seede alyue vpon the face of all the whole earth. 4For after seuen dayes, I wyl rayne vpon the earth fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes: & all substaunce that I haue made, wyll I destroy from the vpper face of the earth. 5Noah therfore did according vnto all that God commaunded him. 6And Noah was sixe hundreth yere olde, when the fluddes of water came vpon the earth. 7And Noah came, and his sonnes, and his wyfe, and his sonnes wyues with him to the arke, because of the waters of the fludde. 8Of cleane beastes, and of vncleane beastes, and of foules, and of euery such as creepeth vpon the earth, 9There came two & two vnto Noah vnto the arke, the male and the female, as God had commaunded Noah. 10And so it came to passe after seuen dayes, that the waters of the flud were vpon the earth. 11In the sixe hundreth yere of Noahs lyfe, in the seconde moneth, the seuenteene day of ye moneth, in the same day were all the fountaynes of the great deepe broken vp, and the wyndowes of heauen were opened. 12And the rayne was vpon the earth fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes. 13In the selfe same day, entred Noah, and Sem, and Ham, and Iapheth the sonnes of Noah, and Noahs wyfe, and the three wiues of his sonnes with the into the arke. 14They, and euery beast after his kinde, and al the cattel after their kinde, yea, and euery worme that creepeth vpon the grounde after his kinde, and euerye byrde after his kinde, and euery fleeyng and fethered foule. 15And they came vnto Noah into the arke, two and two, of all fleshe wherein is the breath of lyfe. 16And they entryng in, came male and female of all fleshe, as God had commaunded him: and God shut hym in rounde about. 17And the fludde came fourtie dayes vpon the earth, and the waters were increased, and bare vp the arke, whiche was lyft vp aboue the earth. 18The waters also waxed strong, and were encreased exceedyngly vpon the earth: and so the arke went vpon the vpper face of the waters. 19And the waters preuayled exceedingly vpon the earth, and al the high hilles that are vnder the whole heauen, were couered. 20Fyfteene cubites vpward did the waters preuayle, so that the mountaynes were couered. 21And all fleshe perished, that moued vpon the earth, in foule, in cattell, in beast, and in euery worme that creepeth vpon the earth, yea, and euery man also. 22So that all that had the breath of lyfe in his nostrilles throughout all that was on the drye lande, dyed. 23And euery substaunce was destroyed that remayned and that was in the vpper part of the grounde, both man and cattell, and worme, and the foule of the heauen, they were euen destroyed from of the earth, and Noah onlye remayned aliue, and they that were with him in the arke. 24But the water preuayled vpon the earth, a hundreth and fiftie dayes.

GEN 7 ©
